/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* global * JsonSchemaValidator */ class OptionsUtil { constructor() { this._schemaValidator = new JsonSchemaValidator(); this._optionsSchema = null; } async prepare() { this._optionsSchema = await this._fetchAsset('/bg/data/options-schema.json', true); } async update(options) { // Invalid options if (!isObject(options)) { options = {}; } // Check for legacy options let defaultProfileOptions = {}; if (!Array.isArray(options.profiles)) { defaultProfileOptions = options; options = {}; } // Ensure profiles is an array if (!Array.isArray(options.profiles)) { options.profiles = []; } // Remove invalid profiles const profiles = options.profiles; for (let i = profiles.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!isObject(profiles[i])) { profiles.splice(i, 1); } } // Require at least one profile if (profiles.length === 0) { profiles.push({ name: 'Default', options: defaultProfileOptions, conditionGroups: [] }); } // Ensure profileCurrent is valid const profileCurrent = options.profileCurrent; if (!( typeof profileCurrent === 'number' && Number.isFinite(profileCurrent) && Math.floor(profileCurrent) === profileCurrent && profileCurrent >= 0 && profileCurrent < profiles.length )) { options.profileCurrent = 0; } // Version if (typeof options.version !== 'number') { options.version = 0; } // Generic updates return await this._applyUpdates(options, this._getVersionUpdates()); } async load() { let options; try { const optionsStr = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.get(['options'], (store) => { const error = chrome.runtime.lastError; if (error) { reject(new Error(error.message)); } else { resolve(store.options); } }); }); options = JSON.parse(optionsStr); } catch (e) { // NOP } if (typeof options !== 'undefined') { options = await this.update(options); } options = this._schemaValidator.getValidValueOrDefault(this._optionsSchema, options); return options; } save(options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.storage.local.set({options: JSON.stringify(options)}, () => { const error = chrome.runtime.lastError; if (error) { reject(new Error(error.message)); } else { resolve(); } }); }); } getDefault() { return this._schemaValidator.getValidValueOrDefault(this._optionsSchema); } createValidatingProxy(options) { return this._schemaValidator.createProxy(options, this._optionsSchema); } validate(options) { return this._schemaValidator.validate(options, this._optionsSchema); } // Legacy profile updating _legacyProfileUpdateGetUpdates() { return [ null, null, null, null, (options) => { options.general.audioSource = options.general.audioPlayback ? 'jpod101' : 'disabled'; }, (options) => { options.general.showGuide = false; }, (options) => { options.scanning.modifier = options.scanning.requireShift ? 'shift' : 'none'; }, (options) => { options.general.resultOutputMode = options.general.groupResults ? 'group' : 'split'; options.anki.fieldTemplates = null; }, (options) => { if (this._getStringHashCode(options.anki.fieldTemplates) === 1285806040) { options.anki.fieldTemplates = null; } }, (options) => { if (this._getStringHashCode(options.anki.fieldTemplates) === -250091611) { options.anki.fieldTemplates = null; } }, (options) => { const oldAudioSource = options.general.audioSource; const disabled = oldAudioSource === 'disabled'; options.audio.enabled = !disabled; options.audio.volume = options.general.audioVolume; options.audio.autoPlay = options.general.autoPlayAudio; options.audio.sources = [disabled ? 'jpod101' : oldAudioSource]; delete options.general.audioSource; delete options.general.audioVolume; delete options.general.autoPlayAudio; }, (options) => { // Version 12 changes: // The preferred default value of options.anki.fieldTemplates has been changed to null. if (this._getStringHashCode(options.anki.fieldTemplates) === 1444379824) { options.anki.fieldTemplates = null; } }, (options) => { // Version 13 changes: // Default anki field tempaltes updated to include {document-title}. let fieldTemplates = options.anki.fieldTemplates; if (typeof fieldTemplates === 'string') { fieldTemplates += '\n\n{{#*inline "document-title"}}\n {{~context.document.title~}}\n{{/inline}}'; options.anki.fieldTemplates = fieldTemplates; } }, (options) => { // Version 14 changes: // Changed template for Anki audio and tags. let fieldTemplates = options.anki.fieldTemplates; if (typeof fieldTemplates !== 'string') { return; } const replacements = [ [ '{{#*inline "audio"}}{{/inline}}', '{{#*inline "audio"}}\n {{~#if definition.audioFileName~}}\n [sound:{{definition.audioFileName}}]\n {{~/if~}}\n{{/inline}}' ], [ '{{#*inline "tags"}}\n {{~#each definition.definitionTags}}{{name}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each~}}\n{{/inline}}', '{{#*inline "tags"}}\n {{~#mergeTags definition group merge}}{{this}}{{/mergeTags~}}\n{{/inline}}' ] ]; for (const [pattern, replacement] of replacements) { let replaced = false; fieldTemplates = fieldTemplates.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(pattern), 'g'), () => { replaced = true; return replacement; }); if (!replaced) { fieldTemplates += '\n\n' + replacement; } } options.anki.fieldTemplates = fieldTemplates; } ]; } _legacyProfileUpdateGetDefaults() { return { general: { enable: true, enableClipboardPopups: false, resultOutputMode: 'group', debugInfo: false, maxResults: 32, showAdvanced: false, popupDisplayMode: 'default', popupWidth: 400, popupHeight: 250, popupHorizontalOffset: 0, popupVerticalOffset: 10, popupHorizontalOffset2: 10, popupVerticalOffset2: 0, popupHorizontalTextPosition: 'below', popupVerticalTextPosition: 'before', popupScalingFactor: 1, popupScaleRelativeToPageZoom: false, popupScaleRelativeToVisualViewport: true, showGuide: true, compactTags: false, compactGlossaries: false, mainDictionary: '', popupTheme: 'default', popupOuterTheme: 'default', customPopupCss: '', customPopupOuterCss: '', enableWanakana: true, enableClipboardMonitor: false, showPitchAccentDownstepNotation: true, showPitchAccentPositionNotation: true, showPitchAccentGraph: false, showIframePopupsInRootFrame: false, useSecurePopupFrameUrl: true, usePopupShadowDom: true }, audio: { enabled: true, sources: ['jpod101'], volume: 100, autoPlay: false, customSourceUrl: '', textToSpeechVoice: '' }, scanning: { middleMouse: true, touchInputEnabled: true, selectText: true, alphanumeric: true, autoHideResults: false, delay: 20, length: 10, modifier: 'shift', deepDomScan: false, popupNestingMaxDepth: 0, enablePopupSearch: false, enableOnPopupExpressions: false, enableOnSearchPage: true, enableSearchTags: false, layoutAwareScan: false }, translation: { convertHalfWidthCharacters: 'false', convertNumericCharacters: 'false', convertAlphabeticCharacters: 'false', convertHiraganaToKatakana: 'false', convertKatakanaToHiragana: 'variant', collapseEmphaticSequences: 'false' }, dictionaries: {}, parsing: { enableScanningParser: true, enableMecabParser: false, selectedParser: null, termSpacing: true, readingMode: 'hiragana' }, anki: { enable: false, server: '', tags: ['yomichan'], sentenceExt: 200, screenshot: {format: 'png', quality: 92}, terms: {deck: '', model: '', fields: {}}, kanji: {deck: '', model: '', fields: {}}, duplicateScope: 'collection', fieldTemplates: null } }; } _legacyProfileUpdateAssignDefaults(options) { const defaults = this._legacyProfileUpdateGetDefaults(); const combine = (target, source) => { for (const key in source) { if (!hasOwn(target, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } }; combine(options, defaults); combine(options.general, defaults.general); combine(options.scanning, defaults.scanning); combine(options.anki, defaults.anki); combine(options.anki.terms, defaults.anki.terms); combine(options.anki.kanji, defaults.anki.kanji); return options; } _legacyProfileUpdateUpdateVersion(options) { const updates = this._legacyProfileUpdateGetUpdates(); this._legacyProfileUpdateAssignDefaults(options); const targetVersion = updates.length; const currentVersion = options.version; if (typeof currentVersion === 'number' && Number.isFinite(currentVersion)) { for (let i = Math.max(0, Math.floor(currentVersion)); i < targetVersion; ++i) { const update = updates[i]; if (update !== null) { update(options); } } } options.version = targetVersion; return options; } // Private async _addFieldTemplatesToOptions(options, additionSourceUrl) { let addition = null; for (const {options: profileOptions} of options.profiles) { const fieldTemplates = profileOptions.anki.fieldTemplates; if (fieldTemplates !== null) { if (addition === null) { addition = await this._fetchAsset(additionSourceUrl); } profileOptions.anki.fieldTemplates = await this._addFieldTemplatesBeforeEnd(fieldTemplates, addition); } } } async _addFieldTemplatesBeforeEnd(fieldTemplates, addition) { const pattern = /[ \t]*\{\{~?>\s*\(\s*lookup\s*\.\s*"marker"\s*\)\s*~?\}\}/; const newline = '\n'; let replaced = false; fieldTemplates = fieldTemplates.replace(pattern, (g0) => { replaced = true; return `${addition}${newline}${g0}`; }); if (!replaced) { fieldTemplates += newline; fieldTemplates += addition; } return fieldTemplates; } async _fetchAsset(url, json=false) { url = chrome.runtime.getURL(url); const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET', mode: 'no-cors', cache: 'default', credentials: 'omit', redirect: 'follow', referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer' }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch ${url}: ${response.status}`); } return await (json ? response.json() : response.text()); } _getStringHashCode(string) { let hashCode = 0; if (typeof string !== 'string') { return hashCode; } for (let i = 0, charCode = string.charCodeAt(i); i < string.length; charCode = string.charCodeAt(++i)) { hashCode = ((hashCode << 5) - hashCode) + charCode; hashCode |= 0; } return hashCode; } async _applyUpdates(options, updates) { const targetVersion = updates.length; let currentVersion = options.version; if (typeof currentVersion !== 'number' || !Number.isFinite(currentVersion)) { currentVersion = 0; } for (let i = Math.max(0, Math.floor(currentVersion)); i < targetVersion; ++i) { const {update, async} = updates[i]; const result = update(options); options = (async ? await result : result); } options.version = targetVersion; return options; } _getVersionUpdates() { return [ { async: false, update: this._updateVersion1.bind(this) }, { async: false, update: this._updateVersion2.bind(this) }, { async: true, update: this._updateVersion3.bind(this) }, { async: true, update: this._updateVersion4.bind(this) } ]; } _updateVersion1(options) { // Version 1 changes: // Added options.global.database.prefixWildcardsSupported = false. options.global = { database: { prefixWildcardsSupported: false } }; return options; } _updateVersion2(options) { // Version 2 changes: // Legacy profile update process moved into this upgrade function. for (const profile of options.profiles) { if (!Array.isArray(profile.conditionGroups)) { profile.conditionGroups = []; } profile.options = this._legacyProfileUpdateUpdateVersion(profile.options); } return options; } async _updateVersion3(options) { // Version 3 changes: // Pitch accent Anki field templates added. await this._addFieldTemplatesToOptions(options, '/bg/data/anki-field-templates-upgrade-v2.handlebars'); return options; } async _updateVersion4(options) { // Version 4 changes: // Options conditions converted to string representations. // Added usePopupWindow. // Updated handlebars templates to include "clipboard-image" definition. // Updated handlebars templates to include "clipboard-text" definition. // Added hideDelay. // Added inputs to profileOptions.scanning. // Added pointerEventsEnabled to profileOptions.scanning. for (const {conditionGroups} of options.profiles) { for (const {conditions} of conditionGroups) { for (const condition of conditions) { const value = condition.value; condition.value = ( Array.isArray(value) ? value.join(', ') : `${value}` ); } } } const createInputDefaultOptions = () => ({ showAdvanced: false, scanOnPenHover: true, scanOnPenPress: true, scanOnPenRelease: false, searchTerms: true, searchKanji: true }); for (const {options: profileOptions} of options.profiles) { profileOptions.general.usePopupWindow = false; profileOptions.scanning.hideDelay = 0; profileOptions.scanning.pointerEventsEnabled = false; const {modifier, middleMouse} = profileOptions.scanning; delete profileOptions.scanning.modifier; delete profileOptions.scanning.middleMouse; const scanningInputs = []; let modifierInput = ''; switch (modifier) { case 'alt': case 'ctrl': case 'shift': case 'meta': modifierInput = modifier; break; case 'none': modifierInput = ''; break; } scanningInputs.push({ include: modifierInput, exclude: '', types: {mouse: true, touch: false, pen: false}, options: createInputDefaultOptions() }); if (middleMouse) { scanningInputs.push({ include: 'mouse2', exclude: '', types: {mouse: true, touch: false, pen: false}, options: createInputDefaultOptions() }); } scanningInputs.push({ include: '', exclude: '', types: {mouse: false, touch: true, pen: true}, options: createInputDefaultOptions() }); profileOptions.scanning.inputs = scanningInputs; } await this._addFieldTemplatesToOptions(options, '/bg/data/anki-field-templates-upgrade-v4.handlebars'); return options; } }