path: root/ext/fg/js/popup.js
diff options
authorAlex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net>2020-05-22 17:46:16 -0700
committerAlex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net>2020-05-22 17:46:16 -0700
commit1480288561cb8b9fb87ad711d970c548329fea98 (patch)
tree87c2247f6d144407afcc6de316bbacc264582248 /ext/fg/js/popup.js
parentf2186c51e4ef219d158735d30a32bbf3e49c4e1a (diff)
parentd0dcff765f740bf6f0f6523b09cb8b21eb85cd93 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into testing
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/fg/js/popup.js')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/ext/fg/js/popup.js b/ext/fg/js/popup.js
index 42f08afa..b7d4b57e 100644
--- a/ext/fg/js/popup.js
+++ b/ext/fg/js/popup.js
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
/* global
- * apiGetMessageToken
- * apiInjectStylesheet
+ * DOM
+ * apiOptionsGet
+ * dynamicLoader
class Popup {
@@ -29,24 +30,24 @@ class Popup {
this._child = null;
this._childrenSupported = true;
this._injectPromise = null;
+ this._injectPromiseComplete = false;
this._visible = false;
this._visibleOverride = null;
this._options = null;
+ this._optionsContext = null;
this._contentScale = 1.0;
- this._containerSizeContentScale = null;
this._targetOrigin = chrome.runtime.getURL('/').replace(/\/$/, '');
- this._messageToken = null;
+ this._previousOptionsContextSource = null;
- this._container = document.createElement('iframe');
- this._container.className = 'yomichan-float';
- this._container.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => e.stopPropagation());
- this._container.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => e.stopPropagation());
- this._container.style.width = '0px';
- this._container.style.height = '0px';
+ this._frameSizeContentScale = null;
+ this._frameSecret = null;
+ this._frameToken = null;
+ this._frame = document.createElement('iframe');
+ this._frame.className = 'yomichan-float';
+ this._frame.style.width = '0';
+ this._frame.style.height = '0';
this._fullscreenEventListeners = new EventListenerCollection();
- this._updateVisibility();
// Public properties
@@ -71,19 +72,27 @@ class Popup {
return this._frameId;
- get url() {
- return window.location.href;
- }
// Public functions
+ prepare() {
+ this._updateVisibility();
+ this._frame.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => e.stopPropagation());
+ this._frame.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => e.stopPropagation());
+ this._frame.addEventListener('load', this._onFrameLoad.bind(this));
+ }
isProxy() {
return false;
- async setOptions(options) {
- this._options = options;
+ async setOptionsContext(optionsContext, source) {
+ this._optionsContext = optionsContext;
+ this._previousOptionsContextSource = source;
+ this._options = await apiOptionsGet(optionsContext);
+ this._invokeApi('setOptionsContext', {optionsContext});
hide(changeFocus) {
@@ -111,7 +120,7 @@ class Popup {
async containsPoint(x, y) {
for (let popup = this; popup !== null && popup.isVisibleSync(); popup = popup._child) {
- const rect = popup._container.getBoundingClientRect();
+ const rect = popup._frame.getBoundingClientRect();
if (x >= rect.left && y >= rect.top && x < rect.right && y < rect.bottom) {
return true;
@@ -119,14 +128,20 @@ class Popup {
return false;
- async showContent(elementRect, writingMode, type=null, details=null) {
+ async showContent(elementRect, writingMode, type, details, context) {
if (this._options === null) { throw new Error('Options not assigned'); }
+ const {optionsContext, source} = context;
+ if (source !== this._previousOptionsContextSource) {
+ await this.setOptionsContext(optionsContext, source);
+ }
await this._show(elementRect, writingMode);
if (type === null) { return; }
this._invokeApi('setContent', {type, details});
- async setCustomCss(css) {
+ setCustomCss(css) {
this._invokeApi('setCustomCss', {css});
@@ -160,82 +175,218 @@ class Popup {
updateTheme() {
- this._container.dataset.yomichanTheme = this._options.general.popupOuterTheme;
- this._container.dataset.yomichanSiteColor = this._getSiteColor();
+ this._frame.dataset.yomichanTheme = this._options.general.popupOuterTheme;
+ this._frame.dataset.yomichanSiteColor = this._getSiteColor();
async setCustomOuterCss(css, useWebExtensionApi) {
- return await Popup._injectStylesheet(
- 'yomichan-popup-outer-user-stylesheet',
- 'code',
- css,
- useWebExtensionApi
- );
+ return await dynamicLoader.loadStyle('yomichan-popup-outer-user-stylesheet', 'code', css, useWebExtensionApi);
setChildrenSupported(value) {
this._childrenSupported = value;
- getContainer() {
- return this._container;
+ getFrame() {
+ return this._frame;
- getContainerRect() {
- return this._container.getBoundingClientRect();
+ getFrameRect() {
+ return this._frame.getBoundingClientRect();
// Private functions
_inject() {
- if (this._injectPromise === null) {
- this._injectPromise = this._createInjectPromise();
+ let injectPromise = this._injectPromise;
+ if (injectPromise === null) {
+ injectPromise = this._createInjectPromise();
+ this._injectPromise = injectPromise;
+ injectPromise.then(
+ () => {
+ if (injectPromise !== this._injectPromise) { return; }
+ this._injectPromiseComplete = true;
+ },
+ () => { this._resetFrame(); }
+ );
- return this._injectPromise;
+ return injectPromise;
+ }
+ _initializeFrame(frame, targetOrigin, frameId, setupFrame, timeout=10000) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const tokenMap = new Map();
+ let timer = null;
+ let frameLoadedResolve = null;
+ let frameLoadedReject = null;
+ const frameLoaded = new Promise((resolve2, reject2) => {
+ frameLoadedResolve = resolve2;
+ frameLoadedReject = reject2;
+ });
+ const postMessage = (action, params) => {
+ const contentWindow = frame.contentWindow;
+ if (contentWindow === null) { throw new Error('Frame missing content window'); }
+ let validOrigin = true;
+ try {
+ validOrigin = (contentWindow.location.origin === targetOrigin);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // NOP
+ }
+ if (!validOrigin) { throw new Error('Unexpected frame origin'); }
+ contentWindow.postMessage({action, params}, targetOrigin);
+ };
+ const onMessage = (message) => {
+ onMessageInner(message);
+ return false;
+ };
+ const onMessageInner = async (message) => {
+ try {
+ if (!isObject(message)) { return; }
+ const {action, params} = message;
+ if (!isObject(params)) { return; }
+ await frameLoaded;
+ if (timer === null) { return; } // Done
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'popupPrepared':
+ {
+ const {secret} = params;
+ const token = yomichan.generateId(16);
+ tokenMap.set(secret, token);
+ postMessage('initialize', {secret, token, frameId});
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'popupInitialized':
+ {
+ const {secret, token} = params;
+ const token2 = tokenMap.get(secret);
+ if (typeof token2 !== 'undefined' && token === token2) {
+ cleanup();
+ resolve({secret, token});
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ cleanup();
+ reject(e);
+ }
+ };
+ const onLoad = () => {
+ if (frameLoadedResolve === null) {
+ cleanup();
+ reject(new Error('Unexpected load event'));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Popup.isFrameAboutBlank(frame)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ frameLoadedResolve();
+ frameLoadedResolve = null;
+ frameLoadedReject = null;
+ };
+ const cleanup = () => {
+ if (timer === null) { return; } // Done
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ timer = null;
+ frameLoadedResolve = null;
+ if (frameLoadedReject !== null) {
+ frameLoadedReject(new Error('Terminated'));
+ frameLoadedReject = null;
+ }
+ chrome.runtime.onMessage.removeListener(onMessage);
+ frame.removeEventListener('load', onLoad);
+ };
+ // Start
+ timer = setTimeout(() => {
+ cleanup();
+ reject(new Error('Timeout'));
+ }, timeout);
+ chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(onMessage);
+ frame.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
+ // Prevent unhandled rejections
+ frameLoaded.catch(() => {}); // NOP
+ setupFrame(frame);
+ });
async _createInjectPromise() {
- if (this._messageToken === null) {
- this._messageToken = await apiGetMessageToken();
- }
+ this._injectStyles();
+ const {secret, token} = await this._initializeFrame(this._frame, this._targetOrigin, this._frameId, (frame) => {
+ frame.removeAttribute('src');
+ frame.removeAttribute('srcdoc');
+ this._observeFullscreen(true);
+ this._onFullscreenChanged();
+ frame.contentDocument.location.href = chrome.runtime.getURL('/fg/float.html');
+ });
+ this._frameSecret = secret;
+ this._frameToken = token;
+ // Configure
+ const messageId = yomichan.generateId(16);
const popupPreparedPromise = yomichan.getTemporaryListenerResult(
- ({action, params}, {resolve}) => {
+ (message, {resolve}) => {
if (
- action === 'popupPrepareCompleted' &&
- isObject(params) &&
- params.targetPopupId === this._id
+ isObject(message) &&
+ message.action === 'popupConfigured' &&
+ isObject(message.params) &&
+ message.params.messageId === messageId
) {
- const parentFrameId = (typeof this._frameId === 'number' ? this._frameId : null);
- this._container.setAttribute('src', chrome.runtime.getURL('/fg/float.html'));
- this._container.addEventListener('load', () => {
- this._invokeApi('prepare', {
- popupInfo: {
- id: this._id,
- depth: this._depth,
- parentFrameId
- },
- url: this.url,
- childrenSupported: this._childrenSupported,
- scale: this._contentScale
- });
+ this._invokeApi('configure', {
+ messageId,
+ frameId: this._frameId,
+ popupId: this._id,
+ optionsContext: this._optionsContext,
+ childrenSupported: this._childrenSupported,
+ scale: this._contentScale
- this._observeFullscreen(true);
- this._onFullscreenChanged();
- this._injectStyles();
return popupPreparedPromise;
+ _onFrameLoad() {
+ if (!this._injectPromiseComplete) { return; }
+ this._resetFrame();
+ }
+ _resetFrame() {
+ const parent = this._frame.parentNode;
+ if (parent !== null) {
+ parent.removeChild(this._frame);
+ }
+ this._frame.removeAttribute('src');
+ this._frame.removeAttribute('srcdoc');
+ this._frameSecret = null;
+ this._frameToken = null;
+ this._injectPromise = null;
+ this._injectPromiseComplete = false;
+ }
async _injectStyles() {
try {
- await Popup._injectStylesheet('yomichan-popup-outer-stylesheet', 'file', '/fg/css/client.css', true);
+ await dynamicLoader.loadStyle('yomichan-popup-outer-stylesheet', 'file', '/fg/css/client.css', true);
} catch (e) {
// NOP
@@ -271,9 +422,9 @@ class Popup {
_onFullscreenChanged() {
- const parent = (Popup._getFullscreenElement() || document.body || null);
- if (parent !== null && this._container.parentNode !== parent) {
- parent.appendChild(this._container);
+ const parent = this._getFrameParentElement();
+ if (parent !== null && this._frame.parentNode !== parent) {
+ parent.appendChild(this._frame);
@@ -281,31 +432,31 @@ class Popup {
await this._inject();
const optionsGeneral = this._options.general;
- const container = this._container;
- const containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
- const getPosition = (
- writingMode === 'horizontal-tb' || optionsGeneral.popupVerticalTextPosition === 'default' ?
- Popup._getPositionForHorizontalText :
- Popup._getPositionForVerticalText
- );
+ const frame = this._frame;
+ const frameRect = frame.getBoundingClientRect();
- const viewport = Popup._getViewport(optionsGeneral.popupScaleRelativeToVisualViewport);
+ const viewport = this._getViewport(optionsGeneral.popupScaleRelativeToVisualViewport);
const scale = this._contentScale;
- const scaleRatio = this._containerSizeContentScale === null ? 1.0 : scale / this._containerSizeContentScale;
- this._containerSizeContentScale = scale;
- let [x, y, width, height, below] = getPosition(
+ const scaleRatio = this._frameSizeContentScale === null ? 1.0 : scale / this._frameSizeContentScale;
+ this._frameSizeContentScale = scale;
+ const getPositionArgs = [
- Math.max(containerRect.width * scaleRatio, optionsGeneral.popupWidth * scale),
- Math.max(containerRect.height * scaleRatio, optionsGeneral.popupHeight * scale),
+ Math.max(frameRect.width * scaleRatio, optionsGeneral.popupWidth * scale),
+ Math.max(frameRect.height * scaleRatio, optionsGeneral.popupHeight * scale),
+ ];
+ let [x, y, width, height, below] = (
+ writingMode === 'horizontal-tb' || optionsGeneral.popupVerticalTextPosition === 'default' ?
+ this._getPositionForHorizontalText(...getPositionArgs) :
+ this._getPositionForVerticalText(...getPositionArgs)
const fullWidth = (optionsGeneral.popupDisplayMode === 'full-width');
- container.classList.toggle('yomichan-float-full-width', fullWidth);
- container.classList.toggle('yomichan-float-above', !below);
+ frame.classList.toggle('yomichan-float-full-width', fullWidth);
+ frame.classList.toggle('yomichan-float-above', !below);
if (optionsGeneral.popupDisplayMode === 'full-width') {
x = viewport.left;
@@ -313,10 +464,10 @@ class Popup {
width = viewport.right - viewport.left;
- container.style.left = `${x}px`;
- container.style.top = `${y}px`;
- container.style.width = `${width}px`;
- container.style.height = `${height}px`;
+ frame.style.left = `${x}px`;
+ frame.style.top = `${y}px`;
+ frame.style.width = `${width}px`;
+ frame.style.height = `${height}px`;
if (this._child !== null) {
@@ -330,20 +481,20 @@ class Popup {
_updateVisibility() {
- this._container.style.setProperty('visibility', this.isVisibleSync() ? 'visible' : 'hidden', 'important');
+ this._frame.style.setProperty('visibility', this.isVisibleSync() ? 'visible' : 'hidden', 'important');
_focusParent() {
if (this._parent !== null) {
// Chrome doesn't like focusing iframe without contentWindow.
- const contentWindow = this._parent._container.contentWindow;
+ const contentWindow = this._parent.getFrame().contentWindow;
if (contentWindow !== null) {
} else {
// Firefox doesn't like focusing window without first blurring the iframe.
- // this.container.contentWindow.blur() doesn't work on Firefox for some reason.
- this._container.blur();
+ // this._frame.contentWindow.blur() doesn't work on Firefox for some reason.
+ this._frame.blur();
// This is needed for Chrome.
@@ -351,36 +502,52 @@ class Popup {
_getSiteColor() {
const color = [255, 255, 255];
- Popup._addColor(color, Popup._getColorInfo(window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).backgroundColor));
- Popup._addColor(color, Popup._getColorInfo(window.getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor));
+ const {documentElement, body} = document;
+ if (documentElement !== null) {
+ this._addColor(color, window.getComputedStyle(documentElement).backgroundColor);
+ }
+ if (body !== null) {
+ this._addColor(color, window.getComputedStyle(body).backgroundColor);
+ }
const dark = (color[0] < 128 && color[1] < 128 && color[2] < 128);
return dark ? 'dark' : 'light';
_invokeApi(action, params={}) {
- const token = this._messageToken;
- const contentWindow = this._container.contentWindow;
- if (token === null || contentWindow === null) { return; }
+ const secret = this._frameSecret;
+ const token = this._frameToken;
+ const contentWindow = this._frame.contentWindow;
+ if (secret === null || token === null || contentWindow === null) { return; }
- contentWindow.postMessage({action, params, token}, this._targetOrigin);
+ contentWindow.postMessage({action, params, secret, token}, this._targetOrigin);
- static _getFullscreenElement() {
- return (
- document.fullscreenElement ||
- document.msFullscreenElement ||
- document.mozFullScreenElement ||
- document.webkitFullscreenElement ||
- null
- );
+ _getFrameParentElement() {
+ const defaultParent = document.body;
+ const fullscreenElement = DOM.getFullscreenElement();
+ if (
+ fullscreenElement === null ||
+ fullscreenElement.shadowRoot ||
+ fullscreenElement.openOrClosedShadowRoot // Available to Firefox 63+ for WebExtensions
+ ) {
+ return defaultParent;
+ }
+ switch (fullscreenElement.nodeName.toUpperCase()) {
+ case 'IFRAME':
+ case 'FRAME':
+ return defaultParent;
+ }
+ return fullscreenElement;
- static _getPositionForHorizontalText(elementRect, width, height, viewport, offsetScale, optionsGeneral) {
+ _getPositionForHorizontalText(elementRect, width, height, viewport, offsetScale, optionsGeneral) {
const preferBelow = (optionsGeneral.popupHorizontalTextPosition === 'below');
const horizontalOffset = optionsGeneral.popupHorizontalOffset * offsetScale;
const verticalOffset = optionsGeneral.popupVerticalOffset * offsetScale;
- const [x, w] = Popup._getConstrainedPosition(
+ const [x, w] = this._getConstrainedPosition(
elementRect.right - horizontalOffset,
elementRect.left + horizontalOffset,
@@ -388,7 +555,7 @@ class Popup {
- const [y, h, below] = Popup._getConstrainedPositionBinary(
+ const [y, h, below] = this._getConstrainedPositionBinary(
elementRect.top - verticalOffset,
elementRect.bottom + verticalOffset,
@@ -399,12 +566,12 @@ class Popup {
return [x, y, w, h, below];
- static _getPositionForVerticalText(elementRect, width, height, viewport, offsetScale, optionsGeneral, writingMode) {
- const preferRight = Popup._isVerticalTextPopupOnRight(optionsGeneral.popupVerticalTextPosition, writingMode);
+ _getPositionForVerticalText(elementRect, width, height, viewport, offsetScale, optionsGeneral, writingMode) {
+ const preferRight = this._isVerticalTextPopupOnRight(optionsGeneral.popupVerticalTextPosition, writingMode);
const horizontalOffset = optionsGeneral.popupHorizontalOffset2 * offsetScale;
const verticalOffset = optionsGeneral.popupVerticalOffset2 * offsetScale;
- const [x, w] = Popup._getConstrainedPositionBinary(
+ const [x, w] = this._getConstrainedPositionBinary(
elementRect.left - horizontalOffset,
elementRect.right + horizontalOffset,
@@ -412,7 +579,7 @@ class Popup {
- const [y, h, below] = Popup._getConstrainedPosition(
+ const [y, h, below] = this._getConstrainedPosition(
elementRect.bottom - verticalOffset,
elementRect.top + verticalOffset,
@@ -423,20 +590,22 @@ class Popup {
return [x, y, w, h, below];
- static _isVerticalTextPopupOnRight(positionPreference, writingMode) {
+ _isVerticalTextPopupOnRight(positionPreference, writingMode) {
switch (positionPreference) {
case 'before':
- return !Popup._isWritingModeLeftToRight(writingMode);
+ return !this._isWritingModeLeftToRight(writingMode);
case 'after':
- return Popup._isWritingModeLeftToRight(writingMode);
+ return this._isWritingModeLeftToRight(writingMode);
case 'left':
return false;
case 'right':
return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
- static _isWritingModeLeftToRight(writingMode) {
+ _isWritingModeLeftToRight(writingMode) {
switch (writingMode) {
case 'vertical-lr':
case 'sideways-lr':
@@ -446,7 +615,7 @@ class Popup {
- static _getConstrainedPosition(positionBefore, positionAfter, size, minLimit, maxLimit, after) {
+ _getConstrainedPosition(positionBefore, positionAfter, size, minLimit, maxLimit, after) {
size = Math.min(size, maxLimit - minLimit);
let position;
@@ -461,7 +630,7 @@ class Popup {
return [position, size, after];
- static _getConstrainedPositionBinary(positionBefore, positionAfter, size, minLimit, maxLimit, after) {
+ _getConstrainedPositionBinary(positionBefore, positionAfter, size, minLimit, maxLimit, after) {
const overflowBefore = minLimit - (positionBefore - size);
const overflowAfter = (positionAfter + size) - maxLimit;
@@ -481,7 +650,10 @@ class Popup {
return [position, size, after];
- static _addColor(target, color) {
+ _addColor(target, cssColor) {
+ if (typeof cssColor !== 'string') { return; }
+ const color = this._getColorInfo(cssColor);
if (color === null) { return; }
const a = color[3];
@@ -493,7 +665,7 @@ class Popup {
- static _getColorInfo(cssColor) {
+ _getColorInfo(cssColor) {
const m = /^\s*rgba?\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*(?:,\s*([\d.]+)\s*)?\)\s*$/.exec(cssColor);
if (m === null) { return null; }
@@ -506,7 +678,7 @@ class Popup {
- static _getViewport(useVisualViewport) {
+ _getViewport(useVisualViewport) {
const visualViewport = window.visualViewport;
if (visualViewport !== null && typeof visualViewport === 'object') {
const left = visualViewport.offsetLeft;
@@ -531,87 +703,23 @@ class Popup {
+ const body = document.body;
return {
left: 0,
top: 0,
- right: document.body.clientWidth,
+ right: (body !== null ? body.clientWidth : 0),
bottom: window.innerHeight
- static _isOnExtensionPage() {
+ static isFrameAboutBlank(frame) {
try {
- const url = chrome.runtime.getURL('/');
- return window.location.href.substring(0, url.length) === url;
+ const contentDocument = frame.contentDocument;
+ if (contentDocument === null) { return false; }
+ const url = contentDocument.location.href;
+ return /^about:blank(?:[#?]|$)/.test(url);
} catch (e) {
- // NOP
- }
- }
- static async _injectStylesheet(id, type, value, useWebExtensionApi) {
- const injectedStylesheets = Popup._injectedStylesheets;
- if (Popup._isOnExtensionPage()) {
- // Permissions error will occur if trying to use the WebExtension API to inject
- // into an extension page.
- useWebExtensionApi = false;
- }
- let styleNode = injectedStylesheets.get(id);
- if (typeof styleNode !== 'undefined') {
- if (styleNode === null) {
- // Previously injected via WebExtension API
- throw new Error(`Stylesheet with id ${id} has already been injected using the WebExtension API`);
- }
- } else {
- styleNode = null;
+ return false;
- if (useWebExtensionApi) {
- // Inject via WebExtension API
- if (styleNode !== null && styleNode.parentNode !== null) {
- styleNode.parentNode.removeChild(styleNode);
- }
- await apiInjectStylesheet(type, value);
- injectedStylesheets.set(id, null);
- return null;
- }
- // Create node in document
- const parentNode = document.head;
- if (parentNode === null) {
- throw new Error('No parent node');
- }
- // Create or reuse node
- const isFile = (type === 'file');
- const tagName = isFile ? 'link' : 'style';
- if (styleNode === null || styleNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== tagName) {
- if (styleNode !== null && styleNode.parentNode !== null) {
- styleNode.parentNode.removeChild(styleNode);
- }
- styleNode = document.createElement(tagName);
- styleNode.id = id;
- }
- // Update node style
- if (isFile) {
- styleNode.rel = value;
- } else {
- styleNode.textContent = value;
- }
- // Update parent
- if (styleNode.parentNode !== parentNode) {
- parentNode.appendChild(styleNode);
- }
- // Add to map
- injectedStylesheets.set(id, styleNode);
- return styleNode;
-Popup._injectedStylesheets = new Map();