/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Alex Yatskov * Author: Alex Yatskov * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class Backend { constructor() { this.translator = new Translator(); this.anki = new AnkiNull(); this.options = null; this.optionsContext = { depth: 0, url: window.location.href }; this.isPreparedResolve = null; this.isPreparedPromise = new Promise((resolve) => (this.isPreparedResolve = resolve)); this.clipboardPasteTarget = document.querySelector('#clipboard-paste-target'); this.apiForwarder = new BackendApiForwarder(); } async prepare() { await this.translator.prepare(); this.options = await optionsLoad(); this.onOptionsUpdated('background'); if (chrome.commands !== null && typeof chrome.commands === 'object') { chrome.commands.onCommand.addListener(this.onCommand.bind(this)); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this.onMessage.bind(this)); const options = this.getOptionsSync(this.optionsContext); if (options.general.showGuide) { chrome.tabs.create({url: chrome.runtime.getURL('/bg/guide.html')}); } this.isPreparedResolve(); this.isPreparedResolve = null; this.isPreparedPromise = null; } onOptionsUpdated(source) { this.applyOptions(); const callback = () => this.checkLastError(chrome.runtime.lastError); chrome.tabs.query({}, tabs => { for (const tab of tabs) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, {action: 'optionsUpdate', params: {source}}, callback); } }); } onCommand(command) { apiCommandExec(command); } onMessage({action, params}, sender, callback) { const handlers = Backend.messageHandlers; if (handlers.hasOwnProperty(action)) { const handler = handlers[action]; const promise = handler(params, sender); promise.then( result => callback({result}), error => callback({error: errorToJson(error)}) ); } return true; } applyOptions() { const options = this.getOptionsSync(this.optionsContext); if (!options.general.enable) { this.setExtensionBadgeBackgroundColor('#555555'); this.setExtensionBadgeText('off'); } else if (!dictConfigured(options)) { this.setExtensionBadgeBackgroundColor('#f0ad4e'); this.setExtensionBadgeText('!'); } else { this.setExtensionBadgeText(''); } this.anki = options.anki.enable ? new AnkiConnect(options.anki.server) : new AnkiNull(); } async getFullOptions() { if (this.isPreparedPromise !== null) { await this.isPreparedPromise; } return this.options; } async getOptions(optionsContext) { if (this.isPreparedPromise !== null) { await this.isPreparedPromise; } return this.getOptionsSync(optionsContext); } getOptionsSync(optionsContext) { return this.getProfileSync(optionsContext).options; } getProfileSync(optionsContext) { const profiles = this.options.profiles; if (typeof optionsContext.index === 'number') { return profiles[optionsContext.index]; } const profile = this.getProfileFromContext(optionsContext); return profile !== null ? profile : this.options.profiles[this.options.profileCurrent]; } getProfileFromContext(optionsContext) { for (const profile of this.options.profiles) { const conditionGroups = profile.conditionGroups; if (conditionGroups.length > 0 && Backend.testConditionGroups(conditionGroups, optionsContext)) { return profile; } } return null; } static testConditionGroups(conditionGroups, data) { if (conditionGroups.length === 0) { return false; } for (const conditionGroup of conditionGroups) { const conditions = conditionGroup.conditions; if (conditions.length > 0 && Backend.testConditions(conditions, data)) { return true; } } return false; } static testConditions(conditions, data) { for (const condition of conditions) { if (!conditionsTestValue(profileConditionsDescriptor, condition.type, condition.operator, condition.value, data)) { return false; } } return true; } setExtensionBadgeBackgroundColor(color) { if (typeof chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor === 'function') { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({color}); } } setExtensionBadgeText(text) { if (typeof chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText === 'function') { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text}); } } checkLastError(e) { // NOP } } Backend.messageHandlers = { optionsGet: ({optionsContext}) => apiOptionsGet(optionsContext), optionsSet: ({changedOptions, optionsContext, source}) => apiOptionsSet(changedOptions, optionsContext, source), kanjiFind: ({text, optionsContext}) => apiKanjiFind(text, optionsContext), termsFind: ({text, details, optionsContext}) => apiTermsFind(text, details, optionsContext), textParse: ({text, optionsContext}) => apiTextParse(text, optionsContext), definitionAdd: ({definition, mode, context, optionsContext}) => apiDefinitionAdd(definition, mode, context, optionsContext), definitionsAddable: ({definitions, modes, optionsContext}) => apiDefinitionsAddable(definitions, modes, optionsContext), noteView: ({noteId}) => apiNoteView(noteId), templateRender: ({template, data, dynamic}) => apiTemplateRender(template, data, dynamic), commandExec: ({command, params}) => apiCommandExec(command, params), audioGetUrl: ({definition, source, optionsContext}) => apiAudioGetUrl(definition, source, optionsContext), screenshotGet: ({options}, sender) => apiScreenshotGet(options, sender), forward: ({action, params}, sender) => apiForward(action, params, sender), frameInformationGet: (params, sender) => apiFrameInformationGet(sender), injectStylesheet: ({css}, sender) => apiInjectStylesheet(css, sender), getEnvironmentInfo: () => apiGetEnvironmentInfo(), clipboardGet: () => apiClipboardGet() }; window.yomichan_backend = new Backend(); window.yomichan_backend.prepare();