/* Copyright 2016-2019 Arisotura This file is part of melonDS. melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include #include #include "libui/ui.h" #include "../types.h" #include "PlatformConfig.h" #include "DlgInputConfig.h" extern SDL_Joystick* Joystick; namespace DlgInputConfig { typedef struct { int type; uiWindow* win; uiAreaHandler areahandler; uiArea* keypresscatcher; int numkeys; int keymap[32]; int joymap[32]; int pollid; uiButton* pollbtn; } InputDlgData; int dskeyorder[12] = {0, 1, 10, 11, 5, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 3, 2}; char dskeylabels[12][8] = {"A:", "B:", "Select:", "Start:", "Right:", "Left:", "Up:", "Down:", "R:", "L:", "X:", "Y:"}; int identity[32] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31}; char hotkeylabels[HK_MAX][32] = {"Close/open lid:", "Microphone:"}; int openedmask; InputDlgData inputdlg[2]; void KeyMappingName(int id, char* str) { if (id < 0) { strcpy(str, "None"); return; } char* keyname = uiKeyName(id); strncpy(str, keyname, 31); uiFreeText(keyname); str[31] = '\0'; } void JoyMappingName(int id, char* str) { if (id < 0) { strcpy(str, "None"); return; } if (id & 0x100) { switch (id & 0xF) { case 0x1: strcpy(str, "Up"); break; case 0x2: strcpy(str, "Right"); break; case 0x4: strcpy(str, "Down"); break; case 0x8: strcpy(str, "Left"); break; } } else { sprintf(str, "Button %d", id+1); } } void OnAreaDraw(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, uiAreaDrawParams* params) { } void OnAreaMouseEvent(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, uiAreaMouseEvent* evt) { } void OnAreaMouseCrossed(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, int left) { } void OnAreaDragBroken(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area) { } void OnAreaResize(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, int width, int height) { } int OnAreaKeyEvent(uiAreaHandler* handler, uiArea* area, uiAreaKeyEvent* evt) { InputDlgData* dlg = (InputDlgData*)uiControl(area)->UserData; if (dlg->pollid < 0) return 0; if (evt->Scancode == 0x38) // ALT return 0; if (evt->Modifiers == 0x2) // ALT+key return 0; if (dlg->pollid > 12) { if (dlg->pollid < 0x100) return 0; int id = dlg->pollid & 0xFF; if (id > 12) return 0; if (evt->Scancode != 0x1) // ESC { if (evt->Scancode == 0xE) // backspace dlg->joymap[id] = -1; else return 1; } char keyname[32]; JoyMappingName(dlg->joymap[id], keyname); uiButtonSetText(dlg->pollbtn, keyname); uiControlEnable(uiControl(dlg->pollbtn)); dlg->pollid = -1; uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(dlg->pollbtn)); return 1; } if (!evt->Up) { // set key. if (evt->Scancode != 0x1) // ESC { if (evt->Scancode == 0xE) // backspace dlg->keymap[dlg->pollid] = -1; else dlg->keymap[dlg->pollid] = evt->Scancode; } char keyname[32]; KeyMappingName(dlg->keymap[dlg->pollid], keyname); uiButtonSetText(dlg->pollbtn, keyname); uiControlEnable(uiControl(dlg->pollbtn)); dlg->pollid = -1; uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(dlg->pollbtn)); } return 1; } void FinishJoyMapping(void* param) { InputDlgData* dlg = (InputDlgData*)param; int id = dlg->pollid & 0xFF; char keyname[32]; JoyMappingName(dlg->joymap[id], keyname); uiButtonSetText(dlg->pollbtn, keyname); uiControlEnable(uiControl(dlg->pollbtn)); dlg->pollid = -1; uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(dlg->pollbtn)); } Uint32 JoyPoll(Uint32 interval, void* param) { InputDlgData* dlg = (InputDlgData*)param; if (dlg->pollid < 0x100) return 0; int id = dlg->pollid & 0xFF; if (id > 12) return 0; SDL_JoystickUpdate(); SDL_Joystick* joy = Joystick; if (!joy) return 0; int nbuttons = SDL_JoystickNumButtons(joy); for (int i = 0; i < nbuttons; i++) { if (SDL_JoystickGetButton(joy, i)) { dlg->joymap[id] = i; uiQueueMain(FinishJoyMapping, dlg); return 0; } } u8 blackhat = SDL_JoystickGetHat(joy, 0); if (blackhat) { if (blackhat & 0x1) blackhat = 0x1; else if (blackhat & 0x2) blackhat = 0x2; else if (blackhat & 0x4) blackhat = 0x4; else blackhat = 0x8; dlg->joymap[id] = 0x100 | blackhat; uiQueueMain(FinishJoyMapping, dlg); return 0; } return 100; } void OnKeyStartConfig(uiButton* btn, void* data) { InputDlgData* dlg = (InputDlgData*)uiControl(btn)->UserData; if (dlg->pollid != -1) { // TODO: handle this better? if (dlg->pollid <= 12) uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(dlg->keypresscatcher)); return; } int id = *(int*)data; dlg->pollid = id; dlg->pollbtn = btn; uiButtonSetText(btn, "[press key]"); uiControlDisable(uiControl(btn)); uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(dlg->keypresscatcher)); } void OnJoyStartConfig(uiButton* btn, void* data) { InputDlgData* dlg = (InputDlgData*)uiControl(btn)->UserData; if (dlg->pollid != -1) { // TODO: handle this better? if (dlg->pollid <= 12) uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(dlg->keypresscatcher)); return; } int id = *(int*)data; dlg->pollid = id | 0x100; dlg->pollbtn = btn; uiButtonSetText(btn, "[press button]"); uiControlDisable(uiControl(btn)); SDL_AddTimer(100, JoyPoll, dlg); uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(dlg->keypresscatcher)); } int OnCloseWindow(uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { InputDlgData* dlg = (InputDlgData*)(uiControl(window)->UserData); openedmask &= ~(1 << dlg->type); return 1; } void OnGetFocus(uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { InputDlgData* dlg = (InputDlgData*)(uiControl(window)->UserData); if (dlg->pollid >= 0) uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(dlg->keypresscatcher)); } void OnLoseFocus(uiWindow* window, void* blarg) { } void OnCancel(uiButton* btn, void* data) { InputDlgData* dlg = (InputDlgData*)data; uiControlDestroy(uiControl(dlg->win)); openedmask &= ~(1 << dlg->type); } void OnOk(uiButton* btn, void* data) { InputDlgData* dlg = (InputDlgData*)data; if (dlg->type == 0) { memcpy(Config::KeyMapping, dlg->keymap, sizeof(int)*12); memcpy(Config::JoyMapping, dlg->joymap, sizeof(int)*12); } else if (dlg->type == 1) { memcpy(Config::HKKeyMapping, dlg->keymap, sizeof(int)*HK_MAX); memcpy(Config::HKJoyMapping, dlg->joymap, sizeof(int)*HK_MAX); } Config::Save(); uiControlDestroy(uiControl(dlg->win)); openedmask &= ~(1 << dlg->type); } void Open(int type) { InputDlgData* dlg = &inputdlg[type]; int mask = 1 << type; if (openedmask & mask) { uiControlSetFocus(uiControl(dlg->win)); return; } openedmask |= mask; dlg->type = type; dlg->pollid = -1; if (type == 0) { dlg->numkeys = 12; memcpy(dlg->keymap, Config::KeyMapping, sizeof(int)*12); memcpy(dlg->joymap, Config::JoyMapping, sizeof(int)*12); dlg->win = uiNewWindow("Input config - melonDS", 600, 100, 0, 0, 0); } else if (type == 1) { dlg->numkeys = HK_MAX; memcpy(dlg->keymap, Config::HKKeyMapping, sizeof(int)*HK_MAX); memcpy(dlg->joymap, Config::HKJoyMapping, sizeof(int)*HK_MAX); dlg->win = uiNewWindow("Hotkey config - melonDS", 600, 100, 0, 0, 0); } uiControl(dlg->win)->UserData = dlg; uiWindowSetMargined(dlg->win, 1); uiWindowOnClosing(dlg->win, OnCloseWindow, NULL); uiWindowOnGetFocus(dlg->win, OnGetFocus, NULL); uiWindowOnLoseFocus(dlg->win, OnLoseFocus, NULL); dlg->areahandler.Draw = OnAreaDraw; dlg->areahandler.MouseEvent = OnAreaMouseEvent; dlg->areahandler.MouseCrossed = OnAreaMouseCrossed; dlg->areahandler.DragBroken = OnAreaDragBroken; dlg->areahandler.KeyEvent = OnAreaKeyEvent; dlg->areahandler.Resize = OnAreaResize; uiBox* top = uiNewVerticalBox(); uiWindowSetChild(dlg->win, uiControl(top)); uiControlHide(uiControl(top)); { uiBox* in_ctrl = uiNewHorizontalBox(); uiBoxAppend(top, uiControl(in_ctrl), 0); uiBoxSetPadded(in_ctrl, 1); uiGroup* g_key = uiNewGroup("Keyboard"); uiBoxAppend(in_ctrl, uiControl(g_key), 1); uiGrid* b_key = uiNewGrid(); uiGroupSetChild(g_key, uiControl(b_key)); const int width = 120; for (int i = 0; i < dlg->numkeys; i++) { int j = (type==0) ? dskeyorder[i] : i; uiLabel* label = uiNewLabel((type==0) ? dskeylabels[j] : hotkeylabels[j]); uiGridAppend(b_key, uiControl(label), 0, i, 1, 1, 1, uiAlignStart, 1, uiAlignCenter); uiControlSetMinSize(uiControl(label), width, 1); char keyname[32]; KeyMappingName(dlg->keymap[j], keyname); uiButton* btn = uiNewButton(keyname); uiControl(btn)->UserData = dlg; uiGridAppend(b_key, uiControl(btn), 1, i, 1, 1, 1, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignCenter); uiButtonOnClicked(btn, OnKeyStartConfig, (type==0) ? &dskeyorder[i] : &identity[i]); uiControlSetMinSize(uiControl(btn), width, 1); } uiGroup* g_joy = uiNewGroup("Joystick"); uiBoxAppend(in_ctrl, uiControl(g_joy), 1); uiGrid* b_joy = uiNewGrid(); uiGroupSetChild(g_joy, uiControl(b_joy)); for (int i = 0; i < dlg->numkeys; i++) { int j = (type==0) ? dskeyorder[i] : i; uiLabel* label = uiNewLabel((type==0) ? dskeylabels[j] : hotkeylabels[j]); uiGridAppend(b_joy, uiControl(label), 0, i, 1, 1, 1, uiAlignStart, 1, uiAlignCenter); uiControlSetMinSize(uiControl(label), width, 1); char keyname[32]; JoyMappingName(dlg->joymap[j], keyname); uiButton* btn = uiNewButton(keyname); uiControl(btn)->UserData = dlg; uiGridAppend(b_joy, uiControl(btn), 1, i, 1, 1, 1, uiAlignFill, 1, uiAlignCenter); uiButtonOnClicked(btn, OnJoyStartConfig, (type==0) ? &dskeyorder[i] : &identity[i]); uiControlSetMinSize(uiControl(btn), width, 1); } } uiLabel* filler = uiNewLabel(""); uiBoxAppend(top, uiControl(filler), 1); { uiBox* in_ctrl = uiNewHorizontalBox(); uiBoxSetPadded(in_ctrl, 1); uiBoxAppend(top, uiControl(in_ctrl), 0); uiLabel* dummy = uiNewLabel(""); uiBoxAppend(in_ctrl, uiControl(dummy), 1); dlg->keypresscatcher = uiNewArea(&dlg->areahandler); uiControl(dlg->keypresscatcher)->UserData = dlg; uiBoxAppend(in_ctrl, uiControl(dlg->keypresscatcher), 0); uiButton* btncancel = uiNewButton("Cancel"); uiButtonOnClicked(btncancel, OnCancel, dlg); uiBoxAppend(in_ctrl, uiControl(btncancel), 0); uiButton* btnok = uiNewButton("Ok"); uiButtonOnClicked(btnok, OnOk, dlg); uiBoxAppend(in_ctrl, uiControl(btnok), 0); } uiControlShow(uiControl(top)); uiControlShow(uiControl(dlg->win)); } void Close(int type) { if (openedmask & (1<