/* * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* global * Frontend * Popup * PopupFactory * TextSourceRange * api */ class SettingsPopupPreview { constructor() { this.frontend = null; this.apiOptionsGetOld = api.optionsGet.bind(api); this.popup = null; this.popupSetCustomOuterCssOld = null; this.popupShown = false; this.themeChangeTimeout = null; this.textSource = null; this.optionsContext = null; this._targetOrigin = chrome.runtime.getURL('/').replace(/\/$/, ''); this._windowMessageHandlers = new Map([ ['prepare', ({optionsContext}) => this.prepare(optionsContext)], ['setText', ({text}) => this.setText(text)], ['setCustomCss', ({css}) => this.setCustomCss(css)], ['setCustomOuterCss', ({css}) => this.setCustomOuterCss(css)], ['updateOptionsContext', ({optionsContext}) => this.updateOptionsContext(optionsContext)] ]); window.addEventListener('message', this.onMessage.bind(this), false); } async prepare(optionsContext) { this.optionsContext = optionsContext; // Setup events document.querySelector('#theme-dark-checkbox').addEventListener('change', this.onThemeDarkCheckboxChanged.bind(this), false); // Overwrite API functions api.optionsGet = this.apiOptionsGet.bind(this); // Overwrite frontend const {frameId} = await api.frameInformationGet(); const popupFactory = new PopupFactory(frameId); await popupFactory.prepare(); this.popup = popupFactory.getOrCreatePopup(); this.popup.setChildrenSupported(false); this.popupSetCustomOuterCssOld = this.popup.setCustomOuterCss; this.popup.setCustomOuterCss = this.popupSetCustomOuterCss.bind(this); this.frontend = new Frontend(this.popup); this.frontend.getOptionsContext = async () => this.optionsContext; await this.frontend.prepare(); this.frontend.setDisabledOverride(true); this.frontend.canClearSelection = false; // Update search this.updateSearch(); } async apiOptionsGet(...args) { const options = await this.apiOptionsGetOld(...args); options.general.enable = true; options.general.debugInfo = false; options.general.popupWidth = 400; options.general.popupHeight = 250; options.general.popupHorizontalOffset = 0; options.general.popupVerticalOffset = 10; options.general.popupHorizontalOffset2 = 10; options.general.popupVerticalOffset2 = 0; options.general.popupHorizontalTextPosition = 'below'; options.general.popupVerticalTextPosition = 'before'; options.scanning.selectText = false; return options; } async popupSetCustomOuterCss(...args) { // This simulates the stylesheet priorities when injecting using the web extension API. const result = await this.popupSetCustomOuterCssOld.call(this.popup, ...args); const node = document.querySelector('#client-css'); if (node !== null && result !== null) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(result, node); } return result; } onMessage(e) { if (e.origin !== this._targetOrigin) { return; } const {action, params} = e.data; const handler = this._windowMessageHandlers.get(action); if (typeof handler !== 'function') { return; } handler(params); } onThemeDarkCheckboxChanged(e) { document.documentElement.classList.toggle('dark', e.target.checked); if (this.themeChangeTimeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this.themeChangeTimeout); } this.themeChangeTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.themeChangeTimeout = null; this.popup.updateTheme(); }, 300); } setText(text) { const exampleText = document.querySelector('#example-text'); if (exampleText === null) { return; } exampleText.textContent = text; this.updateSearch(); } setInfoVisible(visible) { const node = document.querySelector('.placeholder-info'); if (node === null) { return; } node.classList.toggle('placeholder-info-visible', visible); } setCustomCss(css) { if (this.frontend === null) { return; } this.popup.setCustomCss(css); } setCustomOuterCss(css) { if (this.frontend === null) { return; } this.popup.setCustomOuterCss(css, false); } async updateOptionsContext(optionsContext) { this.optionsContext = optionsContext; await this.frontend.updateOptions(); await this.updateSearch(); } async updateSearch() { const exampleText = document.querySelector('#example-text'); if (exampleText === null) { return; } const textNode = exampleText.firstChild; if (textNode === null) { return; } const range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(textNode); const source = new TextSourceRange(range, range.toString(), null, null); try { await this.frontend.setTextSource(source); } finally { source.cleanup(); } this.textSource = source; await this.frontend.showContentCompleted(); if (this.popup.isVisibleSync()) { this.popupShown = true; } this.setInfoVisible(!this.popupShown); } }