 * This file is forked from the handlebars project (https://github.com/handlebars-lang/handlebars.js),
 * and may include modifications made by Elasticsearch B.V.
 * Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under the MIT License.
 * See `packages/kbn-handlebars/LICENSE` for more information.

import Handlebars, { type HelperOptions } from '../..';
import { expectTemplate } from '../__jest__/test_bench';

beforeEach(() => {
  global.kbnHandlebarsEnv = Handlebars.create();

afterEach(() => {
  global.kbnHandlebarsEnv = null;

describe('helpers', () => {
  it('helper with complex lookup$', () => {
    expectTemplate('{{#goodbyes}}{{{link ../prefix}}}{{/goodbyes}}')
        prefix: '/root',
        goodbyes: [{ text: 'Goodbye', url: 'goodbye' }],
      .withHelper('link', function (this: any, prefix) {
        return '<a href="' + prefix + '/' + this.url + '">' + this.text + '</a>';
      .toCompileTo('<a href="/root/goodbye">Goodbye</a>');

  it('helper for raw block gets raw content', () => {
    expectTemplate('{{{{raw}}}} {{test}} {{{{/raw}}}}')
      .withInput({ test: 'hello' })
      .withHelper('raw', function (options: HelperOptions) {
        return options.fn();
      .toCompileTo(' {{test}} ');

  it('helper for raw block gets parameters', () => {
    expectTemplate('{{{{raw 1 2 3}}}} {{test}} {{{{/raw}}}}')
      .withInput({ test: 'hello' })
      .withHelper('raw', function (a, b, c, options: HelperOptions) {
        const ret = options.fn() + a + b + c;
        return ret;
      .toCompileTo(' {{test}} 123');

  describe('raw block parsing (with identity helper-function)', () => {
    function runWithIdentityHelper(template: string, expected: string) {
        .withHelper('identity', function (options: HelperOptions) {
          return options.fn();

    it('helper for nested raw block gets raw content', () => {
        '{{{{identity}}}} {{{{b}}}} {{{{/b}}}} {{{{/identity}}}}',
        ' {{{{b}}}} {{{{/b}}}} '

    it('helper for nested raw block works with empty content', () => {
      runWithIdentityHelper('{{{{identity}}}}{{{{/identity}}}}', '');

    it.skip('helper for nested raw block works if nested raw blocks are broken', () => {
      // This test was introduced in 4.4.4, but it was not the actual problem that lead to the patch release
      // The test is deactivated, because in 3.x this template cases an exception and it also does not work in 4.4.3
      // If anyone can make this template work without breaking everything else, then go for it,
      // but for now, this is just a known bug, that will be documented.
        '{{{{identity}}}} {{{{a}}}} {{{{ {{{{/ }}}} }}}} {{{{/identity}}}}',
        ' {{{{a}}}} {{{{ {{{{/ }}}} }}}} '

    it('helper for nested raw block closes after first matching close', () => {
        '{{{{identity}}}}abc{{{{/identity}}}} {{{{identity}}}}abc{{{{/identity}}}}',
        'abc abc'

    it('helper for nested raw block throw exception when with missing closing braces', () => {
      const string = '{{{{a}}}} {{{{/a';

  it('helper block with identical context', () => {
      .withInput({ name: 'Alan' })
      .withHelper('goodbyes', function (this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
        let out = '';
        const byes = ['Goodbye', 'goodbye', 'GOODBYE'];
        for (let i = 0, j = byes.length; i < j; i++) {
          out += byes[i] + ' ' + options.fn(this) + '! ';
        return out;
      .toCompileTo('Goodbye Alan! goodbye Alan! GOODBYE Alan! ');

  it('helper block with complex lookup expression', () => {
      .withInput({ name: 'Alan' })
      .withHelper('goodbyes', function (options: HelperOptions) {
        let out = '';
        const byes = ['Goodbye', 'goodbye', 'GOODBYE'];
        for (let i = 0, j = byes.length; i < j; i++) {
          out += byes[i] + ' ' + options.fn({}) + '! ';
        return out;
      .toCompileTo('Goodbye Alan! goodbye Alan! GOODBYE Alan! ');

  it('helper with complex lookup and nested template', () => {
    expectTemplate('{{#goodbyes}}{{#link ../prefix}}{{text}}{{/link}}{{/goodbyes}}')
        prefix: '/root',
        goodbyes: [{ text: 'Goodbye', url: 'goodbye' }],
      .withHelper('link', function (this: any, prefix, options: HelperOptions) {
        return '<a href="' + prefix + '/' + this.url + '">' + options.fn(this) + '</a>';
      .toCompileTo('<a href="/root/goodbye">Goodbye</a>');

  it('helper with complex lookup and nested template in VM+Compiler', () => {
    expectTemplate('{{#goodbyes}}{{#link ../prefix}}{{text}}{{/link}}{{/goodbyes}}')
        prefix: '/root',
        goodbyes: [{ text: 'Goodbye', url: 'goodbye' }],
      .withHelper('link', function (this: any, prefix, options: HelperOptions) {
        return '<a href="' + prefix + '/' + this.url + '">' + options.fn(this) + '</a>';
      .toCompileTo('<a href="/root/goodbye">Goodbye</a>');

  it('helper returning undefined value', () => {
    expectTemplate(' {{nothere}}')
        nothere() {},
      .toCompileTo(' ');

    expectTemplate(' {{#nothere}}{{/nothere}}')
        nothere() {},
      .toCompileTo(' ');

  it('block helper', () => {
    expectTemplate('{{#goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/goodbyes}}cruel {{world}}!')
      .withInput({ world: 'world' })
      .withHelper('goodbyes', function (options: HelperOptions) {
        return options.fn({ text: 'GOODBYE' });
      .toCompileTo('GOODBYE! cruel world!');

  it('block helper staying in the same context', () => {
      .withInput({ name: 'Yehuda' })
      .withHelper('form', function (this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
        return '<form>' + options.fn(this) + '</form>';

  it('block helper should have context in this', () => {
    function link(this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
      return '<a href="/people/' + this.id + '">' + options.fn(this) + '</a>';

        people: [
          { name: 'Alan', id: 1 },
          { name: 'Yehuda', id: 2 },
      .withHelper('link', link)
        '<ul><li><a href="/people/1">Alan</a></li><li><a href="/people/2">Yehuda</a></li></ul>'

  it('block helper for undefined value', () => {
    expectTemplate("{{#empty}}shouldn't render{{/empty}}").toCompileTo('');

  it('block helper passing a new context', () => {
    expectTemplate('{{#form yehuda}}<p>{{name}}</p>{{/form}}')
      .withInput({ yehuda: { name: 'Yehuda' } })
      .withHelper('form', function (context, options: HelperOptions) {
        return '<form>' + options.fn(context) + '</form>';

  it('block helper passing a complex path context', () => {
    expectTemplate('{{#form yehuda/cat}}<p>{{name}}</p>{{/form}}')
      .withInput({ yehuda: { name: 'Yehuda', cat: { name: 'Harold' } } })
      .withHelper('form', function (context, options: HelperOptions) {
        return '<form>' + options.fn(context) + '</form>';

  it('nested block helpers', () => {
    expectTemplate('{{#form yehuda}}<p>{{name}}</p>{{#link}}Hello{{/link}}{{/form}}')
        yehuda: { name: 'Yehuda' },
      .withHelper('link', function (this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
        return '<a href="' + this.name + '">' + options.fn(this) + '</a>';
      .withHelper('form', function (context, options: HelperOptions) {
        return '<form>' + options.fn(context) + '</form>';
      .toCompileTo('<form><p>Yehuda</p><a href="Yehuda">Hello</a></form>');

  it('block helper inverted sections', () => {
    const string = "{{#list people}}{{name}}{{^}}<em>Nobody's here</em>{{/list}}";
    function list(this: any, context: any, options: HelperOptions) {
      if (context.length > 0) {
        let out = '<ul>';
        for (let i = 0, j = context.length; i < j; i++) {
          out += '<li>';
          out += options.fn(context[i]);
          out += '</li>';
        out += '</ul>';
        return out;
      } else {
        return '<p>' + options.inverse(this) + '</p>';

    // the meaning here may be kind of hard to catch, but list.not is always called,
    // so we should see the output of both
      .withInput({ people: [{ name: 'Alan' }, { name: 'Yehuda' }] })
      .withHelpers({ list })

      .withInput({ people: [] })
      .withHelpers({ list })
      .toCompileTo("<p><em>Nobody's here</em></p>");

    expectTemplate('{{#list people}}Hello{{^}}{{message}}{{/list}}')
        people: [],
        message: "Nobody's here",
      .withHelpers({ list })
      .toCompileTo('<p>Nobody&#x27;s here</p>');

  it('pathed lambas with parameters', () => {
    const hash = {
      helper: () => 'winning',
    // @ts-expect-error
    hash.hash = hash;

    const helpers = {
      './helper': () => 'fail',

    expectTemplate('{{./helper 1}}').withInput(hash).withHelpers(helpers).toCompileTo('winning');
    expectTemplate('{{hash/helper 1}}').withInput(hash).withHelpers(helpers).toCompileTo('winning');

  describe('helpers hash', () => {
    it('providing a helpers hash', () => {
      expectTemplate('Goodbye {{cruel}} {{world}}!')
        .withInput({ cruel: 'cruel' })
          world() {
            return 'world';
        .toCompileTo('Goodbye cruel world!');

      expectTemplate('Goodbye {{#iter}}{{cruel}} {{world}}{{/iter}}!')
        .withInput({ iter: [{ cruel: 'cruel' }] })
          world() {
            return 'world';
        .toCompileTo('Goodbye cruel world!');

    it('in cases of conflict, helpers win', () => {
        .withInput({ lookup: 'Explicit' })
          lookup() {
            return 'helpers';

        .withInput({ lookup: 'Explicit' })
          lookup() {
            return 'helpers';

    it('the helpers hash is available is nested contexts', () => {
        .withInput({ outer: { inner: { unused: [] } } })
          helper() {
            return 'helper';

    it('the helper hash should augment the global hash', () => {
      kbnHandlebarsEnv!.registerHelper('test_helper', function () {
        return 'found it!';

      expectTemplate('{{test_helper}} {{#if cruel}}Goodbye {{cruel}} {{world}}!{{/if}}')
        .withInput({ cruel: 'cruel' })
          world() {
            return 'world!';
        .toCompileTo('found it! Goodbye cruel world!!');

  describe('registration', () => {
    it('unregisters', () => {

      kbnHandlebarsEnv!.registerHelper('foo', function () {
        return 'fail';

    it('allows multiple globals', () => {
      const ifHelper = kbnHandlebarsEnv!.helpers.if;

        if: ifHelper,
        world() {
          return 'world!';
        testHelper() {
          return 'found it!';

      expectTemplate('{{testHelper}} {{#if cruel}}Goodbye {{cruel}} {{world}}!{{/if}}')
        .withInput({ cruel: 'cruel' })
        .toCompileTo('found it! Goodbye cruel world!!');

    it('fails with multiple and args', () => {
      expect(() => {
          // @ts-expect-error TypeScript is complaining about the invalid input just as the thrown error
            world() {
              return 'world!';
            testHelper() {
              return 'found it!';
      }).toThrow('Arg not supported with multiple helpers');

  it('decimal number literals work', () => {
    expectTemplate('Message: {{hello -1.2 1.2}}')
      .withHelper('hello', function (times, times2) {
        if (typeof times !== 'number') {
          times = 'NaN';
        if (typeof times2 !== 'number') {
          times2 = 'NaN';
        return 'Hello ' + times + ' ' + times2 + ' times';
      .toCompileTo('Message: Hello -1.2 1.2 times');

  it('negative number literals work', () => {
    expectTemplate('Message: {{hello -12}}')
      .withHelper('hello', function (times) {
        if (typeof times !== 'number') {
          times = 'NaN';
        return 'Hello ' + times + ' times';
      .toCompileTo('Message: Hello -12 times');

  describe('String literal parameters', () => {
    it('simple literals work', () => {
      expectTemplate('Message: {{hello "world" 12 true false}}')
        .withHelper('hello', function (param, times, bool1, bool2) {
          if (typeof times !== 'number') {
            times = 'NaN';
          if (typeof bool1 !== 'boolean') {
            bool1 = 'NaB';
          if (typeof bool2 !== 'boolean') {
            bool2 = 'NaB';
          return 'Hello ' + param + ' ' + times + ' times: ' + bool1 + ' ' + bool2;
        .toCompileTo('Message: Hello world 12 times: true false');

    it('using a quote in the middle of a parameter raises an error', () => {
      expectTemplate('Message: {{hello wo"rld"}}').toThrow(Error);

    it('escaping a String is possible', () => {
      expectTemplate('Message: {{{hello "\\"world\\""}}}')
        .withHelper('hello', function (param) {
          return 'Hello ' + param;
        .toCompileTo('Message: Hello "world"');

    it("it works with ' marks", () => {
      expectTemplate('Message: {{{hello "Alan\'s world"}}}')
        .withHelper('hello', function (param) {
          return 'Hello ' + param;
        .toCompileTo("Message: Hello Alan's world");

  describe('multiple parameters', () => {
    it('simple multi-params work', () => {
      expectTemplate('Message: {{goodbye cruel world}}')
        .withInput({ cruel: 'cruel', world: 'world' })
        .withHelper('goodbye', function (cruel, world) {
          return 'Goodbye ' + cruel + ' ' + world;
        .toCompileTo('Message: Goodbye cruel world');

    it('block multi-params work', () => {
      expectTemplate('Message: {{#goodbye cruel world}}{{greeting}} {{adj}} {{noun}}{{/goodbye}}')
        .withInput({ cruel: 'cruel', world: 'world' })
        .withHelper('goodbye', function (cruel, world, options: HelperOptions) {
          return options.fn({ greeting: 'Goodbye', adj: cruel, noun: world });
        .toCompileTo('Message: Goodbye cruel world');

  describe('hash', () => {
    it('helpers can take an optional hash', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{goodbye cruel="CRUEL" world="WORLD" times=12}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', function (options: HelperOptions) {
          return (
            'GOODBYE ' +
            options.hash.cruel +
            ' ' +
            options.hash.world +
            ' ' +
            options.hash.times +
            ' TIMES'
        .toCompileTo('GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD 12 TIMES');

    it('helpers can take an optional hash with booleans', () => {
      function goodbye(options: HelperOptions) {
        if (options.hash.print === true) {
          return 'GOODBYE ' + options.hash.cruel + ' ' + options.hash.world;
        } else if (options.hash.print === false) {
          return 'NOT PRINTING';
        } else {
          return 'THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN';

      expectTemplate('{{goodbye cruel="CRUEL" world="WORLD" print=true}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', goodbye)
        .toCompileTo('GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD');

      expectTemplate('{{goodbye cruel="CRUEL" world="WORLD" print=false}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', goodbye)
        .toCompileTo('NOT PRINTING');

    it('block helpers can take an optional hash', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" times=12}}world{{/goodbye}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', function (this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
          return (
            'GOODBYE ' +
            options.hash.cruel +
            ' ' +
            options.fn(this) +
            ' ' +
            options.hash.times +
            ' TIMES'
        .toCompileTo('GOODBYE CRUEL world 12 TIMES');

    it('block helpers can take an optional hash with single quoted stings', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" times=12}}world{{/goodbye}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', function (this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
          return (
            'GOODBYE ' +
            options.hash.cruel +
            ' ' +
            options.fn(this) +
            ' ' +
            options.hash.times +
            ' TIMES'
        .toCompileTo('GOODBYE CRUEL world 12 TIMES');

    it('block helpers can take an optional hash with booleans', () => {
      function goodbye(this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
        if (options.hash.print === true) {
          return 'GOODBYE ' + options.hash.cruel + ' ' + options.fn(this);
        } else if (options.hash.print === false) {
          return 'NOT PRINTING';
        } else {
          return 'THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN';

      expectTemplate('{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" print=true}}world{{/goodbye}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', goodbye)
        .toCompileTo('GOODBYE CRUEL world');

      expectTemplate('{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" print=false}}world{{/goodbye}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', goodbye)
        .toCompileTo('NOT PRINTING');

  describe('helperMissing', () => {
    it('if a context is not found, helperMissing is used', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{hello}} {{link_to world}}').toThrow(/Missing helper: "link_to"/);

    it('if a context is not found, custom helperMissing is used', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{hello}} {{link_to world}}')
        .withInput({ hello: 'Hello', world: 'world' })
        .withHelper('helperMissing', function (mesg, options: HelperOptions) {
          if (options.name === 'link_to') {
            return new Handlebars.SafeString('<a>' + mesg + '</a>');
        .toCompileTo('Hello <a>world</a>');

    it('if a value is not found, custom helperMissing is used', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{hello}} {{link_to}}')
        .withInput({ hello: 'Hello', world: 'world' })
        .withHelper('helperMissing', function (options: HelperOptions) {
          if (options.name === 'link_to') {
            return new Handlebars.SafeString('<a>winning</a>');
        .toCompileTo('Hello <a>winning</a>');

  describe('knownHelpers', () => {
    it('Known helper should render helper', () => {
          knownHelpers: { hello: true },
        .withHelper('hello', function () {
          return 'foo';

    it('Unknown helper in knownHelpers only mode should be passed as undefined', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{typeof hello}}')
          knownHelpers: { typeof: true },
          knownHelpersOnly: true,
        .withHelper('typeof', function (arg) {
          return typeof arg;
        .withHelper('hello', function () {
          return 'foo';

    it('Builtin helpers available in knownHelpers only mode', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#unless foo}}bar{{/unless}}')
          knownHelpersOnly: true,

    it('Field lookup works in knownHelpers only mode', () => {
          knownHelpersOnly: true,
        .withInput({ foo: 'bar' })

    it('Conditional blocks work in knownHelpers only mode', () => {
          knownHelpersOnly: true,
        .withInput({ foo: 'baz' })

    it('Invert blocks work in knownHelpers only mode', () => {
          knownHelpersOnly: true,
        .withInput({ foo: false })

    it('Functions are bound to the context in knownHelpers only mode', () => {
          knownHelpersOnly: true,
          foo() {
            return this.bar;
          bar: 'bar',

    it('Unknown helper call in knownHelpers only mode should throw', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{typeof hello}}')
        .withCompileOptions({ knownHelpersOnly: true })

  describe('blockHelperMissing', () => {
    it('lambdas are resolved by blockHelperMissing, not handlebars proper', () => {
          truthy() {
            return true;

    it('lambdas resolved by blockHelperMissing are bound to the context', () => {
          truthy() {
            return this.truthiness();
          truthiness() {
            return false;

  describe('name field', () => {
    const helpers = {
      blockHelperMissing(...args: any[]) {
        return 'missing: ' + args[args.length - 1].name;
      helperMissing(...args: any[]) {
        return 'helper missing: ' + args[args.length - 1].name;
      helper(...args: any[]) {
        return 'ran: ' + args[args.length - 1].name;

    it('should include in ambiguous mustache calls', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{helper}}').withHelpers(helpers).toCompileTo('ran: helper');

    it('should include in helper mustache calls', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{helper 1}}').withHelpers(helpers).toCompileTo('ran: helper');

    it('should include in ambiguous block calls', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#helper}}{{/helper}}').withHelpers(helpers).toCompileTo('ran: helper');

    it('should include in simple block calls', () => {
        .toCompileTo('missing: ./helper');

    it('should include in helper block calls', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#helper 1}}{{/helper}}').withHelpers(helpers).toCompileTo('ran: helper');

    it('should include in known helper calls', () => {
          knownHelpers: { helper: true },
          knownHelpersOnly: true,
        .toCompileTo('ran: helper');

    it('should include full id', () => {
        .withInput({ foo: {} })
        .toCompileTo('missing: foo.helper');

    it('should include full id if a hash is passed', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#foo.helper bar=baz}}{{/foo.helper}}')
        .withInput({ foo: {} })
        .toCompileTo('helper missing: foo.helper');

  describe('name conflicts', () => {
    it('helpers take precedence over same-named context properties', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{goodbye}} {{cruel world}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', function (this: any) {
          return this.goodbye.toUpperCase();
        .withHelper('cruel', function (world) {
          return 'cruel ' + world.toUpperCase();
          goodbye: 'goodbye',
          world: 'world',
        .toCompileTo('GOODBYE cruel WORLD');

    it('helpers take precedence over same-named context properties$', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#goodbye}} {{cruel world}}{{/goodbye}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', function (this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
          return this.goodbye.toUpperCase() + options.fn(this);
        .withHelper('cruel', function (world) {
          return 'cruel ' + world.toUpperCase();
          goodbye: 'goodbye',
          world: 'world',
        .toCompileTo('GOODBYE cruel WORLD');

    it('Scoped names take precedence over helpers', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{this.goodbye}} {{cruel world}} {{cruel this.goodbye}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', function (this: any) {
          return this.goodbye.toUpperCase();
        .withHelper('cruel', function (world) {
          return 'cruel ' + world.toUpperCase();
          goodbye: 'goodbye',
          world: 'world',
        .toCompileTo('goodbye cruel WORLD cruel GOODBYE');

    it('Scoped names take precedence over block helpers', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#goodbye}} {{cruel world}}{{/goodbye}} {{this.goodbye}}')
        .withHelper('goodbye', function (this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
          return this.goodbye.toUpperCase() + options.fn(this);
        .withHelper('cruel', function (world) {
          return 'cruel ' + world.toUpperCase();
          goodbye: 'goodbye',
          world: 'world',
        .toCompileTo('GOODBYE cruel WORLD goodbye');

  describe('block params', () => {
    it('should take presedence over context values', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{value}}{{/goodbyes}}{{value}}')
        .withInput({ value: 'foo' })
        .withHelper('goodbyes', function (options: HelperOptions) {
          return options.fn({ value: 'bar' }, { blockParams: [1, 2] });

    it('should take presedence over helper values', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{value}}{{/goodbyes}}{{value}}')
        .withHelper('value', function () {
          return 'foo';
        .withHelper('goodbyes', function (options: HelperOptions) {
          return options.fn({}, { blockParams: [1, 2] });

    it('should not take presedence over pathed values', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{./value}}{{/goodbyes}}{{value}}')
        .withInput({ value: 'bar' })
        .withHelper('value', function () {
          return 'foo';
        .withHelper('goodbyes', function (this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
          return options.fn(this, { blockParams: [1, 2] });

    it('should take presednece over parent block params', () => {
      let value: number;
        '{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{#goodbyes}}{{value}}{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{value}}{{/goodbyes}}{{/goodbyes}}{{/goodbyes}}{{value}}',
          beforeEach() {
            value = 1;
        .withInput({ value: 'foo' })
        .withHelper('goodbyes', function (options: HelperOptions) {
          return options.fn(
            { value: 'bar' },
              blockParams: options.fn.blockParams === 1 ? [value++, value++] : undefined,

    it('should allow block params on chained helpers', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#if bar}}{{else goodbyes as |value|}}{{value}}{{/if}}{{value}}')
        .withInput({ value: 'foo' })
        .withHelper('goodbyes', function (options: HelperOptions) {
          return options.fn({ value: 'bar' }, { blockParams: [1, 2] });

  describe('built-in helpers malformed arguments ', () => {
    it('if helper - too few arguments', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#if}}{{/if}}').toThrow(/#if requires exactly one argument/);

    it('if helper - too many arguments, string', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#if test "string"}}{{/if}}').toThrow(/#if requires exactly one argument/);

    it('if helper - too many arguments, undefined', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#if test undefined}}{{/if}}').toThrow(/#if requires exactly one argument/);

    it('if helper - too many arguments, null', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#if test null}}{{/if}}').toThrow(/#if requires exactly one argument/);

    it('unless helper - too few arguments', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#unless}}{{/unless}}').toThrow(/#unless requires exactly one argument/);

    it('unless helper - too many arguments', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#unless test null}}{{/unless}}').toThrow(
        /#unless requires exactly one argument/

    it('with helper - too few arguments', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#with}}{{/with}}').toThrow(/#with requires exactly one argument/);

    it('with helper - too many arguments', () => {
      expectTemplate('{{#with test "string"}}{{/with}}').toThrow(
        /#with requires exactly one argument/

  describe('the lookupProperty-option', () => {
    it('should be passed to custom helpers', () => {
        .withHelper('testHelper', function testHelper(this: any, options: HelperOptions) {
          return options.lookupProperty(this, 'testProperty');
        .withInput({ testProperty: 'abc' })

function deleteAllKeys(obj: { [key: string]: any }) {
  for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) {
    delete obj[key];