/* Copyright 2016-2020 Arisotura This file is part of melonDS. melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __WIN32__ #include #endif #include #include "libui/ui.h" #include "../OpenGLSupport.h" #include "main_shaders.h" #include "../types.h" #include "../version.h" #include "PlatformConfig.h" #include "DlgEmuSettings.h" #include "DlgInputConfig.h" #include "DlgVideoSettings.h" #include "DlgAudioSettings.h" #include "DlgWifiSettings.h" #include "../NDS.h" #include "../GBACart.h" #include "../GPU.h" #include "../SPU.h" #include "../Wifi.h" #include "../Platform.h" #include "../Config.h" #include "../Savestate.h" #include "OSD.h" #ifdef MELONCAP #include "MelonCap.h" #endif // MELONCAP // savestate slot mapping // 1-8: regular slots (quick access) // '9': load/save arbitrary file const int kSavestateNum[9] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0}; const int kScreenSize[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; const int kScreenRot[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; const int kScreenGap[6] = {0, 1, 8, 64, 90, 128}; const int kScreenLayout[3] = {0, 1, 2}; const int kScreenSizing[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; char* EmuDirectory; uiWindow* MainWindow; uiArea* MainDrawArea; uiAreaHandler MainDrawAreaHandler; const u32 kGLVersions[] = {uiGLVersion(3,2), uiGLVersion(3,1), 0}; uiGLContext* GLContext; int WindowWidth, WindowHeight; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_SaveState; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_LoadState; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_UndoStateLoad; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_SaveStateSlot[9]; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_LoadStateSlot[9]; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_Pause; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_Reset; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_Stop; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_SavestateSRAMReloc; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ScreenRot[4]; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ScreenGap[6]; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ScreenLayout[3]; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ScreenSizing[4]; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ScreenFilter; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_LimitFPS; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_AudioSync; uiMenuItem* MenuItem_ShowOSD; SDL_Thread* EmuThread; int EmuRunning; volatile int EmuStatus; bool RunningSomething; char ROMPath[2][1024]; char SRAMPath[2][1024]; char PrevSRAMPath[2][1024]; // for savestate 'undo load' bool SavestateLoaded; bool Screen_UseGL; bool ScreenDrawInited = false; uiDrawBitmap* ScreenBitmap[2] = {NULL,NULL}; GLuint GL_ScreenShader[3]; GLuint GL_ScreenShaderAccel[3]; GLuint GL_ScreenShaderOSD[3]; struct { float uScreenSize[2]; u32 u3DScale; u32 uFilterMode; } GL_ShaderConfig; GLuint GL_ShaderConfigUBO; GLuint GL_ScreenVertexArrayID, GL_ScreenVertexBufferID; float GL_ScreenVertices[2 * 3*2 * 4]; // position/texcoord GLuint GL_ScreenTexture; bool GL_ScreenSizeDirty; int GL_3DScale; bool GL_VSyncStatus; int ScreenGap = 0; int ScreenLayout = 0; int ScreenSizing = 0; int ScreenRotation = 0; int MainScreenPos[3]; int AutoScreenSizing; uiRect TopScreenRect; uiRect BottomScreenRect; uiDrawMatrix TopScreenTrans; uiDrawMatrix BottomScreenTrans; bool Touching = false; u32 KeyInputMask, JoyInputMask; u32 KeyHotkeyMask, JoyHotkeyMask; u32 HotkeyMask, LastHotkeyMask; u32 HotkeyPress, HotkeyRelease; #define HotkeyDown(hk) (HotkeyMask & (1<<(hk))) #define HotkeyPressed(hk) (HotkeyPress & (1<<(hk))) #define HotkeyReleased(hk) (HotkeyRelease & (1<<(hk))) bool LidStatus; int JoystickID; SDL_Joystick* Joystick; int AudioFreq; float AudioSampleFrac; SDL_AudioDeviceID AudioDevice, MicDevice; SDL_cond* AudioSync; SDL_mutex* AudioSyncLock; u32 MicBufferLength = 2048; s16 MicBuffer[2048]; u32 MicBufferReadPos, MicBufferWritePos; u32 MicWavLength; s16* MicWavBuffer; void SetupScreenRects(int width, int height); void TogglePause(void* blarg); void Reset(void* blarg); void SetupSRAMPath(int slot); void SaveState(int slot); void LoadState(int slot); void UndoStateLoad(); void GetSavestateName(int slot, char* filename, int len); void CreateMainWindow(bool opengl); void DestroyMainWindow(); void RecreateMainWindow(bool opengl); bool GLScreen_InitShader(GLuint* shader, const char* fs) { if (!OpenGL_BuildShaderProgram(kScreenVS, fs, shader, "ScreenShader")) return false; glBindAttribLocation(shader[2], 0, "vPosition"); glBindAttribLocation(shader[2], 1, "vTexcoord"); glBindFragDataLocation(shader[2], 0, "oColor"); if (!OpenGL_LinkShaderProgram(shader)) return false; GLuint uni_id; uni_id = glGetUniformBlockIndex(shader[2], "uConfig"); glUniformBlockBinding(shader[2], uni_id, 16); glUseProgram(shader[2]); uni_id = glGetUniformLocation(shader[2], "ScreenTex"); glUniform1i(uni_id, 0); uni_id = glGetUniformLocation(shader[2], "_3DTex"); glUniform1i(uni_id, 1); return true; } bool GLScreen_InitOSDShader(GLuint* shader) { if (!OpenGL_BuildShaderProgram(kScreenVS_OSD, kScreenFS_OSD, shader, "ScreenShaderOSD")) return false; glBindAttribLocation(shader[2], 0, "vPosition"); glBindFragDataLocation(shader[2], 0, "oColor"); if (!OpenGL_LinkShaderProgram(shader)) return false; GLuint uni_id; uni_id = glGetUniformBlockIndex(shader[2], "uConfig"); glUniformBlockBinding(shader[2], uni_id, 16); glUseProgram(shader[2]); uni_id = glGetUniformLocation(shader[2], "OSDTex"); glUniform1i(uni_id, 0); return true; } bool GLScreen_Init() { GL_VSyncStatus = Config::ScreenVSync; // TODO: consider using epoxy? if (!OpenGL_Init()) return false; const GLubyte* renderer = glGetString(GL_RENDERER); // get renderer string const GLubyte* version = glGetString(GL_VERSION); // version as a string printf("OpenGL: renderer: %s\n", renderer); printf("OpenGL: version: %s\n", version); if (!GLScreen_InitShader(GL_ScreenShader, kScreenFS)) return false; if (!GLScreen_InitShader(GL_ScreenShaderAccel, kScreenFS_Accel)) return false; if (!GLScreen_InitOSDShader(GL_ScreenShaderOSD)) return false; memset(&GL_ShaderConfig, 0, sizeof(GL_ShaderConfig)); glGenBuffers(1, &GL_ShaderConfigUBO); glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, GL_ShaderConfigUBO); glBufferData(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, sizeof(GL_ShaderConfig), &GL_ShaderConfig, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBufferBase(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, 16, GL_ShaderConfigUBO); glGenBuffers(1, &GL_ScreenVertexBufferID); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_ScreenVertexBufferID); glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(GL_ScreenVertices), NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glGenVertexArrays(1, &GL_ScreenVertexArrayID); glBindVertexArray(GL_ScreenVertexArrayID); glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); // position glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 4*4, (void*)(0)); glEnableVertexAttribArray(1); // texcoord glVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 4*4, (void*)(2*4)); glGenTextures(1, &GL_ScreenTexture); glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_ScreenTexture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA8UI, 256*3 + 1, 192*2, 0, GL_RGBA_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); GL_ScreenSizeDirty = true; return true; } void GLScreen_DeInit() { glDeleteTextures(1, &GL_ScreenTexture); glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &GL_ScreenVertexArrayID); glDeleteBuffers(1, &GL_ScreenVertexBufferID); OpenGL_DeleteShaderProgram(GL_ScreenShader); OpenGL_DeleteShaderProgram(GL_ScreenShaderAccel); OpenGL_DeleteShaderProgram(GL_ScreenShaderOSD); } void GLScreen_DrawScreen() { bool vsync = Config::ScreenVSync && !HotkeyDown(HK_FastForward); if (vsync != GL_VSyncStatus) { GL_VSyncStatus = vsync; uiGLSetVSync(vsync); } float scale = uiGLGetFramebufferScale(GLContext); glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, uiGLGetFramebuffer(GLContext)); if (GL_ScreenSizeDirty) { GL_ScreenSizeDirty = false; GL_ShaderConfig.uScreenSize[0] = WindowWidth; GL_ShaderConfig.uScreenSize[1] = WindowHeight; GL_ShaderConfig.u3DScale = GL_3DScale; glBindBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, GL_ShaderConfigUBO); void* unibuf = glMapBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY); if (unibuf) memcpy(unibuf, &GL_ShaderConfig, sizeof(GL_ShaderConfig)); glUnmapBuffer(GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER); float scwidth, scheight; float x0, y0, x1, y1; float s0, s1, s2, s3; float t0, t1, t2, t3; #define SETVERTEX(i, x, y, s, t) \ GL_ScreenVertices[4*(i) + 0] = x; \ GL_ScreenVertices[4*(i) + 1] = y; \ GL_ScreenVertices[4*(i) + 2] = s; \ GL_ScreenVertices[4*(i) + 3] = t; x0 = TopScreenRect.X; y0 = TopScreenRect.Y; x1 = TopScreenRect.X + TopScreenRect.Width; y1 = TopScreenRect.Y + TopScreenRect.Height; scwidth = 256; scheight = 192; switch (ScreenRotation) { case 0: s0 = 0; t0 = 0; s1 = scwidth; t1 = 0; s2 = 0; t2 = scheight; s3 = scwidth; t3 = scheight; break; case 1: s0 = 0; t0 = scheight; s1 = 0; t1 = 0; s2 = scwidth; t2 = scheight; s3 = scwidth; t3 = 0; break; case 2: s0 = scwidth; t0 = scheight; s1 = 0; t1 = scheight; s2 = scwidth; t2 = 0; s3 = 0; t3 = 0; break; case 3: s0 = scwidth; t0 = 0; s1 = scwidth; t1 = scheight; s2 = 0; t2 = 0; s3 = 0; t3 = scheight; break; } SETVERTEX(0, x0, y0, s0, t0); SETVERTEX(1, x1, y1, s3, t3); SETVERTEX(2, x1, y0, s1, t1); SETVERTEX(3, x0, y0, s0, t0); SETVERTEX(4, x0, y1, s2, t2); SETVERTEX(5, x1, y1, s3, t3); x0 = BottomScreenRect.X; y0 = BottomScreenRect.Y; x1 = BottomScreenRect.X + BottomScreenRect.Width; y1 = BottomScreenRect.Y + BottomScreenRect.Height; scwidth = 256; scheight = 192; switch (ScreenRotation) { case 0: s0 = 0; t0 = 192; s1 = scwidth; t1 = 192; s2 = 0; t2 = 192+scheight; s3 = scwidth; t3 = 192+scheight; break; case 1: s0 = 0; t0 = 192+scheight; s1 = 0; t1 = 192; s2 = scwidth; t2 = 192+scheight; s3 = scwidth; t3 = 192; break; case 2: s0 = scwidth; t0 = 192+scheight; s1 = 0; t1 = 192+scheight; s2 = scwidth; t2 = 192; s3 = 0; t3 = 192; break; case 3: s0 = scwidth; t0 = 192; s1 = scwidth; t1 = 192+scheight; s2 = 0; t2 = 192; s3 = 0; t3 = 192+scheight; break; } SETVERTEX(6, x0, y0, s0, t0); SETVERTEX(7, x1, y1, s3, t3); SETVERTEX(8, x1, y0, s1, t1); SETVERTEX(9, x0, y0, s0, t0); SETVERTEX(10, x0, y1, s2, t2); SETVERTEX(11, x1, y1, s3, t3); #undef SETVERTEX glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_ScreenVertexBufferID); glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(GL_ScreenVertices), GL_ScreenVertices); } glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glColorMaski(0, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glViewport(0, 0, WindowWidth*scale, WindowHeight*scale); if (GPU3D::Renderer == 0) OpenGL_UseShaderProgram(GL_ScreenShader); else OpenGL_UseShaderProgram(GL_ScreenShaderAccel); glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); if (RunningSomething) { int frontbuf = GPU::FrontBuffer; glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_ScreenTexture); if (GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][0] && GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][1]) { if (GPU3D::Renderer == 0) { glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256, 192, GL_RGBA_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][0]); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 192, 256, 192, GL_RGBA_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][1]); } else { glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, 256*3 + 1, 192, GL_RGBA_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][0]); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 192, 256*3 + 1, 192, GL_RGBA_INTEGER, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][1]); } } glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1); if (GPU3D::Renderer != 0) GPU3D::GLRenderer::SetupAccelFrame(); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_ScreenVertexBufferID); glBindVertexArray(GL_ScreenVertexArrayID); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 4*3); } OpenGL_UseShaderProgram(GL_ScreenShaderOSD); OSD::Update(true, NULL); glFlush(); uiGLSwapBuffers(GLContext); } void MicLoadWav(char* name) { SDL_AudioSpec format; memset(&format, 0, sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec)); if (MicWavBuffer) delete[] MicWavBuffer; MicWavBuffer = NULL; MicWavLength = 0; u8* buf; u32 len; if (!SDL_LoadWAV(name, &format, &buf, &len)) return; const u64 dstfreq = 44100; if (format.format == AUDIO_S16 || format.format == AUDIO_U16) { int srcinc = format.channels; len /= (2 * srcinc); MicWavLength = (len * dstfreq) / format.freq; if (MicWavLength < 735) MicWavLength = 735; MicWavBuffer = new s16[MicWavLength]; float res_incr = len / (float)MicWavLength; float res_timer = 0; int res_pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MicWavLength; i++) { u16 val = ((u16*)buf)[res_pos]; if (SDL_AUDIO_ISUNSIGNED(format.format)) val ^= 0x8000; MicWavBuffer[i] = val; res_timer += res_incr; while (res_timer >= 1.0) { res_timer -= 1.0; res_pos += srcinc; } } } else if (format.format == AUDIO_S8 || format.format == AUDIO_U8) { int srcinc = format.channels; len /= srcinc; MicWavLength = (len * dstfreq) / format.freq; if (MicWavLength < 735) MicWavLength = 735; MicWavBuffer = new s16[MicWavLength]; float res_incr = len / (float)MicWavLength; float res_timer = 0; int res_pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MicWavLength; i++) { u16 val = buf[res_pos] << 8; if (SDL_AUDIO_ISUNSIGNED(format.format)) val ^= 0x8000; MicWavBuffer[i] = val; res_timer += res_incr; while (res_timer >= 1.0) { res_timer -= 1.0; res_pos += srcinc; } } } else printf("bad WAV format %08X\n", format.format); SDL_FreeWAV(buf); } void AudioCallback(void* data, Uint8* stream, int len) { len /= (sizeof(s16) * 2); // resample incoming audio to match the output sample rate float f_len_in = (len * 32823.6328125) / (float)AudioFreq; f_len_in += AudioSampleFrac; int len_in = (int)floor(f_len_in); AudioSampleFrac = f_len_in - len_in; s16 buf_in[1024*2]; s16* buf_out = (s16*)stream; int num_in; int num_out = len; SDL_LockMutex(AudioSyncLock); num_in = SPU::ReadOutput(buf_in, len_in); SDL_CondSignal(AudioSync); SDL_UnlockMutex(AudioSyncLock); if (num_in < 1) { memset(stream, 0, len*sizeof(s16)*2); return; } int margin = 6; if (num_in < len_in-margin) { int last = num_in-1; if (last < 0) last = 0; for (int i = num_in; i < len_in-margin; i++) ((u32*)buf_in)[i] = ((u32*)buf_in)[last]; num_in = len_in-margin; } float res_incr = num_in / (float)num_out; float res_timer = 0; int res_pos = 0; int volume = Config::AudioVolume; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { buf_out[i*2 ] = (buf_in[res_pos*2 ] * volume) >> 8; buf_out[i*2+1] = (buf_in[res_pos*2+1] * volume) >> 8; /*s16 s_l = buf_in[res_pos*2 ]; s16 s_r = buf_in[res_pos*2+1]; float a = res_timer; float b = 1.0 - a; s_l = (s_l * a) + (buf_in[(res_pos-1)*2 ] * b); s_r = (s_r * a) + (buf_in[(res_pos-1)*2+1] * b); buf_out[i*2 ] = (s_l * volume) >> 8; buf_out[i*2+1] = (s_r * volume) >> 8;*/ res_timer += res_incr; while (res_timer >= 1.0) { res_timer -= 1.0; res_pos++; } } } void MicCallback(void* data, Uint8* stream, int len) { if (Config::MicInputType != 1) return; s16* input = (s16*)stream; len /= sizeof(s16); if ((MicBufferWritePos + len) > MicBufferLength) { u32 len1 = MicBufferLength - MicBufferWritePos; memcpy(&MicBuffer[MicBufferWritePos], &input[0], len1*sizeof(s16)); memcpy(&MicBuffer[0], &input[len1], (len - len1)*sizeof(s16)); MicBufferWritePos = len - len1; } else { memcpy(&MicBuffer[MicBufferWritePos], input, len*sizeof(s16)); MicBufferWritePos += len; } } void FeedMicInput() { int type = Config::MicInputType; bool cmd = HotkeyDown(HK_Mic); if ((type != 1 && !cmd) || (type == 1 && MicBufferLength == 0) || (type == 3 && MicWavBuffer == NULL)) { type = 0; MicBufferReadPos = 0; } switch (type) { case 0: // no mic NDS::MicInputFrame(NULL, 0); break; case 1: // host mic if ((MicBufferReadPos + 735) > MicBufferLength) { s16 tmp[735]; u32 len1 = MicBufferLength - MicBufferReadPos; memcpy(&tmp[0], &MicBuffer[MicBufferReadPos], len1*sizeof(s16)); memcpy(&tmp[len1], &MicBuffer[0], (735 - len1)*sizeof(s16)); NDS::MicInputFrame(tmp, 735); MicBufferReadPos = 735 - len1; } else { NDS::MicInputFrame(&MicBuffer[MicBufferReadPos], 735); MicBufferReadPos += 735; } break; case 2: // white noise { s16 tmp[735]; for (int i = 0; i < 735; i++) tmp[i] = rand() & 0xFFFF; NDS::MicInputFrame(tmp, 735); } break; case 3: // WAV if ((MicBufferReadPos + 735) > MicWavLength) { s16 tmp[735]; u32 len1 = MicWavLength - MicBufferReadPos; memcpy(&tmp[0], &MicWavBuffer[MicBufferReadPos], len1*sizeof(s16)); memcpy(&tmp[len1], &MicWavBuffer[0], (735 - len1)*sizeof(s16)); NDS::MicInputFrame(tmp, 735); MicBufferReadPos = 735 - len1; } else { NDS::MicInputFrame(&MicWavBuffer[MicBufferReadPos], 735); MicBufferReadPos += 735; } break; } } void OpenJoystick() { if (Joystick) SDL_JoystickClose(Joystick); int num = SDL_NumJoysticks(); if (num < 1) { Joystick = NULL; return; } if (JoystickID >= num) JoystickID = 0; Joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(JoystickID); } bool JoystickButtonDown(int val) { if (val == -1) return false; bool hasbtn = ((val & 0xFFFF) != 0xFFFF); if (hasbtn) { if (val & 0x100) { int hatnum = (val >> 4) & 0xF; int hatdir = val & 0xF; Uint8 hatval = SDL_JoystickGetHat(Joystick, hatnum); bool pressed = false; if (hatdir == 0x1) pressed = (hatval & SDL_HAT_UP); else if (hatdir == 0x4) pressed = (hatval & SDL_HAT_DOWN); else if (hatdir == 0x2) pressed = (hatval & SDL_HAT_RIGHT); else if (hatdir == 0x8) pressed = (hatval & SDL_HAT_LEFT); if (pressed) return true; } else { int btnnum = val & 0xFFFF; Uint8 btnval = SDL_JoystickGetButton(Joystick, btnnum); if (btnval) return true; } } if (val & 0x10000) { int axisnum = (val >> 24) & 0xF; int axisdir = (val >> 20) & 0xF; Sint16 axisval = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(Joystick, axisnum); switch (axisdir) { case 0: // positive if (axisval > 16384) return true; break; case 1: // negative if (axisval < -16384) return true; break; case 2: // trigger if (axisval > 0) return true; break; } } return false; } void ProcessInput() { SDL_JoystickUpdate(); if (Joystick) { if (!SDL_JoystickGetAttached(Joystick)) { SDL_JoystickClose(Joystick); Joystick = NULL; } } if (!Joystick && (SDL_NumJoysticks() > 0)) { JoystickID = Config::JoystickID; OpenJoystick(); } JoyInputMask = 0xFFF; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) if (JoystickButtonDown(Config::JoyMapping[i])) JoyInputMask &= ~(1<> 4); bool pressed = false; if (btnid == 0x101) // up pressed = (hat & SDL_HAT_UP); else if (btnid == 0x104) // down pressed = (hat & SDL_HAT_DOWN); else if (btnid == 0x102) // right pressed = (hat & SDL_HAT_RIGHT); else if (btnid == 0x108) // left pressed = (hat & SDL_HAT_LEFT); else if (btnid < njoybuttons) pressed = (joybuttons[btnid] & ~(joybuttons[btnid] >> 1)) & 0x01; return pressed; } bool JoyButtonHeld(int btnid, int njoybuttons, Uint8* joybuttons, Uint32 hat) { if (btnid < 0) return false; bool pressed = false; if (btnid == 0x101) // up pressed = (hat & SDL_HAT_UP); else if (btnid == 0x104) // down pressed = (hat & SDL_HAT_DOWN); else if (btnid == 0x102) // right pressed = (hat & SDL_HAT_RIGHT); else if (btnid == 0x108) // left pressed = (hat & SDL_HAT_LEFT); else if (btnid < njoybuttons) pressed = joybuttons[btnid] & 0x01; return pressed; } void UpdateWindowTitle(void* data) { if (EmuStatus == 0) return; void** dataarray = (void**)data; SDL_LockMutex((SDL_mutex*)dataarray[1]); uiWindowSetTitle(MainWindow, (const char*)dataarray[0]); SDL_UnlockMutex((SDL_mutex*)dataarray[1]); } void UpdateFPSLimit(void* data) { uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_LimitFPS, Config::LimitFPS==1); } int EmuThreadFunc(void* burp) { MainScreenPos[0] = 0; MainScreenPos[1] = 0; MainScreenPos[2] = 0; AutoScreenSizing = 0; if (Screen_UseGL) { uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); GPU3D::InitRenderer(true); uiGLMakeContextCurrent(NULL); } else { GPU3D::InitRenderer(false); } Touching = false; KeyInputMask = 0xFFF; JoyInputMask = 0xFFF; KeyHotkeyMask = 0; JoyHotkeyMask = 0; HotkeyMask = 0; LastHotkeyMask = 0; LidStatus = false; u32 nframes = 0; u32 starttick = SDL_GetTicks(); u32 lasttick = starttick; u32 lastmeasuretick = lasttick; u32 fpslimitcount = 0; u64 perfcount = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); u64 perffreq = SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency(); float samplesleft = 0; u32 nsamples = 0; char melontitle[100]; SDL_mutex* titlemutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); void* titledata[2] = {melontitle, titlemutex}; while (EmuRunning != 0) { ProcessInput(); if (HotkeyPressed(HK_FastForwardToggle)) { Config::LimitFPS = !Config::LimitFPS; uiQueueMain(UpdateFPSLimit, NULL); } // TODO: similar hotkeys for video/audio sync? if (HotkeyPressed(HK_Pause)) uiQueueMain(TogglePause, NULL); if (HotkeyPressed(HK_Reset)) uiQueueMain(Reset, NULL); if (GBACart::CartInserted && GBACart::HasSolarSensor) { if (HotkeyPressed(HK_SolarSensorDecrease)) { if (GBACart_SolarSensor::LightLevel > 0) GBACart_SolarSensor::LightLevel--; char msg[64]; sprintf(msg, "Solar sensor level set to %d", GBACart_SolarSensor::LightLevel); OSD::AddMessage(0, msg); } if (HotkeyPressed(HK_SolarSensorIncrease)) { if (GBACart_SolarSensor::LightLevel < 10) GBACart_SolarSensor::LightLevel++; char msg[64]; sprintf(msg, "Solar sensor level set to %d", GBACart_SolarSensor::LightLevel); OSD::AddMessage(0, msg); } } if (EmuRunning == 1) { EmuStatus = 1; // process input and hotkeys NDS::SetKeyMask(KeyInputMask & JoyInputMask); if (HotkeyPressed(HK_Lid)) { LidStatus = !LidStatus; NDS::SetLidClosed(LidStatus); OSD::AddMessage(0, LidStatus ? "Lid closed" : "Lid opened"); } // microphone input FeedMicInput(); if (Screen_UseGL) { uiGLBegin(GLContext); uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); } // auto screen layout { MainScreenPos[2] = MainScreenPos[1]; MainScreenPos[1] = MainScreenPos[0]; MainScreenPos[0] = NDS::PowerControl9 >> 15; int guess; if (MainScreenPos[0] == MainScreenPos[2] && MainScreenPos[0] != MainScreenPos[1]) { // constant flickering, likely displaying 3D on both screens // TODO: when both screens are used for 2D only...??? guess = 0; } else { if (MainScreenPos[0] == 1) guess = 1; else guess = 2; } if (guess != AutoScreenSizing) { AutoScreenSizing = guess; SetupScreenRects(WindowWidth, WindowHeight); } } // emulate u32 nlines = NDS::RunFrame(); #ifdef MELONCAP MelonCap::Update(); #endif // MELONCAP if (EmuRunning == 0) break; if (Screen_UseGL) { GLScreen_DrawScreen(); uiGLEnd(GLContext); } uiAreaQueueRedrawAll(MainDrawArea); bool fastforward = HotkeyDown(HK_FastForward); if (Config::AudioSync && !fastforward) { SDL_LockMutex(AudioSyncLock); while (SPU::GetOutputSize() > 1024) { int ret = SDL_CondWaitTimeout(AudioSync, AudioSyncLock, 500); if (ret == SDL_MUTEX_TIMEDOUT) break; } SDL_UnlockMutex(AudioSyncLock); } else { // ensure the audio FIFO doesn't overflow //SPU::TrimOutput(); } float framerate = (1000.0f * nlines) / (60.0f * 263.0f); { u32 curtick = SDL_GetTicks(); u32 delay = curtick - lasttick; bool limitfps = Config::LimitFPS && !fastforward; if (limitfps) { float wantedtickF = starttick + (framerate * (fpslimitcount+1)); u32 wantedtick = (u32)ceil(wantedtickF); if (curtick < wantedtick) SDL_Delay(wantedtick - curtick); lasttick = SDL_GetTicks(); fpslimitcount++; if ((abs(wantedtickF - (float)wantedtick) < 0.001312) || (fpslimitcount > 60)) { fpslimitcount = 0; nsamples = 0; starttick = lasttick; } } else { if (delay < 1) SDL_Delay(1); lasttick = SDL_GetTicks(); } } nframes++; if (nframes >= 30) { u32 tick = SDL_GetTicks(); u32 diff = tick - lastmeasuretick; lastmeasuretick = tick; u32 fps; if (diff < 1) fps = 77777; else fps = (nframes * 1000) / diff; nframes = 0; float fpstarget; if (framerate < 1) fpstarget = 999; else fpstarget = 1000.0f/framerate; SDL_LockMutex(titlemutex); sprintf(melontitle, "[%d/%.0f] melonDS " MELONDS_VERSION, fps, fpstarget); SDL_UnlockMutex(titlemutex); uiQueueMain(UpdateWindowTitle, titledata); } } else { // paused nframes = 0; lasttick = SDL_GetTicks(); starttick = lasttick; lastmeasuretick = lasttick; fpslimitcount = 0; if (EmuRunning == 2) { if (Screen_UseGL) { uiGLBegin(GLContext); uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); GLScreen_DrawScreen(); uiGLEnd(GLContext); } uiAreaQueueRedrawAll(MainDrawArea); } if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(NULL); EmuStatus = EmuRunning; SDL_Delay(100); } } EmuStatus = 0; SDL_DestroyMutex(titlemutex); if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); NDS::DeInit(); Platform::LAN_DeInit(); if (Screen_UseGL) { OSD::DeInit(true); GLScreen_DeInit(); } else OSD::DeInit(false); if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(NULL); return 44203; } void StopEmuThread() { EmuRunning = 0; SDL_WaitThread(EmuThread, NULL); } void OnAreaDraw(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, uiAreaDrawParams* params) { if (!ScreenDrawInited) { if (ScreenBitmap[0]) uiDrawFreeBitmap(ScreenBitmap[0]); if (ScreenBitmap[1]) uiDrawFreeBitmap(ScreenBitmap[1]); ScreenDrawInited = true; ScreenBitmap[0] = uiDrawNewBitmap(params->Context, 256, 192, 0); ScreenBitmap[1] = uiDrawNewBitmap(params->Context, 256, 192, 0); } int frontbuf = GPU::FrontBuffer; if (!ScreenBitmap[0] || !ScreenBitmap[1]) return; if (!GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][0] || !GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][1]) return; uiRect top = {0, 0, 256, 192}; uiRect bot = {0, 0, 256, 192}; uiDrawBitmapUpdate(ScreenBitmap[0], GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][0]); uiDrawBitmapUpdate(ScreenBitmap[1], GPU::Framebuffer[frontbuf][1]); uiDrawSave(params->Context); uiDrawTransform(params->Context, &TopScreenTrans); uiDrawBitmapDraw(params->Context, ScreenBitmap[0], &top, &TopScreenRect, Config::ScreenFilter==1); uiDrawRestore(params->Context); uiDrawSave(params->Context); uiDrawTransform(params->Context, &BottomScreenTrans); uiDrawBitmapDraw(params->Context, ScreenBitmap[1], &bot, &BottomScreenRect, Config::ScreenFilter==1); uiDrawRestore(params->Context); OSD::Update(false, params); } void OnAreaMouseEvent(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, uiAreaMouseEvent* evt) { int x = (int)evt->X; int y = (int)evt->Y; if (Touching && (evt->Up == 1)) { Touching = false; NDS::ReleaseKey(16+6); NDS::ReleaseScreen(); } else if (!Touching && (evt->Down == 1) && (x >= BottomScreenRect.X) && (y >= BottomScreenRect.Y) && (x < (BottomScreenRect.X+BottomScreenRect.Width)) && (y < (BottomScreenRect.Y+BottomScreenRect.Height))) { Touching = true; NDS::PressKey(16+6); } if (Touching) { x -= BottomScreenRect.X; y -= BottomScreenRect.Y; if (ScreenRotation == 0 || ScreenRotation == 2) { if (BottomScreenRect.Width != 256) x = (x * 256) / BottomScreenRect.Width; if (BottomScreenRect.Height != 192) y = (y * 192) / BottomScreenRect.Height; if (ScreenRotation == 2) { x = 255 - x; y = 191 - y; } } else { if (BottomScreenRect.Width != 192) x = (x * 192) / BottomScreenRect.Width; if (BottomScreenRect.Height != 256) y = (y * 256) / BottomScreenRect.Height; if (ScreenRotation == 1) { int tmp = x; x = y; y = 191 - tmp; } else { int tmp = x; x = 255 - y; y = tmp; } } // clamp if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x > 255) x = 255; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > 191) y = 191; // TODO: take advantage of possible extra precision when possible? (scaled window for example) NDS::TouchScreen(x, y); } } void OnAreaMouseCrossed(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, int left) { } void OnAreaDragBroken(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area) { } bool EventMatchesKey(uiAreaKeyEvent* evt, int val, bool checkmod) { if (val == -1) return false; int key = val & 0xFFFF; int mod = val >> 16; return evt->Scancode == key && (!checkmod || evt->Modifiers == mod); } int OnAreaKeyEvent(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, uiAreaKeyEvent* evt) { // TODO: release all keys if the window loses focus? or somehow global key input? if (evt->Scancode == 0x38) // ALT return 0; if (evt->Modifiers == 0x2) // ALT+key return 0; if (evt->Up) { for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) if (EventMatchesKey(evt, Config::KeyMapping[i], false)) KeyInputMask |= (1<Repeat) { // TODO, eventually: make savestate keys configurable? // F keys: 3B-44, 57-58 | SHIFT: mod. 0x4 if (evt->Scancode >= 0x3B && evt->Scancode <= 0x42) // F1-F8, quick savestate { if (evt->Modifiers == 0x4) SaveState(1 + (evt->Scancode - 0x3B)); else if (evt->Modifiers == 0x0) LoadState(1 + (evt->Scancode - 0x3B)); } else if (evt->Scancode == 0x43) // F9, savestate from/to file { if (evt->Modifiers == 0x4) SaveState(0); else if (evt->Modifiers == 0x0) LoadState(0); } else if (evt->Scancode == 0x58) // F12, undo savestate { if (evt->Modifiers == 0x0) UndoStateLoad(); } for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) if (EventMatchesKey(evt, Config::KeyMapping[i], false)) KeyInputMask &= ~(1<Scancode == 0x57) // F11 // NDS::debug(0); } return 1; } void SetupScreenRects(int width, int height) { bool horizontal = false; bool sideways = false; if (ScreenRotation == 1 || ScreenRotation == 3) sideways = true; if (ScreenLayout == 2) horizontal = true; else if (ScreenLayout == 0) { if (sideways) horizontal = true; } int sizemode; if (ScreenSizing == 3) sizemode = AutoScreenSizing; else sizemode = ScreenSizing; int screenW, screenH, gap; if (sideways) { screenW = 192; screenH = 256; } else { screenW = 256; screenH = 192; } gap = ScreenGap; uiRect *topscreen, *bottomscreen; if (ScreenRotation == 1 || ScreenRotation == 2) { topscreen = &BottomScreenRect; bottomscreen = &TopScreenRect; } else { topscreen = &TopScreenRect; bottomscreen = &BottomScreenRect; } if (horizontal) { // side-by-side int heightreq; int startX = 0; width -= gap; if (sizemode == 0) // even { heightreq = (width * screenH) / (screenW*2); if (heightreq > height) { int newwidth = (height * width) / heightreq; startX = (width - newwidth) / 2; heightreq = height; width = newwidth; } } else // emph. top/bottom { heightreq = ((width - screenW) * screenH) / screenW; if (heightreq > height) { int newwidth = ((height * (width - screenW)) / heightreq) + screenW; startX = (width - newwidth) / 2; heightreq = height; width = newwidth; } } if (sizemode == 2) { topscreen->Width = screenW; topscreen->Height = screenH; } else { topscreen->Width = (sizemode==0) ? (width / 2) : (width - screenW); topscreen->Height = heightreq; } topscreen->X = startX; topscreen->Y = ((height - heightreq) / 2) + (heightreq - topscreen->Height); bottomscreen->X = topscreen->X + topscreen->Width + gap; if (sizemode == 1) { bottomscreen->Width = screenW; bottomscreen->Height = screenH; } else { bottomscreen->Width = width - topscreen->Width; bottomscreen->Height = heightreq; } bottomscreen->Y = ((height - heightreq) / 2) + (heightreq - bottomscreen->Height); } else { // top then bottom int widthreq; int startY = 0; height -= gap; if (sizemode == 0) // even { widthreq = (height * screenW) / (screenH*2); if (widthreq > width) { int newheight = (width * height) / widthreq; startY = (height - newheight) / 2; widthreq = width; height = newheight; } } else // emph. top/bottom { widthreq = ((height - screenH) * screenW) / screenH; if (widthreq > width) { int newheight = ((width * (height - screenH)) / widthreq) + screenH; startY = (height - newheight) / 2; widthreq = width; height = newheight; } } if (sizemode == 2) { topscreen->Width = screenW; topscreen->Height = screenH; } else { topscreen->Width = widthreq; topscreen->Height = (sizemode==0) ? (height / 2) : (height - screenH); } topscreen->Y = startY; topscreen->X = (width - topscreen->Width) / 2; bottomscreen->Y = topscreen->Y + topscreen->Height + gap; if (sizemode == 1) { bottomscreen->Width = screenW; bottomscreen->Height = screenH; } else { bottomscreen->Width = widthreq; bottomscreen->Height = height - topscreen->Height; } bottomscreen->X = (width - bottomscreen->Width) / 2; } // setup matrices for potential rotation uiDrawMatrixSetIdentity(&TopScreenTrans); uiDrawMatrixSetIdentity(&BottomScreenTrans); switch (ScreenRotation) { case 1: // 90° { uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&TopScreenTrans, -TopScreenRect.X, -TopScreenRect.Y); uiDrawMatrixRotate(&TopScreenTrans, 0, 0, M_PI/2.0f); uiDrawMatrixScale(&TopScreenTrans, 0, 0, TopScreenRect.Width/(double)TopScreenRect.Height, TopScreenRect.Height/(double)TopScreenRect.Width); uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&TopScreenTrans, TopScreenRect.X+TopScreenRect.Width, TopScreenRect.Y); uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&BottomScreenTrans, -BottomScreenRect.X, -BottomScreenRect.Y); uiDrawMatrixRotate(&BottomScreenTrans, 0, 0, M_PI/2.0f); uiDrawMatrixScale(&BottomScreenTrans, 0, 0, BottomScreenRect.Width/(double)BottomScreenRect.Height, BottomScreenRect.Height/(double)BottomScreenRect.Width); uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&BottomScreenTrans, BottomScreenRect.X+BottomScreenRect.Width, BottomScreenRect.Y); } break; case 2: // 180° { uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&TopScreenTrans, -TopScreenRect.X, -TopScreenRect.Y); uiDrawMatrixRotate(&TopScreenTrans, 0, 0, M_PI); uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&TopScreenTrans, TopScreenRect.X+TopScreenRect.Width, TopScreenRect.Y+TopScreenRect.Height); uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&BottomScreenTrans, -BottomScreenRect.X, -BottomScreenRect.Y); uiDrawMatrixRotate(&BottomScreenTrans, 0, 0, M_PI); uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&BottomScreenTrans, BottomScreenRect.X+BottomScreenRect.Width, BottomScreenRect.Y+BottomScreenRect.Height); } break; case 3: // 270° { uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&TopScreenTrans, -TopScreenRect.X, -TopScreenRect.Y); uiDrawMatrixRotate(&TopScreenTrans, 0, 0, -M_PI/2.0f); uiDrawMatrixScale(&TopScreenTrans, 0, 0, TopScreenRect.Width/(double)TopScreenRect.Height, TopScreenRect.Height/(double)TopScreenRect.Width); uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&TopScreenTrans, TopScreenRect.X, TopScreenRect.Y+TopScreenRect.Height); uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&BottomScreenTrans, -BottomScreenRect.X, -BottomScreenRect.Y); uiDrawMatrixRotate(&BottomScreenTrans, 0, 0, -M_PI/2.0f); uiDrawMatrixScale(&BottomScreenTrans, 0, 0, BottomScreenRect.Width/(double)BottomScreenRect.Height, BottomScreenRect.Height/(double)BottomScreenRect.Width); uiDrawMatrixTranslate(&BottomScreenTrans, BottomScreenRect.X, BottomScreenRect.Y+BottomScreenRect.Height); } break; } GL_ScreenSizeDirty = true; } void SetMinSize(int w, int h) { int cw, ch; uiWindowContentSize(MainWindow, &cw, &ch); uiControlSetMinSize(uiControl(MainDrawArea), w, h); if ((cw < w) || (ch < h)) { if (cw < w) cw = w; if (ch < h) ch = h; uiWindowSetContentSize(MainWindow, cw, ch); } } void OnAreaResize(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, int width, int height) { SetupScreenRects(width, height); // TODO: // should those be the size of the uiArea, or the size of the window client area? // for now the uiArea fills the whole window anyway // but... we never know, I guess WindowWidth = width; WindowHeight = height; int ismax = uiWindowMaximized(MainWindow); int ismin = uiWindowMinimized(MainWindow); Config::WindowMaximized = ismax; if (!ismax && !ismin) { Config::WindowWidth = width; Config::WindowHeight = height; } OSD::WindowResized(Screen_UseGL); } void Run() { EmuRunning = 1; RunningSomething = true; SPU::InitOutput(); AudioSampleFrac = 0; SDL_PauseAudioDevice(AudioDevice, 0); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(MicDevice, 0); uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_SaveState); uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_LoadState); if (SavestateLoaded) uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_UndoStateLoad); else uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_UndoStateLoad); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { char ssfile[1024]; GetSavestateName(i+1, ssfile, 1024); if (Platform::FileExists(ssfile)) uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_LoadStateSlot[i]); else uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_LoadStateSlot[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_SaveStateSlot[i]); uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_LoadStateSlot[8]); uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_Pause); uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_Reset); uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_Stop); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_Pause, 0); } void TogglePause(void* blarg) { if (!RunningSomething) return; if (EmuRunning == 1) { // enable pause EmuRunning = 2; uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_Pause, 1); SPU::DrainOutput(); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(AudioDevice, 1); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(MicDevice, 1); OSD::AddMessage(0, "Paused"); } else { // disable pause EmuRunning = 1; uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_Pause, 0); SPU::InitOutput(); AudioSampleFrac = 0; SDL_PauseAudioDevice(AudioDevice, 0); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(MicDevice, 0); OSD::AddMessage(0, "Resumed"); } } void Reset(void* blarg) { if (!RunningSomething) return; EmuRunning = 2; while (EmuStatus != 2); SavestateLoaded = false; uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_UndoStateLoad); if (ROMPath[0][0] == '\0') NDS::LoadBIOS(); else { SetupSRAMPath(0); NDS::LoadROM(ROMPath[0], SRAMPath[0], Config::DirectBoot); } if (ROMPath[1][0] != '\0') { SetupSRAMPath(1); NDS::LoadGBAROM(ROMPath[1], SRAMPath[1]); } Run(); OSD::AddMessage(0, "Reset"); } void Stop(bool internal) { EmuRunning = 2; if (!internal) // if shutting down from the UI thread, wait till the emu thread has stopped while (EmuStatus != 2); RunningSomething = false; // eject any inserted GBA cartridge GBACart::Eject(); ROMPath[1][0] = '\0'; uiWindowSetTitle(MainWindow, "melonDS " MELONDS_VERSION); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_SaveStateSlot[i]); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_LoadStateSlot[i]); uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_UndoStateLoad); uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_Pause); uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_Reset); uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_Stop); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_Pause, 0); uiAreaQueueRedrawAll(MainDrawArea); SPU::DrainOutput(); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(AudioDevice, 1); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(MicDevice, 1); OSD::AddMessage(0xFFC040, "Shutdown"); } void SetupSRAMPath(int slot) { strncpy(SRAMPath[slot], ROMPath[slot], 1023); SRAMPath[slot][1023] = '\0'; strncpy(SRAMPath[slot] + strlen(ROMPath[slot]) - 3, "sav", 3); } void TryLoadROM(char* file, int slot, int prevstatus) { char oldpath[1024]; char oldsram[1024]; strncpy(oldpath, ROMPath[slot], 1024); strncpy(oldsram, SRAMPath[slot], 1024); strncpy(ROMPath[slot], file, 1023); ROMPath[slot][1023] = '\0'; SetupSRAMPath(0); SetupSRAMPath(1); if (slot == 0 && NDS::LoadROM(ROMPath[slot], SRAMPath[slot], Config::DirectBoot)) { SavestateLoaded = false; uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_UndoStateLoad); // Reload the inserted GBA cartridge (if any) if (ROMPath[1][0] != '\0') NDS::LoadGBAROM(ROMPath[1], SRAMPath[1]); strncpy(PrevSRAMPath[slot], SRAMPath[slot], 1024); // safety Run(); } else if (slot == 1 && NDS::LoadGBAROM(ROMPath[slot], SRAMPath[slot])) { SavestateLoaded = false; uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_UndoStateLoad); strncpy(PrevSRAMPath[slot], SRAMPath[slot], 1024); // safety if (RunningSomething) Run(); // do not start just from a GBA cart } else { uiMsgBoxError(MainWindow, "Failed to load the ROM", "Make sure the file can be accessed and isn't opened in another application."); strncpy(ROMPath[slot], oldpath, 1024); strncpy(SRAMPath[slot], oldsram, 1024); EmuRunning = prevstatus; } } // SAVESTATE TODO // * configurable paths. not everyone wants their ROM directory to be polluted, I guess. void GetSavestateName(int slot, char* filename, int len) { int pos; if (ROMPath[0][0] == '\0') // running firmware, no ROM { strcpy(filename, "firmware"); pos = 8; } else { int l = strlen(ROMPath[0]); pos = l; while (ROMPath[0][pos] != '.' && pos > 0) pos--; if (pos == 0) pos = l; // avoid buffer overflow. shoddy if (pos > len-5) pos = len-5; strncpy(&filename[0], ROMPath[0], pos); } strcpy(&filename[pos], ".ml"); filename[pos+3] = '0'+slot; filename[pos+4] = '\0'; } void LoadState(int slot) { int prevstatus = EmuRunning; EmuRunning = 2; while (EmuStatus != 2); char filename[1024]; if (slot > 0) { GetSavestateName(slot, filename, 1024); } else { char* file = uiOpenFile(MainWindow, "melonDS savestate (any)|*.ml1;*.ml2;*.ml3;*.ml4;*.ml5;*.ml6;*.ml7;*.ml8;*.mln", Config::LastROMFolder); if (!file) { EmuRunning = prevstatus; return; } strncpy(filename, file, 1023); filename[1023] = '\0'; uiFreeText(file); } if (!Platform::FileExists(filename)) { char msg[64]; if (slot > 0) sprintf(msg, "State slot %d is empty", slot); else sprintf(msg, "State file does not exist"); OSD::AddMessage(0xFFA0A0, msg); EmuRunning = prevstatus; return; } u32 oldGBACartCRC = GBACart::CartCRC; // backup Savestate* backup = new Savestate("timewarp.mln", true); NDS::DoSavestate(backup); delete backup; bool failed = false; Savestate* state = new Savestate(filename, false); if (state->Error) { delete state; uiMsgBoxError(MainWindow, "Error", "Could not load savestate file."); // current state might be crapoed, so restore from sane backup state = new Savestate("timewarp.mln", false); failed = true; } NDS::DoSavestate(state); delete state; if (!failed) { if (Config::SavestateRelocSRAM && ROMPath[0][0]!='\0') { strncpy(PrevSRAMPath[0], SRAMPath[0], 1024); strncpy(SRAMPath[0], filename, 1019); int len = strlen(SRAMPath[0]); strcpy(&SRAMPath[0][len], ".sav"); SRAMPath[0][len+4] = '\0'; NDS::RelocateSave(SRAMPath[0], false); } bool loadedPartialGBAROM = false; // in case we have a GBA cart inserted, and the GBA ROM changes // due to having loaded a save state, we do not want to reload // the previous cartridge on reset, or commit writes to any // loaded save file. therefore, their paths are "nulled". if (GBACart::CartInserted && GBACart::CartCRC != oldGBACartCRC) { ROMPath[1][0] = '\0'; SRAMPath[1][0] = '\0'; loadedPartialGBAROM = true; } char msg[64]; if (slot > 0) sprintf(msg, "State loaded from slot %d%s", slot, loadedPartialGBAROM ? " (GBA ROM header only)" : ""); else sprintf(msg, "State loaded from file%s", loadedPartialGBAROM ? " (GBA ROM header only)" : ""); OSD::AddMessage(0, msg); SavestateLoaded = true; uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_UndoStateLoad); } EmuRunning = prevstatus; } void SaveState(int slot) { int prevstatus = EmuRunning; EmuRunning = 2; while (EmuStatus != 2); char filename[1024]; if (slot > 0) { GetSavestateName(slot, filename, 1024); } else { char* file = uiSaveFile(MainWindow, "melonDS savestate (*.mln)|*.mln", Config::LastROMFolder); if (!file) { EmuRunning = prevstatus; return; } strncpy(filename, file, 1023); filename[1023] = '\0'; uiFreeText(file); } Savestate* state = new Savestate(filename, true); if (state->Error) { delete state; uiMsgBoxError(MainWindow, "Error", "Could not save state."); } else { NDS::DoSavestate(state); delete state; if (slot > 0) uiMenuItemEnable(MenuItem_LoadStateSlot[slot-1]); if (Config::SavestateRelocSRAM && ROMPath[0][0]!='\0') { strncpy(SRAMPath[0], filename, 1019); int len = strlen(SRAMPath[0]); strcpy(&SRAMPath[0][len], ".sav"); SRAMPath[0][len+4] = '\0'; NDS::RelocateSave(SRAMPath[0], true); } } char msg[64]; if (slot > 0) sprintf(msg, "State saved to slot %d", slot); else sprintf(msg, "State saved to file"); OSD::AddMessage(0, msg); EmuRunning = prevstatus; } void UndoStateLoad() { if (!SavestateLoaded) return; int prevstatus = EmuRunning; EmuRunning = 2; while (EmuStatus != 2); // pray that this works // what do we do if it doesn't??? // but it should work. Savestate* backup = new Savestate("timewarp.mln", false); NDS::DoSavestate(backup); delete backup; if (ROMPath[0][0]!='\0') { strncpy(SRAMPath[0], PrevSRAMPath[0], 1024); NDS::RelocateSave(SRAMPath[0], false); } OSD::AddMessage(0, "State load undone"); EmuRunning = prevstatus; } void CloseAllDialogs() { DlgAudioSettings::Close(); DlgEmuSettings::Close(); DlgInputConfig::Close(0); DlgInputConfig::Close(1); DlgVideoSettings::Close(); DlgWifiSettings::Close(); } int OnCloseWindow(uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { EmuRunning = 3; while (EmuStatus != 3); CloseAllDialogs(); StopEmuThread(); uiQuit(); return 1; } void OnDropFile(uiWindow* window, char* file, void* blarg) { char* ext = &file[strlen(file)-3]; int prevstatus = EmuRunning; if (!strcasecmp(ext, "nds") || !strcasecmp(ext, "srl")) { if (RunningSomething) { EmuRunning = 2; while (EmuStatus != 2); } TryLoadROM(file, 0, prevstatus); } else if (!strcasecmp(ext, "gba")) { TryLoadROM(file, 1, prevstatus); } } void OnGetFocus(uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(MainDrawArea)); } void OnLoseFocus(uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { // TODO: shit here? } void OnCloseByMenu(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { EmuRunning = 3; while (EmuStatus != 3); CloseAllDialogs(); StopEmuThread(); DestroyMainWindow(); uiQuit(); } void OnOpenFile(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { int prevstatus = EmuRunning; EmuRunning = 2; while (EmuStatus != 2); char* file = uiOpenFile(window, "DS ROM (*.nds)|*.nds;*.srl|GBA ROM (*.gba)|*.gba|Any file|*.*", Config::LastROMFolder); if (!file) { EmuRunning = prevstatus; return; } int pos = strlen(file)-1; while (file[pos] != '/' && file[pos] != '\\' && pos > 0) pos--; strncpy(Config::LastROMFolder, file, pos); Config::LastROMFolder[pos] = '\0'; char* ext = &file[strlen(file)-3]; if (!strcasecmp(ext, "gba")) { TryLoadROM(file, 1, prevstatus); } else { TryLoadROM(file, 0, prevstatus); } uiFreeText(file); } void OnSaveState(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* param) { int slot = *(int*)param; SaveState(slot); } void OnLoadState(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* param) { int slot = *(int*)param; LoadState(slot); } void OnUndoStateLoad(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* param) { UndoStateLoad(); } void OnRun(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { if (!RunningSomething) { ROMPath[0][0] = '\0'; NDS::LoadBIOS(); if (ROMPath[1][0] != '\0') { SetupSRAMPath(1); NDS::LoadGBAROM(ROMPath[1], SRAMPath[1]); } } Run(); } void OnPause(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { TogglePause(NULL); } void OnReset(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { Reset(NULL); } void OnStop(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { if (!RunningSomething) return; Stop(false); } void OnOpenEmuSettings(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { DlgEmuSettings::Open(); } void OnOpenInputConfig(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { DlgInputConfig::Open(0); } void OnOpenHotkeyConfig(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { DlgInputConfig::Open(1); } void OnOpenVideoSettings(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { DlgVideoSettings::Open(); } void OnOpenAudioSettings(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { DlgAudioSettings::Open(); } void OnOpenWifiSettings(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { DlgWifiSettings::Open(); } void OnSetSavestateSRAMReloc(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* param) { Config::SavestateRelocSRAM = uiMenuItemChecked(item) ? 1:0; } void EnsureProperMinSize() { bool isHori = (ScreenRotation == 1 || ScreenRotation == 3); int w0 = 256; int h0 = 192; int w1 = 256; int h1 = 192; if (ScreenLayout == 0) // natural { if (isHori) SetMinSize(h0+ScreenGap+h1, std::max(w0,w1)); else SetMinSize(std::max(w0,w1), h0+ScreenGap+h1); } else if (ScreenLayout == 1) // vertical { if (isHori) SetMinSize(std::max(h0,h1), w0+ScreenGap+w1); else SetMinSize(std::max(w0,w1), h0+ScreenGap+h1); } else // horizontal { if (isHori) SetMinSize(h0+ScreenGap+h1, std::max(w0,w1)); else SetMinSize(w0+ScreenGap+w1, std::max(h0,h1)); } } void OnSetScreenSize(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* param) { int factor = *(int*)param; bool isHori = (ScreenRotation == 1 || ScreenRotation == 3); int w = 256*factor; int h = 192*factor; // FIXME if (ScreenLayout == 0) // natural { if (isHori) uiWindowSetContentSize(window, (h*2)+ScreenGap, w); else uiWindowSetContentSize(window, w, (h*2)+ScreenGap); } else if (ScreenLayout == 1) // vertical { if (isHori) uiWindowSetContentSize(window, h, (w*2)+ScreenGap); else uiWindowSetContentSize(window, w, (h*2)+ScreenGap); } else // horizontal { if (isHori) uiWindowSetContentSize(window, (h*2)+ScreenGap, w); else uiWindowSetContentSize(window, (w*2)+ScreenGap, h); } } void OnSetScreenRotation(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* param) { int rot = *(int*)param; int oldrot = ScreenRotation; ScreenRotation = rot; int w, h; uiWindowContentSize(window, &w, &h); bool isHori = (rot == 1 || rot == 3); bool wasHori = (oldrot == 1 || oldrot == 3); EnsureProperMinSize(); if (ScreenLayout == 0) // natural { if (isHori ^ wasHori) { int blarg = h; h = w; w = blarg; uiWindowSetContentSize(window, w, h); } } SetupScreenRects(w, h); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenRot[i], i==ScreenRotation); } void OnSetScreenGap(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* param) { int gap = *(int*)param; //int oldgap = ScreenGap; ScreenGap = gap; EnsureProperMinSize(); SetupScreenRects(WindowWidth, WindowHeight); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenGap[i], kScreenGap[i]==ScreenGap); } void OnSetScreenLayout(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* param) { int layout = *(int*)param; ScreenLayout = layout; EnsureProperMinSize(); SetupScreenRects(WindowWidth, WindowHeight); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenLayout[i], i==ScreenLayout); } void OnSetScreenSizing(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* param) { int sizing = *(int*)param; ScreenSizing = sizing; SetupScreenRects(WindowWidth, WindowHeight); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenSizing[i], i==ScreenSizing); } void OnSetScreenFiltering(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { int chk = uiMenuItemChecked(item); if (chk != 0) Config::ScreenFilter = 1; else Config::ScreenFilter = 0; } void OnSetLimitFPS(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { int chk = uiMenuItemChecked(item); if (chk != 0) Config::LimitFPS = true; else Config::LimitFPS = false; } void OnSetAudioSync(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { int chk = uiMenuItemChecked(item); if (chk != 0) Config::AudioSync = true; else Config::AudioSync = false; } void OnSetShowOSD(uiMenuItem* item, uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { int chk = uiMenuItemChecked(item); if (chk != 0) Config::ShowOSD = true; else Config::ShowOSD = false; } void ApplyNewSettings(int type) { if (!RunningSomething) { if (type == 1) return; } int prevstatus = EmuRunning; EmuRunning = 3; while (EmuStatus != 3); if (type == 0) // 3D renderer settings { if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); GPU3D::UpdateRendererConfig(); if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(NULL); GL_3DScale = Config::GL_ScaleFactor; // dorp GL_ScreenSizeDirty = true; } else if (type == 1) // wifi settings { if (Wifi::MPInited) { Platform::MP_DeInit(); Platform::MP_Init(); } Platform::LAN_DeInit(); Platform::LAN_Init(); } else if (type == 2) // video output method { bool usegl = Config::ScreenUseGL || (Config::_3DRenderer != 0); if (usegl != Screen_UseGL) { if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); GPU3D::DeInitRenderer(); OSD::DeInit(Screen_UseGL); if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(NULL); Screen_UseGL = usegl; RecreateMainWindow(usegl); if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); GPU3D::InitRenderer(Screen_UseGL); if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(NULL); } } else if (type == 3) // 3D renderer { if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); GPU3D::DeInitRenderer(); GPU3D::InitRenderer(Screen_UseGL); if (Screen_UseGL) uiGLMakeContextCurrent(NULL); } /*else if (type == 4) // vsync { if (Screen_UseGL) { uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); uiGLSetVSync(Config::ScreenVSync); uiGLMakeContextCurrent(NULL); } else { // TODO eventually: VSync for non-GL screen? } }*/ EmuRunning = prevstatus; } void CreateMainWindowMenu() { uiMenu* menu; uiMenuItem* menuitem; menu = uiNewMenu("File"); menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Open ROM..."); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnOpenFile, NULL); uiMenuAppendSeparator(menu); { uiMenu* submenu = uiNewMenu("Save state"); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { char name[32]; if (i < 8) sprintf(name, "%d\tShift+F%d", kSavestateNum[i], kSavestateNum[i]); else strcpy(name, "File...\tShift+F9"); uiMenuItem* ssitem = uiMenuAppendItem(submenu, name); uiMenuItemOnClicked(ssitem, OnSaveState, (void*)&kSavestateNum[i]); MenuItem_SaveStateSlot[i] = ssitem; } MenuItem_SaveState = uiMenuAppendSubmenu(menu, submenu); } { uiMenu* submenu = uiNewMenu("Load state"); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { char name[32]; if (i < 8) sprintf(name, "%d\tF%d", kSavestateNum[i], kSavestateNum[i]); else strcpy(name, "File...\tF9"); uiMenuItem* ssitem = uiMenuAppendItem(submenu, name); uiMenuItemOnClicked(ssitem, OnLoadState, (void*)&kSavestateNum[i]); MenuItem_LoadStateSlot[i] = ssitem; } MenuItem_LoadState = uiMenuAppendSubmenu(menu, submenu); } menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Undo state load\tF12"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnUndoStateLoad, NULL); MenuItem_UndoStateLoad = menuitem; uiMenuAppendSeparator(menu); menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Quit"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnCloseByMenu, NULL); menu = uiNewMenu("System"); menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Run"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnRun, NULL); menuitem = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(menu, "Pause"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnPause, NULL); MenuItem_Pause = menuitem; uiMenuAppendSeparator(menu); menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Reset"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnReset, NULL); MenuItem_Reset = menuitem; menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Stop"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnStop, NULL); MenuItem_Stop = menuitem; menu = uiNewMenu("Config"); { menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Emu settings"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnOpenEmuSettings, NULL); menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Input config"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnOpenInputConfig, NULL); menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Hotkey config"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnOpenHotkeyConfig, NULL); menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Video settings"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnOpenVideoSettings, NULL); menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Audio settings"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnOpenAudioSettings, NULL); menuitem = uiMenuAppendItem(menu, "Wifi settings"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(menuitem, OnOpenWifiSettings, NULL); } uiMenuAppendSeparator(menu); { uiMenu* submenu = uiNewMenu("Savestate settings"); MenuItem_SavestateSRAMReloc = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, "Separate savefiles"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_SavestateSRAMReloc, OnSetSavestateSRAMReloc, NULL); uiMenuAppendSubmenu(menu, submenu); } uiMenuAppendSeparator(menu); { uiMenu* submenu = uiNewMenu("Screen size"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { char name[32]; sprintf(name, "%dx", kScreenSize[i]); uiMenuItem* item = uiMenuAppendItem(submenu, name); uiMenuItemOnClicked(item, OnSetScreenSize, (void*)&kScreenSize[i]); } uiMenuAppendSubmenu(menu, submenu); } { uiMenu* submenu = uiNewMenu("Screen rotation"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { char name[32]; sprintf(name, "%d", kScreenRot[i]*90); MenuItem_ScreenRot[i] = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, name); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenRot[i], OnSetScreenRotation, (void*)&kScreenRot[i]); } uiMenuAppendSubmenu(menu, submenu); } { uiMenu* submenu = uiNewMenu("Mid-screen gap"); //for (int i = 0; kScreenGap[i] != -1; i++) for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { char name[32]; sprintf(name, "%d pixels", kScreenGap[i]); MenuItem_ScreenGap[i] = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, name); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenGap[i], OnSetScreenGap, (void*)&kScreenGap[i]); } uiMenuAppendSubmenu(menu, submenu); } { uiMenu* submenu = uiNewMenu("Screen layout"); MenuItem_ScreenLayout[0] = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, "Natural"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenLayout[0], OnSetScreenLayout, (void*)&kScreenLayout[0]); MenuItem_ScreenLayout[1] = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, "Vertical"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenLayout[1], OnSetScreenLayout, (void*)&kScreenLayout[1]); MenuItem_ScreenLayout[2] = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, "Horizontal"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenLayout[2], OnSetScreenLayout, (void*)&kScreenLayout[2]); uiMenuAppendSubmenu(menu, submenu); } { uiMenu* submenu = uiNewMenu("Screen sizing"); MenuItem_ScreenSizing[0] = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, "Even"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenSizing[0], OnSetScreenSizing, (void*)&kScreenSizing[0]); MenuItem_ScreenSizing[1] = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, "Emphasize top"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenSizing[1], OnSetScreenSizing, (void*)&kScreenSizing[1]); MenuItem_ScreenSizing[2] = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, "Emphasize bottom"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenSizing[2], OnSetScreenSizing, (void*)&kScreenSizing[2]); MenuItem_ScreenSizing[3] = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(submenu, "Auto"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenSizing[3], OnSetScreenSizing, (void*)&kScreenSizing[3]); uiMenuAppendSubmenu(menu, submenu); } MenuItem_ScreenFilter = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(menu, "Screen filtering"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ScreenFilter, OnSetScreenFiltering, NULL); MenuItem_ShowOSD = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(menu, "Show OSD"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_ShowOSD, OnSetShowOSD, NULL); uiMenuAppendSeparator(menu); MenuItem_LimitFPS = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(menu, "Limit framerate"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_LimitFPS, OnSetLimitFPS, NULL); MenuItem_AudioSync = uiMenuAppendCheckItem(menu, "Audio sync"); uiMenuItemOnClicked(MenuItem_AudioSync, OnSetAudioSync, NULL); } void CreateMainWindow(bool opengl) { MainWindow = uiNewWindow("melonDS " MELONDS_VERSION, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, Config::WindowMaximized, 1, 1); uiWindowOnClosing(MainWindow, OnCloseWindow, NULL); uiWindowSetDropTarget(MainWindow, 1); uiWindowOnDropFile(MainWindow, OnDropFile, NULL); uiWindowOnGetFocus(MainWindow, OnGetFocus, NULL); uiWindowOnLoseFocus(MainWindow, OnLoseFocus, NULL); ScreenDrawInited = false; bool opengl_good = opengl; if (!opengl) MainDrawArea = uiNewArea(&MainDrawAreaHandler); else MainDrawArea = uiNewGLArea(&MainDrawAreaHandler, kGLVersions); uiWindowSetChild(MainWindow, uiControl(MainDrawArea)); uiControlSetMinSize(uiControl(MainDrawArea), 256, 384); uiAreaSetBackgroundColor(MainDrawArea, 0, 0, 0); uiControlShow(uiControl(MainWindow)); uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(MainDrawArea)); if (opengl_good) { GLContext = uiAreaGetGLContext(MainDrawArea); if (!GLContext) opengl_good = false; } if (opengl_good) { uiGLMakeContextCurrent(GLContext); uiGLSetVSync(Config::ScreenVSync); if (!GLScreen_Init()) opengl_good = false; if (opengl_good) { OpenGL_UseShaderProgram(GL_ScreenShaderOSD); OSD::Init(true); } uiGLMakeContextCurrent(NULL); } if (opengl && !opengl_good) { printf("OpenGL: initialization failed\n"); RecreateMainWindow(false); Screen_UseGL = false; } if (!opengl) OSD::Init(false); } void DestroyMainWindow() { uiControlDestroy(uiControl(MainWindow)); if (ScreenBitmap[0]) uiDrawFreeBitmap(ScreenBitmap[0]); if (ScreenBitmap[1]) uiDrawFreeBitmap(ScreenBitmap[1]); ScreenBitmap[0] = NULL; ScreenBitmap[1] = NULL; } void RecreateMainWindow(bool opengl) { int winX, winY, maxi; uiWindowPosition(MainWindow, &winX, &winY); maxi = uiWindowMaximized(MainWindow); DestroyMainWindow(); CreateMainWindow(opengl); uiWindowSetPosition(MainWindow, winX, winY); uiWindowSetMaximized(MainWindow, maxi); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { srand(time(NULL)); printf("melonDS " MELONDS_VERSION "\n"); printf(MELONDS_URL "\n"); #if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(UNIX_PORTABLE) if (argc > 0 && strlen(argv[0]) > 0) { int len = strlen(argv[0]); while (len > 0) { if (argv[0][len] == '/') break; if (argv[0][len] == '\\') break; len--; } if (len > 0) { EmuDirectory = new char[len+1]; strncpy(EmuDirectory, argv[0], len); EmuDirectory[len] = '\0'; } else { EmuDirectory = new char[2]; strcpy(EmuDirectory, "."); } } else { EmuDirectory = new char[2]; strcpy(EmuDirectory, "."); } #else const char* confdir = g_get_user_config_dir(); const char* confname = "/melonDS"; EmuDirectory = new char[strlen(confdir) + strlen(confname) + 1]; strcat(EmuDirectory, confdir); strcat(EmuDirectory, confname); #endif // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14543333/joystick-wont-work-using-sdl SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTS, "1"); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_HAPTIC) < 0) { printf("SDL couldn't init rumble\n"); } if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) < 0) { printf("SDL shat itself :(\n"); return 1; } SDL_JoystickEventState(SDL_ENABLE); uiInitOptions ui_opt; memset(&ui_opt, 0, sizeof(uiInitOptions)); const char* ui_err = uiInit(&ui_opt); if (ui_err != NULL) { printf("libui shat itself :( %s\n", ui_err); uiFreeInitError(ui_err); return 1; } Config::Load(); if (Config::AudioVolume < 0) Config::AudioVolume = 0; else if (Config::AudioVolume > 256) Config::AudioVolume = 256; if (!Platform::LocalFileExists("bios7.bin") || !Platform::LocalFileExists("bios9.bin") || !Platform::LocalFileExists("firmware.bin")) { #if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(UNIX_PORTABLE) const char* locationName = "the directory you run melonDS from"; #else char* locationName = EmuDirectory; #endif char msgboxtext[512]; sprintf(msgboxtext, "One or more of the following required files don't exist or couldn't be accessed:\n\n" "bios7.bin -- ARM7 BIOS\n" "bios9.bin -- ARM9 BIOS\n" "firmware.bin -- firmware image\n\n" "Dump the files from your DS and place them in %s.\n" "Make sure that the files can be accessed.", locationName ); uiMsgBoxError(NULL, "BIOS/Firmware not found", msgboxtext); uiUninit(); SDL_Quit(); return 0; } if (!Platform::LocalFileExists("firmware.bin.bak")) { // verify the firmware // // there are dumps of an old hacked firmware floating around on the internet // and those are problematic // the hack predates WFC, and, due to this, any game that alters the WFC // access point data will brick that firmware due to it having critical // data in the same area. it has the same problem on hardware. // // but this should help stop users from reporting that issue over and over // again, when the issue is not from melonDS but from their firmware dump. // // I don't know about all the firmware hacks in existence, but the one I // looked at has 0x180 bytes from the header repeated at 0x3FC80, but // bytes 0x0C-0x14 are different. FILE* f = Platform::OpenLocalFile("firmware.bin", "rb"); u8 chk1[0x180], chk2[0x180]; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(chk1, 1, 0x180, f); fseek(f, -0x380, SEEK_END); fread(chk2, 1, 0x180, f); memset(&chk1[0x0C], 0, 8); memset(&chk2[0x0C], 0, 8); fclose(f); if (!memcmp(chk1, chk2, 0x180)) { uiMsgBoxError(NULL, "Problematic firmware dump", "You are using an old hacked firmware dump.\n" "Firmware boot will stop working if you run any game that alters WFC settings.\n\n" "Note that the issue is not from melonDS, it would also happen on an actual DS."); } } { const char* romlist_missing = "Save memory type detection will not work correctly.\n\n" "You should use the latest version of romlist.bin (provided in melonDS release packages)."; #if !defined(UNIX_PORTABLE) && !defined(__WIN32__) std::string missingstr = std::string(romlist_missing) + "\n\nThe ROM list should be placed in " + g_get_user_data_dir() + "/melonds/, otherwise " "melonDS will search for it in the current working directory."; const char* romlist_missing_text = missingstr.c_str(); #else const char* romlist_missing_text = romlist_missing; #endif FILE* f = Platform::OpenDataFile("romlist.bin"); if (f) { u32 data; fread(&data, 4, 1, f); fclose(f); if ((data >> 24) == 0) // old CRC-based list { uiMsgBoxError(NULL, "Your version of romlist.bin is outdated.", romlist_missing_text); } } else { uiMsgBoxError(NULL, "romlist.bin not found.", romlist_missing_text); } } CreateMainWindowMenu(); MainDrawAreaHandler.Draw = OnAreaDraw; MainDrawAreaHandler.MouseEvent = OnAreaMouseEvent; MainDrawAreaHandler.MouseCrossed = OnAreaMouseCrossed; MainDrawAreaHandler.DragBroken = OnAreaDragBroken; MainDrawAreaHandler.KeyEvent = OnAreaKeyEvent; MainDrawAreaHandler.Resize = OnAreaResize; WindowWidth = Config::WindowWidth; WindowHeight = Config::WindowHeight; Screen_UseGL = Config::ScreenUseGL || (Config::_3DRenderer != 0); GL_3DScale = Config::GL_ScaleFactor; if (GL_3DScale < 1) GL_3DScale = 1; else if (GL_3DScale > 8) GL_3DScale = 8; CreateMainWindow(Screen_UseGL); ScreenRotation = Config::ScreenRotation; ScreenGap = Config::ScreenGap; ScreenLayout = Config::ScreenLayout; ScreenSizing = Config::ScreenSizing; #define SANITIZE(var, min, max) if ((var < min) || (var > max)) var = 0; SANITIZE(ScreenRotation, 0, 3); SANITIZE(ScreenLayout, 0, 2); SANITIZE(ScreenSizing, 0, 3); #undef SANITIZE for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_SaveStateSlot[i]); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_LoadStateSlot[i]); uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_UndoStateLoad); uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_Pause); uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_Reset); uiMenuItemDisable(MenuItem_Stop); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_SavestateSRAMReloc, Config::SavestateRelocSRAM?1:0); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenRot[ScreenRotation], 1); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenLayout[ScreenLayout], 1); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenSizing[ScreenSizing], 1); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (ScreenGap == kScreenGap[i]) uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenGap[i], 1); } OnSetScreenRotation(MenuItem_ScreenRot[ScreenRotation], MainWindow, (void*)&kScreenRot[ScreenRotation]); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ScreenFilter, Config::ScreenFilter==1); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_LimitFPS, Config::LimitFPS==1); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_AudioSync, Config::AudioSync==1); uiMenuItemSetChecked(MenuItem_ShowOSD, Config::ShowOSD==1); #ifdef MELONCAP MelonCap::Init(); #endif // MELONCAP AudioSync = SDL_CreateCond(); AudioSyncLock = SDL_CreateMutex(); AudioFreq = 48000; // TODO: make configurable? SDL_AudioSpec whatIwant, whatIget; memset(&whatIwant, 0, sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec)); whatIwant.freq = AudioFreq; whatIwant.format = AUDIO_S16LSB; whatIwant.channels = 2; whatIwant.samples = 1024; whatIwant.callback = AudioCallback; AudioDevice = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &whatIwant, &whatIget, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_FREQUENCY_CHANGE); if (!AudioDevice) { printf("Audio init failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } else { AudioFreq = whatIget.freq; printf("Audio output frequency: %d Hz\n", AudioFreq); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(AudioDevice, 1); } memset(&whatIwant, 0, sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec)); whatIwant.freq = 44100; whatIwant.format = AUDIO_S16LSB; whatIwant.channels = 1; whatIwant.samples = 1024; whatIwant.callback = MicCallback; MicDevice = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 1, &whatIwant, &whatIget, 0); if (!MicDevice) { printf("Mic init failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); MicBufferLength = 0; } else { SDL_PauseAudioDevice(MicDevice, 1); } memset(MicBuffer, 0, sizeof(MicBuffer)); MicBufferReadPos = 0; MicBufferWritePos = 0; MicWavBuffer = NULL; if (Config::MicInputType == 3) MicLoadWav(Config::MicWavPath); JoystickID = Config::JoystickID; Joystick = NULL; OpenJoystick(); NDS::Init(); EmuRunning = 2; RunningSomething = false; EmuThread = SDL_CreateThread(EmuThreadFunc, "melonDS magic", NULL); if (argc > 1) { char* file = argv[1]; char* ext = &file[strlen(file)-3]; if (!strcasecmp(ext, "nds") || !strcasecmp(ext, "srl")) { strncpy(ROMPath[0], file, 1023); ROMPath[0][1023] = '\0'; SetupSRAMPath(0); if (NDS::LoadROM(ROMPath[0], SRAMPath[0], Config::DirectBoot)) Run(); } if (argc > 2) { file = argv[2]; ext = &file[strlen(file)-3]; if (!strcasecmp(ext, "gba")) { strncpy(ROMPath[1], file, 1023); ROMPath[1][1023] = '\0'; SetupSRAMPath(1); NDS::LoadGBAROM(ROMPath[1], SRAMPath[1]); } } } uiMain(); if (Joystick) SDL_JoystickClose(Joystick); if (AudioDevice) SDL_CloseAudioDevice(AudioDevice); if (MicDevice) SDL_CloseAudioDevice(MicDevice); SDL_DestroyCond(AudioSync); SDL_DestroyMutex(AudioSyncLock); if (MicWavBuffer) delete[] MicWavBuffer; #ifdef MELONCAP MelonCap::DeInit(); #endif // MELONCAP if (ScreenBitmap[0]) uiDrawFreeBitmap(ScreenBitmap[0]); if (ScreenBitmap[1]) uiDrawFreeBitmap(ScreenBitmap[1]); Config::ScreenRotation = ScreenRotation; Config::ScreenGap = ScreenGap; Config::ScreenLayout = ScreenLayout; Config::ScreenSizing = ScreenSizing; Config::Save(); uiUninit(); SDL_Quit(); delete[] EmuDirectory; return 0; } #ifdef __WIN32__ #include int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE hprev, LPSTR cmdline, int cmdshow) { int argc = 0; wchar_t** argv_w = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); char* nullarg = ""; char** argv = new char*[argc]; for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, argv_w[i], -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (len < 1) return NULL; argv[i] = new char[len]; int res = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, argv_w[i], -1, argv[i], len, NULL, NULL); if (res != len) { delete[] argv[i]; argv[i] = nullarg; } } if (AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) { freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stderr); printf("\n"); } int ret = main(argc, argv); printf("\n\n>"); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) if (argv[i] != nullarg) delete[] argv[i]; delete[] argv; return ret; } #endif