/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Alex Yatskov * Author: Alex Yatskov * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class Database { constructor() { this.db = null; this.version = 2; this.tagCache = {}; } async sanitize() { try { const db = new Dexie('dict'); await db.open(); db.close(); if (db.verno !== this.version) { await db.delete(); } } catch(e) { // NOP } } async prepare() { if (this.db) { throw 'database already initialized'; } await this.sanitize(); this.db = new Dexie('dict'); this.db.version(this.version).stores({ terms: '++id,dictionary,expression,reading', kanji: '++,dictionary,character', tagMeta: '++,dictionary', dictionaries: '++,title,version' }); await this.db.open(); } async purge() { if (!this.db) { throw 'database not initialized'; } this.db.close(); await this.db.delete(); this.db = null; this.tagCache = {}; await this.prepare(); } async findTerms(term, titles) { if (!this.db) { throw 'database not initialized'; } const results = []; await this.db.terms.where('expression').equals(term).or('reading').equals(term).each(row => { if (titles.includes(row.dictionary)) { results.push({ expression: row.expression, reading: row.reading, tags: dictFieldSplit(row.tags), rules: dictFieldSplit(row.rules), glossary: row.glossary, score: row.score, dictionary: row.dictionary, id: row.id }); } }); await this.cacheTagMeta(titles); for (const result of results) { result.tagMeta = this.tagCache[result.dictionary] || {}; } return results; } async findKanji(kanji, titles) { if (!this.db) { return Promise.reject('database not initialized'); } const results = []; await this.db.kanji.where('character').equals(kanji).each(row => { if (titles.includes(row.dictionary)) { results.push({ character: row.character, onyomi: dictFieldSplit(row.onyomi), kunyomi: dictFieldSplit(row.kunyomi), tags: dictFieldSplit(row.tags), glossary: row.meanings, dictionary: row.dictionary }); } }); await this.cacheTagMeta(titles); for (const result of results) { result.tagMeta = this.tagCache[result.dictionary] || {}; } return results; } async cacheTagMeta(titles) { if (!this.db) { throw 'database not initialized'; } for (const title of titles) { if (!this.tagCache[title]) { const tagMeta = {}; await this.db.tagMeta.where('dictionary').equals(title).each(row => { tagMeta[row.name] = {category: row.category, notes: row.notes, order: row.order}; }); this.tagCache[title] = tagMeta; } } } async getDictionaries() { if (this.db) { return this.db.dictionaries.toArray(); } else { throw 'database not initialized'; } } async importDictionary(archive, callback) { if (!this.db) { return Promise.reject('database not initialized'); } let summary = null; const indexLoaded = async (title, version, revision, tagMeta, hasTerms, hasKanji) => { summary = {title, version, revision, hasTerms, hasKanji}; const count = await this.db.dictionaries.where('title').equals(title).count(); if (count > 0) { throw `dictionary "${title}" is already imported`; } await this.db.dictionaries.add({title, version, revision, hasTerms, hasKanji}); const rows = []; for (const tag in tagMeta || {}) { const meta = tagMeta[tag]; const row = dictTagSanitize({ name: tag, category: meta.category, notes: meta.notes, order: meta.order, dictionary: title }); rows.push(row); } await this.db.tagMeta.bulkAdd(rows); }; const termsLoaded = async (title, entries, total, current) => { if (callback) { callback(total, current); } await this.db.transaction('rw', this.db.terms, async function() { for (const [expression, reading, tags, rules, score, ...glossary] of entries) { this.db.terms.add({ expression, reading, tags, rules, score, glossary, dictionary: title }); } }); }; const kanjiLoaded = async (title, entries, total, current) => { if (callback) { callback(total, current); } await this.db.transaction('rw', this.db.kanji, async function() { for (const [character, onyomi, kunyomi, tags, ...meanings] of entries) { this.db.kanji.add({ character, onyomi, kunyomi, tags, meanings, dictionary: title }); } }); }; await Database.importDictionaryZip(archive, indexLoaded, termsLoaded, kanjiLoaded); return summary; } static async importDictionaryZip(archive, indexLoaded, termsLoaded, kanjiLoaded) { const files = (await JSZip.loadAsync(archive)).files; const indexFile = files['index.json']; if (!indexFile) { throw 'no dictionary index found in archive'; } const index = JSON.parse(await indexFile.async('string')); if (!index.title || !index.version || !index.revision) { throw 'unrecognized dictionary format'; } await indexLoaded( index.title, index.version, index.revision, index.tagMeta || {}, index.termBanks > 0, index.kanjiBanks > 0 ); const banksTotal = index.termBanks + index.kanjiBanks; let banksLoaded = 0; for (let i = 1; i <= index.termBanks; ++i) { const bankFile = files[`term_bank_${i}.json`]; if (bankFile) { const bank = JSON.parse(await bankFile.async('string')); await termsLoaded(index.title, bank, banksTotal, banksLoaded++); } else { throw 'missing term bank file'; } } for (let i = 1; i <= index.kanjiBanks; ++i) { const bankFile = files[`kanji_bank_${i}.json`]; if (bankFile) { const bank = JSON.parse(await bankFile.async('string')); await kanjiLoaded(index.title, bank, banksTotal, banksLoaded++); } else { throw 'missing kanji bank file'; } } } }