/* Copyright 2016-2023 melonDS team This file is part of melonDS. melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Platform.h" #include "Config.h" #include "ROMManager.h" #include "CameraManager.h" #include "LAN_Socket.h" #include "LAN_PCap.h" #include "LocalMP.h" #include "SPI_Firmware.h" #ifdef __WIN32__ #define fseek _fseeki64 #define ftell _ftelli64 #endif // __WIN32__ std::string EmuDirectory; extern CameraManager* camManager[2]; void emuStop(); // TEMP //#include "main.h" //extern MainWindow* mainWindow; namespace melonDS::Platform { void PathInit(int argc, char** argv) { // First, check for the portable directory next to the executable. QString appdirpath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); QString portablepath = appdirpath + QDir::separator() + "portable"; #if defined(__APPLE__) // On Apple platforms we may need to navigate outside an app bundle. // The executable directory would be "melonDS.app/Contents/MacOS", so we need to go a total of three steps up. QDir bundledir(appdirpath); if (bundledir.cd("..") && bundledir.cd("..") && bundledir.dirName().endsWith(".app") && bundledir.cd("..")) { portablepath = bundledir.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "portable"; } #endif QDir portabledir(portablepath); if (portabledir.exists()) { EmuDirectory = portabledir.absolutePath().toStdString(); } else { // If no overrides are specified, use the default path. #if defined(__WIN32__) && defined(WIN32_PORTABLE) EmuDirectory = appdirpath.toStdString(); #else QString confdir; QDir config(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation)); config.mkdir("melonDS"); confdir = config.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "melonDS"; EmuDirectory = confdir.toStdString(); #endif } } QSharedMemory* IPCBuffer = nullptr; int IPCInstanceID; void IPCInit() { IPCInstanceID = 0; IPCBuffer = new QSharedMemory("melonIPC"); #if !defined(Q_OS_WINDOWS) // QSharedMemory instances can be left over from crashed processes on UNIX platforms. // To prevent melonDS thinking there's another instance, we attach and then immediately detach from the // shared memory. If no other process was actually using it, it'll be destroyed and we'll have a clean // shared memory buffer after creating it again below. if (IPCBuffer->attach()) { IPCBuffer->detach(); delete IPCBuffer; IPCBuffer = new QSharedMemory("melonIPC"); } #endif if (!IPCBuffer->attach()) { Log(LogLevel::Info, "IPC sharedmem doesn't exist. creating\n"); if (!IPCBuffer->create(1024)) { Log(LogLevel::Error, "IPC sharedmem create failed: %s\n", IPCBuffer->errorString().toStdString().c_str()); delete IPCBuffer; IPCBuffer = nullptr; return; } IPCBuffer->lock(); memset(IPCBuffer->data(), 0, IPCBuffer->size()); IPCBuffer->unlock(); } IPCBuffer->lock(); u8* data = (u8*)IPCBuffer->data(); u16 mask = *(u16*)&data[0]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (!(mask & (1<unlock(); Log(LogLevel::Info, "IPC: instance ID %d\n", IPCInstanceID); } void IPCDeInit() { if (IPCBuffer) { IPCBuffer->lock(); u8* data = (u8*)IPCBuffer->data(); *(u16*)&data[0] &= ~(1<unlock(); IPCBuffer->detach(); delete IPCBuffer; } IPCBuffer = nullptr; } void Init(int argc, char** argv) { PathInit(argc, argv); IPCInit(); } void DeInit() { IPCDeInit(); } void SignalStop(StopReason reason) { emuStop(); switch (reason) { case StopReason::GBAModeNotSupported: Log(LogLevel::Error, "!! GBA MODE NOT SUPPORTED\n"); //mainWindow->osdAddMessage(0xFFA0A0, "GBA mode not supported."); break; case StopReason::BadExceptionRegion: //mainWindow->osdAddMessage(0xFFA0A0, "Internal error."); break; case StopReason::PowerOff: case StopReason::External: //mainWindow->osdAddMessage(0xFFC040, "Shutdown"); default: break; } } int InstanceID() { return IPCInstanceID; } std::string InstanceFileSuffix() { int inst = IPCInstanceID; if (inst == 0) return ""; char suffix[16] = {0}; snprintf(suffix, 15, ".%d", inst+1); return suffix; } constexpr char AccessMode(FileMode mode, bool file_exists) { if (mode & FileMode::Append) return 'a'; if (!(mode & FileMode::Write)) // If we're only opening the file for reading... return 'r'; if (mode & (FileMode::NoCreate)) // If we're not allowed to create a new file... return 'r'; // Open in "r+" mode (IsExtended will add the "+") if ((mode & FileMode::Preserve) && file_exists) // If we're not allowed to overwrite a file that already exists... return 'r'; // Open in "r+" mode (IsExtended will add the "+") return 'w'; } constexpr bool IsExtended(FileMode mode) { // fopen's "+" flag always opens the file for read/write return (mode & FileMode::ReadWrite) == FileMode::ReadWrite; } static std::string GetModeString(FileMode mode, bool file_exists) { std::string modeString; modeString += AccessMode(mode, file_exists); if (IsExtended(mode)) modeString += '+'; if (!(mode & FileMode::Text)) modeString += 'b'; return modeString; } FileHandle* OpenFile(const std::string& path, FileMode mode) { if ((mode & (FileMode::ReadWrite | FileMode::Append)) == FileMode::None) { // If we aren't reading or writing, then we can't open the file Log(LogLevel::Error, "Attempted to open \"%s\" in neither read nor write mode (FileMode 0x%x)\n", path.c_str(), mode); return nullptr; } bool file_exists = QFile::exists(QString::fromStdString(path)); std::string modeString = GetModeString(mode, file_exists); FILE* file = fopen(path.c_str(), modeString.c_str()); if (file) { Log(LogLevel::Debug, "Opened \"%s\" with FileMode 0x%x (effective mode \"%s\")\n", path.c_str(), mode, modeString.c_str()); return reinterpret_cast(file); } else { Log(LogLevel::Warn, "Failed to open \"%s\" with FileMode 0x%x (effective mode \"%s\")\n", path.c_str(), mode, modeString.c_str()); return nullptr; } } FileHandle* OpenLocalFile(const std::string& path, FileMode mode) { QString qpath = QString::fromStdString(path); QDir dir(qpath); QString fullpath; if (dir.isAbsolute()) { // If it's an absolute path, just open that. fullpath = qpath; } else { fullpath = QString::fromStdString(EmuDirectory) + QDir::separator() + qpath; } return OpenFile(fullpath.toStdString(), mode); } bool CloseFile(FileHandle* file) { return fclose(reinterpret_cast(file)) == 0; } bool IsEndOfFile(FileHandle* file) { return feof(reinterpret_cast(file)) != 0; } bool FileReadLine(char* str, int count, FileHandle* file) { return fgets(str, count, reinterpret_cast(file)) != nullptr; } bool FileExists(const std::string& name) { FileHandle* f = OpenFile(name, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return false; CloseFile(f); return true; } bool LocalFileExists(const std::string& name) { FileHandle* f = OpenLocalFile(name, FileMode::Read); if (!f) return false; CloseFile(f); return true; } bool CheckFileWritable(const std::string& filepath) { FileHandle* file = Platform::OpenFile(filepath.c_str(), FileMode::Read); if (file) { // if the file exists, check if it can be opened for writing. Platform::CloseFile(file); file = Platform::OpenFile(filepath.c_str(), FileMode::Append); if (file) { Platform::CloseFile(file); return true; } else return false; } else { // if the file does not exist, create a temporary file to check, to avoid creating an empty file. if (QTemporaryFile(filepath.c_str()).open()) { return true; } else return false; } } bool CheckLocalFileWritable(const std::string& name) { FileHandle* file = Platform::OpenLocalFile(name.c_str(), FileMode::Append); if (file) { Platform::CloseFile(file); return true; } else return false; } bool FileSeek(FileHandle* file, s64 offset, FileSeekOrigin origin) { int stdorigin; switch (origin) { case FileSeekOrigin::Start: stdorigin = SEEK_SET; break; case FileSeekOrigin::Current: stdorigin = SEEK_CUR; break; case FileSeekOrigin::End: stdorigin = SEEK_END; break; } return fseek(reinterpret_cast(file), offset, stdorigin) == 0; } void FileRewind(FileHandle* file) { rewind(reinterpret_cast(file)); } u64 FileRead(void* data, u64 size, u64 count, FileHandle* file) { return fread(data, size, count, reinterpret_cast(file)); } bool FileFlush(FileHandle* file) { return fflush(reinterpret_cast(file)) == 0; } u64 FileWrite(const void* data, u64 size, u64 count, FileHandle* file) { return fwrite(data, size, count, reinterpret_cast(file)); } u64 FileWriteFormatted(FileHandle* file, const char* fmt, ...) { if (fmt == nullptr) return 0; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); u64 ret = vfprintf(reinterpret_cast(file), fmt, args); va_end(args); return ret; } u64 FileLength(FileHandle* file) { FILE* stdfile = reinterpret_cast(file); long pos = ftell(stdfile); fseek(stdfile, 0, SEEK_END); long len = ftell(stdfile); fseek(stdfile, pos, SEEK_SET); return len; } void Log(LogLevel level, const char* fmt, ...) { if (fmt == nullptr) return; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vprintf(fmt, args); va_end(args); } Thread* Thread_Create(std::function func) { QThread* t = QThread::create(func); t->start(); return (Thread*) t; } void Thread_Free(Thread* thread) { QThread* t = (QThread*) thread; t->terminate(); delete t; } void Thread_Wait(Thread* thread) { ((QThread*) thread)->wait(); } Semaphore* Semaphore_Create() { return (Semaphore*)new QSemaphore(); } void Semaphore_Free(Semaphore* sema) { delete (QSemaphore*) sema; } void Semaphore_Reset(Semaphore* sema) { QSemaphore* s = (QSemaphore*) sema; s->acquire(s->available()); } void Semaphore_Wait(Semaphore* sema) { ((QSemaphore*) sema)->acquire(); } void Semaphore_Post(Semaphore* sema, int count) { ((QSemaphore*) sema)->release(count); } Mutex* Mutex_Create() { return (Mutex*)new QMutex(); } void Mutex_Free(Mutex* mutex) { delete (QMutex*) mutex; } void Mutex_Lock(Mutex* mutex) { ((QMutex*) mutex)->lock(); } void Mutex_Unlock(Mutex* mutex) { ((QMutex*) mutex)->unlock(); } bool Mutex_TryLock(Mutex* mutex) { return ((QMutex*) mutex)->try_lock(); } void Sleep(u64 usecs) { QThread::usleep(usecs); } void WriteNDSSave(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen, u32 writeoffset, u32 writelen) { if (ROMManager::NDSSave) ROMManager::NDSSave->RequestFlush(savedata, savelen, writeoffset, writelen); } void WriteGBASave(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen, u32 writeoffset, u32 writelen) { if (ROMManager::GBASave) ROMManager::GBASave->RequestFlush(savedata, savelen, writeoffset, writelen); } void WriteFirmware(const Firmware& firmware, u32 writeoffset, u32 writelen) { if (!ROMManager::FirmwareSave) return; if (firmware.GetHeader().Identifier != GENERATED_FIRMWARE_IDENTIFIER) { // If this is not the default built-in firmware... // ...then write the whole thing back. ROMManager::FirmwareSave->RequestFlush(firmware.Buffer(), firmware.Length(), writeoffset, writelen); } else { u32 eapstart = firmware.GetExtendedAccessPointOffset(); u32 eapend = eapstart + sizeof(firmware.GetExtendedAccessPoints()); u32 apstart = firmware.GetWifiAccessPointOffset(); u32 apend = apstart + sizeof(firmware.GetAccessPoints()); // assert that the extended access points come just before the regular ones assert(eapend == apstart); if (eapstart <= writeoffset && writeoffset < apend) { // If we're writing to the access points... const u8* buffer = firmware.GetExtendedAccessPointPosition(); u32 length = sizeof(firmware.GetExtendedAccessPoints()) + sizeof(firmware.GetAccessPoints()); ROMManager::FirmwareSave->RequestFlush(buffer, length, writeoffset - eapstart, writelen); } } } void WriteDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second) { QDateTime hosttime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QDateTime time = QDateTime(QDate(year, month, day), QTime(hour, minute, second)); Config::RTCOffset = hosttime.secsTo(time); Config::Save(); } bool MP_Init() { return LocalMP::Init(); } void MP_DeInit() { return LocalMP::DeInit(); } void MP_Begin() { return LocalMP::Begin(); } void MP_End() { return LocalMP::End(); } int MP_SendPacket(u8* data, int len, u64 timestamp) { return LocalMP::SendPacket(data, len, timestamp); } int MP_RecvPacket(u8* data, u64* timestamp) { return LocalMP::RecvPacket(data, timestamp); } int MP_SendCmd(u8* data, int len, u64 timestamp) { return LocalMP::SendCmd(data, len, timestamp); } int MP_SendReply(u8* data, int len, u64 timestamp, u16 aid) { return LocalMP::SendReply(data, len, timestamp, aid); } int MP_SendAck(u8* data, int len, u64 timestamp) { return LocalMP::SendAck(data, len, timestamp); } int MP_RecvHostPacket(u8* data, u64* timestamp) { return LocalMP::RecvHostPacket(data, timestamp); } u16 MP_RecvReplies(u8* data, u64 timestamp, u16 aidmask) { return LocalMP::RecvReplies(data, timestamp, aidmask); } bool LAN_Init() { if (Config::DirectLAN) { if (!LAN_PCap::Init(true)) return false; } else { if (!LAN_Socket::Init()) return false; } return true; } void LAN_DeInit() { // checkme. blarg //if (Config::DirectLAN) // LAN_PCap::DeInit(); //else // LAN_Socket::DeInit(); LAN_PCap::DeInit(); LAN_Socket::DeInit(); } int LAN_SendPacket(u8* data, int len) { if (Config::DirectLAN) return LAN_PCap::SendPacket(data, len); else return LAN_Socket::SendPacket(data, len); } int LAN_RecvPacket(u8* data) { if (Config::DirectLAN) return LAN_PCap::RecvPacket(data); else return LAN_Socket::RecvPacket(data); } void Camera_Start(int num) { return camManager[num]->start(); } void Camera_Stop(int num) { return camManager[num]->stop(); } void Camera_CaptureFrame(int num, u32* frame, int width, int height, bool yuv) { return camManager[num]->captureFrame(frame, width, height, yuv); } DynamicLibrary* DynamicLibrary_Load(const char* lib) { return (DynamicLibrary*) SDL_LoadObject(lib); } void DynamicLibrary_Unload(DynamicLibrary* lib) { SDL_UnloadObject(lib); } void* DynamicLibrary_LoadFunction(DynamicLibrary* lib, const char* name) { return SDL_LoadFunction(lib, name); } }