/* * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* global * TextScanner * api */ class QueryParser extends EventDispatcher { constructor({getOptionsContext, setSpinnerVisible, documentUtil}) { super(); this._getOptionsContext = getOptionsContext; this._setSpinnerVisible = setSpinnerVisible; this._selectedParser = null; this._documentUtil = documentUtil; this._parseResults = []; this._queryParser = document.querySelector('#query-parser-content'); this._queryParserSelect = document.querySelector('#query-parser-select-container'); this._textScanner = new TextScanner({ node: this._queryParser, ignoreElements: () => [], ignorePoint: null, getOptionsContext, documentUtil, searchTerms: true, searchKanji: false, searchOnClick: true }); } prepare() { this._textScanner.prepare(); this._textScanner.on('searched', this._onSearched.bind(this)); } setOptions({selectedParser, termSpacing, scanning}) { if (selectedParser === null || typeof selectedParser === 'string') { this._selectedParser = selectedParser; } if (typeof termSpacing === 'boolean') { this._queryParser.dataset.termSpacing = `${termSpacing}`; } if (scanning !== null && typeof scanning === 'object') { this._textScanner.setOptions(scanning); } this._textScanner.setEnabled(true); } async setText(text) { this._setSpinnerVisible(true); this._setPreview(text); this._parseResults = await api.textParse(text, this._getOptionsContext()); this._refreshSelectedParser(); this._renderParserSelect(); this._renderParseResult(); this._setSpinnerVisible(false); } // Private _onSearched({type, definitions, sentence, input, textSource, optionsContext, error}) { if (error !== null) { yomichan.logError(error); return; } if (type === null) { return; } this.trigger('searched', { type, definitions, sentence, input, textSource, optionsContext }); } _onParserChange(e) { const value = e.target.value; this._setSelectedParser(value); } _refreshSelectedParser() { if (this._parseResults.length > 0 && !this._getParseResult()) { const value = this._parseResults[0].id; this._setSelectedParser(value); } } _setSelectedParser(value) { const optionsContext = this._getOptionsContext(); api.modifySettings([{ action: 'set', path: 'parsing.selectedParser', value, scope: 'profile', optionsContext }], 'search'); } _getParseResult() { const selectedParser = this._selectedParser; return this._parseResults.find((r) => r.id === selectedParser); } _setPreview(text) { const terms = [[{text, reading: ''}]]; this._queryParser.textContent = ''; this._queryParser.appendChild(this._createParseResult(terms, true)); } _renderParserSelect() { this._queryParserSelect.textContent = ''; if (this._parseResults.length > 1) { const selectedParser = this._selectedParser; const select = this._createParserSelect(this._parseResults, selectedParser); select.addEventListener('change', this._onParserChange.bind(this)); this._queryParserSelect.appendChild(select); } } _renderParseResult() { const parseResult = this._getParseResult(); this._queryParser.textContent = ''; if (!parseResult) { return; } this._queryParser.appendChild(this._createParseResult(parseResult.content, false)); } _createParserSelect(parseResults, selectedParser) { const select = document.createElement('select'); select.className = 'query-parser-select form-control'; for (const parseResult of parseResults) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.className = 'query-parser-select-option'; option.value = parseResult.id; switch (parseResult.source) { case 'scanning-parser': option.textContent = 'Scanning parser'; break; case 'mecab': option.textContent = `MeCab: ${parseResult.dictionary}`; break; default: option.textContent = 'Unrecognized dictionary'; break; } option.defaultSelected = selectedParser === parseResult.id; select.appendChild(option); } return select; } _createParseResult(terms, preview) { const type = preview ? 'preview' : 'normal'; const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (const term of terms) { const termNode = document.createElement('span'); termNode.className = 'query-parser-term'; termNode.dataset.type = type; for (const segment of term) { if (segment.reading.trim().length === 0) { this._addSegmentText(segment.text, termNode); } else { termNode.appendChild(this._createSegment(segment)); } } fragment.appendChild(termNode); } return fragment; } _createSegment(segment) { const segmentNode = document.createElement('ruby'); segmentNode.className = 'query-parser-segment'; const textNode = document.createElement('span'); textNode.className = 'query-parser-segment-text'; const readingNode = document.createElement('rt'); readingNode.className = 'query-parser-segment-reading'; segmentNode.appendChild(textNode); segmentNode.appendChild(readingNode); this._addSegmentText(segment.text, textNode); readingNode.textContent = segment.reading; return segmentNode; } _addSegmentText(text, container) { for (const character of text) { const node = document.createElement('span'); node.className = 'query-parser-char'; node.textContent = character; container.appendChild(node); } } }