path: root/ext/bg/js/settings.js
diff options
authorAlex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net>2019-12-03 18:30:22 -0800
committerAlex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net>2019-12-03 18:30:22 -0800
commitf9ea6206550ceee625ea93215a6e08d45a750086 (patch)
tree803fe11a788a631076b3fb11a98e50bb8b454396 /ext/bg/js/settings.js
parent08ad2779678cd447bd747c2b155ef9b5135fdf5d (diff)
parent3975aabf4dc283d49ec46d0ed7ead982b9fa7441 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into testing
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/bg/js/settings.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 954 deletions
diff --git a/ext/bg/js/settings.js b/ext/bg/js/settings.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 05a0604a..00000000
--- a/ext/bg/js/settings.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,954 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net>
- * Author: Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net>
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-async function getOptionsArray() {
- const optionsFull = await apiOptionsGetFull();
- return optionsFull.profiles.map(profile => profile.options);
-async function formRead(options) {
- options.general.enable = $('#enable').prop('checked');
- options.general.showGuide = $('#show-usage-guide').prop('checked');
- options.general.compactTags = $('#compact-tags').prop('checked');
- options.general.compactGlossaries = $('#compact-glossaries').prop('checked');
- options.general.resultOutputMode = $('#result-output-mode').val();
- options.general.debugInfo = $('#show-debug-info').prop('checked');
- options.general.showAdvanced = $('#show-advanced-options').prop('checked');
- options.general.maxResults = parseInt($('#max-displayed-results').val(), 10);
- options.general.popupDisplayMode = $('#popup-display-mode').val();
- options.general.popupHorizontalTextPosition = $('#popup-horizontal-text-position').val();
- options.general.popupVerticalTextPosition = $('#popup-vertical-text-position').val();
- options.general.popupWidth = parseInt($('#popup-width').val(), 10);
- options.general.popupHeight = parseInt($('#popup-height').val(), 10);
- options.general.popupHorizontalOffset = parseInt($('#popup-horizontal-offset').val(), 0);
- options.general.popupVerticalOffset = parseInt($('#popup-vertical-offset').val(), 10);
- options.general.popupHorizontalOffset2 = parseInt($('#popup-horizontal-offset2').val(), 0);
- options.general.popupVerticalOffset2 = parseInt($('#popup-vertical-offset2').val(), 10);
- options.general.popupTheme = $('#popup-theme').val();
- options.general.popupOuterTheme = $('#popup-outer-theme').val();
- options.general.customPopupCss = $('#custom-popup-css').val();
- options.general.customPopupOuterCss = $('#custom-popup-outer-css').val();
- options.audio.enabled = $('#audio-playback-enabled').prop('checked');
- options.audio.autoPlay = $('#auto-play-audio').prop('checked');
- options.audio.volume = parseFloat($('#audio-playback-volume').val());
- options.audio.customSourceUrl = $('#audio-custom-source').val();
- options.audio.textToSpeechVoice = $('#text-to-speech-voice').val();
- options.scanning.middleMouse = $('#middle-mouse-button-scan').prop('checked');
- options.scanning.touchInputEnabled = $('#touch-input-enabled').prop('checked');
- options.scanning.selectText = $('#select-matched-text').prop('checked');
- options.scanning.alphanumeric = $('#search-alphanumeric').prop('checked');
- options.scanning.autoHideResults = $('#auto-hide-results').prop('checked');
- options.scanning.deepDomScan = $('#deep-dom-scan').prop('checked');
- options.scanning.enablePopupSearch = $('#enable-search-within-first-popup').prop('checked');
- options.scanning.enableOnPopupExpressions = $('#enable-scanning-of-popup-expressions').prop('checked');
- options.scanning.enableOnSearchPage = $('#enable-scanning-on-search-page').prop('checked');
- options.scanning.delay = parseInt($('#scan-delay').val(), 10);
- options.scanning.length = parseInt($('#scan-length').val(), 10);
- options.scanning.modifier = $('#scan-modifier-key').val();
- options.scanning.popupNestingMaxDepth = parseInt($('#popup-nesting-max-depth').val(), 10);
- const optionsAnkiEnableOld = options.anki.enable;
- options.anki.enable = $('#anki-enable').prop('checked');
- options.anki.tags = utilBackgroundIsolate($('#card-tags').val().split(/[,; ]+/));
- options.anki.sentenceExt = parseInt($('#sentence-detection-extent').val(), 10);
- options.anki.server = $('#interface-server').val();
- options.anki.screenshot.format = $('#screenshot-format').val();
- options.anki.screenshot.quality = parseInt($('#screenshot-quality').val(), 10);
- options.anki.fieldTemplates = $('#field-templates').val();
- if (optionsAnkiEnableOld && !ankiErrorShown()) {
- options.anki.terms.deck = $('#anki-terms-deck').val();
- options.anki.terms.model = $('#anki-terms-model').val();
- options.anki.terms.fields = utilBackgroundIsolate(ankiFieldsToDict($('#terms .anki-field-value')));
- options.anki.kanji.deck = $('#anki-kanji-deck').val();
- options.anki.kanji.model = $('#anki-kanji-model').val();
- options.anki.kanji.fields = utilBackgroundIsolate(ankiFieldsToDict($('#kanji .anki-field-value')));
- }
- options.general.mainDictionary = $('#dict-main').val();
- $('.dict-group').each((index, element) => {
- const dictionary = $(element);
- options.dictionaries[dictionary.data('title')] = utilBackgroundIsolate({
- priority: parseInt(dictionary.find('.dict-priority').val(), 10),
- enabled: dictionary.find('.dict-enabled').prop('checked'),
- allowSecondarySearches: dictionary.find('.dict-allow-secondary-searches').prop('checked')
- });
- });
-async function formWrite(options) {
- $('#enable').prop('checked', options.general.enable);
- $('#show-usage-guide').prop('checked', options.general.showGuide);
- $('#compact-tags').prop('checked', options.general.compactTags);
- $('#compact-glossaries').prop('checked', options.general.compactGlossaries);
- $('#result-output-mode').val(options.general.resultOutputMode);
- $('#show-debug-info').prop('checked', options.general.debugInfo);
- $('#show-advanced-options').prop('checked', options.general.showAdvanced);
- $('#max-displayed-results').val(options.general.maxResults);
- $('#popup-display-mode').val(options.general.popupDisplayMode);
- $('#popup-horizontal-text-position').val(options.general.popupHorizontalTextPosition);
- $('#popup-vertical-text-position').val(options.general.popupVerticalTextPosition);
- $('#popup-width').val(options.general.popupWidth);
- $('#popup-height').val(options.general.popupHeight);
- $('#popup-horizontal-offset').val(options.general.popupHorizontalOffset);
- $('#popup-vertical-offset').val(options.general.popupVerticalOffset);
- $('#popup-horizontal-offset2').val(options.general.popupHorizontalOffset2);
- $('#popup-vertical-offset2').val(options.general.popupVerticalOffset2);
- $('#popup-theme').val(options.general.popupTheme);
- $('#popup-outer-theme').val(options.general.popupOuterTheme);
- $('#custom-popup-css').val(options.general.customPopupCss);
- $('#custom-popup-outer-css').val(options.general.customPopupOuterCss);
- $('#audio-playback-enabled').prop('checked', options.audio.enabled);
- $('#auto-play-audio').prop('checked', options.audio.autoPlay);
- $('#audio-playback-volume').val(options.audio.volume);
- $('#audio-custom-source').val(options.audio.customSourceUrl);
- $('#text-to-speech-voice').val(options.audio.textToSpeechVoice).attr('data-value', options.audio.textToSpeechVoice);
- $('#middle-mouse-button-scan').prop('checked', options.scanning.middleMouse);
- $('#touch-input-enabled').prop('checked', options.scanning.touchInputEnabled);
- $('#select-matched-text').prop('checked', options.scanning.selectText);
- $('#search-alphanumeric').prop('checked', options.scanning.alphanumeric);
- $('#auto-hide-results').prop('checked', options.scanning.autoHideResults);
- $('#deep-dom-scan').prop('checked', options.scanning.deepDomScan);
- $('#enable-search-within-first-popup').prop('checked', options.scanning.enablePopupSearch);
- $('#enable-scanning-of-popup-expressions').prop('checked', options.scanning.enableOnPopupExpressions);
- $('#enable-scanning-on-search-page').prop('checked', options.scanning.enableOnSearchPage);
- $('#scan-delay').val(options.scanning.delay);
- $('#scan-length').val(options.scanning.length);
- $('#scan-modifier-key').val(options.scanning.modifier);
- $('#popup-nesting-max-depth').val(options.scanning.popupNestingMaxDepth);
- $('#anki-enable').prop('checked', options.anki.enable);
- $('#card-tags').val(options.anki.tags.join(' '));
- $('#sentence-detection-extent').val(options.anki.sentenceExt);
- $('#interface-server').val(options.anki.server);
- $('#screenshot-format').val(options.anki.screenshot.format);
- $('#screenshot-quality').val(options.anki.screenshot.quality);
- $('#field-templates').val(options.anki.fieldTemplates);
- try {
- await dictionaryGroupsPopulate(options);
- await formMainDictionaryOptionsPopulate(options);
- } catch (e) {
- dictionaryErrorsShow([e]);
- }
- try {
- await ankiDeckAndModelPopulate(options);
- } catch (e) {
- ankiErrorShow(e);
- }
- formUpdateVisibility(options);
-function formSetupEventListeners() {
- $('#dict-purge-link').click(utilAsync(onDictionaryPurge));
- $('#dict-file').change(utilAsync(onDictionaryImport));
- $('#dict-file-button').click(onDictionaryImportButtonClick);
- $('#field-templates-reset').click(utilAsync(onAnkiFieldTemplatesReset));
- $('input, select, textarea').not('.anki-model').not('.ignore-form-changes *').change(utilAsync(onFormOptionsChanged));
- $('.anki-model').change(utilAsync(onAnkiModelChanged));
-function formUpdateVisibility(options) {
- const general = $('#anki-general');
- if (options.anki.enable) {
- general.show();
- } else {
- general.hide();
- }
- const advanced = $('.options-advanced');
- if (options.general.showAdvanced) {
- advanced.show();
- } else {
- advanced.hide();
- }
- const mainGroup = $('#dict-main-group');
- if (options.general.resultOutputMode === 'merge') {
- mainGroup.show();
- } else {
- mainGroup.hide();
- }
- const debug = $('#debug');
- if (options.general.debugInfo) {
- const temp = utilIsolate(options);
- temp.anki.fieldTemplates = '...';
- const text = JSON.stringify(temp, null, 4);
- debug.html(handlebarsEscape(text));
- debug.show();
- } else {
- debug.hide();
- }
-async function formMainDictionaryOptionsPopulate(options) {
- const select = $('#dict-main').empty();
- select.append($('<option class="text-muted" value="">Not selected</option>'));
- let mainDictionary = '';
- for (const dictRow of toIterable(await utilDatabaseSummarize())) {
- if (dictRow.sequenced) {
- select.append($(`<option value="${dictRow.title}">${dictRow.title}</option>`));
- if (dictRow.title === options.general.mainDictionary) {
- mainDictionary = dictRow.title;
- }
- }
- }
- select.val(mainDictionary);
-async function onFormOptionsChanged(e) {
- if (!e.originalEvent && !e.isTrigger) {
- return;
- }
- const optionsContext = getOptionsContext();
- const options = await apiOptionsGet(optionsContext);
- const optionsAnkiEnableOld = options.anki.enable;
- const optionsAnkiServerOld = options.anki.server;
- await formRead(options);
- await settingsSaveOptions();
- formUpdateVisibility(options);
- try {
- const ankiUpdated =
- options.anki.enable !== optionsAnkiEnableOld ||
- options.anki.server !== optionsAnkiServerOld;
- if (ankiUpdated) {
- ankiSpinnerShow(true);
- await ankiDeckAndModelPopulate(options);
- ankiErrorShow();
- }
- } catch (e) {
- ankiErrorShow(e);
- } finally {
- ankiSpinnerShow(false);
- }
-async function onReady() {
- showExtensionInformation();
- formSetupEventListeners();
- appearanceInitialize();
- await audioSettingsInitialize();
- await profileOptionsSetup();
- storageInfoInitialize();
- chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(onMessage);
- * Appearance
- */
-function appearanceInitialize() {
- let previewVisible = false;
- $('#settings-popup-preview-button').on('click', () => {
- if (previewVisible) { return; }
- showAppearancePreview();
- previewVisible = true;
- });
-function showAppearancePreview() {
- const container = $('#settings-popup-preview-container');
- const buttonContainer = $('#settings-popup-preview-button-container');
- const settings = $('#settings-popup-preview-settings');
- const text = $('#settings-popup-preview-text');
- const customCss = $('#custom-popup-css');
- const customOuterCss = $('#custom-popup-outer-css');
- const frame = document.createElement('iframe');
- frame.src = '/bg/settings-popup-preview.html';
- frame.id = 'settings-popup-preview-frame';
- window.wanakana.bind(text[0]);
- text.on('input', () => {
- const action = 'setText';
- const params = {text: text.val()};
- frame.contentWindow.postMessage({action, params}, '*');
- });
- customCss.on('input', () => {
- const action = 'setCustomCss';
- const params = {css: customCss.val()};
- frame.contentWindow.postMessage({action, params}, '*');
- });
- customOuterCss.on('input', () => {
- const action = 'setCustomOuterCss';
- const params = {css: customOuterCss.val()};
- frame.contentWindow.postMessage({action, params}, '*');
- });
- container.append(frame);
- buttonContainer.remove();
- settings.css('display', '');
- * Audio
- */
-let audioSourceUI = null;
-async function audioSettingsInitialize() {
- const optionsContext = getOptionsContext();
- const options = await apiOptionsGet(optionsContext);
- audioSourceUI = new AudioSourceUI.Container(options.audio.sources, $('.audio-source-list'), $('.audio-source-add'));
- audioSourceUI.save = () => apiOptionsSave();
- textToSpeechInitialize();
-function textToSpeechInitialize() {
- if (typeof speechSynthesis === 'undefined') { return; }
- speechSynthesis.addEventListener('voiceschanged', () => updateTextToSpeechVoices(), false);
- updateTextToSpeechVoices();
- $('#text-to-speech-voice-test').on('click', () => textToSpeechTest());
-function updateTextToSpeechVoices() {
- const voices = Array.prototype.map.call(speechSynthesis.getVoices(), (voice, index) => ({voice, index}));
- voices.sort(textToSpeechVoiceCompare);
- if (voices.length > 0) {
- $('#text-to-speech-voice-container').css('display', '');
- }
- const select = $('#text-to-speech-voice');
- select.empty();
- select.append($('<option>').val('').text('None'));
- for (const {voice} of voices) {
- select.append($('<option>').val(voice.voiceURI).text(`${voice.name} (${voice.lang})`));
- }
- select.val(select.attr('data-value'));
-function languageTagIsJapanese(languageTag) {
- return (
- languageTag.startsWith('ja-') ||
- languageTag.startsWith('jpn-')
- );
-function textToSpeechVoiceCompare(a, b) {
- const aIsJapanese = languageTagIsJapanese(a.voice.lang);
- const bIsJapanese = languageTagIsJapanese(b.voice.lang);
- if (aIsJapanese) {
- if (!bIsJapanese) { return -1; }
- } else {
- if (bIsJapanese) { return 1; }
- }
- const aIsDefault = a.voice.default;
- const bIsDefault = b.voice.default;
- if (aIsDefault) {
- if (!bIsDefault) { return -1; }
- } else {
- if (bIsDefault) { return 1; }
- }
- if (a.index < b.index) { return -1; }
- if (a.index > b.index) { return 1; }
- return 0;
-function textToSpeechTest() {
- try {
- const text = $('#text-to-speech-voice-test').attr('data-speech-text') || '';
- const voiceURI = $('#text-to-speech-voice').val();
- const voice = audioGetTextToSpeechVoice(voiceURI);
- if (voice === null) { return; }
- const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
- utterance.lang = 'ja-JP';
- utterance.voice = voice;
- utterance.volume = 1.0;
- speechSynthesis.speak(utterance);
- } catch (e) {
- // NOP
- }
- * Remote options updates
- */
-function settingsGetSource() {
- return new Promise((resolve) => {
- chrome.tabs.getCurrent((tab) => resolve(`settings${tab ? tab.id : ''}`));
- });
-async function settingsSaveOptions() {
- const source = await settingsGetSource();
- await apiOptionsSave(source);
-async function onOptionsUpdate({source}) {
- const thisSource = await settingsGetSource();
- if (source === thisSource) { return; }
- const optionsContext = getOptionsContext();
- const options = await apiOptionsGet(optionsContext);
- await formWrite(options);
-function onMessage({action, params}, sender, callback) {
- switch (action) {
- case 'optionsUpdate':
- onOptionsUpdate(params);
- break;
- case 'getUrl':
- callback({url: window.location.href});
- break;
- }
- * Dictionary
- */
-function dictionaryErrorToString(error) {
- if (error.toString) {
- error = error.toString();
- } else {
- error = `${error}`;
- }
- for (const [match, subst] of dictionaryErrorToString.overrides) {
- if (error.includes(match)) {
- error = subst;
- break;
- }
- }
- return error;
-dictionaryErrorToString.overrides = [
- [
- 'A mutation operation was attempted on a database that did not allow mutations.',
- 'Access to IndexedDB appears to be restricted. Firefox seems to require that the history preference is set to "Remember history" before IndexedDB use of any kind is allowed.'
- ],
- [
- 'The operation failed for reasons unrelated to the database itself and not covered by any other error code.',
- 'Unable to access IndexedDB due to a possibly corrupt user profile. Try using the "Refresh Firefox" feature to reset your user profile.'
- ],
- [
- 'BulkError',
- 'Unable to finish importing dictionary data into IndexedDB. This may indicate that you do not have sufficient disk space available to complete this operation.'
- ]
-function dictionaryErrorsShow(errors) {
- const dialog = $('#dict-error');
- dialog.show().text('');
- if (errors !== null && errors.length > 0) {
- const uniqueErrors = {};
- for (let e of errors) {
- e = dictionaryErrorToString(e);
- uniqueErrors[e] = uniqueErrors.hasOwnProperty(e) ? uniqueErrors[e] + 1 : 1;
- }
- for (const e in uniqueErrors) {
- const count = uniqueErrors[e];
- const div = document.createElement('p');
- if (count > 1) {
- div.textContent = `${e} `;
- const em = document.createElement('em');
- em.textContent = `(${count})`;
- div.appendChild(em);
- } else {
- div.textContent = `${e}`;
- }
- dialog.append($(div));
- }
- dialog.show();
- } else {
- dialog.hide();
- }
-function dictionarySpinnerShow(show) {
- const spinner = $('#dict-spinner');
- if (show) {
- spinner.show();
- } else {
- spinner.hide();
- }
-function dictionaryGroupsSort() {
- const dictGroups = $('#dict-groups');
- const dictGroupChildren = dictGroups.children('.dict-group').sort((ca, cb) => {
- const pa = parseInt($(ca).find('.dict-priority').val(), 10);
- const pb = parseInt($(cb).find('.dict-priority').val(), 10);
- if (pa < pb) {
- return 1;
- } else if (pa > pb) {
- return -1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- });
- dictGroups.append(dictGroupChildren);
-async function dictionaryGroupsPopulate(options) {
- const dictGroups = $('#dict-groups').empty();
- const dictWarning = $('#dict-warning').hide();
- const dictRows = toIterable(await utilDatabaseSummarize());
- if (dictRows.length === 0) {
- dictWarning.show();
- }
- for (const dictRow of toIterable(dictRowsSort(dictRows, options))) {
- const dictOptions = options.dictionaries[dictRow.title] || {
- enabled: false,
- priority: 0,
- allowSecondarySearches: false
- };
- const dictHtml = await apiTemplateRender('dictionary.html', {
- enabled: dictOptions.enabled,
- priority: dictOptions.priority,
- allowSecondarySearches: dictOptions.allowSecondarySearches,
- title: dictRow.title,
- version: dictRow.version,
- revision: dictRow.revision,
- outdated: dictRow.version < 3
- });
- dictGroups.append($(dictHtml));
- }
- formUpdateVisibility(options);
- $('.dict-enabled, .dict-priority, .dict-allow-secondary-searches').change(e => {
- dictionaryGroupsSort();
- onFormOptionsChanged(e);
- });
-async function onDictionaryPurge(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- const dictControls = $('#dict-importer, #dict-groups, #dict-main-group').hide();
- const dictProgress = $('#dict-purge').show();
- try {
- dictionaryErrorsShow(null);
- dictionarySpinnerShow(true);
- await utilDatabasePurge();
- for (const options of toIterable(await getOptionsArray())) {
- options.dictionaries = utilBackgroundIsolate({});
- options.general.mainDictionary = '';
- }
- await settingsSaveOptions();
- const optionsContext = getOptionsContext();
- const options = await apiOptionsGet(optionsContext);
- await dictionaryGroupsPopulate(options);
- await formMainDictionaryOptionsPopulate(options);
- } catch (e) {
- dictionaryErrorsShow([e]);
- } finally {
- dictionarySpinnerShow(false);
- dictControls.show();
- dictProgress.hide();
- if (storageEstimate.mostRecent !== null) {
- storageUpdateStats();
- }
- }
-function onDictionaryImportButtonClick() {
- const dictFile = document.querySelector('#dict-file');
- dictFile.click();
-async function onDictionaryImport(e) {
- const dictFile = $('#dict-file');
- const dictControls = $('#dict-importer').hide();
- const dictProgress = $('#dict-import-progress').show();
- try {
- dictionaryErrorsShow(null);
- dictionarySpinnerShow(true);
- const setProgress = percent => dictProgress.find('.progress-bar').css('width', `${percent}%`);
- const updateProgress = (total, current) => {
- setProgress(current / total * 100.0);
- if (storageEstimate.mostRecent !== null && !storageUpdateStats.isUpdating) {
- storageUpdateStats();
- }
- };
- setProgress(0.0);
- const exceptions = [];
- const summary = await utilDatabaseImport(e.target.files[0], updateProgress, exceptions);
- for (const options of toIterable(await getOptionsArray())) {
- options.dictionaries[summary.title] = utilBackgroundIsolate({
- enabled: true,
- priority: 0,
- allowSecondarySearches: false
- });
- if (summary.sequenced && options.general.mainDictionary === '') {
- options.general.mainDictionary = summary.title;
- }
- }
- await settingsSaveOptions();
- if (exceptions.length > 0) {
- exceptions.push(`Dictionary may not have been imported properly: ${exceptions.length} error${exceptions.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} reported.`);
- dictionaryErrorsShow(exceptions);
- }
- const optionsContext = getOptionsContext();
- const options = await apiOptionsGet(optionsContext);
- await dictionaryGroupsPopulate(options);
- await formMainDictionaryOptionsPopulate(options);
- } catch (e) {
- dictionaryErrorsShow([e]);
- } finally {
- dictionarySpinnerShow(false);
- dictFile.val('');
- dictControls.show();
- dictProgress.hide();
- }
- * Anki
- */
-function ankiSpinnerShow(show) {
- const spinner = $('#anki-spinner');
- if (show) {
- spinner.show();
- } else {
- spinner.hide();
- }
-function ankiErrorShow(error) {
- const dialog = $('#anki-error');
- if (error) {
- dialog.show().text(error);
- }
- else {
- dialog.hide();
- }
-function ankiErrorShown() {
- return $('#anki-error').is(':visible');
-function ankiFieldsToDict(selection) {
- const result = {};
- selection.each((index, element) => {
- result[$(element).data('field')] = $(element).val();
- });
- return result;
-async function ankiDeckAndModelPopulate(options) {
- const ankiFormat = $('#anki-format').hide();
- const deckNames = await utilAnkiGetDeckNames();
- const ankiDeck = $('.anki-deck');
- ankiDeck.find('option').remove();
- deckNames.sort().forEach(name => ankiDeck.append($('<option/>', {value: name, text: name})));
- const modelNames = await utilAnkiGetModelNames();
- const ankiModel = $('.anki-model');
- ankiModel.find('option').remove();
- modelNames.sort().forEach(name => ankiModel.append($('<option/>', {value: name, text: name})));
- $('#anki-terms-deck').val(options.anki.terms.deck);
- await ankiFieldsPopulate($('#anki-terms-model').val(options.anki.terms.model), options);
- $('#anki-kanji-deck').val(options.anki.kanji.deck);
- await ankiFieldsPopulate($('#anki-kanji-model').val(options.anki.kanji.model), options);
- ankiFormat.show();
-async function ankiFieldsPopulate(element, options) {
- const modelName = element.val();
- if (!modelName) {
- return;
- }
- const tab = element.closest('.tab-pane');
- const tabId = tab.attr('id');
- const container = tab.find('tbody').empty();
- const markers = {
- 'terms': [
- 'audio',
- 'cloze-body',
- 'cloze-prefix',
- 'cloze-suffix',
- 'dictionary',
- 'expression',
- 'furigana',
- 'furigana-plain',
- 'glossary',
- 'glossary-brief',
- 'reading',
- 'screenshot',
- 'sentence',
- 'tags',
- 'url'
- ],
- 'kanji': [
- 'character',
- 'dictionary',
- 'glossary',
- 'kunyomi',
- 'onyomi',
- 'screenshot',
- 'sentence',
- 'tags',
- 'url'
- ]
- }[tabId] || {};
- for (const name of await utilAnkiGetModelFieldNames(modelName)) {
- const value = options.anki[tabId].fields[name] || '';
- const html = Handlebars.templates['model.html']({name, markers, value});
- container.append($(html));
- }
- tab.find('.anki-field-value').change(utilAsync(onFormOptionsChanged));
- tab.find('.marker-link').click(onAnkiMarkerClicked);
-function onAnkiMarkerClicked(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- const link = e.target;
- $(link).closest('.input-group').find('.anki-field-value').val(`{${link.text}}`).trigger('change');
-async function onAnkiModelChanged(e) {
- try {
- if (!e.originalEvent) {
- return;
- }
- const element = $(this);
- const tab = element.closest('.tab-pane');
- const tabId = tab.attr('id');
- const optionsContext = getOptionsContext();
- const options = await apiOptionsGet(optionsContext);
- await formRead(options);
- options.anki[tabId].fields = utilBackgroundIsolate({});
- await settingsSaveOptions();
- ankiSpinnerShow(true);
- await ankiFieldsPopulate(element, options);
- ankiErrorShow();
- } catch (e) {
- ankiErrorShow(e);
- } finally {
- ankiSpinnerShow(false);
- }
-async function onAnkiFieldTemplatesReset(e) {
- try {
- e.preventDefault();
- const optionsContext = getOptionsContext();
- const options = await apiOptionsGet(optionsContext);
- const fieldTemplates = profileOptionsGetDefaultFieldTemplates();
- options.anki.fieldTemplates = fieldTemplates;
- $('#field-templates').val(fieldTemplates);
- await settingsSaveOptions();
- } catch (e) {
- ankiErrorShow(e);
- }
- * Storage
- */
-function storageBytesToLabeledString(size) {
- const base = 1000;
- const labels = [' bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB'];
- let labelIndex = 0;
- while (size >= base) {
- size /= base;
- ++labelIndex;
- }
- const label = labelIndex === 0 ? `${size}` : size.toFixed(1);
- return `${label}${labels[labelIndex]}`;
-async function storageEstimate() {
- try {
- return (storageEstimate.mostRecent = await navigator.storage.estimate());
- } catch (e) { }
- return null;
-storageEstimate.mostRecent = null;
-async function isStoragePeristent() {
- try {
- return await navigator.storage.persisted();
- } catch (e) { }
- return false;
-async function storageInfoInitialize() {
- storagePersistInitialize();
- const {browser, platform} = await apiGetEnvironmentInfo();
- document.documentElement.dataset.browser = browser;
- document.documentElement.dataset.operatingSystem = platform.os;
- await storageShowInfo();
- document.querySelector('#storage-refresh').addEventListener('click', () => storageShowInfo(), false);
-async function storageUpdateStats() {
- storageUpdateStats.isUpdating = true;
- const estimate = await storageEstimate();
- const valid = (estimate !== null);
- if (valid) {
- // Firefox reports usage as 0 when persistent storage is enabled.
- const finite = (estimate.usage > 0 || !(await isStoragePeristent()));
- if (finite) {
- document.querySelector('#storage-usage').textContent = storageBytesToLabeledString(estimate.usage);
- document.querySelector('#storage-quota').textContent = storageBytesToLabeledString(estimate.quota);
- }
- document.querySelector('#storage-use-finite').classList.toggle('storage-hidden', !finite);
- document.querySelector('#storage-use-infinite').classList.toggle('storage-hidden', finite);
- }
- storageUpdateStats.isUpdating = false;
- return valid;
-storageUpdateStats.isUpdating = false;
-async function storageShowInfo() {
- storageSpinnerShow(true);
- const valid = await storageUpdateStats();
- document.querySelector('#storage-use').classList.toggle('storage-hidden', !valid);
- document.querySelector('#storage-error').classList.toggle('storage-hidden', valid);
- storageSpinnerShow(false);
-function storageSpinnerShow(show) {
- const spinner = $('#storage-spinner');
- if (show) {
- spinner.show();
- } else {
- spinner.hide();
- }
-async function storagePersistInitialize() {
- if (!(navigator.storage && navigator.storage.persist)) {
- // Not supported
- return;
- }
- const info = document.querySelector('#storage-persist-info');
- const button = document.querySelector('#storage-persist-button');
- const checkbox = document.querySelector('#storage-persist-button-checkbox');
- info.classList.remove('storage-hidden');
- button.classList.remove('storage-hidden');
- let persisted = await isStoragePeristent();
- checkbox.checked = persisted;
- button.addEventListener('click', async () => {
- if (persisted) {
- return;
- }
- let result = false;
- try {
- result = await navigator.storage.persist();
- } catch (e) {
- // NOP
- }
- if (result) {
- persisted = true;
- checkbox.checked = true;
- storageShowInfo();
- } else {
- $('.storage-persist-fail-warning').removeClass('storage-hidden');
- }
- }, false);
- * Information
- */
-function showExtensionInformation() {
- const node = document.getElementById('extension-info');
- if (node === null) { return; }
- const manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest();
- node.textContent = `${manifest.name} v${manifest.version}`;