/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net> * Author: Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* global * Database * Deinflector * dictEnabledSet * dictTagBuildSource * dictTagSanitize * dictTagsSort * dictTermsCompressTags * dictTermsGroup * dictTermsMergeByGloss * dictTermsMergeBySequence * dictTermsSort * dictTermsUndupe * jp * requestJson */ class Translator { constructor() { this.database = null; this.deinflector = null; this.tagCache = new Map(); } async prepare() { if (!this.database) { this.database = new Database(); await this.database.prepare(); } if (!this.deinflector) { const url = chrome.runtime.getURL('/bg/lang/deinflect.json'); const reasons = await requestJson(url, 'GET'); this.deinflector = new Deinflector(reasons); } } async purgeDatabase() { this.tagCache.clear(); await this.database.purge(); } async deleteDictionary(dictionaryName) { this.tagCache.clear(); await this.database.deleteDictionary(dictionaryName); } async getSequencedDefinitions(definitions, mainDictionary) { const [definitionsBySequence, defaultDefinitions] = dictTermsMergeBySequence(definitions, mainDictionary); const sequenceList = []; const sequencedDefinitions = []; for (const [key, value] of definitionsBySequence.entries()) { sequenceList.push(key); sequencedDefinitions.push({definitions: value, rawDefinitions: []}); } for (const definition of await this.database.findTermsBySequenceBulk(sequenceList, mainDictionary)) { sequencedDefinitions[definition.index].rawDefinitions.push(definition); } return {sequencedDefinitions, defaultDefinitions}; } async getMergedSecondarySearchResults(text, expressionsMap, secondarySearchDictionaries) { if (secondarySearchDictionaries.size === 0) { return []; } const expressionList = []; const readingList = []; for (const expression of expressionsMap.keys()) { if (expression === text) { continue; } for (const reading of expressionsMap.get(expression).keys()) { expressionList.push(expression); readingList.push(reading); } } const definitions = await this.database.findTermsExactBulk(expressionList, readingList, secondarySearchDictionaries); for (const definition of definitions) { const definitionTags = await this.expandTags(definition.definitionTags, definition.dictionary); definitionTags.push(dictTagBuildSource(definition.dictionary)); definition.definitionTags = definitionTags; const termTags = await this.expandTags(definition.termTags, definition.dictionary); definition.termTags = termTags; } if (definitions.length > 1) { definitions.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index); } return definitions; } async getMergedDefinition(text, dictionaries, sequencedDefinition, defaultDefinitions, secondarySearchDictionaries, mergedByTermIndices) { const result = sequencedDefinition.definitions; const rawDefinitionsBySequence = sequencedDefinition.rawDefinitions; for (const definition of rawDefinitionsBySequence) { const definitionTags = await this.expandTags(definition.definitionTags, definition.dictionary); definitionTags.push(dictTagBuildSource(definition.dictionary)); definition.definitionTags = definitionTags; const termTags = await this.expandTags(definition.termTags, definition.dictionary); definition.termTags = termTags; } const definitionsByGloss = dictTermsMergeByGloss(result, rawDefinitionsBySequence); const secondarySearchResults = await this.getMergedSecondarySearchResults(text, result.expressions, secondarySearchDictionaries); dictTermsMergeByGloss(result, defaultDefinitions.concat(secondarySearchResults), definitionsByGloss, mergedByTermIndices); for (const definition of definitionsByGloss.values()) { dictTagsSort(definition.definitionTags); result.definitions.push(definition); } dictTermsSort(result.definitions, dictionaries); const expressions = []; for (const [expression, readingMap] of result.expressions.entries()) { for (const [reading, termTagsMap] of readingMap.entries()) { const termTags = [...termTagsMap.values()]; const score = termTags.map((tag) => tag.score).reduce((p, v) => p + v, 0); expressions.push(Translator.createExpression(expression, reading, dictTagsSort(termTags), Translator.scoreToTermFrequency(score))); } } result.expressions = expressions; result.expression = Array.from(result.expression); result.reading = Array.from(result.reading); return result; } async findTerms(mode, text, details, options) { switch (mode) { case 'group': return await this.findTermsGrouped(text, details, options); case 'merge': return await this.findTermsMerged(text, details, options); case 'split': return await this.findTermsSplit(text, details, options); case 'simple': return await this.findTermsSimple(text, details, options); default: return [[], 0]; } } async findTermsGrouped(text, details, options) { const dictionaries = dictEnabledSet(options); const [definitions, length] = await this.findTermsInternal(text, dictionaries, details, options); const definitionsGrouped = dictTermsGroup(definitions, dictionaries); await this.buildTermMeta(definitionsGrouped, dictionaries); if (options.general.compactTags) { for (const definition of definitionsGrouped) { dictTermsCompressTags(definition.definitions); } } return [definitionsGrouped, length]; } async findTermsMerged(text, details, options) { const dictionaries = dictEnabledSet(options); const secondarySearchDictionaries = new Map(); for (const [title, dictionary] of dictionaries.entries()) { if (!dictionary.allowSecondarySearches) { continue; } secondarySearchDictionaries.set(title, dictionary); } const [definitions, length] = await this.findTermsInternal(text, dictionaries, details, options); const {sequencedDefinitions, defaultDefinitions} = await this.getSequencedDefinitions(definitions, options.general.mainDictionary); const definitionsMerged = []; const mergedByTermIndices = new Set(); for (const sequencedDefinition of sequencedDefinitions) { const result = await this.getMergedDefinition( text, dictionaries, sequencedDefinition, defaultDefinitions, secondarySearchDictionaries, mergedByTermIndices ); definitionsMerged.push(result); } const strayDefinitions = defaultDefinitions.filter((definition, index) => !mergedByTermIndices.has(index)); for (const groupedDefinition of dictTermsGroup(strayDefinitions, dictionaries)) { // from dictTermsMergeBySequence const {reasons, score, expression, reading, source, dictionary} = groupedDefinition; const compatibilityDefinition = { reasons, score, expression: [expression], reading: [reading], expressions: [Translator.createExpression(groupedDefinition.expression, groupedDefinition.reading)], source, dictionary, definitions: groupedDefinition.definitions }; definitionsMerged.push(compatibilityDefinition); } await this.buildTermMeta(definitionsMerged, dictionaries); if (options.general.compactTags) { for (const definition of definitionsMerged) { dictTermsCompressTags(definition.definitions); } } return [dictTermsSort(definitionsMerged), length]; } async findTermsSplit(text, details, options) { const dictionaries = dictEnabledSet(options); const [definitions, length] = await this.findTermsInternal(text, dictionaries, details, options); await this.buildTermMeta(definitions, dictionaries); return [definitions, length]; } async findTermsSimple(text, details, options) { const dictionaries = dictEnabledSet(options); return await this.findTermsInternal(text, dictionaries, details, options); } async findTermsInternal(text, dictionaries, details, options) { text = Translator.getSearchableText(text, options); if (text.length === 0) { return [[], 0]; } const deinflections = ( details.wildcard ? await this.findTermWildcard(text, dictionaries, details.wildcard) : await this.findTermDeinflections(text, dictionaries, options) ); let definitions = []; for (const deinflection of deinflections) { for (const definition of deinflection.definitions) { const definitionTags = await this.expandTags(definition.definitionTags, definition.dictionary); definitionTags.push(dictTagBuildSource(definition.dictionary)); const termTags = await this.expandTags(definition.termTags, definition.dictionary); const {expression, reading} = definition; const furiganaSegments = jp.distributeFurigana(expression, reading); definitions.push({ source: deinflection.source, rawSource: deinflection.rawSource, reasons: deinflection.reasons, score: definition.score, id: definition.id, dictionary: definition.dictionary, expression, reading, furiganaSegments, glossary: definition.glossary, definitionTags: dictTagsSort(definitionTags), termTags: dictTagsSort(termTags), sequence: definition.sequence }); } } definitions = dictTermsUndupe(definitions); definitions = dictTermsSort(definitions, dictionaries); let length = 0; for (const definition of definitions) { length = Math.max(length, definition.rawSource.length); } return [definitions, length]; } async findTermWildcard(text, dictionaries, wildcard) { const definitions = await this.database.findTermsBulk([text], dictionaries, wildcard); if (definitions.length === 0) { return []; } return [{ source: text, rawSource: text, term: text, rules: 0, definitions, reasons: [] }]; } async findTermDeinflections(text, dictionaries, options) { const deinflections = this.getAllDeinflections(text, options); if (deinflections.length === 0) { return []; } const uniqueDeinflectionTerms = []; const uniqueDeinflectionArrays = []; const uniqueDeinflectionsMap = new Map(); for (const deinflection of deinflections) { const term = deinflection.term; let deinflectionArray = uniqueDeinflectionsMap.get(term); if (typeof deinflectionArray === 'undefined') { deinflectionArray = []; uniqueDeinflectionTerms.push(term); uniqueDeinflectionArrays.push(deinflectionArray); uniqueDeinflectionsMap.set(term, deinflectionArray); } deinflectionArray.push(deinflection); } const definitions = await this.database.findTermsBulk(uniqueDeinflectionTerms, dictionaries, null); for (const definition of definitions) { const definitionRules = Deinflector.rulesToRuleFlags(definition.rules); for (const deinflection of uniqueDeinflectionArrays[definition.index]) { const deinflectionRules = deinflection.rules; if (deinflectionRules === 0 || (definitionRules & deinflectionRules) !== 0) { deinflection.definitions.push(definition); } } } return deinflections.filter((e) => e.definitions.length > 0); } getAllDeinflections(text, options) { const translationOptions = options.translation; const textOptionVariantArray = [ Translator.getTextOptionEntryVariants(translationOptions.convertHalfWidthCharacters), Translator.getTextOptionEntryVariants(translationOptions.convertNumericCharacters), Translator.getTextOptionEntryVariants(translationOptions.convertAlphabeticCharacters), Translator.getTextOptionEntryVariants(translationOptions.convertHiraganaToKatakana), Translator.getTextOptionEntryVariants(translationOptions.convertKatakanaToHiragana) ]; const deinflections = []; const used = new Set(); for (const [halfWidth, numeric, alphabetic, katakana, hiragana] of Translator.getArrayVariants(textOptionVariantArray)) { let text2 = text; let sourceMapping = null; if (halfWidth) { if (sourceMapping === null) { sourceMapping = Translator.createTextSourceMapping(text2); } text2 = jp.convertHalfWidthKanaToFullWidth(text2, sourceMapping); } if (numeric) { text2 = jp.convertNumericToFullWidth(text2); } if (alphabetic) { if (sourceMapping === null) { sourceMapping = Translator.createTextSourceMapping(text2); } text2 = jp.convertAlphabeticToKana(text2, sourceMapping); } if (katakana) { text2 = jp.convertHiraganaToKatakana(text2); } if (hiragana) { text2 = jp.convertKatakanaToHiragana(text2); } for (let i = text2.length; i > 0; --i) { const text2Substring = text2.substring(0, i); if (used.has(text2Substring)) { break; } used.add(text2Substring); for (const deinflection of this.deinflector.deinflect(text2Substring)) { deinflection.rawSource = Translator.getDeinflectionRawSource(text, i, sourceMapping); deinflections.push(deinflection); } } } return deinflections; } static getTextOptionEntryVariants(value) { switch (value) { case 'true': return [true]; case 'variant': return [false, true]; default: return [false]; } } static getDeinflectionRawSource(source, length, sourceMapping) { if (sourceMapping === null) { return source.substring(0, length); } let result = ''; let index = 0; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { const c = sourceMapping[i]; result += source.substring(index, index + c); index += c; } return result; } static createTextSourceMapping(text) { return new Array(text.length).fill(1); } async findKanji(text, options) { const dictionaries = dictEnabledSet(options); const kanjiUnique = new Set(); for (const c of text) { kanjiUnique.add(c); } const definitions = await this.database.findKanjiBulk([...kanjiUnique], dictionaries); if (definitions.length === 0) { return definitions; } if (definitions.length > 1) { definitions.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index); } for (const definition of definitions) { const tags = await this.expandTags(definition.tags, definition.dictionary); tags.push(dictTagBuildSource(definition.dictionary)); dictTagsSort(tags); const stats = await this.expandStats(definition.stats, definition.dictionary); definition.tags = tags; definition.stats = stats; } await this.buildKanjiMeta(definitions, dictionaries); return definitions; } async buildTermMeta(definitions, dictionaries) { const terms = []; for (const definition of definitions) { if (definition.expressions) { terms.push(...definition.expressions); } else { terms.push(definition); } } if (terms.length === 0) { return; } // Create mapping of unique terms const expressionsUnique = []; const termsUnique = []; const termsUniqueMap = new Map(); for (let i = 0, ii = terms.length; i < ii; ++i) { const term = terms[i]; const expression = term.expression; let termList = termsUniqueMap.get(expression); if (typeof termList === 'undefined') { termList = []; expressionsUnique.push(expression); termsUnique.push(termList); termsUniqueMap.set(expression, termList); } termList.push(term); // New data term.frequencies = []; term.pitches = []; } const metas = await this.database.findTermMetaBulk(expressionsUnique, dictionaries); for (const {expression, mode, data, dictionary, index} of metas) { switch (mode) { case 'freq': for (const term of termsUnique[index]) { term.frequencies.push({expression, frequency: data, dictionary}); } break; case 'pitch': for (const term of termsUnique[index]) { const pitchData = await this.getPitchData(expression, data, dictionary, term); if (pitchData === null) { continue; } term.pitches.push(pitchData); } break; } } } async buildKanjiMeta(definitions, dictionaries) { const kanjiList = []; for (const definition of definitions) { kanjiList.push(definition.character); definition.frequencies = []; } const metas = await this.database.findKanjiMetaBulk(kanjiList, dictionaries); for (const {character, mode, data, dictionary, index} of metas) { switch (mode) { case 'freq': definitions[index].frequencies.push({character, frequency: data, dictionary}); break; } } } async expandTags(names, title) { const tagMetaList = await this.getTagMetaList(names, title); return tagMetaList.map((meta, index) => { const name = names[index]; const tag = dictTagSanitize(Object.assign({}, meta !== null ? meta : {}, {name})); return dictTagSanitize(tag); }); } async expandStats(items, title) { const names = Object.keys(items); const tagMetaList = await this.getTagMetaList(names, title); const statsGroups = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { const name = names[i]; const meta = tagMetaList[i]; if (meta === null) { continue; } const category = meta.category; let group = statsGroups.get(category); if (typeof group === 'undefined') { group = []; statsGroups.set(category, group); } const stat = Object.assign({}, meta, {name, value: items[name]}); group.push(dictTagSanitize(stat)); } const stats = {}; const sortCompare = (a, b) => a.notes - b.notes; for (const [category, group] of statsGroups.entries()) { group.sort(sortCompare); stats[category] = group; } return stats; } async getTagMetaList(names, title) { const tagMetaList = []; let cache = this.tagCache.get(title); if (typeof cache === 'undefined') { cache = new Map(); this.tagCache.set(title, cache); } for (const name of names) { const base = Translator.getNameBase(name); let tagMeta = cache.get(base); if (typeof tagMeta === 'undefined') { tagMeta = await this.database.findTagForTitle(base, title); cache.set(base, tagMeta); } tagMetaList.push(tagMeta); } return tagMetaList; } async getPitchData(expression, data, dictionary, term) { const reading = data.reading; const termReading = term.reading || expression; if (reading !== termReading) { return null; } const pitches = []; for (let {position, tags} of data.pitches) { tags = Array.isArray(tags) ? await this.getTagMetaList(tags, dictionary) : []; pitches.push({position, tags}); } return {reading, pitches, dictionary}; } static createExpression(expression, reading, termTags=null, termFrequency=null) { const furiganaSegments = jp.distributeFurigana(expression, reading); return { expression, reading, furiganaSegments, termTags, termFrequency }; } static scoreToTermFrequency(score) { if (score > 0) { return 'popular'; } else if (score < 0) { return 'rare'; } else { return 'normal'; } } static getNameBase(name) { const pos = name.indexOf(':'); return (pos >= 0 ? name.substring(0, pos) : name); } static *getArrayVariants(arrayVariants) { const ii = arrayVariants.length; let total = 1; for (let i = 0; i < ii; ++i) { total *= arrayVariants[i].length; } for (let a = 0; a < total; ++a) { const variant = []; let index = a; for (let i = 0; i < ii; ++i) { const entryVariants = arrayVariants[i]; variant.push(entryVariants[index % entryVariants.length]); index = Math.floor(index / entryVariants.length); } yield variant; } } static getSearchableText(text, options) { if (!options.scanning.alphanumeric) { let newText = ''; for (const c of text) { if (!jp.isCodePointJapanese(c.codePointAt(0))) { break; } newText += c; } text = newText; } return text; } }