/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Yatskov * Author: Alex Yatskov * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ window.yomichan = new class { constructor() { handlebarsRegister(); this.translator = new Translator(); this.anki = new AnkiNull(); this.options = null; this.translator.prepare().then(optionsLoad).then(options => { this.optionsSet(options); chrome.commands.onCommand.addListener(this.onCommand.bind(this)); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this.onMessage.bind(this)); if (this.options.general.showGuide) { chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL('/bg/guide.html')}); } }); } optionsSet(options) { // In Firefox, setting options from the options UI somehow carries references // to the DOM across to the background page, causing the options object to // become a "DeadObject" after the options page is closed. The workaround used // here is to create a deep copy of the options object. this.options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options)); if (!this.options.general.enable) { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color: '#d9534f'}); chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: 'off'}); } else if (!dictConfigured(this.options)) { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color: '#f0ad4e'}); chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: '!'}); } else { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: ''}); } if (this.options.anki.enable) { this.anki = new AnkiConnect(this.options.anki.server); } else { this.anki = new AnkiNull(); } chrome.tabs.query({}, tabs => { for (const tab of tabs) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, {action: 'optionsSet', params: options}, () => null); } }); } noteFormat(definition, mode) { const note = { fields: {}, tags: this.options.anki.tags }; let fields = []; if (mode === 'kanji') { fields = this.options.anki.kanji.fields; note.deckName = this.options.anki.kanji.deck; note.modelName = this.options.anki.kanji.model; } else { fields = this.options.anki.terms.fields; note.deckName = this.options.anki.terms.deck; note.modelName = this.options.anki.terms.model; if (definition.audio) { const audio = { url: definition.audio.url, filename: definition.audio.filename, skipHash: '7e2c2f954ef6051373ba916f000168dc', fields: [] }; for (const name in fields) { if (fields[name].includes('{audio}')) { audio.fields.push(name); } } if (audio.fields.length > 0) { note.audio = audio; } } } for (const name in fields) { note.fields[name] = dictFieldFormat( fields[name], definition, mode, this.options ); } return note; } termsFind(text) { const searcher = this.options.general.groupResults ? this.translator.findTermsGrouped.bind(this.translator) : this.translator.findTerms.bind(this.translator); return searcher(text, dictEnabledSet(this.options), this.options.scanning.alphanumeric).then(({definitions, length}) => { return {length, definitions: definitions.slice(0, this.options.general.maxResults)}; }); } kanjiFind(text) { return this.translator.findKanji(text, dictEnabledSet(this.options)).then(definitions => { return definitions.slice(0, this.options.general.maxResults); }); } definitionAdd(definition, mode) { let promise = Promise.resolve(); if (mode !== 'kanji') { promise = audioInject(definition, this.options.anki.terms.fields, this.options.general.audioSource); } return promise.then(() => { const note = this.noteFormat(definition, mode); return this.anki.addNote(note); }); } definitionsAddable(definitions, modes) { const notes = []; for (const definition of definitions) { for (const mode of modes) { notes.push(this.noteFormat(definition, mode)); } } return this.anki.canAddNotes(notes).then(raw => { const states = []; for (let resultBase = 0; resultBase < raw.length; resultBase += modes.length) { const state = {}; for (let modeOffset = 0; modeOffset < modes.length; ++modeOffset) { state[modes[modeOffset]] = raw[resultBase + modeOffset]; } states.push(state); } return states; }); } noteView(noteId) { return this.anki.guiBrowse(`nid:${noteId}`); } templateRender(template, data) { return Promise.resolve(handlebarsRender(template, data)); } onCommand(command) { const handlers = { search: () => { chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.extension.getURL('/bg/search.html')}); }, help: () => { chrome.tabs.create({url: 'https://foosoft.net/projects/yomichan/'}); }, options: () => { chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(); }, toggle: () => { this.options.general.enable = !this.options.general.enable; optionsSave(this.options).then(() => this.optionsSet(this.options)); } }; const handler = handlers[command]; if (handler) { handler(); } } onMessage({action, params}, sender, callback) { const promiseCallback = (promise, callback) => { return promise.then(result => { callback({result}); }).catch(error => { callback({error}); }); }; const handlers = { optionsGet: ({callback}) => { promiseCallback(optionsLoad(), callback); }, kanjiFind: ({text, callback}) => { promiseCallback(this.kanjiFind(text), callback); }, termsFind: ({text, callback}) => { promiseCallback(this.termsFind(text), callback); }, templateRender: ({template, data, callback}) => { promiseCallback(this.templateRender(template, data), callback); }, definitionAdd: ({definition, mode, callback}) => { promiseCallback(this.definitionAdd(definition, mode), callback); }, definitionsAddable: ({definitions, modes, callback}) => { promiseCallback(this.definitionsAddable(definitions, modes), callback); }, noteView: ({noteId}) => { promiseCallback(this.noteView(noteId), callback); } }; const handler = handlers[action]; if (handler) { params.callback = callback; handler(params); } return true; } };