path: root/ext/js/language/ja/japanese-transforms.js
diff options
authorStefanVukovic99 <>2024-06-03 19:25:51 +0200
committerGitHub <>2024-06-03 17:25:51 +0000
commit7955fc85ac089d856b44bdea78eccd26ffbd690c (patch)
tree6a7cfc6464612f9f129b25fa59a46f9c7c0e72b5 /ext/js/language/ja/japanese-transforms.js
parentd2fce502ecb00e3c9202295c93fbb8c554ddbd69 (diff)
display inflection rule descriptions (#1000)
* load descriptions in deinflector * description functions in deinflectors * show descriptions in title * use toaster * use names without internal * css lint * reformat transform descriptors * fix merge errors * done? * rename method
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/js/language/ja/japanese-transforms.js')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/ext/js/language/ja/japanese-transforms.js b/ext/js/language/ja/japanese-transforms.js
index d5c6fa81..c8f9f671 100644
--- a/ext/js/language/ja/japanese-transforms.js
+++ b/ext/js/language/ja/japanese-transforms.js
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
isDictionaryForm: false,
- transforms: [
- {
+ transforms: {
+ '-ba': {
name: '-ba',
description: 'Conditional',
i18n: [
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('れば', 'る', ['-ba'], ['v1', 'v5', 'vk', 'vs', 'vz']),
- {
+ '-ya': {
name: '-ya',
description: 'Conditional (Contraction)',
i18n: [
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('りゃ', 'れば', [], ['-ba']),
- {
+ '-cha': {
name: '-cha',
description: 'Contraction of -teha',
i18n: [
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來ちゃ', '來る', ['v5'], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-chau': {
name: '-chau',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ちゃう', 'る', ['v5'], ['v1']),
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來ちゃう', '來る', ['v5'], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-chimau': {
name: '-chimau',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ちまう', 'る', ['v5'], ['v1']),
@@ -252,14 +252,14 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來ちまう', '來る', ['v5'], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-shimau': {
name: '-shimau',
rules: [
suffixInflection('てしまう', 'て', ['v5'], ['-te']),
suffixInflection('でしまう', 'で', ['v5'], ['-te']),
- {
+ '-nasai': {
name: '-nasai',
rules: [
suffixInflection('なさい', 'る', [], ['v1']),
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來なさい', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-sou': {
name: '-sou',
rules: [
suffixInflection('そう', 'い', [], ['adj-i']),
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來そう', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-sugiru': {
name: '-sugiru',
rules: [
suffixInflection('すぎる', 'い', ['v1'], ['adj-i']),
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來すぎる', '來る', ['v1'], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-tai': {
name: '-tai',
rules: [
suffixInflection('たい', 'る', ['adj-i'], ['v1']),
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來たい', '來る', ['adj-i'], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-tara': {
name: '-tara',
rules: [
suffixInflection('かったら', 'い', [], ['adj-i']),
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('のたもうたら', 'のたまう', [], ['v5']),
- {
+ '-tari': {
name: '-tari',
rules: [
suffixInflection('かったり', 'い', [], ['adj-i']),
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('のたもうたり', 'のたまう', [], ['v5']),
- {
+ '-te': {
name: '-te',
rules: [
suffixInflection('くて', 'い', ['-te'], ['adj-i']),
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('まして', 'ます', [], ['v']),
- {
+ '-zu': {
name: '-zu',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ず', 'る', [], ['v1']),
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來ず', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-nu': {
name: '-nu',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ぬ', 'る', [], ['v1']),
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來ぬ', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-n': {
name: '-n',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ん', 'る', [], ['v1']),
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來ん', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-mu': {
name: '-mu',
rules: [
suffixInflection('む', 'る', [], ['v1']),
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來む', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-zaru': {
name: '-zaru',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ざる', 'る', [], ['v1']),
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來ざる', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ '-neba': {
name: '-neba',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ねば', 'る', [], ['v1']),
@@ -592,13 +592,13 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來ねば', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ 'adv': {
name: 'adv',
rules: [
suffixInflection('く', 'い', ['adv'], ['adj-i']),
- {
+ 'causative': {
name: 'causative',
rules: [
suffixInflection('させる', 'る', ['v1'], ['v1']),
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來させる', '來る', ['v1'], ['vk']),
- {
+ 'imperative': {
name: 'imperative',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ろ', 'る', [], ['v1']),
@@ -647,13 +647,13 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來い', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ 'imperative negative': {
name: 'imperative negative',
rules: [
suffixInflection('な', '', [], ['v']),
- {
+ 'masu stem': {
name: 'masu stem',
rules: [
suffixInflection('い', 'いる', [], ['v1d']),
@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來', '來る', [], ['vk']),
- {
+ 'negative': {
name: 'negative',
rules: [
suffixInflection('くない', 'い', ['adj-i'], ['adj-i']),
@@ -716,13 +716,13 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('ません', 'ます', ['v'], ['v']),
- {
+ 'noun': {
name: 'noun',
rules: [
suffixInflection('さ', 'い', [], ['adj-i']),
- {
+ 'passive': {
name: 'passive',
rules: [
suffixInflection('かれる', 'く', ['v1'], ['v5']),
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來られる', '來る', ['v1'], ['vk']),
- {
+ 'past': {
name: 'past',
rules: [
suffixInflection('かった', 'い', ['past'], ['adj-i']),
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('ませんでした', 'ません', ['past'], ['v']),
- {
+ 'polite': {
name: 'polite',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ます', 'る', ['v1'], ['v1']),
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('くあります', 'い', ['v'], ['adj-i']),
- {
+ 'potential': {
name: 'potential',
rules: [
suffixInflection('れる', 'る', ['v1'], ['v1', 'v5']),
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來れる', '來る', ['v1'], ['vk']),
- {
+ 'potential or passive': {
name: 'potential or passive',
rules: [
suffixInflection('られる', 'る', ['v1'], ['v1']),
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來られる', '來る', ['v1'], ['vk']),
- {
+ 'volitional': {
name: 'volitional',
rules: [
suffixInflection('よう', 'る', [], ['v1']),
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('ましょう', 'ます', [], ['v']),
- {
+ 'causative passive': {
name: 'causative passive',
rules: [
suffixInflection('かされる', 'く', ['v1'], ['v5']),
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('わされる', 'う', ['v1'], ['v5']),
- {
+ '-toku': {
name: '-toku',
rules: [
suffixInflection('とく', 'る', ['v5'], ['v1']),
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('來とく', '來る', ['v5'], ['vk']),
- {
+ 'progressive or perfect': {
name: 'progressive or perfect',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ている', 'て', ['v1'], ['-te']),
@@ -908,26 +908,26 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('ないでいる', 'ない', ['v1'], ['adj-i']),
- {
+ '-ki': {
name: '-ki',
rules: [
suffixInflection('き', 'い', [], ['adj-i']),
- {
+ '-ge': {
name: '-ge',
rules: [
suffixInflection('げ', 'い', [], ['adj-i']),
suffixInflection('気', 'い', [], ['adj-i']),
- {
+ '-garu': {
name: '-garu',
rules: [
suffixInflection('がる', 'い', ['v5'], ['adj-i']),
- {
+ '-e': {
name: '-e',
rules: [
suffixInflection('ねえ', 'ない', [], ['adj-i']),
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('てぇ', 'たい', [], ['adj-i']),
- {
+ 'slang': {
name: 'slang',
rules: [
suffixInflection('てぇてぇ', 'とうとい', [], ['adj-i']),
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('おやさい', 'おやすみ', [], []),
- {
+ 'kansai-ben negative': {
name: 'kansai-ben',
description: 'Negative form of kansai-ben verbs',
rules: [
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('うてへん', 'ってない', [], ['adj-i']),
- {
+ 'kansai-ben -te': {
name: 'kansai-ben',
description: '-te form of kansai-ben verbs',
rules: [
@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('ゆうて', 'いって', ['-te'], ['-te']),
- {
+ 'kansai-ben past': {
name: 'kansai-ben',
description: 'past form of kansai-ben terms',
rules: [
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('ゆうた', 'いった', ['past'], ['past']),
- {
+ 'kansai-ben -tara': {
name: 'kansai-ben',
description: '-tara form of kansai-ben terms',
rules: [
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('ゆうたら', 'いったら', [], []),
- {
+ 'kansai-ben -ku': {
name: 'kansai-ben',
description: '-ku stem of kansai-ben adjectives',
rules: [
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('しゅう', 'しく', [], ['adv']),
- {
+ 'kansai-ben adjective -te': {
name: 'kansai-ben',
description: '-te form of kansai-ben adjectives',
rules: [
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('しゅうて', 'しくて', ['-te'], ['-te']),
- {
+ 'kansai-ben adjective negative': {
name: 'kansai-ben',
description: 'Negative form of kansai-ben adjectives',
rules: [
@@ -1115,5 +1115,5 @@ export const japaneseTransforms = {
suffixInflection('しゅうない', 'しくない', ['adj-i'], ['adj-i']),
- ],
+ },