/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* global * KeyboardMouseInputField * api */ class KeyboardShortcutController { constructor(settingsController) { this._settingsController = settingsController; this._entries = []; this._os = null; this._addButton = null; this._resetButton = null; this._listContainer = null; this._emptyIndicator = null; this._stringComparer = new Intl.Collator('en-US'); // Invariant locale this._scrollContainer = null; } get settingsController() { return this._settingsController; } async prepare() { const {platform: {os}} = await api.getEnvironmentInfo(); this._os = os; this._addButton = document.querySelector('#hotkey-list-add'); this._resetButton = document.querySelector('#hotkey-list-reset'); this._listContainer = document.querySelector('#hotkey-list'); this._emptyIndicator = document.querySelector('#hotkey-list-empty'); this._scrollContainer = document.querySelector('#keyboard-shortcuts .modal-body'); this._addButton.addEventListener('click', this._onAddClick.bind(this)); this._resetButton.addEventListener('click', this._onResetClick.bind(this)); this._settingsController.on('optionsChanged', this._onOptionsChanged.bind(this)); await this._updateOptions(); } async addEntry(terminationCharacterEntry) { const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); const {inputs: {hotkeys}} = options; await this._settingsController.modifyProfileSettings([{ action: 'splice', path: 'inputs.hotkeys', start: hotkeys.length, deleteCount: 0, items: [terminationCharacterEntry] }]); await this._updateOptions(); this._scrollContainer.scrollTop = this._scrollContainer.scrollHeight; } async deleteEntry(index) { const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); const {inputs: {hotkeys}} = options; if (index < 0 || index >= hotkeys.length) { return false; } await this._settingsController.modifyProfileSettings([{ action: 'splice', path: 'inputs.hotkeys', start: index, deleteCount: 1, items: [] }]); await this._updateOptions(); return true; } async modifyProfileSettings(targets) { return await this._settingsController.modifyProfileSettings(targets); } async getDefaultHotkeys() { const defaultOptions = await this._settingsController.getDefaultOptions(); return defaultOptions.profiles[0].options.inputs.hotkeys; } // Private _onOptionsChanged({options}) { for (const entry of this._entries) { entry.cleanup(); } this._entries = []; const {inputs: {hotkeys}} = options; const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let i = 0, ii = hotkeys.length; i < ii; ++i) { const hotkeyEntry = hotkeys[i]; const node = this._settingsController.instantiateTemplate('hotkey-list-item'); fragment.appendChild(node); const entry = new KeyboardShortcutHotkeyEntry(this, hotkeyEntry, i, node, this._os, this._stringComparer); this._entries.push(entry); entry.prepare(); } this._listContainer.appendChild(fragment); this._listContainer.hidden = (hotkeys.length === 0); this._emptyIndicator.hidden = (hotkeys.length !== 0); } _onAddClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); this._addNewEntry(); } _onResetClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); this._reset(); } async _addNewEntry() { const newEntry = { action: '', key: null, modifiers: [], scopes: ['popup', 'search'], enabled: true }; return await this.addEntry(newEntry); } async _updateOptions() { const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); this._onOptionsChanged({options}); } async _reset() { const value = await this.getDefaultHotkeys(); await this._settingsController.setProfileSetting('inputs.hotkeys', value); await this._updateOptions(); } } class KeyboardShortcutHotkeyEntry { constructor(parent, data, index, node, os, stringComparer) { this._parent = parent; this._data = data; this._index = index; this._node = node; this._os = os; this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); this._inputField = null; this._actionSelect = null; this._scopeCheckboxes = null; this._scopeCheckboxContainers = null; this._basePath = `inputs.hotkeys[${this._index}]`; this._stringComparer = stringComparer; } prepare() { const node = this._node; const menuButton = node.querySelector('.hotkey-list-item-button'); const input = node.querySelector('.hotkey-list-item-input'); const action = node.querySelector('.hotkey-list-item-action'); const scopeCheckboxes = node.querySelectorAll('.hotkey-scope-checkbox'); const scopeCheckboxContainers = node.querySelectorAll('.hotkey-scope-checkbox-container'); const enabledToggle = node.querySelector('.hotkey-list-item-enabled'); this._actionSelect = action; this._scopeCheckboxes = scopeCheckboxes; this._scopeCheckboxContainers = scopeCheckboxContainers; this._inputField = new KeyboardMouseInputField(input, null, this._os); this._inputField.prepare(this._data.key, this._data.modifiers, false, true); action.value = this._data.action; enabledToggle.checked = this._data.enabled; enabledToggle.dataset.setting = `${this._basePath}.enabled`; this._updateCheckboxVisibility(); this._updateCheckboxStates(); for (const scopeCheckbox of scopeCheckboxes) { this._eventListeners.addEventListener(scopeCheckbox, 'change', this._onScopeCheckboxChange.bind(this), false); } this._eventListeners.addEventListener(menuButton, 'menuClosed', this._onMenuClosed.bind(this), false); this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._actionSelect, 'change', this._onActionSelectChange.bind(this), false); this._eventListeners.on(this._inputField, 'change', this._onInputFieldChange.bind(this)); } cleanup() { this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); this._inputField.cleanup(); if (this._node.parentNode !== null) { this._node.parentNode.removeChild(this._node); } } // Private _onMenuClosed(e) { const {detail: {action}} = e; switch (action) { case 'delete': this._delete(); break; case 'clearInputs': this._inputField.clearInputs(); break; case 'resetInput': this._resetInput(); break; } } _onInputFieldChange({key, modifiers}) { this._setKeyAndModifiers(key, modifiers); } _onScopeCheckboxChange(e) { const node = e.currentTarget; const {scope} = node.dataset; if (typeof scope !== 'string') { return; } this._setScopeEnabled(scope, node.checked); } _onActionSelectChange(e) { const value = e.currentTarget.value; this._setAction(value); } async _delete() { this._parent.deleteEntry(this._index); } async _setKeyAndModifiers(key, modifiers) { this._data.key = key; this._data.modifiers = modifiers; await this._modifyProfileSettings([ { action: 'set', path: `${this._basePath}.key`, value: key }, { action: 'set', path: `${this._basePath}.modifiers`, value: modifiers } ]); } async _setScopeEnabled(scope, enabled) { const scopes = this._data.scopes; const index = scopes.indexOf(scope); if ((index >= 0) === enabled) { return; } if (enabled) { scopes.push(scope); const stringComparer = this._stringComparer; scopes.sort((scope1, scope2) => stringComparer.compare(scope1, scope2)); } else { scopes.splice(index, 1); } await this._modifyProfileSettings([{ action: 'set', path: `${this._basePath}.scopes`, value: scopes }]); } async _modifyProfileSettings(targets) { return await this._parent.settingsController.modifyProfileSettings(targets); } async _resetInput() { const defaultHotkeys = await this._parent.getDefaultHotkeys(); const defaultValue = this._getDefaultKeyAndModifiers(defaultHotkeys, this._data.action); if (defaultValue === null) { return; } const {key, modifiers} = defaultValue; await this._setKeyAndModifiers(key, modifiers); this._inputField.setInput(key, modifiers); } _getDefaultKeyAndModifiers(defaultHotkeys, action) { for (const {action: action2, key, modifiers} of defaultHotkeys) { if (action2 !== action) { continue; } return {modifiers, key}; } return null; } async _setAction(value) { const targets = [{ action: 'set', path: `${this._basePath}.action`, value }]; this._data.action = value; const scopes = this._data.scopes; const validScopes = this._getValidScopesForAction(value); if (validScopes !== null) { let changed = false; for (let i = 0, ii = scopes.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (!validScopes.has(scopes[i])) { scopes.splice(i, 1); --i; --ii; changed = true; } } if (changed) { targets.push({ action: 'set', path: `${this._basePath}.scopes`, value: scopes }); this._updateCheckboxStates(); } } await this._modifyProfileSettings(targets); this._updateCheckboxVisibility(); } _updateCheckboxStates() { const scopes = this._data.scopes; for (const scopeCheckbox of this._scopeCheckboxes) { scopeCheckbox.checked = scopes.includes(scopeCheckbox.dataset.scope); } } _updateCheckboxVisibility() { const validScopes = this._getValidScopesForAction(this._data.action); for (const node of this._scopeCheckboxContainers) { node.hidden = !(validScopes === null || validScopes.has(node.dataset.scope)); } } _getValidScopesForAction(action) { const optionNode = this._actionSelect.querySelector(`option[value="${action}"]`); const scopesString = (optionNode !== null ? optionNode.dataset.scopes : void 0); return (typeof scopesString === 'string' ? new Set(scopesString.split(' ')) : null); } }