/* Copyright 2016-2022 melonDS team This file is part of melonDS. melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ARCHIVE_SUPPORT_ENABLED #include "ArchiveUtil.h" #endif #include "ROMManager.h" #include "Config.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "NDS.h" #include "DSi.h" #include "SPI.h" #include "DSi_I2C.h" using namespace Platform; namespace ROMManager { int CartType = -1; std::string BaseROMDir = ""; std::string BaseROMName = ""; std::string BaseAssetName = ""; int GBACartType = -1; std::string BaseGBAROMDir = ""; std::string BaseGBAROMName = ""; std::string BaseGBAAssetName = ""; SaveManager* NDSSave = nullptr; SaveManager* GBASave = nullptr; std::unique_ptr BackupState = nullptr; bool SavestateLoaded = false; std::string PreviousSaveFile = ""; ARCodeFile* CheatFile = nullptr; bool CheatsOn = false; int LastSep(const std::string& path) { int i = path.length() - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (path[i] == '/' || path[i] == '\\') return i; i--; } return -1; } std::string GetAssetPath(bool gba, const std::string& configpath, const std::string& ext, const std::string& file = "") { std::string result; if (configpath.empty()) result = gba ? BaseGBAROMDir : BaseROMDir; else result = configpath; // cut off trailing slashes for (;;) { int i = result.length() - 1; if (i < 0) break; if (result[i] == '/' || result[i] == '\\') result.resize(i); else break; } if (!result.empty()) result += '/'; if (file.empty()) { std::string& baseName = gba ? BaseGBAAssetName : BaseAssetName; if (baseName.empty()) result += "firmware"; else result += baseName; } else { result += file; } result += ext; return result; } QString VerifyDSBIOS() { FileHandle* f; long len; f = Platform::OpenLocalFile(Config::BIOS9Path, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return "DS ARM9 BIOS was not found or could not be accessed. Check your emu settings."; len = FileLength(f); if (len != 0x1000) { CloseFile(f); return "DS ARM9 BIOS is not a valid BIOS dump."; } CloseFile(f); f = Platform::OpenLocalFile(Config::BIOS7Path, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return "DS ARM7 BIOS was not found or could not be accessed. Check your emu settings."; len = FileLength(f); if (len != 0x4000) { CloseFile(f); return "DS ARM7 BIOS is not a valid BIOS dump."; } CloseFile(f); return ""; } QString VerifyDSiBIOS() { FileHandle* f; long len; // TODO: check the first 32 bytes f = Platform::OpenLocalFile(Config::DSiBIOS9Path, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return "DSi ARM9 BIOS was not found or could not be accessed. Check your emu settings."; len = FileLength(f); if (len != 0x10000) { CloseFile(f); return "DSi ARM9 BIOS is not a valid BIOS dump."; } CloseFile(f); f = Platform::OpenLocalFile(Config::DSiBIOS7Path, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return "DSi ARM7 BIOS was not found or could not be accessed. Check your emu settings."; len = FileLength(f); if (len != 0x10000) { CloseFile(f); return "DSi ARM7 BIOS is not a valid BIOS dump."; } CloseFile(f); return ""; } QString VerifyDSFirmware() { FileHandle* f; long len; f = Platform::OpenLocalFile(Config::FirmwarePath, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return "DS firmware was not found or could not be accessed. Check your emu settings."; len = FileLength(f); if (len == 0x20000) { // 128KB firmware, not bootable CloseFile(f); // TODO report it somehow? detect in core? return ""; } else if (len != 0x40000 && len != 0x80000) { CloseFile(f); return "DS firmware is not a valid firmware dump."; } CloseFile(f); return ""; } QString VerifyDSiFirmware() { FileHandle* f; long len; f = Platform::OpenLocalFile(Config::DSiFirmwarePath, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return "DSi firmware was not found or could not be accessed. Check your emu settings."; len = FileLength(f); if (len != 0x20000) { // not 128KB // TODO: check whether those work CloseFile(f); return "DSi firmware is not a valid firmware dump."; } CloseFile(f); return ""; } QString VerifyDSiNAND() { FileHandle* f; long len; f = Platform::OpenLocalFile(Config::DSiNANDPath, FileMode::ReadWriteExisting); if (!f) return "DSi NAND was not found or could not be accessed. Check your emu settings."; // TODO: some basic checks // check that it has the nocash footer, and all CloseFile(f); return ""; } QString VerifySetup() { QString res; if (Config::ExternalBIOSEnable) { res = VerifyDSBIOS(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } if (Config::ConsoleType == 1) { res = VerifyDSiBIOS(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; if (Config::ExternalBIOSEnable) { res = VerifyDSiFirmware(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } res = VerifyDSiNAND(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } else { if (Config::ExternalBIOSEnable) { res = VerifyDSFirmware(); if (!res.isEmpty()) return res; } } return ""; } std::string GetSavestateName(int slot) { std::string ext = ".ml"; ext += (char)('0'+slot); return GetAssetPath(false, Config::SavestatePath, ext); } bool SavestateExists(int slot) { std::string ssfile = GetSavestateName(slot); return Platform::FileExists(ssfile); } bool LoadState(const std::string& filename) { FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (file == nullptr) { // If we couldn't open the state file... Platform::Log(Platform::LogLevel::Error, "Failed to open state file \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str()); return false; } std::unique_ptr backup = std::make_unique(Savestate::DEFAULT_SIZE); if (backup->Error) { // If we couldn't allocate memory for the backup... Platform::Log(Platform::LogLevel::Error, "Failed to allocate memory for state backup\n"); fclose(file); return false; } if (!NDS::DoSavestate(backup.get()) || backup->Error) { // Back up the emulator's state. If that failed... Platform::Log(Platform::LogLevel::Error, "Failed to back up state, aborting load (from \"%s\")\n", filename.c_str()); fclose(file); return false; } // We'll store the backup once we're sure that the state was loaded. // Now that we know the file and backup are both good, let's load the new state. // Get the size of the file that we opened if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) { Platform::Log(Platform::LogLevel::Error, "Failed to seek to end of state file \"%s\"\n", filename.c_str()); fclose(file); return false; } size_t size = ftell(file); rewind(file); // reset the filebuf's position // Allocate exactly as much memory as we need for the savestate std::vector buffer(size); if (fread(buffer.data(), size, 1, file) == 0) { // Read the state file into the buffer. If that failed... Platform::Log(Platform::LogLevel::Error, "Failed to read %u-byte state file \"%s\"\n", size, filename.c_str()); fclose(file); return false; } fclose(file); // done with the file now // Get ready to load the state from the buffer into the emulator std::unique_ptr state = std::make_unique(buffer.data(), size, false); if (!NDS::DoSavestate(state.get()) || state->Error) { // If we couldn't load the savestate from the buffer... Platform::Log(Platform::LogLevel::Error, "Failed to load state file \"%s\" into emulator\n", filename.c_str()); return false; } // The backup was made and the state was loaded, so we can store the backup now. BackupState = std::move(backup); // This will clean up any existing backup assert(backup == nullptr); if (Config::SavestateRelocSRAM && NDSSave) { PreviousSaveFile = NDSSave->GetPath(); std::string savefile = filename.substr(LastSep(filename)+1); savefile = GetAssetPath(false, Config::SaveFilePath, ".sav", savefile); savefile += Platform::InstanceFileSuffix(); NDSSave->SetPath(savefile, true); } SavestateLoaded = true; return true; } bool SaveState(const std::string& filename) { FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb"); if (file == nullptr) { // If the file couldn't be opened... return false; } Savestate state; if (state.Error) { // If there was an error creating the state (and allocating its memory)... fclose(file); return false; } // Write the savestate to the in-memory buffer NDS::DoSavestate(&state); if (state.Error) { fclose(file); return false; } if (fwrite(state.Buffer(), state.Length(), 1, file) == 0) { // Write the Savestate buffer to the file. If that fails... Platform::Log(Platform::Error, "Failed to write %d-byte savestate to %s\n", state.Length(), filename.c_str() ); fclose(file); return false; } fclose(file); if (Config::SavestateRelocSRAM && NDSSave) { std::string savefile = filename.substr(LastSep(filename)+1); savefile = GetAssetPath(false, Config::SaveFilePath, ".sav", savefile); savefile += Platform::InstanceFileSuffix(); NDSSave->SetPath(savefile, false); } return true; } void UndoStateLoad() { if (!SavestateLoaded || !BackupState) return; // Rewind the backup state and put it in load mode BackupState->Rewind(false); // pray that this works // what do we do if it doesn't??? // but it should work. NDS::DoSavestate(BackupState.get()); if (NDSSave && (!PreviousSaveFile.empty())) { NDSSave->SetPath(PreviousSaveFile, true); } } void UnloadCheats() { if (CheatFile) { delete CheatFile; CheatFile = nullptr; AREngine::SetCodeFile(nullptr); } } void LoadCheats() { UnloadCheats(); std::string filename = GetAssetPath(false, Config::CheatFilePath, ".mch"); // TODO: check for error (malformed cheat file, ...) CheatFile = new ARCodeFile(filename); AREngine::SetCodeFile(CheatsOn ? CheatFile : nullptr); } void EnableCheats(bool enable) { CheatsOn = enable; if (CheatFile) AREngine::SetCodeFile(CheatsOn ? CheatFile : nullptr); } ARCodeFile* GetCheatFile() { return CheatFile; } void SetBatteryLevels() { if (NDS::ConsoleType == 1) { DSi_BPTWL::SetBatteryLevel(Config::DSiBatteryLevel); DSi_BPTWL::SetBatteryCharging(Config::DSiBatteryCharging); } else { SPI_Powerman::SetBatteryLevelOkay(Config::DSBatteryLevelOkay); } } void Reset() { NDS::SetConsoleType(Config::ConsoleType); if (Config::ConsoleType == 1) EjectGBACart(); NDS::Reset(); SetBatteryLevels(); if ((CartType != -1) && NDSSave) { std::string oldsave = NDSSave->GetPath(); std::string newsave = GetAssetPath(false, Config::SaveFilePath, ".sav"); newsave += Platform::InstanceFileSuffix(); if (oldsave != newsave) NDSSave->SetPath(newsave, false); } if ((GBACartType != -1) && GBASave) { std::string oldsave = GBASave->GetPath(); std::string newsave = GetAssetPath(true, Config::SaveFilePath, ".sav"); newsave += Platform::InstanceFileSuffix(); if (oldsave != newsave) GBASave->SetPath(newsave, false); } if (!BaseROMName.empty()) { if (Config::DirectBoot || NDS::NeedsDirectBoot()) { NDS::SetupDirectBoot(BaseROMName); } } } bool LoadBIOS() { NDS::SetConsoleType(Config::ConsoleType); if (NDS::NeedsDirectBoot()) return false; /*if (NDSSave) delete NDSSave; NDSSave = nullptr; CartType = -1; BaseROMDir = ""; BaseROMName = ""; BaseAssetName = "";*/ NDS::Reset(); SetBatteryLevels(); return true; } u32 DecompressROM(const u8* inContent, const u32 inSize, u8** outContent) { u64 realSize = ZSTD_getFrameContentSize(inContent, inSize); const u32 maxSize = 0x40000000; if (realSize == ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_ERROR || (realSize > maxSize && realSize != ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN)) { return 0; } if (realSize != ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN) { u8* realContent = new u8[realSize]; u64 decompressed = ZSTD_decompress(realContent, realSize, inContent, inSize); if (ZSTD_isError(decompressed)) { delete[] realContent; return 0; } *outContent = realContent; return realSize; } else { ZSTD_DStream* dStream = ZSTD_createDStream(); ZSTD_initDStream(dStream); ZSTD_inBuffer inBuf = { .src = inContent, .size = inSize, .pos = 0 }; const u32 startSize = 1024 * 1024 * 16; u8* partialOutContent = (u8*) malloc(startSize); ZSTD_outBuffer outBuf = { .dst = partialOutContent, .size = startSize, .pos = 0 }; size_t result; do { result = ZSTD_decompressStream(dStream, &outBuf, &inBuf); if (ZSTD_isError(result)) { ZSTD_freeDStream(dStream); free(outBuf.dst); return 0; } // if result == 0 and not inBuf.pos < inBuf.size, go again to let zstd flush everything. if (result == 0) continue; if (outBuf.pos == outBuf.size) { outBuf.size *= 2; if (outBuf.size > maxSize) { ZSTD_freeDStream(dStream); free(outBuf.dst); return 0; } outBuf.dst = realloc(outBuf.dst, outBuf.size); } } while (inBuf.pos < inBuf.size); ZSTD_freeDStream(dStream); *outContent = new u8[outBuf.pos]; memcpy(*outContent, outBuf.dst, outBuf.pos); ZSTD_freeDStream(dStream); free(outBuf.dst); return outBuf.size; } } void ClearBackupState() { if (BackupState != nullptr) { BackupState = nullptr; } } bool LoadROM(QStringList filepath, bool reset) { if (filepath.empty()) return false; u8* filedata; u32 filelen; std::string basepath; std::string romname; int num = filepath.count(); if (num == 1) { // regular file std::string filename = filepath.at(0).toStdString(); Platform::FileHandle* f = Platform::OpenFile(filename, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return false; long len = Platform::FileLength(f); if (len > 0x40000000) { Platform::CloseFile(f); delete[] filedata; return false; } Platform::FileRewind(f); filedata = new u8[len]; size_t nread = Platform::FileRead(filedata, (size_t)len, 1, f); if (nread != 1) { Platform::CloseFile(f); delete[] filedata; return false; } Platform::CloseFile(f); filelen = (u32)len; if (filename.length() > 4 && filename.substr(filename.length() - 4) == ".zst") { u8* outContent = nullptr; u32 decompressed = DecompressROM(filedata, len, &outContent); if (decompressed > 0) { delete[] filedata; filedata = outContent; filelen = decompressed; filename = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 4); } else { delete[] filedata; return false; } } int pos = LastSep(filename); if(pos != -1) basepath = filename.substr(0, pos); romname = filename.substr(pos+1); } #ifdef ARCHIVE_SUPPORT_ENABLED else if (num == 2) { // file inside archive s32 lenread = Archive::ExtractFileFromArchive(filepath.at(0), filepath.at(1), &filedata, &filelen); if (lenread < 0) return false; if (!filedata) return false; if (lenread != filelen) { delete[] filedata; return false; } std::string std_archivepath = filepath.at(0).toStdString(); basepath = std_archivepath.substr(0, LastSep(std_archivepath)); std::string std_romname = filepath.at(1).toStdString(); romname = std_romname.substr(LastSep(std_romname)+1); } #endif else return false; if (NDSSave) delete NDSSave; NDSSave = nullptr; BaseROMDir = basepath; BaseROMName = romname; BaseAssetName = romname.substr(0, romname.rfind('.')); if (reset) { NDS::SetConsoleType(Config::ConsoleType); NDS::EjectCart(); NDS::Reset(); SetBatteryLevels(); } u32 savelen = 0; u8* savedata = nullptr; std::string savname = GetAssetPath(false, Config::SaveFilePath, ".sav"); std::string origsav = savname; savname += Platform::InstanceFileSuffix(); FileHandle* sav = Platform::OpenFile(savname, FileMode::Read); if (!sav) sav = Platform::OpenFile(origsav, FileMode::Read); if (sav) { savelen = (u32)Platform::FileLength(sav); FileRewind(sav); savedata = new u8[savelen]; FileRead(savedata, savelen, 1, sav); CloseFile(sav); } bool res = NDS::LoadCart(filedata, filelen, savedata, savelen); if (res && reset) { if (Config::DirectBoot || NDS::NeedsDirectBoot()) { NDS::SetupDirectBoot(romname); } } if (res) { CartType = 0; NDSSave = new SaveManager(savname); LoadCheats(); } if (savedata) delete[] savedata; delete[] filedata; return res; } void EjectCart() { if (NDSSave) delete NDSSave; NDSSave = nullptr; UnloadCheats(); NDS::EjectCart(); CartType = -1; BaseROMDir = ""; BaseROMName = ""; BaseAssetName = ""; } bool CartInserted() { return CartType != -1; } QString CartLabel() { if (CartType == -1) return "(none)"; QString ret = QString::fromStdString(BaseROMName); int maxlen = 32; if (ret.length() > maxlen) ret = ret.left(maxlen-6) + "..." + ret.right(3); return ret; } bool LoadGBAROM(QStringList filepath) { if (Config::ConsoleType == 1) return false; if (filepath.empty()) return false; u8* filedata; u32 filelen; std::string basepath; std::string romname; int num = filepath.count(); if (num == 1) { // regular file std::string filename = filepath.at(0).toStdString(); FileHandle* f = Platform::OpenFile(filename, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return false; long len = FileLength(f); if (len > 0x40000000) { CloseFile(f); return false; } FileRewind(f); filedata = new u8[len]; size_t nread = FileRead(filedata, (size_t)len, 1, f); if (nread != 1) { CloseFile(f); delete[] filedata; return false; } CloseFile(f); filelen = (u32)len; if (filename.length() > 4 && filename.substr(filename.length() - 4) == ".zst") { u8* outContent = nullptr; u32 decompressed = DecompressROM(filedata, len, &outContent); if (decompressed > 0) { delete[] filedata; filedata = outContent; filelen = decompressed; filename = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 4); } else { delete[] filedata; return false; } } int pos = LastSep(filename); basepath = filename.substr(0, pos); romname = filename.substr(pos+1); } #ifdef ARCHIVE_SUPPORT_ENABLED else if (num == 2) { // file inside archive u32 lenread = Archive::ExtractFileFromArchive(filepath.at(0), filepath.at(1), &filedata, &filelen); if (lenread < 0) return false; if (!filedata) return false; if (lenread != filelen) { delete[] filedata; return false; } std::string std_archivepath = filepath.at(0).toStdString(); basepath = std_archivepath.substr(0, LastSep(std_archivepath)); std::string std_romname = filepath.at(1).toStdString(); romname = std_romname.substr(LastSep(std_romname)+1); } #endif else return false; if (GBASave) delete GBASave; GBASave = nullptr; BaseGBAROMDir = basepath; BaseGBAROMName = romname; BaseGBAAssetName = romname.substr(0, romname.rfind('.')); u32 savelen = 0; u8* savedata = nullptr; std::string savname = GetAssetPath(true, Config::SaveFilePath, ".sav"); std::string origsav = savname; savname += Platform::InstanceFileSuffix(); FileHandle* sav = Platform::OpenFile(savname, FileMode::Read); if (!sav) sav = Platform::OpenFile(origsav, FileMode::Read); if (sav) { savelen = (u32)FileLength(sav); FileRewind(sav); savedata = new u8[savelen]; FileRead(savedata, savelen, 1, sav); CloseFile(sav); } bool res = NDS::LoadGBACart(filedata, filelen, savedata, savelen); if (res) { GBACartType = 0; GBASave = new SaveManager(savname); } if (savedata) delete[] savedata; delete[] filedata; return res; } void LoadGBAAddon(int type) { if (Config::ConsoleType == 1) return; if (GBASave) delete GBASave; GBASave = nullptr; NDS::LoadGBAAddon(type); GBACartType = type; BaseGBAROMDir = ""; BaseGBAROMName = ""; BaseGBAAssetName = ""; } void EjectGBACart() { if (GBASave) delete GBASave; GBASave = nullptr; NDS::EjectGBACart(); GBACartType = -1; BaseGBAROMDir = ""; BaseGBAROMName = ""; BaseGBAAssetName = ""; } bool GBACartInserted() { return GBACartType != -1; } QString GBACartLabel() { if (Config::ConsoleType == 1) return "none (DSi)"; switch (GBACartType) { case 0: { QString ret = QString::fromStdString(BaseGBAROMName); int maxlen = 32; if (ret.length() > maxlen) ret = ret.left(maxlen-6) + "..." + ret.right(3); return ret; } case NDS::GBAAddon_RAMExpansion: return "Memory expansion"; } return "(none)"; } void ROMIcon(const u8 (&data)[512], const u16 (&palette)[16], u32* iconRef) { int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < 8; l++) { u8 pal_index = index % 2 ? data[index/2] >> 4 : data[index/2] & 0x0F; u8 r = ((palette[pal_index] >> 0) & 0x1F) * 255 / 31; u8 g = ((palette[pal_index] >> 5) & 0x1F) * 255 / 31; u8 b = ((palette[pal_index] >> 10) & 0x1F) * 255 / 31; u8 a = pal_index ? 255: 0; u32* row = &iconRef[256 * i + 32 * k + 8 * j]; row[l] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; index++; } } } } } #define SEQ_FLIPV(i) ((i & 0b1000000000000000) >> 15) #define SEQ_FLIPH(i) ((i & 0b0100000000000000) >> 14) #define SEQ_PAL(i) ((i & 0b0011100000000000) >> 11) #define SEQ_BMP(i) ((i & 0b0000011100000000) >> 8) #define SEQ_DUR(i) ((i & 0b0000000011111111) >> 0) void AnimatedROMIcon(const u8 (&data)[8][512], const u16 (&palette)[8][16], const u16 (&sequence)[64], u32 (&animatedTexRef)[32 * 32 * 64], std::vector &animatedSequenceRef) { for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (!sequence[i]) break; u32* frame = &animatedTexRef[32 * 32 * i]; ROMIcon(data[SEQ_BMP(sequence[i])], palette[SEQ_PAL(sequence[i])], frame); if (SEQ_FLIPH(sequence[i])) { for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 32/2; y++) { std::swap(frame[x * 32 + y], frame[x * 32 + (32 - 1 - y)]); } } } if (SEQ_FLIPV(sequence[i])) { for (int x = 0; x < 32/2; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) { std::swap(frame[x * 32 + y], frame[(32 - 1 - x) * 32 + y]); } } } for (int j = 0; j < SEQ_DUR(sequence[i]); j++) animatedSequenceRef.push_back(i); } } }