/* * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net> * Author: Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // Private let _ankiDataPopulated = false; function _ankiSpinnerShow(show) { const spinner = $('#anki-spinner'); if (show) { spinner.show(); } else { spinner.hide(); } } function _ankiSetError(error) { const node = document.querySelector('#anki-error'); if (!node) { return; } if (error) { node.hidden = false; node.textContent = `${error}`; } else { node.hidden = true; node.textContent = ''; } } function _ankiSetDropdownOptions(dropdown, optionValues) { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (const optionValue of optionValues) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = optionValue; option.textContent = optionValue; fragment.appendChild(option); } dropdown.textContent = ''; dropdown.appendChild(fragment); } async function _ankiDeckAndModelPopulate(options) { const termsDeck = {value: options.anki.terms.deck, selector: '#anki-terms-deck'}; const kanjiDeck = {value: options.anki.kanji.deck, selector: '#anki-kanji-deck'}; const termsModel = {value: options.anki.terms.model, selector: '#anki-terms-model'}; const kanjiModel = {value: options.anki.kanji.model, selector: '#anki-kanji-model'}; try { _ankiSpinnerShow(true); const [deckNames, modelNames] = await Promise.all([utilAnkiGetDeckNames(), utilAnkiGetModelNames()]); deckNames.sort(); modelNames.sort(); termsDeck.values = deckNames; kanjiDeck.values = deckNames; termsModel.values = modelNames; kanjiModel.values = modelNames; _ankiSetError(null); } catch (error) { _ankiSetError(error); } finally { _ankiSpinnerShow(false); } for (const {value, values, selector} of [termsDeck, kanjiDeck, termsModel, kanjiModel]) { const node = document.querySelector(selector); _ankiSetDropdownOptions(node, Array.isArray(values) ? values : [value]); node.value = value; } } function _ankiCreateFieldTemplate(name, value, markers) { const template = document.querySelector('#anki-field-template').content; const content = document.importNode(template, true).firstChild; content.querySelector('.anki-field-name').textContent = name; const field = content.querySelector('.anki-field-value'); field.dataset.field = name; field.value = value; content.querySelector('.anki-field-marker-list').appendChild(ankiGetFieldMarkersHtml(markers)); return content; } async function _ankiFieldsPopulate(tabId, options) { const tab = document.querySelector(`.tab-pane[data-anki-card-type=${tabId}]`); const container = tab.querySelector('tbody'); const markers = ankiGetFieldMarkers(tabId); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const fields = options.anki[tabId].fields; for (const name of Object.keys(fields)) { const value = fields[name]; const html = _ankiCreateFieldTemplate(name, value, markers); fragment.appendChild(html); } container.textContent = ''; container.appendChild(fragment); for (const node of container.querySelectorAll('.anki-field-value')) { node.addEventListener('change', (e) => onFormOptionsChanged(e), false); } for (const node of container.querySelectorAll('.marker-link')) { node.addEventListener('click', (e) => _onAnkiMarkerClicked(e), false); } } function _onAnkiMarkerClicked(e) { e.preventDefault(); const link = e.currentTarget; const input = $(link).closest('.input-group').find('.anki-field-value')[0]; input.value = `{${link.textContent}}`; input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); } async function _onAnkiModelChanged(e) { const node = e.currentTarget; let fieldNames; try { const modelName = node.value; fieldNames = await utilAnkiGetModelFieldNames(modelName); _ankiSetError(null); } catch (error) { _ankiSetError(error); return; } finally { _ankiSpinnerShow(false); } const tabId = node.dataset.ankiCardType; if (tabId !== 'terms' && tabId !== 'kanji') { return; } const fields = {}; for (const name of fieldNames) { fields[name] = ''; } const optionsContext = getOptionsContext(); const options = await getOptionsMutable(optionsContext); options.anki[tabId].fields = utilBackgroundIsolate(fields); await settingsSaveOptions(); await _ankiFieldsPopulate(tabId, options); } // Public function ankiErrorShown() { const node = document.querySelector('#anki-error'); return node && !node.hidden; } function ankiFieldsToDict(elements) { const result = {}; for (const element of elements) { result[element.dataset.field] = element.value; } return result; } function ankiGetFieldMarkersHtml(markers) { const template = document.querySelector('#anki-field-marker-template').content; const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (const marker of markers) { const markerNode = document.importNode(template, true).firstChild; markerNode.querySelector('.marker-link').textContent = marker; fragment.appendChild(markerNode); } return fragment; } function ankiGetFieldMarkers(type) { switch (type) { case 'terms': return [ 'audio', 'cloze-body', 'cloze-prefix', 'cloze-suffix', 'dictionary', 'expression', 'furigana', 'furigana-plain', 'glossary', 'glossary-brief', 'reading', 'screenshot', 'sentence', 'tags', 'url' ]; case 'kanji': return [ 'character', 'dictionary', 'glossary', 'kunyomi', 'onyomi', 'screenshot', 'sentence', 'tags', 'url' ]; default: return []; } } function ankiInitialize() { for (const node of document.querySelectorAll('#anki-terms-model,#anki-kanji-model')) { node.addEventListener('change', (e) => _onAnkiModelChanged(e), false); } } async function onAnkiOptionsChanged(options) { if (!options.anki.enable) { _ankiDataPopulated = false; return; } if (_ankiDataPopulated) { return; } await _ankiDeckAndModelPopulate(options); _ankiDataPopulated = true; await Promise.all([_ankiFieldsPopulate('terms', options), _ankiFieldsPopulate('kanji', options)]); }