From ef79eab44bfd000792c610b968b5ceefd41e76a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Darius Jahandarie Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2023 18:45:57 +0900 Subject: Modernize codebase - Use ES modules - Remove vendored libs and build them from npm using esbuild - Switch from JSZip to zip.js --- ext/lib/dexie-export-import.js | 3457 ---------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 3457 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 ext/lib/dexie-export-import.js (limited to 'ext/lib/dexie-export-import.js') diff --git a/ext/lib/dexie-export-import.js b/ext/lib/dexie-export-import.js deleted file mode 100644 index f915d1c1..00000000 --- a/ext/lib/dexie-export-import.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3457 +0,0 @@ -/* ========================================================================== - * dexie-export-import.js - * ========================================================================== - * - * Dexie addon for exporting and importing databases to / from Blobs. - * - * By David Fahlander,, - * - * ========================================================================== - * - * Version 4.0.7, Wed Mar 29 2023 - * - * - * - * Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004, - * - */ - -(function (global, factory) { - typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('dexie')) : - typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'dexie'], factory) : - (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.DexieExportImport = {}, global.Dexie)); -})(this, (function (exports, Dexie) { 'use strict'; - - function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } - - var Dexie__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(Dexie); - - /*! ***************************************************************************** - Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. - - Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any - purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. - - THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH - REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY - AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, - INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM - LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR - OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR - PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. - ***************************************************************************** */ - - function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { - function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } - return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { - function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } - step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); - }); - } - - function __generator(thisArg, body) { - var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g; - return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; - function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; } - function step(op) { - if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); - while (_) try { - if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t; - if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value]; - switch (op[0]) { - case 0: case 1: t = op; break; - case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false }; - case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue; - case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue; - default: - if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; } - if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; } - if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; } - if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; } - if (t[2]) _.ops.pop(); - _.trys.pop(); continue; - } - op =, _); - } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } - if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true }; - } - } - - function getSchemaString(table) { - var primKeyAndIndexes = [table.schema.primKey].concat(table.schema.indexes); - return (index) { return index.src; }).join(','); - } - function extractDbSchema(exportedDb) { - var schema = {}; - for (var _i = 0, _a = exportedDb.tables; _i < _a.length; _i++) { - var table = _a[_i]; - schema[] = table.schema; - } - return schema; - } - function readBlobAsync(blob, type) { - return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { - var reader = new FileReader(); - reader.onabort = function (ev) { return reject(new Error("file read aborted")); }; - reader.onerror = function (ev) { return reject(; }; - reader.onload = function (ev) { return resolve(; }; - if (type === 'binary') - reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); - else - reader.readAsText(blob); - }); - } - function readBlobSync(blob, type) { - if (typeof FileReaderSync === 'undefined') { - throw new Error('FileReaderSync missing. Reading blobs synchronously requires code to run from within a web worker. Use TSON.encapsulateAsync() to do it from the main thread.'); - } - var reader = new FileReaderSync(); // Requires worker environment - var data = type === 'binary' ? - reader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob) : - reader.readAsText(blob); - return data; - } - - var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; - - function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { - return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; - } - - var typeson = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { - (function (global, factory) { - module.exports = factory() ; - }(commonjsGlobal, (function () { - function _typeof(obj) { - if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { - _typeof = function (obj) { - return typeof obj; - }; - } else { - _typeof = function (obj) { - return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; - }; - } - - return _typeof(obj); - } - - function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { - try { - var info = gen[key](arg); - var value = info.value; - } catch (error) { - reject(error); - return; - } - - if (info.done) { - resolve(value); - } else { - Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); - } - } - - function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { - return function () { - var self = this, - args = arguments; - return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { - var gen = fn.apply(self, args); - - function _next(value) { - asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); - } - - function _throw(err) { - asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); - } - - _next(undefined); - }); - }; - } - - function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { - if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { - throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); - } - } - - function _defineProperties(target, props) { - for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { - var descriptor = props[i]; - descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; - descriptor.configurable = true; - if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; - Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); - } - } - - function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { - if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); - if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); - return Constructor; - } - - function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { - if (key in obj) { - Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { - value: value, - enumerable: true, - configurable: true, - writable: true - }); - } else { - obj[key] = value; - } - - return obj; - } - - function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { - var keys = Object.keys(object); - - if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { - var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); - if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { - return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; - }); - keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); - } - - return keys; - } - - function _objectSpread2(target) { - for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; - - if (i % 2) { - ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { - _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); - }); - } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { - Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); - } else { - ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { - Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); - }); - } - } - - return target; - } - - function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { - return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); - } - - function _toConsumableArray(arr) { - return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); - } - - function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { - if (Array.isArray(arr)) { - for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; - - return arr2; - } - } - - function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { - if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; - } - - function _iterableToArray(iter) { - if (Symbol.iterator in Object(iter) || === "[object Arguments]") return Array.from(iter); - } - - function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { - if (!(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr) || === "[object Arguments]")) { - return; - } - - var _arr = []; - var _n = true; - var _d = false; - var _e = undefined; - - try { - for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { - _arr.push(_s.value); - - if (i && _arr.length === i) break; - } - } catch (err) { - _d = true; - _e = err; - } finally { - try { - if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); - } finally { - if (_d) throw _e; - } - } - - return _arr; - } - - function _nonIterableSpread() { - throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); - } - - function _nonIterableRest() { - throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); - } - - /** - * We keep this function minimized so if using two instances of this - * library, where one is minimized and one is not, it will still work - * with `hasConstructorOf`. - * With ES6 classes, we may be able to simply use `class TypesonPromise - * extends Promise` and add a string tag for detection. - * @param {function} f - */ - // eslint-disable-next-line max-len - // eslint-disable-next-line block-spacing, space-before-function-paren, space-before-blocks, space-infix-ops, semi, promise/avoid-new - var TypesonPromise = function TypesonPromise(f) { - _classCallCheck(this, TypesonPromise); - - this.p = new Promise(f); - }; // eslint-disable-next-line max-len - // class TypesonPromise extends Promise {get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return 'TypesonPromise'};} // eslint-disable-line keyword-spacing, space-before-function-paren, space-before-blocks, block-spacing, semi - - - TypesonPromise.__typeson__type__ = 'TypesonPromise'; // Note: core-js-bundle provides a `Symbol` polyfill - - /* istanbul ignore else */ - - if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') { - // Ensure `isUserObject` will return `false` for `TypesonPromise` - TypesonPromise.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'TypesonPromise'; - } - /** - * - * @param {function} [onFulfilled] - * @param {function} [onRejected] - * @returns {TypesonPromise} - */ - - - TypesonPromise.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) { - var _this = this; - - return new TypesonPromise(function (typesonResolve, typesonReject) { - // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return - _this.p.then(function (res) { - // eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return - typesonResolve(onFulfilled ? onFulfilled(res) : res); - })["catch"](function (res) { - return onRejected ? onRejected(res) : Promise.reject(res); - }).then(typesonResolve, typesonReject); - }); - }; - /** - * - * @param {function} onRejected - * @returns {TypesonPromise} - */ - - - TypesonPromise.prototype["catch"] = function (onRejected) { - return this.then(null, onRejected); - }; - /** - * - * @param {Any} v - * @returns {TypesonPromise} - */ - - - TypesonPromise.resolve = function (v) { - return new TypesonPromise(function (typesonResolve) { - typesonResolve(v); - }); - }; - /** - * - * @param {Any} v - * @returns {TypesonPromise} - */ - - - TypesonPromise.reject = function (v) { - return new TypesonPromise(function (typesonResolve, typesonReject) { - typesonReject(v); - }); - }; - - ['all', 'race'].forEach(function (meth) { - /** - * - * @param {Promise[]} promArr - * @returns {TypesonPromise} - */ - TypesonPromise[meth] = function (promArr) { - return new TypesonPromise(function (typesonResolve, typesonReject) { - // eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return - Promise[meth]( (prom) { - return prom && prom.constructor && prom.constructor.__typeson__type__ === 'TypesonPromise' ? prom.p : prom; - })).then(typesonResolve, typesonReject); - }); - }; - }); - - var _ref = {}, - toStr = _ref.toString, - hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty, - getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf, - fnToString = hasOwn.toString; - /** - * Second argument not in use internally, but provided for utility. - * @param {Any} v - * @param {boolean} catchCheck - * @returns {boolean} - */ - - function isThenable(v, catchCheck) { - return isObject(v) && typeof v.then === 'function' && (!catchCheck || typeof v["catch"] === 'function'); - } - /** - * - * @param {Any} val - * @returns {string} - */ - - - function toStringTag(val) { - return, -1); - } - /** - * This function is dependent on both constructors - * being identical so any minimization is expected of both. - * @param {Any} a - * @param {function} b - * @returns {boolean} - */ - - - function hasConstructorOf(a, b) { - if (!a || _typeof(a) !== 'object') { - return false; - } - - var proto = getProto(a); - - if (!proto) { - return b === null; - } - - var Ctor =, 'constructor') && proto.constructor; - - if (typeof Ctor !== 'function') { - return b === null; - } - - if (b === Ctor) { - return true; - } - - if (b !== null && === { - return true; - } - - if (typeof b === 'function' && typeof Ctor.__typeson__type__ === 'string' && Ctor.__typeson__type__ === b.__typeson__type__) { - return true; - } - - return false; - } - /** - * - * @param {Any} val - * @returns {boolean} - */ - - - function isPlainObject(val) { - // Mirrors jQuery's - if (!val || toStringTag(val) !== 'Object') { - return false; - } - - var proto = getProto(val); - - if (!proto) { - // `Object.create(null)` - return true; - } - - return hasConstructorOf(val, Object); - } - /** - * - * @param {Any} val - * @returns {boolean} - */ - - - function isUserObject(val) { - if (!val || toStringTag(val) !== 'Object') { - return false; - } - - var proto = getProto(val); - - if (!proto) { - // `Object.create(null)` - return true; - } - - return hasConstructorOf(val, Object) || isUserObject(proto); - } - /** - * - * @param {Any} v - * @returns {boolean} - */ - - - function isObject(v) { - return v && _typeof(v) === 'object'; - } - /** - * - * @param {string} keyPathComponent - * @returns {string} - */ - - - function escapeKeyPathComponent(keyPathComponent) { - return keyPathComponent.replace(/~/g, '~0').replace(/\./g, '~1'); - } - /** - * - * @param {string} keyPathComponent - * @returns {string} - */ - - - function unescapeKeyPathComponent(keyPathComponent) { - return keyPathComponent.replace(/~1/g, '.').replace(/~0/g, '~'); - } - /** - * @param {PlainObject|GenericArray} obj - * @param {string} keyPath - * @returns {Any} - */ - - - function getByKeyPath(obj, keyPath) { - if (keyPath === '') { - return obj; - } - - var period = keyPath.indexOf('.'); - - if (period > -1) { - var innerObj = obj[unescapeKeyPathComponent(keyPath.slice(0, period))]; - return innerObj === undefined ? undefined : getByKeyPath(innerObj, keyPath.slice(period + 1)); - } - - return obj[unescapeKeyPathComponent(keyPath)]; - } - /** - * - * @param {PlainObject} obj - * @param {string} keyPath - * @param {Any} value - * @returns {Any} - */ - - - function setAtKeyPath(obj, keyPath, value) { - if (keyPath === '') { - return value; - } - - var period = keyPath.indexOf('.'); - - if (period > -1) { - var innerObj = obj[unescapeKeyPathComponent(keyPath.slice(0, period))]; - return setAtKeyPath(innerObj, keyPath.slice(period + 1), value); - } - - obj[unescapeKeyPathComponent(keyPath)] = value; - return obj; - } - /** - * - * @param {external:JSON} value - * @returns {"null"|"array"|"undefined"|"boolean"|"number"|"string"| - * "object"|"symbol"} - */ - - - function getJSONType(value) { - return value === null ? 'null' : Array.isArray(value) ? 'array' : _typeof(value); - } - - var keys = Object.keys, - isArray = Array.isArray, - hasOwn$1 = {}.hasOwnProperty, - internalStateObjPropsToIgnore = ['type', 'replaced', 'iterateIn', 'iterateUnsetNumeric']; - /** - * Handle plain object revivers first so reference setting can use - * revived type (e.g., array instead of object); assumes revived - * has same structure or will otherwise break subsequent references. - * @param {PlainObjectType} a - * @param {PlainObjectType} b - * @returns {1|-1|boolean} - */ - - function nestedPathsFirst(a, b) { - if (a.keypath === '') { - return -1; - } - - var as = a.keypath.match(/\./g) || 0; - var bs = b.keypath.match(/\./g) || 0; - - if (as) { - as = as.length; - } - - if (bs) { - bs = bs.length; - } - - return as > bs ? -1 : as < bs ? 1 : a.keypath < b.keypath ? -1 : a.keypath > b.keypath; - } - /** - * An instance of this class can be used to call `stringify()` and `parse()`. - * Typeson resolves cyclic references by default. Can also be extended to - * support custom types using the register() method. - * - * @class - * @param {{cyclic: boolean}} [options] - if cyclic (default true), - * cyclic references will be handled gracefully. - */ - - - var Typeson = - /*#__PURE__*/ - function () { - function Typeson(options) { - _classCallCheck(this, Typeson); - - this.options = options; // Replacers signature: replace (value). Returns falsy if not - // replacing. Otherwise ['Date', value.getTime()] - - this.plainObjectReplacers = []; - this.nonplainObjectReplacers = []; // Revivers: [{type => reviver}, {plain: boolean}]. - // Sample: [{'Date': value => new Date(value)}, {plain: false}] - - this.revivers = {}; - /** Types registered via `register()`. */ - - this.types = {}; - } - /** - * @typedef {null|boolean|number|string|GenericArray|PlainObject} JSON - */ - - /** - * @callback JSONReplacer - * @param {""|string} key - * @param {JSON} value - * @returns {number|string|boolean|null|PlainObject|undefined} - * @see - */ - - /** - * Serialize given object to Typeson. - * Initial arguments work identical to those of `JSON.stringify`. - * The `replacer` argument has nothing to do with our replacers. - * @param {Any} obj - * @param {JSONReplacer|string[]} replacer - * @param {number|string} space - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {string|Promise} Promise resolves to a string - */ - - - _createClass(Typeson, [{ - key: "stringify", - value: function stringify(obj, replacer, space, opts) { - opts = _objectSpread2({}, this.options, {}, opts, { - stringification: true - }); - var encapsulated = this.encapsulate(obj, null, opts); - - if (isArray(encapsulated)) { - return JSON.stringify(encapsulated[0], replacer, space); - } - - return encapsulated.then(function (res) { - return JSON.stringify(res, replacer, space); - }); - } - /** - * Also sync but throws on non-sync result. - * @param {Any} obj - * @param {JSONReplacer|string[]} replacer - * @param {number|string} space - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {string} - */ - - }, { - key: "stringifySync", - value: function stringifySync(obj, replacer, space, opts) { - return this.stringify(obj, replacer, space, _objectSpread2({ - throwOnBadSyncType: true - }, opts, { - sync: true - })); - } - /** - * - * @param {Any} obj - * @param {JSONReplacer|string[]} replacer - * @param {number|string} space - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {Promise} - */ - - }, { - key: "stringifyAsync", - value: function stringifyAsync(obj, replacer, space, opts) { - return this.stringify(obj, replacer, space, _objectSpread2({ - throwOnBadSyncType: true - }, opts, { - sync: false - })); - } - /** - * Parse Typeson back into an obejct. - * Initial arguments works identical to those of `JSON.parse()`. - * @param {string} text - * @param {function} reviver This JSON reviver has nothing to do with - * our revivers. - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {external:JSON} - */ - - }, { - key: "parse", - value: function parse(text, reviver, opts) { - opts = _objectSpread2({}, this.options, {}, opts, { - parse: true - }); - return this.revive(JSON.parse(text, reviver), opts); - } - /** - * Also sync but throws on non-sync result. - * @param {string} text - * @param {function} reviver This JSON reviver has nothing to do with - * our revivers. - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {external:JSON} - */ - - }, { - key: "parseSync", - value: function parseSync(text, reviver, opts) { - return this.parse(text, reviver, _objectSpread2({ - throwOnBadSyncType: true - }, opts, { - sync: true - })); - } - /** - * @param {string} text - * @param {function} reviver This JSON reviver has nothing to do with - * our revivers. - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {Promise} Resolves to `external:JSON` - */ - - }, { - key: "parseAsync", - value: function parseAsync(text, reviver, opts) { - return this.parse(text, reviver, _objectSpread2({ - throwOnBadSyncType: true - }, opts, { - sync: false - })); - } - /** - * - * @param {Any} obj - * @param {object} stateObj - * @param {object} [opts={}] - * @returns {string[]|false} - */ - - }, { - key: "specialTypeNames", - value: function specialTypeNames(obj, stateObj) { - var opts = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; - opts.returnTypeNames = true; - return this.encapsulate(obj, stateObj, opts); - } - /** - * - * @param {Any} obj - * @param {PlainObject} stateObj - * @param {PlainObject} [opts={}] - * @returns {Promise|GenericArray|PlainObject|string|false} - */ - - }, { - key: "rootTypeName", - value: function rootTypeName(obj, stateObj) { - var opts = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {}; - opts.iterateNone = true; - return this.encapsulate(obj, stateObj, opts); - } - /** - * Encapsulate a complex object into a plain Object by replacing - * registered types with plain objects representing the types data. - * - * This method is used internally by `Typeson.stringify()`. - * @param {Any} obj - Object to encapsulate. - * @param {PlainObject} stateObj - * @param {PlainObject} opts - * @returns {Promise|GenericArray|PlainObject|string|false} - */ - - }, { - key: "encapsulate", - value: function encapsulate(obj, stateObj, opts) { - opts = _objectSpread2({ - sync: true - }, this.options, {}, opts); - var _opts = opts, - sync = _opts.sync; - var that = this, - types = {}, - refObjs = [], - // For checking cyclic references - refKeys = [], - // For checking cyclic references - promisesDataRoot = []; // Clone the object deeply while at the same time replacing any - // special types or cyclic reference: - - var cyclic = 'cyclic' in opts ? opts.cyclic : true; - var _opts2 = opts, - encapsulateObserver = _opts2.encapsulateObserver; - - var ret = _encapsulate('', obj, cyclic, stateObj || {}, promisesDataRoot); - /** - * - * @param {Any} ret - * @returns {GenericArray|PlainObject|string|false} - */ - - - function finish(ret) { - // Add `$types` to result only if we ever bumped into a - // special type (or special case where object has own `$types`) - var typeNames = Object.values(types); - - if (opts.iterateNone) { - if (typeNames.length) { - return typeNames[0]; - } - - return Typeson.getJSONType(ret); - } - - if (typeNames.length) { - if (opts.returnTypeNames) { - return _toConsumableArray(new Set(typeNames)); - } // Special if array (or a primitive) was serialized - // because JSON would ignore custom `$types` prop on it - - - if (!ret || !isPlainObject(ret) || // Also need to handle if this is an object with its - // own `$types` property (to avoid ambiguity) - hasOwn$, '$types')) { - ret = { - $: ret, - $types: { - $: types - } - }; - } else { - ret.$types = types; - } // No special types - - } else if (isObject(ret) && hasOwn$, '$types')) { - ret = { - $: ret, - $types: true - }; - } - - if (opts.returnTypeNames) { - return false; - } - - return ret; - } - /** - * - * @param {Any} ret - * @param {GenericArray} promisesData - * @returns {Promise} - */ - - - function checkPromises(_x, _x2) { - return _checkPromises.apply(this, arguments); - } - /** - * - * @param {object} stateObj - * @param {object} ownKeysObj - * @param {function} cb - * @returns {undefined} - */ - - - function _checkPromises() { - _checkPromises = _asyncToGenerator( - /*#__PURE__*/ - regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2(ret, promisesData) { - var promResults; - return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) { - while (1) { - switch (_context2.prev = { - case 0: - = 2; - return Promise.all( (pd) { - return pd[1].p; - })); - - case 2: - promResults = _context2.sent; - = 5; - return Promise.all( - /*#__PURE__*/ - function () { - var _ref = _asyncToGenerator( - /*#__PURE__*/ - regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee(promResult) { - var newPromisesData, _promisesData$splice, _promisesData$splice2, prData, _prData, keyPath, cyclic, stateObj, parentObj, key, detectedType, encaps, isTypesonPromise, encaps2; - - return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) { - while (1) { - switch (_context.prev = { - case 0: - newPromisesData = []; - _promisesData$splice = promisesData.splice(0, 1), _promisesData$splice2 = _slicedToArray(_promisesData$splice, 1), prData = _promisesData$splice2[0]; - _prData = _slicedToArray(prData, 7), keyPath = _prData[0], cyclic = _prData[2], stateObj = _prData[3], parentObj = _prData[4], key = _prData[5], detectedType = _prData[6]; - encaps = _encapsulate(keyPath, promResult, cyclic, stateObj, newPromisesData, true, detectedType); - isTypesonPromise = hasConstructorOf(encaps, TypesonPromise); // Handle case where an embedded custom type itself - // returns a `Typeson.Promise` - - if (!(keyPath && isTypesonPromise)) { - = 11; - break; - } - - = 8; - return encaps.p; - - case 8: - encaps2 = _context.sent; - parentObj[key] = encaps2; - return _context.abrupt("return", checkPromises(ret, newPromisesData)); - - case 11: - if (keyPath) { - parentObj[key] = encaps; - } else if (isTypesonPromise) { - ret = encaps.p; - } else { - // If this is itself a `Typeson.Promise` (because the - // original value supplied was a `Promise` or - // because the supplied custom type value resolved - // to one), returning it below will be fine since - // a `Promise` is expected anyways given current - // config (and if not a `Promise`, it will be ready - // as the resolve value) - ret = encaps; - } - - return _context.abrupt("return", checkPromises(ret, newPromisesData)); - - case 13: - case "end": - return _context.stop(); - } - } - }, _callee); - })); - - return function (_x3) { - return _ref.apply(this, arguments); - }; - }())); - - case 5: - return _context2.abrupt("return", ret); - - case 6: - case "end": - return _context2.stop(); - } - } - }, _callee2); - })); - return _checkPromises.apply(this, arguments); - } - - function _adaptBuiltinStateObjectProperties(stateObj, ownKeysObj, cb) { - Object.assign(stateObj, ownKeysObj); - var vals = (prop) { - var tmp = stateObj[prop]; - delete stateObj[prop]; - return tmp; - }); // eslint-disable-next-line callback-return - - cb(); - internalStateObjPropsToIgnore.forEach(function (prop, i) { - stateObj[prop] = vals[i]; - }); - } - /** - * - * @param {string} keypath - * @param {Any} value - * @param {boolean} cyclic - * @param {PlainObject} stateObj - * @param {boolean} promisesData - * @param {boolean} resolvingTypesonPromise - * @param {string} detectedType - * @returns {Any} - */ - - - function _encapsulate(keypath, value, cyclic, stateObj, promisesData, resolvingTypesonPromise, detectedType) { - var ret; - var observerData = {}; - - var $typeof = _typeof(value); - - var runObserver = encapsulateObserver ? function (obj) { - var type = detectedType || stateObj.type || Typeson.getJSONType(value); - encapsulateObserver(Object.assign(obj || observerData, { - keypath: keypath, - value: value, - cyclic: cyclic, - stateObj: stateObj, - promisesData: promisesData, - resolvingTypesonPromise: resolvingTypesonPromise, - awaitingTypesonPromise: hasConstructorOf(value, TypesonPromise) - }, { - type: type - })); - } : null; - - if (['string', 'boolean', 'number', 'undefined'].includes($typeof)) { - if (value === undefined || $typeof === 'number' && (isNaN(value) || value === -Infinity || value === Infinity)) { - if (stateObj.replaced) { - ret = value; - } else { - ret = replace(keypath, value, stateObj, promisesData, false, resolvingTypesonPromise, runObserver); - } - - if (ret !== value) { - observerData = { - replaced: ret - }; - } - } else { - ret = value; - } - - if (runObserver) { - runObserver(); - } - - return ret; - } - - if (value === null) { - if (runObserver) { - runObserver(); - } - - return value; - } - - if (cyclic && !stateObj.iterateIn && !stateObj.iterateUnsetNumeric && value && _typeof(value) === 'object') { - // Options set to detect cyclic references and be able - // to rewrite them. - var refIndex = refObjs.indexOf(value); - - if (refIndex < 0) { - if (cyclic === true) { - refObjs.push(value); - refKeys.push(keypath); - } - } else { - types[keypath] = '#'; - - if (runObserver) { - runObserver({ - cyclicKeypath: refKeys[refIndex] - }); - } - - return '#' + refKeys[refIndex]; - } - } - - var isPlainObj = isPlainObject(value); - var isArr = isArray(value); - var replaced = // Running replace will cause infinite loop as will test - // positive again - (isPlainObj || isArr) && (!that.plainObjectReplacers.length || stateObj.replaced) || stateObj.iterateIn ? // Optimization: if plain object and no plain-object - // replacers, don't try finding a replacer - value : replace(keypath, value, stateObj, promisesData, isPlainObj || isArr, null, runObserver); - var clone; - - if (replaced !== value) { - ret = replaced; - observerData = { - replaced: replaced - }; - } else { - // eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if - if (keypath === '' && hasConstructorOf(value, TypesonPromise)) { - promisesData.push([keypath, value, cyclic, stateObj, undefined, undefined, stateObj.type]); - ret = value; - } else if (isArr && stateObj.iterateIn !== 'object' || stateObj.iterateIn === 'array') { - clone = new Array(value.length); - observerData = { - clone: clone - }; - } else if (!['function', 'symbol'].includes(_typeof(value)) && !('toJSON' in value) && !hasConstructorOf(value, TypesonPromise) && !hasConstructorOf(value, Promise) && !hasConstructorOf(value, ArrayBuffer) || isPlainObj || stateObj.iterateIn === 'object') { - clone = {}; - - if (stateObj.addLength) { - clone.length = value.length; - } - - observerData = { - clone: clone - }; - } else { - ret = value; // Only clone vanilla objects and arrays - } - } - - if (runObserver) { - runObserver(); - } - - if (opts.iterateNone) { - return clone || ret; - } - - if (!clone) { - return ret; - } // Iterate object or array - - - if (stateObj.iterateIn) { - var _loop = function _loop(key) { - var ownKeysObj = { - ownKeys: hasOwn$, key) - }; - - _adaptBuiltinStateObjectProperties(stateObj, ownKeysObj, function () { - var kp = keypath + (keypath ? '.' : '') + escapeKeyPathComponent(key); - - var val = _encapsulate(kp, value[key], Boolean(cyclic), stateObj, promisesData, resolvingTypesonPromise); - - if (hasConstructorOf(val, TypesonPromise)) { - promisesData.push([kp, val, Boolean(cyclic), stateObj, clone, key, stateObj.type]); - } else if (val !== undefined) { - clone[key] = val; - } - }); - }; - - // eslint-disable-next-line guard-for-in - for (var key in value) { - _loop(key); - } - - if (runObserver) { - runObserver({ - endIterateIn: true, - end: true - }); - } - } else { - // Note: Non-indexes on arrays won't survive stringify so - // somewhat wasteful for arrays, but so too is iterating - // all numeric indexes on sparse arrays when not wanted - // or filtering own keys for positive integers - keys(value).forEach(function (key) { - var kp = keypath + (keypath ? '.' : '') + escapeKeyPathComponent(key); - var ownKeysObj = { - ownKeys: true - }; - - _adaptBuiltinStateObjectProperties(stateObj, ownKeysObj, function () { - var val = _encapsulate(kp, value[key], Boolean(cyclic), stateObj, promisesData, resolvingTypesonPromise); - - if (hasConstructorOf(val, TypesonPromise)) { - promisesData.push([kp, val, Boolean(cyclic), stateObj, clone, key, stateObj.type]); - } else if (val !== undefined) { - clone[key] = val; - } - }); - }); - - if (runObserver) { - runObserver({ - endIterateOwn: true, - end: true - }); - } - } // Iterate array for non-own numeric properties (we can't - // replace the prior loop though as it iterates non-integer - // keys) - - - if (stateObj.iterateUnsetNumeric) { - var vl = value.length; - - var _loop2 = function _loop2(i) { - if (!(i in value)) { - // No need to escape numeric - var kp = keypath + (keypath ? '.' : '') + i; - var ownKeysObj = { - ownKeys: false - }; - - _adaptBuiltinStateObjectProperties(stateObj, ownKeysObj, function () { - var val = _encapsulate(kp, undefined, Boolean(cyclic), stateObj, promisesData, resolvingTypesonPromise); - - if (hasConstructorOf(val, TypesonPromise)) { - promisesData.push([kp, val, Boolean(cyclic), stateObj, clone, i, stateObj.type]); - } else if (val !== undefined) { - clone[i] = val; - } - }); - } - }; - - for (var i = 0; i < vl; i++) { - _loop2(i); - } - - if (runObserver) { - runObserver({ - endIterateUnsetNumeric: true, - end: true - }); - } - } - - return clone; - } - /** - * - * @param {string} keypath - * @param {Any} value - * @param {PlainObject} stateObj - * @param {GenericArray} promisesData - * @param {boolean} plainObject - * @param {boolean} resolvingTypesonPromise - * @param {function} [runObserver] - * @returns {*} - */ - - - function replace(keypath, value, stateObj, promisesData, plainObject, resolvingTypesonPromise, runObserver) { - // Encapsulate registered types - var replacers = plainObject ? that.plainObjectReplacers : that.nonplainObjectReplacers; - var i = replacers.length; - - while (i--) { - var replacer = replacers[i]; - - if (replacer.test(value, stateObj)) { - var type = replacer.type; - - if (that.revivers[type]) { - // Record the type only if a corresponding reviver - // exists. This is to support specs where only - // replacement is done. - // For example, ensuring deep cloning of the object, - // or replacing a type to its equivalent without - // the need to revive it. - var existing = types[keypath]; // type can comprise an array of types (see test - // "should support intermediate types") - - types[keypath] = existing ? [type].concat(existing) : type; - } - - Object.assign(stateObj, { - type: type, - replaced: true - }); - - if ((sync || !replacer.replaceAsync) && !replacer.replace) { - if (runObserver) { - runObserver({ - typeDetected: true - }); - } - - return _encapsulate(keypath, value, cyclic && 'readonly', stateObj, promisesData, resolvingTypesonPromise, type); - } - - if (runObserver) { - runObserver({ - replacing: true - }); - } // Now, also traverse the result in case it contains its - // own types to replace - - - var replaceMethod = sync || !replacer.replaceAsync ? 'replace' : 'replaceAsync'; - return _encapsulate(keypath, replacer[replaceMethod](value, stateObj), cyclic && 'readonly', stateObj, promisesData, resolvingTypesonPromise, type); - } - } - - return value; - } - - return promisesDataRoot.length ? sync && opts.throwOnBadSyncType ? function () { - throw new TypeError('Sync method requested but async result obtained'); - }() : Promise.resolve(checkPromises(ret, promisesDataRoot)).then(finish) : !sync && opts.throwOnBadSyncType ? function () { - throw new TypeError('Async method requested but sync result obtained'); - }() // If this is a synchronous request for stringification, yet - // a promise is the result, we don't want to resolve leading - // to an async result, so we return an array to avoid - // ambiguity - : opts.stringification && sync ? [finish(ret)] : sync ? finish(ret) : Promise.resolve(finish(ret)); - } - /** - * Also sync but throws on non-sync result. - * @param {*} obj - * @param {object} stateObj - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {*} - */ - - }, { - key: "encapsulateSync", - value: function encapsulateSync(obj, stateObj, opts) { - return this.encapsulate(obj, stateObj, _objectSpread2({ - throwOnBadSyncType: true - }, opts, { - sync: true - })); - } - /** - * @param {*} obj - * @param {object} stateObj - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {*} - */ - - }, { - key: "encapsulateAsync", - value: function encapsulateAsync(obj, stateObj, opts) { - return this.encapsulate(obj, stateObj, _objectSpread2({ - throwOnBadSyncType: true - }, opts, { - sync: false - })); - } - /** - * Revive an encapsulated object. - * This method is used internally by `Typeson.parse()`. - * @param {object} obj - Object to revive. If it has `$types` member, the - * properties that are listed there will be replaced with its true type - * instead of just plain objects. - * @param {object} opts - * @throws TypeError If mismatch between sync/async type and result - * @returns {Promise|*} If async, returns a Promise that resolves to `*` - */ - - }, { - key: "revive", - value: function revive(obj, opts) { - var types = obj && obj.$types; // No type info added. Revival not needed. - - if (!types) { - return obj; - } // Object happened to have own `$types` property but with - // no actual types, so we unescape and return that object - - - if (types === true) { - return obj.$; - } - - opts = _objectSpread2({ - sync: true - }, this.options, {}, opts); - var _opts3 = opts, - sync = _opts3.sync; - var keyPathResolutions = []; - var stateObj = {}; - var ignore$Types = true; // Special when root object is not a trivial Object, it will - // be encapsulated in `$`. It will also be encapsulated in - // `$` if it has its own `$` property to avoid ambiguity - - if (types.$ && isPlainObject(types.$)) { - obj = obj.$; - types = types.$; - ignore$Types = false; - } - - var that = this; - /** - * @callback RevivalReducer - * @param {Any} value - * @param {string} type - * @returns {Any} - */ - - /** - * - * @param {string} type - * @param {Any} val - * @returns {[type]} [description] - */ - - function executeReviver(type, val) { - var _ref2 = that.revivers[type] || [], - _ref3 = _slicedToArray(_ref2, 1), - reviver = _ref3[0]; - - if (!reviver) { - throw new Error('Unregistered type: ' + type); - } // Only `sync` expected here, as problematic async would - // be missing both `reviver` and `reviverAsync`, and - // encapsulation shouldn't have added types, so - // should have made an early exit - - - if (sync && !('revive' in reviver)) { - // Just return value as is - return val; - } - - return reviver[sync && reviver.revive ? 'revive' : !sync && reviver.reviveAsync ? 'reviveAsync' : 'revive'](val, stateObj); - } - /** - * - * @returns {void|TypesonPromise} - */ - - - function revivePlainObjects() { - // const references = []; - // const reviveTypes = []; - var plainObjectTypes = []; - Object.entries(types).forEach(function (_ref4) { - var _ref5 = _slicedToArray(_ref4, 2), - keypath = _ref5[0], - type = _ref5[1]; - - if (type === '#') { - /* - references.push({ - keypath, - reference: getByKeyPath(obj, keypath) - }); - */ - return; - } - - [].concat(type).forEach(function (type) { - var _ref6 = that.revivers[type] || [null, {}], - _ref7 = _slicedToArray(_ref6, 2), - plain = _ref7[1].plain; - - if (!plain) { - // reviveTypes.push({keypath, type}); - return; - } - - plainObjectTypes.push({ - keypath: keypath, - type: type - }); - delete types[keypath]; // Avoid repeating - }); - }); - - if (!plainObjectTypes.length) { - return undefined; - } // console.log(plainObjectTypes.sort(nestedPathsFirst)); - - /** - * @typedef {PlainObject} PlainObjectType - * @property {string} keypath - * @property {string} type - */ - - - return plainObjectTypes.sort(nestedPathsFirst).reduce(function reducer(possibleTypesonPromise, _ref8) { - var keypath = _ref8.keypath, - type = _ref8.type; - - if (isThenable(possibleTypesonPromise)) { - return possibleTypesonPromise.then(function (val) { - return reducer(val, { - keypath: keypath, - type: type - }); - }); - } // console.log('obj', JSON.stringify(keypath), obj); - - - var val = getByKeyPath(obj, keypath); - val = executeReviver(type, val); - - if (hasConstructorOf(val, TypesonPromise)) { - return val.then(function (v) { - var newVal = setAtKeyPath(obj, keypath, v); - - if (newVal === v) { - obj = newVal; - } - - return undefined; - }); - } - - var newVal = setAtKeyPath(obj, keypath, val); - - if (newVal === val) { - obj = newVal; - } - - return undefined; - }, undefined // This argument must be explicit - ); // references.forEach(({keypath, reference}) => {}); - // reviveTypes.sort(nestedPathsFirst).forEach(() => {}); - } - - var revivalPromises = []; - /** - * - * @param {string} keypath - * @param {Any} value - * @param {?(Array|object)} target - * @param {Array|object} [clone] - * @param {string} [key] - * @returns {Any} - */ - - function _revive(keypath, value, target, clone, key) { - if (ignore$Types && keypath === '$types') { - return undefined; - } - - var type = types[keypath]; - var isArr = isArray(value); - - if (isArr || isPlainObject(value)) { - var _clone = isArr ? new Array(value.length) : {}; // Iterate object or array - - - keys(value).forEach(function (k) { - var val = _revive(keypath + (keypath ? '.' : '') + escapeKeyPathComponent(k), value[k], target || _clone, _clone, k); - - var set = function set(v) { - if (hasConstructorOf(v, Undefined)) { - _clone[k] = undefined; - } else if (v !== undefined) { - _clone[k] = v; - } - - return v; - }; - - if (hasConstructorOf(val, TypesonPromise)) { - revivalPromises.push(val.then(function (ret) { - return set(ret); - })); - } else { - set(val); - } - }); - value = _clone; // Try to resolve cyclic reference as soon as available - - while (keyPathResolutions.length) { - var _keyPathResolutions$ = _slicedToArray(keyPathResolutions[0], 4), - _target = _keyPathResolutions$[0], - keyPath = _keyPathResolutions$[1], - _clone2 = _keyPathResolutions$[2], - k = _keyPathResolutions$[3]; - - var val = getByKeyPath(_target, keyPath); // Typeson.Undefined not expected here as not cyclic or - // `undefined` - - if (val !== undefined) { - _clone2[k] = val; - } else { - break; - } - - keyPathResolutions.splice(0, 1); - } - } - - if (!type) { - return value; - } - - if (type === '#') { - var _ret = getByKeyPath(target, value.slice(1)); - - if (_ret === undefined) { - // Cyclic reference not yet available - keyPathResolutions.push([target, value.slice(1), clone, key]); - } - - return _ret; - } // `type` can be an array here - - - return [].concat(type).reduce(function reducer(val, typ) { - if (hasConstructorOf(val, TypesonPromise)) { - return val.then(function (v) { - // TypesonPromise here too - return reducer(v, typ); - }); - } - - return executeReviver(typ, val); - }, value); - } - /** - * - * @param {Any} retrn - * @returns {undefined|Any} - */ - - - function checkUndefined(retrn) { - return hasConstructorOf(retrn, Undefined) ? undefined : retrn; - } - - var possibleTypesonPromise = revivePlainObjects(); - var ret; - - if (hasConstructorOf(possibleTypesonPromise, TypesonPromise)) { - ret = possibleTypesonPromise.then(function () { - return obj; - }); - } else { - ret = _revive('', obj, null); - - if (revivalPromises.length) { - // Ensure children resolved - ret = TypesonPromise.resolve(ret).then(function (r) { - return TypesonPromise.all([// May be a TypesonPromise or not - r].concat(revivalPromises)); - }).then(function (_ref9) { - var _ref10 = _slicedToArray(_ref9, 1), - r = _ref10[0]; - - return r; - }); - } - } - - return isThenable(ret) ? sync && opts.throwOnBadSyncType ? function () { - throw new TypeError('Sync method requested but async result obtained'); - }() : hasConstructorOf(ret, TypesonPromise) ? ret.p.then(checkUndefined) : ret : !sync && opts.throwOnBadSyncType ? function () { - throw new TypeError('Async method requested but sync result obtained'); - }() : sync ? checkUndefined(ret) : Promise.resolve(checkUndefined(ret)); - } - /** - * Also sync but throws on non-sync result. - * @param {Any} obj - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {Any} - */ - - }, { - key: "reviveSync", - value: function reviveSync(obj, opts) { - return this.revive(obj, _objectSpread2({ - throwOnBadSyncType: true - }, opts, { - sync: true - })); - } - /** - * @param {Any} obj - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {Promise} Resolves to `*` - */ - - }, { - key: "reviveAsync", - value: function reviveAsync(obj, opts) { - return this.revive(obj, _objectSpread2({ - throwOnBadSyncType: true - }, opts, { - sync: false - })); - } - /** - * Register types. - * For examples on how to use this method, see - * {@link}. - * @param {object.[]} typeSpecSets - Types and - * their functions [test, encapsulate, revive]; - * @param {object} opts - * @returns {Typeson} - */ - - }, { - key: "register", - value: function register(typeSpecSets, opts) { - opts = opts || {}; - [].concat(typeSpecSets).forEach(function R(typeSpec) { - var _this = this; - - // Allow arrays of arrays of arrays... - if (isArray(typeSpec)) { - return (typSpec) { - return, typSpec); - }); - } - - typeSpec && keys(typeSpec).forEach(function (typeId) { - if (typeId === '#') { - throw new TypeError('# cannot be used as a type name as it is reserved ' + 'for cyclic objects'); - } else if (Typeson.JSON_TYPES.includes(typeId)) { - throw new TypeError('Plain JSON object types are reserved as type names'); - } - - var spec = typeSpec[typeId]; - var replacers = spec && spec.testPlainObjects ? this.plainObjectReplacers : this.nonplainObjectReplacers; - var existingReplacer = replacers.filter(function (r) { - return r.type === typeId; - }); - - if (existingReplacer.length) { - // Remove existing spec and replace with this one. - replacers.splice(replacers.indexOf(existingReplacer[0]), 1); - delete this.revivers[typeId]; - delete this.types[typeId]; - } - - if (typeof spec === 'function') { - // Support registering just a class without replacer/reviver - var Class = spec; - spec = { - test: function test(x) { - return x && x.constructor === Class; - }, - replace: function replace(x) { - return _objectSpread2({}, x); - }, - revive: function revive(x) { - return Object.assign(Object.create(Class.prototype), x); - } - }; - } else if (isArray(spec)) { - var _spec = spec, - _spec2 = _slicedToArray(_spec, 3), - test = _spec2[0], - replace = _spec2[1], - revive = _spec2[2]; - - spec = { - test: test, - replace: replace, - revive: revive - }; - } - - if (!spec || !spec.test) { - return; - } - - var replacerObj = { - type: typeId, - test: spec.test.bind(spec) - }; - - if (spec.replace) { - replacerObj.replace = spec.replace.bind(spec); - } - - if (spec.replaceAsync) { - replacerObj.replaceAsync = spec.replaceAsync.bind(spec); - } - - var start = typeof opts.fallback === 'number' ? opts.fallback : opts.fallback ? 0 : Infinity; - - if (spec.testPlainObjects) { - this.plainObjectReplacers.splice(start, 0, replacerObj); - } else { - this.nonplainObjectReplacers.splice(start, 0, replacerObj); - } // Todo: We might consider a testAsync type - - - if (spec.revive || spec.reviveAsync) { - var reviverObj = {}; - - if (spec.revive) { - reviverObj.revive = spec.revive.bind(spec); - } - - if (spec.reviveAsync) { - reviverObj.reviveAsync = spec.reviveAsync.bind(spec); - } - - this.revivers[typeId] = [reviverObj, { - plain: spec.testPlainObjects - }]; - } // Record to be retrieved via public types property. - - - this.types[typeId] = spec; - }, this); - }, this); - return this; - } - }]); - - return Typeson; - }(); - /** - * We keep this function minimized so if using two instances of this - * library, where one is minimized and one is not, it will still work - * with `hasConstructorOf`. - * @class - */ - - - var Undefined = function Undefined() { - _classCallCheck(this, Undefined); - }; // eslint-disable-line space-before-blocks - - - Undefined.__typeson__type__ = 'TypesonUndefined'; // The following provide classes meant to avoid clashes with other values - // To insist `undefined` should be added - - Typeson.Undefined = Undefined; // To support async encapsulation/stringification - - Typeson.Promise = TypesonPromise; // Some fundamental type-checking utilities - - Typeson.isThenable = isThenable; - Typeson.toStringTag = toStringTag; - Typeson.hasConstructorOf = hasConstructorOf; - Typeson.isObject = isObject; - Typeson.isPlainObject = isPlainObject; - Typeson.isUserObject = isUserObject; - Typeson.escapeKeyPathComponent = escapeKeyPathComponent; - Typeson.unescapeKeyPathComponent = unescapeKeyPathComponent; - Typeson.getByKeyPath = getByKeyPath; - Typeson.getJSONType = getJSONType; - Typeson.JSON_TYPES = ['null', 'boolean', 'number', 'string', 'array', 'object']; - - return Typeson; - - }))); - }); - - var structuredCloning = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { - !function(e,t){module.exports=t();}(commonjsGlobal,(function(){function _typeof$1(e){return (_typeof$1="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(e){return typeof e}:function(e){return e&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol&&e!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof e})(e)}function _classCallCheck$1(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function _defineProperties$1(e,t){for(var r=0;re.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var r=0,n=new Array(t);re.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var r=0,n=new Array(t);r-1){var n=e[unescapeKeyPathComponent(t.slice(0,r))];return void 0===n?void 0:getByKeyPath(n,t.slice(r+1))}return e[unescapeKeyPathComponent(t)]}function setAtKeyPath(e,t,r){if(""===t)return r;var n=t.indexOf(".");return n>-1?setAtKeyPath(e[unescapeKeyPathComponent(t.slice(0,n))],t.slice(n+1),r):(e[unescapeKeyPathComponent(t)]=r,e)}function _await(e,t,r){return r?t?t(e):e:(e&&e.then||(e=Promise.resolve(e)),t?e.then(t):e)}var o=Object.keys,a=Array.isArray,c={}.hasOwnProperty,u=["type","replaced","iterateIn","iterateUnsetNumeric"];function _async(e){return function(){for(var t=[],r=0;rn?-1:rt.keypath}var s=function(){function Typeson(e){_classCallCheck(this,Typeson),this.options=e,this.plainObjectReplacers=[],this.nonplainObjectReplacers=[],this.revivers={},this.types={};}return function _createClass(e,t,r){return t&&_defineProperties(e.prototype,t),r&&_defineProperties(e,r),e}(Typeson,[{key:"stringify",value:function stringify(e,t,r,n){n=_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({},this.options),n),{},{stringification:!0});var i=this.encapsulate(e,null,n);return a(i)?JSON.stringify(i[0],t,r):i.then((function(e){return JSON.stringify(e,t,r)}))}},{key:"stringifySync",value:function stringifySync(e,t,r,n){return this.stringify(e,t,r,_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({throwOnBadSyncType:!0},n),{},{sync:!0}))}},{key:"stringifyAsync",value:function stringifyAsync(e,t,r,n){return this.stringify(e,t,r,_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({throwOnBadSyncType:!0},n),{},{sync:!1}))}},{key:"parse",value:function parse(e,t,r){return r=_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({},this.options),r),{},{parse:!0}),this.revive(JSON.parse(e,t),r)}},{key:"parseSync",value:function parseSync(e,t,r){return this.parse(e,t,_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({throwOnBadSyncType:!0},r),{},{sync:!0}))}},{key:"parseAsync",value:function parseAsync(e,t,r){return this.parse(e,t,_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({throwOnBadSyncType:!0},r),{},{sync:!1}))}},{key:"specialTypeNames",value:function specialTypeNames(e,t){var r=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:{};return r.returnTypeNames=!0,this.encapsulate(e,t,r)}},{key:"rootTypeName",value:function rootTypeName(e,t){var r=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:{};return r.iterateNone=!0,this.encapsulate(e,t,r)}},{key:"encapsulate",value:function encapsulate(t,r,n){var i=_async((function(t,r){return _await(Promise.all({return e[1].p}))),(function(n){return _await(Promise.all({var o=!1,a=[],c=_slicedToArray(r.splice(0,1),1),u=_slicedToArray(c[0],7),s=u[0],f=u[2],l=u[3],p=u[4],y=u[5],v=u[6],b=_encapsulate(s,n,f,l,a,!0,v),d=hasConstructorOf(b,e);return function _invoke(e,t){var r=e();return r&&r.then?r.then(t):t(r)}((function(){if(s&&d)return _await(b.p,(function(e){return p[y]=e,o=!0,i(t,a)}))}),(function(e){return o?e:(s?p[y]=b:t=d?b.p:b,i(t,a))}))})))),(function(){return t}))}))})),s=(n=_objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({sync:!0},this.options),n)).sync,f=this,l={},p=[],y=[],v=[],b=!("cyclic"in n)||n.cyclic,d=n.encapsulateObserver,h=_encapsulate("",t,b,r||{},v);function finish(e){var t=Object.values(l);if(n.iterateNone)return t.length?t[0]:Typeson.getJSONType(e);if(t.length){if(n.returnTypeNames)return _toConsumableArray(new Set(t));e&&isPlainObject(e)&&!,"$types")?e.$types=l:e={$:e,$types:{$:l}};}else isObject(e)&&,"$types")&&(e={$:e,$types:!0});return !n.returnTypeNames&&e}function _adaptBuiltinStateObjectProperties(e,t,r){Object.assign(e,t);var{var r=e[t];return delete e[t],r}));r(),u.forEach((function(t,r){e[t]=n[r];}));}function _encapsulate(t,r,i,u,s,v,b){var h,g={},m=_typeof(r),O=d?function(n){var o=b||u.type||Typeson.getJSONType(r);d(Object.assign(n||g,{keypath:t,value:r,cyclic:i,stateObj:u,promisesData:s,resolvingTypesonPromise:v,awaitingTypesonPromise:hasConstructorOf(r,e)},{type:o}));}:null;if(["string","boolean","number","undefined"].includes(m))return void 0===r||Number.isNaN(r)||r===Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY||r===Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY?(h=u.replaced?r:replace(t,r,u,s,!1,v,O))!==r&&(g={replaced:h}):h=r,O&&O(),h;if(null===r)return O&&O(),r;if(i&&!u.iterateIn&&!u.iterateUnsetNumeric&&r&&"object"===_typeof(r)){var _=p.indexOf(r);if(!(_<0))return l[t]="#",O&&O({cyclicKeypath:y[_]}),"#"+y[_];!0===i&&(p.push(r),y.push(t));}var j,S=isPlainObject(r),T=a(r),w=(S||T)&&(!f.plainObjectReplacers.length||u.replaced)||u.iterateIn?r:replace(t,r,u,s,S||T,null,O);if(w!==r?(h=w,g={replaced:w}):""===t&&hasConstructorOf(r,e)?(s.push([t,r,i,u,void 0,void 0,u.type]),h=r):T&&"object"!==u.iterateIn||"array"===u.iterateIn?(j=new Array(r.length),g={clone:j}):(["function","symbol"].includes(_typeof(r))||"toJSON"in r||hasConstructorOf(r,e)||hasConstructorOf(r,Promise)||hasConstructorOf(r,ArrayBuffer))&&!S&&"object"!==u.iterateIn?h=r:(j={},u.addLength&&(j.length=r.length),g={clone:j}),O&&O(),n.iterateNone)return j||h;if(!j)return h;if(u.iterateIn){var A=function _loop(n){var o={,n)};_adaptBuiltinStateObjectProperties(u,o,(function(){var o=t+(t?".":"")+escapeKeyPathComponent(n),a=_encapsulate(o,r[n],Boolean(i),u,s,v);hasConstructorOf(a,e)?s.push([o,a,Boolean(i),u,j,n,u.type]):void 0!==a&&(j[n]=a);}));};for(var P in r)A(P);O&&O({endIterateIn:!0,end:!0});}else o(r).forEach((function(n){var o=t+(t?".":"")+escapeKeyPathComponent(n);_adaptBuiltinStateObjectProperties(u,{ownKeys:!0},(function(){var t=_encapsulate(o,r[n],Boolean(i),u,s,v);hasConstructorOf(t,e)?s.push([o,t,Boolean(i),u,j,n,u.type]):void 0!==t&&(j[n]=t);}));})),O&&O({endIterateOwn:!0,end:!0});if(u.iterateUnsetNumeric){for(var I=r.length,C=function _loop2(n){if(!(n in r)){var o=t+(t?".":"")+n;_adaptBuiltinStateObjectProperties(u,{ownKeys:!1},(function(){var t=_encapsulate(o,void 0,Boolean(i),u,s,v);hasConstructorOf(t,e)?s.push([o,t,Boolean(i),u,j,n,u.type]):void 0!==t&&(j[n]=t);}));}},N=0;N>2],o+=O[(3&n[a])<<4|n[a+1]>>4],o+=O[(15&n[a+1])<<2|n[a+2]>>6],o+=O[63&n[a+2]];return i%3==2?o=o.slice(0,-1)+"=":i%3==1&&(o=o.slice(0,-2)+"=="),o},T=function decode(e){var t,r,n,i,o=e.length,a=.75*e.length,c=0;"="===e[e.length-1]&&(a--,"="===e[e.length-2]&&a--);for(var u=new ArrayBuffer(a),s=new Uint8Array(u),f=0;f>4,s[c++]=(15&r)<<4|n>>2,s[c++]=(3&n)<<6|63&i;return u},w={arraybuffer:{test:function test(e){return "ArrayBuffer"===s.toStringTag(e)},replace:function replace(e,t){t.buffers||(t.buffers=[]);var r=t.buffers.indexOf(e);return r>-1?{index:r}:(t.buffers.push(e),S(e))},revive:function revive(e,t){if(t.buffers||(t.buffers=[]),"object"===_typeof$1(e))return t.buffers[e.index];var r=T(e);return t.buffers.push(r),r}}},A="undefined"==typeof self?commonjsGlobal:self,P={};["Int8Array","Uint8Array","Uint8ClampedArray","Int16Array","Uint16Array","Int32Array","Uint32Array","Float32Array","Float64Array"].forEach((function(e){var t=e,r=A[t];r&&(P[e.toLowerCase()]={test:function test(e){return s.toStringTag(e)===t},replace:function replace(e,t){var r=e.buffer,n=e.byteOffset,i=e.length;t.buffers||(t.buffers=[]);var o=t.buffers.indexOf(r);return o>-1?{index:o,byteOffset:n,length:i}:(t.buffers.push(r),{encoded:S(r),byteOffset:n,length:i})},revive:function revive(e,t){t.buffers||(t.buffers=[]);var n,i=e.byteOffset,o=e.length,a=e.encoded,c=e.index;return "index"in e?n=t.buffers[c]:(n=T(a),t.buffers.push(n)),new r(n,i,o)}});}));var I={dataview:{test:function test(e){return "DataView"===s.toStringTag(e)},replace:function replace(e,t){var r=e.buffer,n=e.byteOffset,i=e.byteLength;t.buffers||(t.buffers=[]);var o=t.buffers.indexOf(r);return o>-1?{index:o,byteOffset:n,byteLength:i}:(t.buffers.push(r),{encoded:S(r),byteOffset:n,byteLength:i})},revive:function revive(e,t){t.buffers||(t.buffers=[]);var r,n=e.byteOffset,i=e.byteLength,o=e.encoded,a=e.index;return "index"in e?r=t.buffers[a]:(r=T(o),t.buffers.push(r)),new DataView(r,n,i)}}},C={IntlCollator:{test:function test(e){return s.hasConstructorOf(e,Intl.Collator)},replace:function replace(e){return e.resolvedOptions()},revive:function revive(e){return new Intl.Collator(e.locale,e)}},IntlDateTimeFormat:{test:function test(e){return s.hasConstructorOf(e,Intl.DateTimeFormat)},replace:function replace(e){return e.resolvedOptions()},revive:function revive(e){return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(e.locale,e)}},IntlNumberFormat:{test:function test(e){return s.hasConstructorOf(e,Intl.NumberFormat)},replace:function replace(e){return e.resolvedOptions()},revive:function revive(e){return new Intl.NumberFormat(e.locale,e)}}};function string2arraybuffer(e){for(var t=new Uint8Array(e.length),r=0;r> 2]; - base64 += chars[(bytes[_i] & 3) << 4 | bytes[_i + 1] >> 4]; - base64 += chars[(bytes[_i + 1] & 15) << 2 | bytes[_i + 2] >> 6]; - base64 += chars[bytes[_i + 2] & 63]; - } - - if (len % 3 === 2) { - base64 = base64.slice(0, -1) + '='; - } else if (len % 3 === 1) { - base64 = base64.slice(0, -2) + '=='; - } - - return base64; - }; - /** - * @param {string} base64 - * @returns {ArrayBuffer} - */ - - var decode = function decode(base64) { - var len = base64.length; - var bufferLength = base64.length * 0.75; - var p = 0; - var encoded1, encoded2, encoded3, encoded4; - - if (base64[base64.length - 1] === '=') { - bufferLength--; - - if (base64[base64.length - 2] === '=') { - bufferLength--; - } - } - - var arraybuffer = new ArrayBuffer(bufferLength), - bytes = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer); - - for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < len; _i2 += 4) { - encoded1 = lookup[base64.codePointAt(_i2)]; - encoded2 = lookup[base64.codePointAt(_i2 + 1)]; - encoded3 = lookup[base64.codePointAt(_i2 + 2)]; - encoded4 = lookup[base64.codePointAt(_i2 + 3)]; - bytes[p++] = encoded1 << 2 | encoded2 >> 4; - bytes[p++] = (encoded2 & 15) << 4 | encoded3 >> 2; - bytes[p++] = (encoded3 & 3) << 6 | encoded4 & 63; - } - - return arraybuffer; - }; - - /* eslint-env browser, node */ - var _global = typeof self === 'undefined' ? global : self; - var exportObj = {}; - [ - 'Int8Array', - 'Uint8Array', - 'Uint8ClampedArray', - 'Int16Array', - 'Uint16Array', - 'Int32Array', - 'Uint32Array', - 'Float32Array', - 'Float64Array' - ].forEach(function (typeName) { - var arrType = typeName; - var TypedArray = _global[arrType]; - if (TypedArray) { - exportObj[typeName.toLowerCase() + "2"] = { - test: function (x) { return typeson.toStringTag(x) === arrType; }, - replace: function (_a) { - var buffer = _a.buffer, byteOffset = _a.byteOffset, length = _a.length; - return { - buffer: buffer, - byteOffset: byteOffset, - length: length - }; - }, - revive: function (b64Obj) { - var buffer = b64Obj.buffer, byteOffset = b64Obj.byteOffset, length = b64Obj.length; - return new TypedArray(buffer, byteOffset, length); - } - }; - } - }); - - var arrayBuffer = { - arraybuffer: { - test: function (x) { return typeson.toStringTag(x) === 'ArrayBuffer'; }, - replace: function (b) { - return encode(b, 0, b.byteLength); - }, - revive: function (b64) { - var buffer = decode(b64); - return buffer; - } - } - }; - // See also typed-arrays! - - var TSON = new typeson().register(structuredCloning); - var readBlobsSynchronously = 'FileReaderSync' in self; // true in workers only. - var blobsToAwait = []; - var blobsToAwaitPos = 0; - // Need to patch encapsulateAsync as it does not work as of typeson 5.8.2 - // Also, current version of typespn-registry-1.0.0-alpha.21 does not - // encapsulate/revive Blobs correctly (fails one of the unit tests in - // this library (test 'export-format')) - TSON.register([ - arrayBuffer, - exportObj, { - blob2: { - test: function (x) { return typeson.toStringTag(x) === 'Blob'; }, - replace: function (b) { - if (b.isClosed) { // On MDN, but not in - throw new Error('The Blob is closed'); - } - if (readBlobsSynchronously) { - var data = readBlobSync(b, 'binary'); - var base64 = encode(data, 0, data.byteLength); - return { - type: b.type, - data: base64 - }; - } - else { - blobsToAwait.push(b); // This will also make TSON.mustFinalize() return true. - var result = { - type: b.type, - data: { start: blobsToAwaitPos, end: blobsToAwaitPos + b.size } - }; - blobsToAwaitPos += b.size; - return result; - } - }, - finalize: function (b, ba) { - = encode(ba, 0, ba.byteLength); - }, - revive: function (_a) { - var type = _a.type, data =; - return new Blob([decode(data)], { type: type }); - } - } - } - ]); - TSON.mustFinalize = function () { return blobsToAwait.length > 0; }; - TSON.finalize = function (items) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () { - var allChunks, _i, items_1, item, types, arrayType, keyPath, typeName, typeSpec, b; - return __generator(this, function (_a) { - switch (_a.label) { - case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, readBlobAsync(new Blob(blobsToAwait), 'binary')]; - case 1: - allChunks = _a.sent(); - if (items) { - for (_i = 0, items_1 = items; _i < items_1.length; _i++) { - item = items_1[_i]; - // Manually go through all "blob" types in the result - // and lookup the data slice they point at. - if (item.$types) { - types = item.$types; - arrayType = types.$; - if (arrayType) - types = types.$; - for (keyPath in types) { - typeName = types[keyPath]; - typeSpec = TSON.types[typeName]; - if (typeSpec && typeSpec.finalize) { - b = Dexie__default["default"].getByKeyPath(item, arrayType ? "$." + keyPath : keyPath); - typeSpec.finalize(b, allChunks.slice(b.start, b.end)); - } - } - } - } - } - // Free up memory - blobsToAwait = []; - return [2 /*return*/]; - } - }); - }); }; - - var DEFAULT_ROWS_PER_CHUNK = 2000; - function exportDB(db, options) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { - function exportAll() { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { - var tablesRowCounts, emptyExportJson, posEndDataArray, firstJsonSlice, filter, _loop_1, _i, tables_1, tableName; - return __generator(this, function (_a) { - switch (_a.label) { - case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, Promise.all( (table) { return table.count(); }))]; - case 1: - tablesRowCounts = _a.sent(); - tablesRowCounts.forEach(function (rowCount, i) { return tables[i].rowCount = rowCount; }); - progress.totalRows = tablesRowCounts.reduce(function (p, c) { return p + c; }); - emptyExportJson = JSON.stringify(emptyExport, undefined, prettyJson ? 2 : undefined); - posEndDataArray = emptyExportJson.lastIndexOf(']'); - firstJsonSlice = emptyExportJson.substring(0, posEndDataArray); - slices.push(firstJsonSlice); - filter = options.filter; - _loop_1 = function (tableName) { - var table, primKey, inbound, LIMIT, emptyTableExport, emptyTableExportJson, posEndRowsArray, lastKey, lastNumRows, mayHaveMoreRows, _loop_2, state_1; - return __generator(this, function (_b) { - switch (_b.label) { - case 0: - table = db.table(tableName); - primKey = table.schema.primKey; - inbound = !!primKey.keyPath; - LIMIT = options.numRowsPerChunk || DEFAULT_ROWS_PER_CHUNK; - emptyTableExport = inbound ? { - tableName:, - inbound: true, - rows: [] - } : { - tableName:, - inbound: false, - rows: [] - }; - emptyTableExportJson = JSON.stringify(emptyTableExport, undefined, prettyJson ? 2 : undefined); - if (prettyJson) { - // Increase indentation according to this: - // { - // ... - // data: [ - // ... - // data: [ - // 123456<---- here - // ] - // ] - // } - emptyTableExportJson = emptyTableExportJson.split('\n').join('\n '); - } - posEndRowsArray = emptyTableExportJson.lastIndexOf(']'); - slices.push(emptyTableExportJson.substring(0, posEndRowsArray)); - lastKey = null; - lastNumRows = 0; - mayHaveMoreRows = true; - _loop_2 = function () { - var chunkedCollection, values, filteredValues, tsonValues, json, keys, keyvals, tsonTuples, json; - return __generator(this, function (_c) { - switch (_c.label) { - case 0: - if (progressCallback) { - // Keep ongoing transaction private - Dexie__default["default"].ignoreTransaction(function () { return progressCallback(progress); }); - } - chunkedCollection = lastKey == null ? - table.limit(LIMIT) : - table.where(':id').above(lastKey).limit(LIMIT); - return [4 /*yield*/, chunkedCollection.toArray()]; - case 1: - values = _c.sent(); - if (values.length === 0) - return [2 /*return*/, "break"]; - if (lastKey != null && lastNumRows > 0) { - // Not initial chunk. Must add a comma: - slices.push(","); - if (prettyJson) { - slices.push("\n "); - } - } - mayHaveMoreRows = values.length === LIMIT; - if (!inbound) return [3 /*break*/, 4]; - filteredValues = filter ? - values.filter(function (value) { return filter(tableName, value); }) : - values; - tsonValues = (value) { return TSON.encapsulate(value); }); - if (!TSON.mustFinalize()) return [3 /*break*/, 3]; - return [4 /*yield*/, Dexie__default["default"].waitFor(TSON.finalize(tsonValues))]; - case 2: - _c.sent(); - _c.label = 3; - case 3: - json = JSON.stringify(tsonValues, undefined, prettyJson ? 2 : undefined); - if (prettyJson) - json = json.split('\n').join('\n '); - // By generating a blob here, we give web platform the opportunity to store the contents - // on disk and release RAM. - slices.push(new Blob([json.substring(1, json.length - 1)])); - lastNumRows = filteredValues.length; - lastKey = values.length > 0 ? - Dexie__default["default"].getByKeyPath(values[values.length - 1], primKey.keyPath) : - null; - return [3 /*break*/, 8]; - case 4: return [4 /*yield*/, chunkedCollection.primaryKeys()]; - case 5: - keys = _c.sent(); - keyvals = (key, i) { return [key, values[i]]; }); - if (filter) - keyvals = keyvals.filter(function (_a) { - var key = _a[0], value = _a[1]; - return filter(tableName, value, key); - }); - tsonTuples = (tuple) { return TSON.encapsulate(tuple); }); - if (!TSON.mustFinalize()) return [3 /*break*/, 7]; - return [4 /*yield*/, Dexie__default["default"].waitFor(TSON.finalize(tsonTuples))]; - case 6: - _c.sent(); - _c.label = 7; - case 7: - json = JSON.stringify(tsonTuples, undefined, prettyJson ? 2 : undefined); - if (prettyJson) - json = json.split('\n').join('\n '); - // By generating a blob here, we give web platform the opportunity to store the contents - // on disk and release RAM. - slices.push(new Blob([json.substring(1, json.length - 1)])); - lastNumRows = keyvals.length; - lastKey = keys.length > 0 ? - keys[keys.length - 1] : - null; - _c.label = 8; - case 8: - progress.completedRows += values.length; - return [2 /*return*/]; - } - }); - }; - _b.label = 1; - case 1: - if (!mayHaveMoreRows) return [3 /*break*/, 3]; - return [5 /*yield**/, _loop_2()]; - case 2: - state_1 = _b.sent(); - if (state_1 === "break") - return [3 /*break*/, 3]; - return [3 /*break*/, 1]; - case 3: - slices.push(emptyTableExportJson.substr(posEndRowsArray)); // "]}" - progress.completedTables += 1; - if (progress.completedTables < progress.totalTables) { - slices.push(","); - } - return [2 /*return*/]; - } - }); - }; - _i = 0, tables_1 = tables; - _a.label = 2; - case 2: - if (!(_i < tables_1.length)) return [3 /*break*/, 5]; - tableName = tables_1[_i].name; - return [5 /*yield**/, _loop_1(tableName)]; - case 3: - _a.sent(); - _a.label = 4; - case 4: - _i++; - return [3 /*break*/, 2]; - case 5: - slices.push(emptyExportJson.substr(posEndDataArray)); - progress.done = true; - if (progressCallback) { - // Keep ongoing transaction private - Dexie__default["default"].ignoreTransaction(function () { return progressCallback(progress); }); - } - return [2 /*return*/]; - } - }); - }); - } - var slices, tables, prettyJson, emptyExport, progressCallback, progress; - return __generator(this, function (_a) { - switch (_a.label) { - case 0: - options = options || {}; - slices = []; - tables = (table) { return ({ - name:, - schema: getSchemaString(table), - rowCount: 0 - }); }); - prettyJson = options.prettyJson; - emptyExport = { - formatName: "dexie", - formatVersion: 1, - data: { - databaseName:, - databaseVersion: db.verno, - tables: tables, - data: [] - } - }; - progressCallback = options.progressCallback; - progress = { - done: false, - completedRows: 0, - completedTables: 0, - totalRows: NaN, - totalTables: db.tables.length - }; - _a.label = 1; - case 1: - _a.trys.push([1, , 6, 7]); - if (!options.noTransaction) return [3 /*break*/, 3]; - return [4 /*yield*/, exportAll()]; - case 2: - _a.sent(); - return [3 /*break*/, 5]; - case 3: return [4 /*yield*/, db.transaction('r', db.tables, exportAll)]; - case 4: - _a.sent(); - _a.label = 5; - case 5: return [3 /*break*/, 7]; - case 6: - TSON.finalize(); // Free up mem if error has occurred - return [7 /*endfinally*/]; - case 7: return [2 /*return*/, new Blob(slices, { type: "text/json" })]; - } - }); - }); - } - - var VERSION = 1; - - var fakeStream = {Stream: function(){}}; - - var clarinet_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { - (function (clarinet) { - - // non node-js needs to set clarinet debug on root - var env =(typeof process === 'object' && process.env) - ? process.env - : self; - - clarinet.parser = function (opt) { return new CParser(opt);}; - clarinet.CParser = CParser; - clarinet.CStream = CStream; - clarinet.createStream = createStream; - clarinet.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH = 10 * 1024 * 1024; - clarinet.DEBUG = (env.CDEBUG==='debug'); - clarinet.INFO = (env.CDEBUG==='debug' || env.CDEBUG==='info'); - clarinet.EVENTS = - [ "value" - , "string" - , "key" - , "openobject" - , "closeobject" - , "openarray" - , "closearray" - , "error" - , "end" - , "ready" - ]; - - var buffers = { - textNode: undefined, - numberNode: "" - } - , streamWraps = clarinet.EVENTS.filter(function (ev) { - return ev !== "error" && ev !== "end"; - }) - , S = 0 - , Stream - ; - - clarinet.STATE = - { BEGIN : S++ - , VALUE : S++ // general stuff - , OPEN_OBJECT : S++ // { - , CLOSE_OBJECT : S++ // } - , OPEN_ARRAY : S++ // [ - , CLOSE_ARRAY : S++ // ] - , TEXT_ESCAPE : S++ // \ stuff - , STRING : S++ // "" - , BACKSLASH : S++ - , END : S++ // No more stack - , OPEN_KEY : S++ // , "a" - , CLOSE_KEY : S++ // : - , TRUE : S++ // r - , TRUE2 : S++ // u - , TRUE3 : S++ // e - , FALSE : S++ // a - , FALSE2 : S++ // l - , FALSE3 : S++ // s - , FALSE4 : S++ // e - , NULL : S++ // u - , NULL2 : S++ // l - , NULL3 : S++ // l - , NUMBER_DECIMAL_POINT : S++ // . - , NUMBER_DIGIT : S++ // [0-9] - }; - - for (var s_ in clarinet.STATE) clarinet.STATE[clarinet.STATE[s_]] = s_; - - // switcharoo - S = clarinet.STATE; - - const Char = { - tab : 0x09, // \t - lineFeed : 0x0A, // \n - carriageReturn : 0x0D, // \r - space : 0x20, // " " - - doubleQuote : 0x22, // " - plus : 0x2B, // + - comma : 0x2C, // , - minus : 0x2D, // - - period : 0x2E, // . - - _0 : 0x30, // 0 - _9 : 0x39, // 9 - - colon : 0x3A, // : - - E : 0x45, // E - - openBracket : 0x5B, // [ - backslash : 0x5C, // \ - closeBracket : 0x5D, // ] - - a : 0x61, // a - b : 0x62, // b - e : 0x65, // e - f : 0x66, // f - l : 0x6C, // l - n : 0x6E, // n - r : 0x72, // r - s : 0x73, // s - t : 0x74, // t - u : 0x75, // u - - openBrace : 0x7B, // { - closeBrace : 0x7D, // } - }; - - if (!Object.create) { - Object.create = function (o) { - function f () { this["__proto__"] = o; } - f.prototype = o; - return new f; - }; - } - - if (!Object.getPrototypeOf) { - Object.getPrototypeOf = function (o) { - return o["__proto__"]; - }; - } - - if (!Object.keys) { - Object.keys = function (o) { - var a = []; - for (var i in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) a.push(i); - return a; - }; - } - - function checkBufferLength (parser) { - var maxAllowed = Math.max(clarinet.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH, 10) - , maxActual = 0 - ; - for (var buffer in buffers) { - var len = parser[buffer] === undefined ? 0 : parser[buffer].length; - if (len > maxAllowed) { - switch (buffer) { - case "text": - closeText(parser); - break; - - default: - error(parser, "Max buffer length exceeded: "+ buffer); - } - } - maxActual = Math.max(maxActual, len); - } - parser.bufferCheckPosition = (clarinet.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH - maxActual) - + parser.position; - } - - function clearBuffers (parser) { - for (var buffer in buffers) { - parser[buffer] = buffers[buffer]; - } - } - - var stringTokenPattern = /[\\"\n]/g; - - function CParser (opt) { - if (!(this instanceof CParser)) return new CParser (opt); - - var parser = this; - clearBuffers(parser); - parser.bufferCheckPosition = clarinet.MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH; - parser.q = parser.c = parser.p = ""; - parser.opt = opt || {}; - parser.closed = parser.closedRoot = parser.sawRoot = false; - parser.tag = parser.error = null; - parser.state = S.BEGIN; - parser.stack = new Array(); - // mostly just for error reporting - parser.position = parser.column = 0; - parser.line = 1; - parser.slashed = false; - parser.unicodeI = 0; - parser.unicodeS = null; - parser.depth = 0; - emit(parser, "onready"); - } - - CParser.prototype = - { end : function () { end(this); } - , write : write - , resume : function () { this.error = null; return this; } - , close : function () { return this.write(null); } - }; - - try { Stream = fakeStream.Stream; } - catch (ex) { Stream = function () {}; } - - function createStream (opt) { return new CStream(opt); } - - function CStream (opt) { - if (!(this instanceof CStream)) return new CStream(opt); - - this._parser = new CParser(opt); - this.writable = true; - this.readable = true; - - //var Buffer = this.Buffer || function Buffer () {}; // if we don't have Buffers, fake it so we can do `var instanceof Buffer` and not throw an error - this.bytes_remaining = 0; // number of bytes remaining in multi byte utf8 char to read after split boundary - this.bytes_in_sequence = 0; // bytes in multi byte utf8 char to read - this.temp_buffs = { "2": new Buffer(2), "3": new Buffer(3), "4": new Buffer(4) }; // for rebuilding chars split before boundary is reached - this.string = ''; - - var me = this; - Stream.apply(me); - - this._parser.onend = function () { me.emit("end"); }; - this._parser.onerror = function (er) { - me.emit("error", er); - me._parser.error = null; - }; - - streamWraps.forEach(function (ev) { - Object.defineProperty(me, "on" + ev, - { get : function () { return me._parser["on" + ev]; } - , set : function (h) { - if (!h) { - me.removeAllListeners(ev); - me._parser["on"+ev] = h; - return h; - } - me.on(ev, h); - } - , enumerable : true - , configurable : false - }); - }); - } - - CStream.prototype = Object.create(Stream.prototype, - { constructor: { value: CStream } }); - - CStream.prototype.write = function (data) { - data = new Buffer(data); - for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { - var n = data[i]; - - // check for carry over of a multi byte char split between data chunks - // & fill temp buffer it with start of this data chunk up to the boundary limit set in the last iteration - if (this.bytes_remaining > 0) { - for (var j = 0; j < this.bytes_remaining; j++) { - this.temp_buffs[this.bytes_in_sequence][this.bytes_in_sequence - this.bytes_remaining + j] = data[j]; - } - this.string = this.temp_buffs[this.bytes_in_sequence].toString(); - this.bytes_in_sequence = this.bytes_remaining = 0; - - // move iterator forward by number of byte read during sequencing - i = i + j - 1; - - // pass data to parser and move forward to parse rest of data - this._parser.write(this.string); - this.emit("data", this.string); - continue; - } - - // if no remainder bytes carried over, parse multi byte (>=128) chars one at a time - if (this.bytes_remaining === 0 && n >= 128) { - if ((n >= 194) && (n <= 223)) this.bytes_in_sequence = 2; - if ((n >= 224) && (n <= 239)) this.bytes_in_sequence = 3; - if ((n >= 240) && (n <= 244)) this.bytes_in_sequence = 4; - if ((this.bytes_in_sequence + i) > data.length) { // if bytes needed to complete char fall outside data length, we have a boundary split - - for (var k = 0; k <= (data.length - 1 - i); k++) { - this.temp_buffs[this.bytes_in_sequence][k] = data[i + k]; // fill temp data of correct size with bytes available in this chunk - } - this.bytes_remaining = (i + this.bytes_in_sequence) - data.length; - - // immediately return as we need another chunk to sequence the character - return true; - } else { - this.string = data.slice(i, (i + this.bytes_in_sequence)).toString(); - i = i + this.bytes_in_sequence - 1; - - this._parser.write(this.string); - this.emit("data", this.string); - continue; - } - } - - // is there a range of characters that are immediately parsable? - for (var p = i; p < data.length; p++) { - if (data[p] >= 128) break; - } - this.string = data.slice(i, p).toString(); - this._parser.write(this.string); - this.emit("data", this.string); - i = p - 1; - - // handle any remaining characters using multibyte logic - continue; - } - }; - - CStream.prototype.end = function (chunk) { - if (chunk && chunk.length) this._parser.write(chunk.toString()); - this._parser.end(); - return true; - }; - - CStream.prototype.on = function (ev, handler) { - var me = this; - if (!me._parser["on"+ev] && streamWraps.indexOf(ev) !== -1) { - me._parser["on"+ev] = function () { - var args = arguments.length === 1 ? [arguments[0]] - : Array.apply(null, arguments); - args.splice(0, 0, ev); - me.emit.apply(me, args); - }; - } - return, ev, handler); - }; - - CStream.prototype.destroy = function () { - clearBuffers(this._parser); - this.emit("close"); - }; - - function emit(parser, event, data) { - if(clarinet.INFO) console.log('-- emit', event, data); - if (parser[event]) parser[event](data); - } - - function emitNode(parser, event, data) { - closeValue(parser); - emit(parser, event, data); - } - - function closeValue(parser, event) { - parser.textNode = textopts(parser.opt, parser.textNode); - if (parser.textNode !== undefined) { - emit(parser, (event ? event : "onvalue"), parser.textNode); - } - parser.textNode = undefined; - } - - function closeNumber(parser) { - if (parser.numberNode) - emit(parser, "onvalue", parseFloat(parser.numberNode)); - parser.numberNode = ""; - } - - function textopts (opt, text) { - if (text === undefined) { - return text; - } - if (opt.trim) text = text.trim(); - if (opt.normalize) text = text.replace(/\s+/g, " "); - return text; - } - - function error (parser, er) { - closeValue(parser); - er += "\nLine: "+parser.line+ - "\nColumn: "+parser.column+ - "\nChar: "+parser.c; - er = new Error(er); - parser.error = er; - emit(parser, "onerror", er); - return parser; - } - - function end(parser) { - if (parser.state !== S.VALUE || parser.depth !== 0) - error(parser, "Unexpected end"); - - closeValue(parser); - parser.c = ""; - parser.closed = true; - emit(parser, "onend"); -, parser.opt); - return parser; - } - - function isWhitespace(c) { - return c === Char.carriageReturn || c === Char.lineFeed || c === || c ===; - } - - function write (chunk) { - var parser = this; - if (this.error) throw this.error; - if (parser.closed) return error(parser, - "Cannot write after close. Assign an onready handler."); - if (chunk === null) return end(parser); - var i = 0, c = chunk.charCodeAt(0), p = parser.p; - if (clarinet.DEBUG) console.log('write -> [' + chunk + ']'); - while (c) { - p = c; - parser.c = c = chunk.charCodeAt(i++); - // if chunk doesnt have next, like streaming char by char - // this way we need to check if previous is really previous - // if not we need to reset to what the parser says is the previous - // from buffer - if(p !== c ) parser.p = p; - else p = parser.p; - - if(!c) break; - - if (clarinet.DEBUG) console.log(i,c,clarinet.STATE[parser.state]); - parser.position ++; - if (c === Char.lineFeed) { - parser.line ++; - parser.column = 0; - } else parser.column ++; - switch (parser.state) { - - case S.BEGIN: - if (c === Char.openBrace) parser.state = S.OPEN_OBJECT; - else if (c === Char.openBracket) parser.state = S.OPEN_ARRAY; - else if (!isWhitespace(c)) - error(parser, "Non-whitespace before {[."); - continue; - - case S.OPEN_KEY: - case S.OPEN_OBJECT: - if (isWhitespace(c)) continue; - if(parser.state === S.OPEN_KEY) parser.stack.push(S.CLOSE_KEY); - else { - if(c === Char.closeBrace) { - emit(parser, 'onopenobject'); - this.depth++; - emit(parser, 'oncloseobject'); - this.depth--; - parser.state = parser.stack.pop() || S.VALUE; - continue; - } else parser.stack.push(S.CLOSE_OBJECT); - } - if(c === Char.doubleQuote) parser.state = S.STRING; - else error(parser, "Malformed object key should start with \""); - continue; - - case S.CLOSE_KEY: - case S.CLOSE_OBJECT: - if (isWhitespace(c)) continue; - (parser.state === S.CLOSE_KEY) ? 'key' : 'object'; - if(c === Char.colon) { - if(parser.state === S.CLOSE_OBJECT) { - parser.stack.push(S.CLOSE_OBJECT); - closeValue(parser, 'onopenobject'); - this.depth++; - } else closeValue(parser, 'onkey'); - parser.state = S.VALUE; - } else if (c === Char.closeBrace) { - emitNode(parser, 'oncloseobject'); - this.depth--; - parser.state = parser.stack.pop() || S.VALUE; - } else if(c === Char.comma) { - if(parser.state === S.CLOSE_OBJECT) - parser.stack.push(S.CLOSE_OBJECT); - closeValue(parser); - parser.state = S.OPEN_KEY; - } else error(parser, 'Bad object'); - continue; - - case S.OPEN_ARRAY: // after an array there always a value - case S.VALUE: - if (isWhitespace(c)) continue; - if(parser.state===S.OPEN_ARRAY) { - emit(parser, 'onopenarray'); - this.depth++; - parser.state = S.VALUE; - if(c === Char.closeBracket) { - emit(parser, 'onclosearray'); - this.depth--; - parser.state = parser.stack.pop() || S.VALUE; - continue; - } else { - parser.stack.push(S.CLOSE_ARRAY); - } - } - if(c === Char.doubleQuote) parser.state = S.STRING; - else if(c === Char.openBrace) parser.state = S.OPEN_OBJECT; - else if(c === Char.openBracket) parser.state = S.OPEN_ARRAY; - else if(c === Char.t) parser.state = S.TRUE; - else if(c === Char.f) parser.state = S.FALSE; - else if(c === Char.n) parser.state = S.NULL; - else if(c === Char.minus) { // keep and continue - parser.numberNode += "-"; - } else if(Char._0 <= c && c <= Char._9) { - parser.numberNode += String.fromCharCode(c); - parser.state = S.NUMBER_DIGIT; - } else error(parser, "Bad value"); - continue; - - case S.CLOSE_ARRAY: - if(c === Char.comma) { - parser.stack.push(S.CLOSE_ARRAY); - closeValue(parser, 'onvalue'); - parser.state = S.VALUE; - } else if (c === Char.closeBracket) { - emitNode(parser, 'onclosearray'); - this.depth--; - parser.state = parser.stack.pop() || S.VALUE; - } else if (isWhitespace(c)) - continue; - else error(parser, 'Bad array'); - continue; - - case S.STRING: - if (parser.textNode === undefined) { - parser.textNode = ""; - } - - // thanks thejh, this is an about 50% performance improvement. - var starti = i-1 - , slashed = parser.slashed - , unicodeI = parser.unicodeI - ; - STRING_BIGLOOP: while (true) { - if (clarinet.DEBUG) - console.log(i,c,clarinet.STATE[parser.state] - ,slashed); - // zero means "no unicode active". 1-4 mean "parse some more". end after 4. - while (unicodeI > 0) { - parser.unicodeS += String.fromCharCode(c); - c = chunk.charCodeAt(i++); - parser.position++; - if (unicodeI === 4) { - // TODO this might be slow? well, probably not used too often anyway - parser.textNode += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(parser.unicodeS, 16)); - unicodeI = 0; - starti = i-1; - } else { - unicodeI++; - } - // we can just break here: no stuff we skipped that still has to be sliced out or so - if (!c) break STRING_BIGLOOP; - } - if (c === Char.doubleQuote && !slashed) { - parser.state = parser.stack.pop() || S.VALUE; - parser.textNode += chunk.substring(starti, i-1); - parser.position += i - 1 - starti; - break; - } - if (c === Char.backslash && !slashed) { - slashed = true; - parser.textNode += chunk.substring(starti, i-1); - parser.position += i - 1 - starti; - c = chunk.charCodeAt(i++); - parser.position++; - if (!c) break; - } - if (slashed) { - slashed = false; - if (c === Char.n) { parser.textNode += '\n'; } - else if (c === Char.r) { parser.textNode += '\r'; } - else if (c === Char.t) { parser.textNode += '\t'; } - else if (c === Char.f) { parser.textNode += '\f'; } - else if (c === Char.b) { parser.textNode += '\b'; } - else if (c === Char.u) { - // \uxxxx. meh! - unicodeI = 1; - parser.unicodeS = ''; - } else { - parser.textNode += String.fromCharCode(c); - } - c = chunk.charCodeAt(i++); - parser.position++; - starti = i-1; - if (!c) break; - else continue; - } - - stringTokenPattern.lastIndex = i; - var reResult = stringTokenPattern.exec(chunk); - if (reResult === null) { - i = chunk.length+1; - parser.textNode += chunk.substring(starti, i-1); - parser.position += i - 1 - starti; - break; - } - i = reResult.index+1; - c = chunk.charCodeAt(reResult.index); - if (!c) { - parser.textNode += chunk.substring(starti, i-1); - parser.position += i - 1 - starti; - break; - } - } - parser.slashed = slashed; - parser.unicodeI = unicodeI; - continue; - - case S.TRUE: - if (c === Char.r) parser.state = S.TRUE2; - else error(parser, 'Invalid true started with t'+ c); - continue; - - case S.TRUE2: - if (c === Char.u) parser.state = S.TRUE3; - else error(parser, 'Invalid true started with tr'+ c); - continue; - - case S.TRUE3: - if(c === Char.e) { - emit(parser, "onvalue", true); - parser.state = parser.stack.pop() || S.VALUE; - } else error(parser, 'Invalid true started with tru'+ c); - continue; - - case S.FALSE: - if (c === Char.a) parser.state = S.FALSE2; - else error(parser, 'Invalid false started with f'+ c); - continue; - - case S.FALSE2: - if (c === Char.l) parser.state = S.FALSE3; - else error(parser, 'Invalid false started with fa'+ c); - continue; - - case S.FALSE3: - if (c === Char.s) parser.state = S.FALSE4; - else error(parser, 'Invalid false started with fal'+ c); - continue; - - case S.FALSE4: - if (c === Char.e) { - emit(parser, "onvalue", false); - parser.state = parser.stack.pop() || S.VALUE; - } else error(parser, 'Invalid false started with fals'+ c); - continue; - - case S.NULL: - if (c === Char.u) parser.state = S.NULL2; - else error(parser, 'Invalid null started with n'+ c); - continue; - - case S.NULL2: - if (c === Char.l) parser.state = S.NULL3; - else error(parser, 'Invalid null started with nu'+ c); - continue; - - case S.NULL3: - if(c === Char.l) { - emit(parser, "onvalue", null); - parser.state = parser.stack.pop() || S.VALUE; - } else error(parser, 'Invalid null started with nul'+ c); - continue; - - case S.NUMBER_DECIMAL_POINT: - if(c === Char.period) { - parser.numberNode += "."; - parser.state = S.NUMBER_DIGIT; - } else error(parser, 'Leading zero not followed by .'); - continue; - - case S.NUMBER_DIGIT: - if(Char._0 <= c && c <= Char._9) parser.numberNode += String.fromCharCode(c); - else if (c === Char.period) { - if(parser.numberNode.indexOf('.')!==-1) - error(parser, 'Invalid number has two dots'); - parser.numberNode += "."; - } else if (c === Char.e || c === Char.E) { - if(parser.numberNode.indexOf('e')!==-1 || - parser.numberNode.indexOf('E')!==-1 ) - error(parser, 'Invalid number has two exponential'); - parser.numberNode += "e"; - } else if (c === || c === Char.minus) { - if(!(p === Char.e || p === Char.E)) - error(parser, 'Invalid symbol in number'); - parser.numberNode += String.fromCharCode(c); - } else { - closeNumber(parser); - i--; // go back one - parser.state = parser.stack.pop() || S.VALUE; - } - continue; - - default: - error(parser, "Unknown state: " + parser.state); - } - } - if (parser.position >= parser.bufferCheckPosition) - checkBufferLength(parser); - return parser; - } - - })(exports); - }); - - function JsonStream(blob) { - var pos = 0; - var parser = JsonParser(true); - var rv = { - pullAsync: function (numBytes) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { - var slize, jsonPart, result; - return __generator(this, function (_a) { - switch (_a.label) { - case 0: - slize = blob.slice(pos, pos + numBytes); - pos += numBytes; - return [4 /*yield*/, readBlobAsync(slize, 'text')]; - case 1: - jsonPart = _a.sent(); - result = parser.write(jsonPart); - rv.result = result || {}; - return [2 /*return*/, result]; - } - }); - }); - }, - pullSync: function (numBytes) { - var slize = blob.slice(pos, pos + numBytes); - pos += numBytes; - var jsonPart = readBlobSync(slize, 'text'); - var result = parser.write(jsonPart); - rv.result = result || {}; - return result; - }, - done: function () { - return parser.done(); - }, - eof: function () { - return pos >= blob.size; - }, - result: {} - }; - return rv; - } - function JsonParser(allowPartial) { - var parser = clarinet_1.parser(); - var level = 0; - var result; - var stack = []; - var obj; - var key; - var done = false; - var array = false; - parser.onopenobject = function (newKey) { - var newObj = {}; - newObj.incomplete = true; - if (!result) - result = newObj; - if (obj) { - stack.push([key, obj, array]); - if (allowPartial) { - if (array) { - obj.push(newObj); - } - else { - obj[key] = newObj; - } - } - } - obj = newObj; - key = newKey; - array = false; - ++level; - }; - parser.onkey = function (newKey) { return key = newKey; }; - parser.onvalue = function (value) { return array ? obj.push(value) : obj[key] = value; }; - parser.oncloseobject = function () { - var _a; - delete obj.incomplete; - key = null; - if (--level === 0) { - done = true; - } - else { - var completedObj = obj; - _a = stack.pop(), key = _a[0], obj = _a[1], array = _a[2]; - if (!allowPartial) { - if (array) { - obj.push(completedObj); - } - else { - obj[key] = completedObj; - } - } - } - }; - parser.onopenarray = function () { - var newObj = []; - newObj.incomplete = true; - if (!result) - result = newObj; - if (obj) { - stack.push([key, obj, array]); - if (allowPartial) { - if (array) { - obj.push(newObj); - } - else { - obj[key] = newObj; - } - } - } - obj = newObj; - array = true; - key = null; - ++level; - }; - parser.onclosearray = function () { - var _a; - delete obj.incomplete; - key = null; - if (--level === 0) { - done = true; - } - else { - var completedObj = obj; - _a = stack.pop(), key = _a[0], obj = _a[1], array = _a[2]; - if (!allowPartial) { - if (array) { - obj.push(completedObj); - } - else { - obj[key] = completedObj; - } - } - } - }; - return { - write: function (jsonPart) { - parser.write(jsonPart); - return result; - }, - done: function () { - return done; - } - }; - } - - var DEFAULT_KILOBYTES_PER_CHUNK = 1024; - function importDB(exportedData, options) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { - var CHUNK_SIZE, stream, dbExport, db; - return __generator(this, function (_a) { - switch (_a.label) { - case 0: - options = options || {}; // All booleans defaults to false. - CHUNK_SIZE = options.chunkSizeBytes || (DEFAULT_KILOBYTES_PER_CHUNK * 1024); - return [4 /*yield*/, loadUntilWeGotEnoughData(exportedData, CHUNK_SIZE)]; - case 1: - stream = _a.sent(); - dbExport =; - db = new Dexie__default["default"](dbExport.databaseName); - db.version(dbExport.databaseVersion).stores(extractDbSchema(dbExport)); - return [4 /*yield*/, importInto(db, stream, options)]; - case 2: - _a.sent(); - return [2 /*return*/, db]; - } - }); - }); - } - function peakImportFile(exportedData) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { - var stream; - return __generator(this, function (_a) { - switch (_a.label) { - case 0: - stream = JsonStream(exportedData); - _a.label = 1; - case 1: - if (!!stream.eof()) return [3 /*break*/, 3]; - return [4 /*yield*/, stream.pullAsync(5 * 1024)]; - case 2: - _a.sent(); // 5 k is normally enough for the headers. If not, it will just do another go. - if ( && { - // @ts-ignore - TS won't allow us to delete a required property - but we are going to cast it. - delete; // Don't return half-baked data array. - return [3 /*break*/, 3]; - } - return [3 /*break*/, 1]; - case 3: return [2 /*return*/, stream.result]; - } - }); - }); - } - function importInto(db, exportedData, options) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { - function importAll() { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { - var _loop_1, _i, _a, tableExport, state_1; - return __generator(this, function (_b) { - switch (_b.label) { - case 0: - _loop_1 = function (tableExport) { - var tableName, table, tableSchemaStr, sourceRows, rows, i, obj, filter, filteredRows, _c, keys, values; - return __generator(this, function (_d) { - switch (_d.label) { - case 0: - if (!tableExport.rows) - return [2 /*return*/, "break"]; // Need to pull more! - if (!tableExport.rows.incomplete && tableExport.rows.length === 0) - return [2 /*return*/, "continue"]; - if (progressCallback) { - // Keep ongoing transaction private - Dexie__default["default"].ignoreTransaction(function () { return progressCallback(progress); }); - } - tableName = tableExport.tableName; - table = db.table(tableName); - tableSchemaStr = dbExport.tables.filter(function (t) { return === tableName; })[0].schema; - if (!table) { - if (!options.acceptMissingTables) - throw new Error("Exported table ".concat(tableExport.tableName, " is missing in installed database")); - else - return [2 /*return*/, "continue"]; - } - if (!options.acceptChangedPrimaryKey && - tableSchemaStr.split(',')[0] != table.schema.primKey.src) { - throw new Error("Primary key differs for table ".concat(tableExport.tableName, ". ")); - } - sourceRows = tableExport.rows; - rows = []; - for (i = 0; i < sourceRows.length; i++) { - obj = sourceRows[i]; - if (!obj.incomplete) { - rows.push(TSON.revive(obj)); - } - else { - break; - } - } - filter = options.filter; - filteredRows = filter ? - tableExport.inbound ? - rows.filter(function (value) { return filter(tableName, value); }) : - rows.filter(function (_a) { - var key = _a[0], value = _a[1]; - return filter(tableName, value, key); - }) : - rows; - _c = tableExport.inbound ? - [undefined, filteredRows] : - [ (row) { return row[0]; }), (row) { return row[1]; })], keys = _c[0], values = _c[1]; - if (!options.overwriteValues) return [3 /*break*/, 2]; - return [4 /*yield*/, table.bulkPut(values, keys)]; - case 1: - _d.sent(); - return [3 /*break*/, 4]; - case 2: return [4 /*yield*/, table.bulkAdd(values, keys)]; - case 3: - _d.sent(); - _d.label = 4; - case 4: - progress.completedRows += rows.length; - if (!rows.incomplete) { - progress.completedTables += 1; - } - sourceRows.splice(0, rows.length); // Free up RAM, keep existing array instance. - return [2 /*return*/]; - } - }); - }; - _i = 0, _a =; - _b.label = 1; - case 1: - if (!(_i < _a.length)) return [3 /*break*/, 4]; - tableExport = _a[_i]; - return [5 /*yield**/, _loop_1(tableExport)]; - case 2: - state_1 = _b.sent(); - if (state_1 === "break") - return [3 /*break*/, 4]; - _b.label = 3; - case 3: - _i++; - return [3 /*break*/, 1]; - case 4: - // Avoid unnescessary loops in "for (const tableExport of" - while ( > 0 &&[0].rows && ![0].rows.incomplete) { - // We've already imported all rows from the first table. Delete its occurrence -, 1); - } - if (!(!jsonStream.done() && !jsonStream.eof())) return [3 /*break*/, 8]; - if (!readBlobsSynchronously) return [3 /*break*/, 5]; - // If we can pull from blob synchronically, we don't have to - // keep transaction alive using Dexie.waitFor(). - // This will only be possible in workers. - jsonStream.pullSync(CHUNK_SIZE); - return [3 /*break*/, 7]; - case 5: return [4 /*yield*/, Dexie__default["default"].waitFor(jsonStream.pullAsync(CHUNK_SIZE))]; - case 6: - _b.sent(); - _b.label = 7; - case 7: return [3 /*break*/, 9]; - case 8: return [3 /*break*/, 10]; - case 9: - return [3 /*break*/, 0]; - case 10: return [2 /*return*/]; - } - }); - }); - } - var CHUNK_SIZE, jsonStream, dbExportFile, readBlobsSynchronously, dbExport, progressCallback, progress, _i, _a, table; - return __generator(this, function (_b) { - switch (_b.label) { - case 0: - options = options || {}; // All booleans defaults to false. - CHUNK_SIZE = options.chunkSizeBytes || (DEFAULT_KILOBYTES_PER_CHUNK * 1024); - return [4 /*yield*/, loadUntilWeGotEnoughData(exportedData, CHUNK_SIZE)]; - case 1: - jsonStream = _b.sent(); - dbExportFile = jsonStream.result; - readBlobsSynchronously = 'FileReaderSync' in self; - dbExport =; - if (!options.acceptNameDiff && !== dbExport.databaseName) - throw new Error("Name differs. Current database name is ".concat(, " but export is ").concat(dbExport.databaseName)); - if (!options.acceptVersionDiff && db.verno !== dbExport.databaseVersion) { - // Possible feature: Call upgraders in some isolated way if this happens... ? - throw new Error("Database version differs. Current database is in version ".concat(db.verno, " but export is ").concat(dbExport.databaseVersion)); - } - progressCallback = options.progressCallback; - progress = { - done: false, - completedRows: 0, - completedTables: 0, - totalRows: dbExport.tables.reduce(function (p, c) { return p + c.rowCount; }, 0), - totalTables: dbExport.tables.length - }; - if (progressCallback) { - // Keep ongoing transaction private - Dexie__default["default"].ignoreTransaction(function () { return progressCallback(progress); }); - } - if (!options.clearTablesBeforeImport) return [3 /*break*/, 5]; - _i = 0, _a = db.tables; - _b.label = 2; - case 2: - if (!(_i < _a.length)) return [3 /*break*/, 5]; - table = _a[_i]; - return [4 /*yield*/, table.clear()]; - case 3: - _b.sent(); - _b.label = 4; - case 4: - _i++; - return [3 /*break*/, 2]; - case 5: - if (!options.noTransaction) return [3 /*break*/, 7]; - return [4 /*yield*/, importAll()]; - case 6: - _b.sent(); - return [3 /*break*/, 9]; - case 7: return [4 /*yield*/, db.transaction('rw', db.tables, importAll)]; - case 8: - _b.sent(); - _b.label = 9; - case 9: - progress.done = true; - if (progressCallback) { - // Keep ongoing transaction private - Dexie__default["default"].ignoreTransaction(function () { return progressCallback(progress); }); - } - return [2 /*return*/]; - } - }); - }); - } - function loadUntilWeGotEnoughData(exportedData, CHUNK_SIZE) { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { - var stream, dbExportFile; - return __generator(this, function (_a) { - switch (_a.label) { - case 0: - stream = ('slice' in exportedData ? - JsonStream(exportedData) : - exportedData); - _a.label = 1; - case 1: - if (!!stream.eof()) return [3 /*break*/, 3]; - return [4 /*yield*/, stream.pullAsync(CHUNK_SIZE)]; - case 2: - _a.sent(); - if ( && - return [3 /*break*/, 3]; - return [3 /*break*/, 1]; - case 3: - dbExportFile = stream.result; - if (!dbExportFile || dbExportFile.formatName != "dexie") - throw new Error("Given file is not a dexie export"); - if (dbExportFile.formatVersion > VERSION) { - throw new Error("Format version ".concat(dbExportFile.formatVersion, " not supported")); - } - if (! { - throw new Error("No data in export file"); - } - if (! { - throw new Error("Missing databaseName in export file"); - } - if (! { - throw new Error("Missing databaseVersion in export file"); - } - if (! { - throw new Error("Missing tables in export file"); - } - return [2 /*return*/, stream]; - } - }); - }); - } - - // - // Extend Dexie interface (runtime wise) - // - Dexie__default["default"].prototype.export = function (options) { - return exportDB(this, options); - }; - Dexie__default["default"].prototype.import = function (blob, options) { - return importInto(this, blob, options); - }; - Dexie__default["default"].import = function (blob, options) { return importDB(blob, options); }; - var dexieExportImport = (function () { - throw new Error("This addon extends Dexie.prototype globally and does not have be included in Dexie constructor's addons options."); - }); - - exports["default"] = dexieExportImport; - exports.exportDB = exportDB; - exports.importDB = importDB; - exports.importInto = importInto; - exports.peakImportFile = peakImportFile; - - Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); - -})); -//# -- cgit v1.2.3