/* Copyright 2016-2019 Arisotura This file is part of melonDS. melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #ifndef MAIN_SHADERS_H #define MAIN_SHADERS_H const char* kScreenVS = R"(#version 140 layout(std140) uniform uConfig { vec2 uScreenSize; uint u3DScale; uint uFilterMode; }; in vec2 vPosition; in vec2 vTexcoord; smooth out vec2 fTexcoord; void main() { vec4 fpos; fpos.xy = ((vPosition.xy * 2.0) / uScreenSize) - 1.0; fpos.y *= -1; fpos.z = 0.0; fpos.w = 1.0; gl_Position = fpos; fTexcoord = vTexcoord; } )"; const char* kScreenFS = R"(#version 140 layout(std140) uniform uConfig { vec2 uScreenSize; uint u3DScale; uint uFilterMode; }; uniform usampler2D ScreenTex; uniform sampler2D _3DTex; smooth in vec2 fTexcoord; out vec4 oColor; void main() { ivec4 pixel = ivec4(texelFetch(ScreenTex, ivec2(fTexcoord), 0)); ivec4 mbright = ivec4(texelFetch(ScreenTex, ivec2(256*3, int(fTexcoord.y)), 0)); int dispmode = mbright.b & 0x3; if (dispmode == 1) { ivec4 val1 = pixel; ivec4 val2 = ivec4(texelFetch(ScreenTex, ivec2(fTexcoord) + ivec2(256,0), 0)); ivec4 val3 = ivec4(texelFetch(ScreenTex, ivec2(fTexcoord) + ivec2(512,0), 0)); int compmode = val3.a & 0xF; int eva, evb, evy; if (compmode == 4) { // 3D on top, blending float xpos = val3.r + fract(fTexcoord.x); float ypos = mod(fTexcoord.y, 192); ivec4 _3dpix = ivec4(texelFetch(_3DTex, ivec2(vec2(xpos, ypos)*u3DScale), 0).bgra * vec4(63,63,63,31)); if (_3dpix.a > 0) { eva = (_3dpix.a & 0x1F) + 1; evb = 32 - eva; val1 = ((_3dpix * eva) + (val1 * evb)) >> 5; if (eva <= 16) val1 += ivec4(1,1,1,0); val1 = min(val1, 0x3F); } else val1 = val2; } else if (compmode == 1) { // 3D on bottom, blending float xpos = val3.r + fract(fTexcoord.x); float ypos = mod(fTexcoord.y, 192); ivec4 _3dpix = ivec4(texelFetch(_3DTex, ivec2(vec2(xpos, ypos)*u3DScale), 0).bgra * vec4(63,63,63,31)); if (_3dpix.a > 0) { eva = val3.g; evb = val3.b; val1 = ((val1 * eva) + (_3dpix * evb)) >> 4; val1 = min(val1, 0x3F); } else val1 = val2; } else if (compmode <= 3) { // 3D on top, normal/fade float xpos = val3.r + fract(fTexcoord.x); float ypos = mod(fTexcoord.y, 192); ivec4 _3dpix = ivec4(texelFetch(_3DTex, ivec2(vec2(xpos, ypos)*u3DScale), 0).bgra * vec4(63,63,63,31)); if (_3dpix.a > 0) { evy = val3.g; val1 = _3dpix; if (compmode == 2) val1 += ((ivec4(0x3F,0x3F,0x3F,0) - val1) * evy) >> 4; else if (compmode == 3) val1 -= (val1 * evy) >> 4; } else val1 = val2; } pixel = val1; } if (dispmode != 0) { int brightmode = mbright.g >> 6; if (brightmode == 1) { // up int evy = mbright.r & 0x1F; if (evy > 16) evy = 16; pixel += ((ivec4(0x3F,0x3F,0x3F,0) - pixel) * evy) >> 4; } else if (brightmode == 2) { // down int evy = mbright.r & 0x1F; if (evy > 16) evy = 16; pixel -= (pixel * evy) >> 4; } } pixel.rgb <<= 2; pixel.rgb |= (pixel.rgb >> 6); // TODO: filters oColor = vec4(vec3(pixel.rgb) / 255.0, 1.0); } )"; #endif // MAIN_SHADERS_H