 * Copyright (C) 2016  Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net>
 * Author: Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

function optionsFieldTemplates() {
    return `
{{#*inline "glossary-single"}}
    {{~#unless brief~}}
        {{~#if tags~}}<i>({{#each tags}}{{name}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}})</i> {{/if~}}
    {{~#if glossary.[1]~}}
        <ul>{{#each glossary}}<li>{{#multiLine}}{{.}}{{/multiLine}}</li>{{/each}}</ul>

{{#*inline "audio"}}{{/inline}}

{{#*inline "character"}}

{{#*inline "dictionary"}}

{{#*inline "expression"}}
    {{~#if modeTermKana~}}
        {{~#if definition.reading~}}

{{#*inline "furigana"}}

{{#*inline "furigana-plain"}}

{{#*inline "glossary"}}
    <div style="text-align: left;">
    {{~#if modeKanji~}}
        {{~#if definition.glossary.[1]~}}
            <ol>{{#each definition.glossary}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/each}}</ol>
        {{~#if group~}}
            {{~#if definition.definitions.[1]~}}
                <ol>{{#each definition.definitions}}<li>{{> glossary-single brief=../brief}}</li>{{/each}}</ol>
                {{~> glossary-single definition.definitions.[0] brief=brief~}}
            {{~> glossary-single definition brief=brief~}}

{{#*inline "glossary-brief"}}
    {{~> glossary brief=true ~}}

{{#*inline "kunyomi"}}
    {{~#each definition.kunyomi}}{{.}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each~}}

{{#*inline "onyomi"}}
    {{~#each definition.onyomi}}{{.}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each~}}

{{#*inline "reading"}}
    {{~#unless modeTermKana}}{{definition.reading}}{{/unless~}}

{{#*inline "sentence"}}
    {{~#if definition.cloze}}{{definition.cloze.sentence}}{{/if~}}

{{#*inline "cloze-prefix"}}
    {{~#if definition.cloze}}{{definition.cloze.prefix}}{{/if~}}

{{#*inline "cloze-body"}}
    {{~#if definition.cloze}}{{definition.cloze.body}}{{/if~}}

{{#*inline "cloze-suffix"}}
    {{~#if definition.cloze}}{{definition.cloze.suffix}}{{/if~}}

{{#*inline "tags"}}
    {{~#each definition.tags}}{{name}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each~}}

{{#*inline "url"}}
    <a href="{{definition.url}}">{{definition.url}}</a>

{{~> (lookup . "marker") ~}}

function optionsSetDefaults(options) {
    const defaults = {
        general: {
            enable: true,
            audioSource: 'jpod101',
            audioVolume: 100,
            groupResults: true,
            debugInfo: false,
            maxResults: 32,
            showAdvanced: false,
            popupWidth: 400,
            popupHeight: 250,
            popupOffset: 10,
            showGuide: true

        scanning: {
            middleMouse: true,
            selectText: true,
            alphanumeric: true,
            autoHideResults: false,
            delay: 20,
            length: 10,
            modifier: 'shift'

        dictionaries: {},

        anki: {
            enable: false,
            server: '',
            tags: ['yomichan'],
            sentenceExt: 200,
            terms: {deck: '', model: '', fields: {}},
            kanji: {deck: '', model: '', fields: {}},
            fieldTemplates: optionsFieldTemplates()

    const combine = (target, source) => {
        for (const key in source) {
            if (!target.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                target[key] = source[key];

    combine(options, defaults);
    combine(options.general, defaults.general);
    combine(options.scanning, defaults.scanning);
    combine(options.anki, defaults.anki);
    combine(options.anki.terms, defaults.anki.terms);
    combine(options.anki.kanji, defaults.anki.kanji);

    return options;

function optionsVersion(options) {
    const fixups = [
        () => {},
        () => {},
        () => {},
        () => {},
        () => {
            if (options.general.audioPlayback) {
                options.general.audioSource = 'jpod101';
            } else {
                options.general.audioSource = 'disabled';
        () => {
            options.general.showGuide = false;
        () => {
            if (options.scanning.requireShift) {
                options.scanning.modifier = 'shift';
            } else {
                options.scanning.modifier = 'none';

    if (!options.hasOwnProperty('version')) {
        options.version = fixups.length;

    while (options.version < fixups.length) {

    return options;

function optionsLoad() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        chrome.storage.local.get(null, store => resolve(store.options));
    }).then(optionsStr => {
        return optionsStr ? JSON.parse(optionsStr) : {};
    }).catch(error => {
        return {};
    }).then(options => {
        return optionsVersion(options);

function optionsSave(options) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        chrome.storage.local.set({options: JSON.stringify(options)}, resolve);
    }).then(() => {