/* Copyright 2016-2020 Arisotura This file is part of melonDS. melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include "types.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Config.h" #include "PlatformConfig.h" #include "VideoSettingsDialog.h" #include "ui_VideoSettingsDialog.h" VideoSettingsDialog* VideoSettingsDialog::currentDlg = nullptr; VideoSettingsDialog::VideoSettingsDialog(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::VideoSettingsDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); oldRenderer = Config::_3DRenderer; oldGLDisplay = Config::ScreenUseGL; oldVSync = Config::ScreenVSync; oldVSyncInterval = Config::ScreenVSyncInterval; oldSoftThreaded = Config::Threaded3D; oldGLScale = Config::GL_ScaleFactor; grp3DRenderer = new QButtonGroup(this); grp3DRenderer->addButton(ui->rb3DSoftware, 0); grp3DRenderer->addButton(ui->rb3DOpenGL, 1); connect(grp3DRenderer, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)), this, SLOT(onChange3DRenderer(int))); grp3DRenderer->button(Config::_3DRenderer)->setChecked(true); ui->cbGLDisplay->setChecked(Config::ScreenUseGL != 0); ui->cbVSync->setChecked(Config::ScreenVSync != 0); ui->sbVSyncInterval->setValue(Config::ScreenVSyncInterval); ui->cbSoftwareThreaded->setChecked(Config::Threaded3D != 0); for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i++) ui->cbxGLResolution->addItem(QString("%1x native (%2x%3)").arg(i).arg(256*i).arg(192*i)); ui->cbxGLResolution->setCurrentIndex(Config::GL_ScaleFactor-1); if (Config::_3DRenderer == 0) { ui->cbGLDisplay->setEnabled(true); ui->cbSoftwareThreaded->setEnabled(true); ui->cbxGLResolution->setEnabled(false); } else { ui->cbGLDisplay->setEnabled(false); ui->cbSoftwareThreaded->setEnabled(false); ui->cbxGLResolution->setEnabled(true); } } VideoSettingsDialog::~VideoSettingsDialog() { delete ui; } void VideoSettingsDialog::on_VideoSettingsDialog_accepted() { Config::Save(); closeDlg(); } void VideoSettingsDialog::on_VideoSettingsDialog_rejected() { bool old_gl = (Config::ScreenUseGL != 0) || (Config::_3DRenderer != 0); Config::_3DRenderer = oldRenderer; Config::ScreenUseGL = oldGLDisplay; Config::ScreenVSync = oldVSync; Config::ScreenVSyncInterval = oldVSyncInterval; Config::Threaded3D = oldSoftThreaded; Config::GL_ScaleFactor = oldGLScale; bool new_gl = (Config::ScreenUseGL != 0) || (Config::_3DRenderer != 0); emit updateVideoSettings(old_gl != new_gl); closeDlg(); } void VideoSettingsDialog::onChange3DRenderer(int renderer) { bool old_gl = (Config::ScreenUseGL != 0) || (Config::_3DRenderer != 0); Config::_3DRenderer = renderer; if (renderer == 0) { ui->cbGLDisplay->setEnabled(true); ui->cbSoftwareThreaded->setEnabled(true); ui->cbxGLResolution->setEnabled(false); } else { ui->cbGLDisplay->setEnabled(false); ui->cbSoftwareThreaded->setEnabled(false); ui->cbxGLResolution->setEnabled(true); } bool new_gl = (Config::ScreenUseGL != 0) || (Config::_3DRenderer != 0); emit updateVideoSettings(old_gl != new_gl); } void VideoSettingsDialog::on_cbGLDisplay_stateChanged(int state) { bool old_gl = (Config::ScreenUseGL != 0) || (Config::_3DRenderer != 0); Config::ScreenUseGL = (state != 0); bool new_gl = (Config::ScreenUseGL != 0) || (Config::_3DRenderer != 0); emit updateVideoSettings(old_gl != new_gl); } void VideoSettingsDialog::on_cbSoftwareThreaded_stateChanged(int state) { Config::Threaded3D = (state != 0); emit updateVideoSettings(false); } void VideoSettingsDialog::on_cbxGLResolution_currentIndexChanged(int idx) { // prevent a spurious change if (ui->cbxGLResolution->count() < 16) return; Config::GL_ScaleFactor = idx+1; emit updateVideoSettings(false); }