    Copyright 2016-2017 StapleButter

    This file is part of melonDS.

    melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
    Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
    any later version.

    melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
    WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
    FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "NDS.h"
#include "SPI.h"
#include "Wifi.h"
#include "Platform.h"

namespace Wifi

//#define WIFI_LOG printf
#define WIFI_LOG(...) {}

u8 RAM[0x2000];
u16 IO[0x1000>>1];

#define IOPORT(x) IO[(x)>>1]

u16 Random;

u64 USCounter;
u64 USCompare;
bool BlockBeaconIRQ14;

u32 CmdCounter;

u16 BBCnt;
u8 BBWrite;
u8 BBRegs[0x100];
u8 BBRegsRO[0x100];

u8 RFVersion;
u16 RFCnt;
u16 RFData1;
u16 RFData2;
u32 RFRegs[0x40];

typedef struct
    u16 Addr;
    u16 Length;
    u8 Rate;
    u8 CurPhase;
    u32 CurPhaseTime;
    u32 HalfwordTimeMask;

} TXSlot;

TXSlot TXSlots[6];

u8 RXBuffer[2048];
u32 RXBufferPtr;
u32 RXTime;
u32 RXHalfwordTimeMask;
u16 RXEndAddr;

u32 ComStatus; // 0=waiting for packets  1=receiving  2=sending
u32 TXCurSlot;
u32 RXCounter;

int MPReplyTimer;
int MPNumReplies;

bool MPInited;

// multiplayer host TX sequence:
// 1. preamble
// 2. IRQ7
// 3. send data
// 4. optional IRQ1
// 5. wait for client replies (duration: 112 + ((10 * CMD_REPLYTIME) * numclients))
// 6. IRQ7
// 7. send ack (16 bytes, 1Mbps)
// 8. optional IRQ1, along with IRQ12 if the transfer was successful or if
//    there's no time left for a retry
// if the transfer has to be retried (for example, didn't get replies from all clients)
// and there is time, it repeats the sequence
// if there isn't enough time left on CMD_COUNT, IRQ12 is triggered alone when
// CMD_COUNT is 10, and the packet txheader[0] is set to 5
// RFSTATUS values:
// 0 = initial
// 1 = waiting for incoming packets
// 2 = switching from RX to TX
// 3 = TX
// 4 = switching from TX to RX
// 5 = MP host data sent, waiting for replies (RFPINS=0x0084)
// 6 = RX
// 7 = ??
// 8 = MP client sending reply, MP host sending ack (RFPINS=0x0046)
// 9 = idle

// wifi TODO:
// * power saving
// * RXSTAT, multiplay reply errors
// * TX errors (if applicable)

bool Init()
    MPInited = false;

    return true;

void DeInit()
    if (MPInited)

void Reset()
    memset(RAM, 0, 0x2000);
    memset(IO, 0, 0x1000);

    Random = 1;

    memset(BBRegs, 0, 0x100);
    memset(BBRegsRO, 0, 0x100);

    #define BBREG_FIXED(id, val)  BBRegs[id] = val; BBRegsRO[id] = 1;
    BBREG_FIXED(0x00, 0x6D);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x0D, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x0E, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x0F, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x10, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x11, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x12, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x16, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x17, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x18, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x19, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x1A, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x27, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x4D, 0x00); // 00 or BF
    BBREG_FIXED(0x5D, 0x01);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x5E, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x5F, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x60, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x61, 0x00);
    BBREG_FIXED(0x64, 0xFF); // FF or 3F
    BBREG_FIXED(0x66, 0x00);
    for (int i = 0x69; i < 0x100; i++)
        BBREG_FIXED(i, 0x00);
    #undef BBREG_FIXED

    RFVersion = SPI_Firmware::GetRFVersion();
    memset(RFRegs, 0, 4*0x40);

    u8 console = SPI_Firmware::GetConsoleType();
    if (console == 0xFF)
        IOPORT(0x000) = 0x1440;
    else if (console == 0x20)
        IOPORT(0x000) = 0xC340;
        printf("wifi: unknown console type %02X\n", console);
        IOPORT(0x000) = 0x1440;

    memset(&IOPORT(0x018), 0xFF, 6);
    memset(&IOPORT(0x020), 0xFF, 6);

    USCounter = 0;
    USCompare = 0;
    BlockBeaconIRQ14 = false;

    ComStatus = 0;
    TXCurSlot = -1;
    RXCounter = 0;

    MPReplyTimer = 0;
    MPNumReplies = 0;

    CmdCounter = 0;

void SetIRQ(u32 irq)
    u32 oldflags = IOPORT(W_IF) & IOPORT(W_IE);

    IOPORT(W_IF) |= (1<<irq);
    u32 newflags = IOPORT(W_IF) & IOPORT(W_IE);

    if ((oldflags == 0) && (newflags != 0))
        NDS::SetIRQ(1, NDS::IRQ_Wifi);

void SetIRQ13()

    if (!(IOPORT(W_PowerTX) & 0x0002))
        IOPORT(0x034) = 0x0002;
        // TODO: 03C
        IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x0046;
        IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;

void SetIRQ14(int source) // 0=USCOMPARE 1=BEACONCOUNT 2=forced
    if (source != 2)
        IOPORT(W_BeaconCount1) = IOPORT(W_BeaconInterval);

    if (BlockBeaconIRQ14 && source == 1)
    if (!(IOPORT(W_USCompareCnt)) & 0x0001)


    if (source == 2)
        printf("wifi: weird forced IRQ14\n");

    IOPORT(W_BeaconCount2) = 0xFFFF;
    IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) &= 0xFFF2;

    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotBeacon) & 0x8000)

    if (IOPORT(W_ListenCount) == 0)
        IOPORT(W_ListenCount) = IOPORT(W_ListenInterval);


void SetIRQ15()

    if (IOPORT(W_PowerTX) & 0x0001)
        IOPORT(W_RFPins) |= 0x0080;
        IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 1;

void SetStatus(u32 status)
    // TODO, eventually: states 2/4, also find out what state 7 is
    u16 rfpins[10] = {0x04, 0x84, 0, 0x46, 0, 0x84, 0x87, 0, 0x46, 0x04};
    IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = status;
    IOPORT(W_RFPins) = rfpins[status];

bool MACEqual(u8* a, u8* b)
    return (*(u32*)&a[0] == *(u32*)&b[0]) && (*(u16*)&a[4] == *(u16*)&b[4]);


int PreambleLen(int rate)
    if (rate == 1) return 192;
    if (IOPORT(W_Preamble) & 0x0004) return 96;
    return 192;

void StartTX_LocN(int nslot, int loc)
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[nslot];

    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + (loc*4)) & 0x7000)
        printf("wifi: unusual loc%d bits set %04X\n", loc, IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + (loc*4)));

    slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + (loc*4)) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
    slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

    u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
    if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
    else              slot->Rate = 1;

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = PreambleLen(slot->Rate);

void StartTX_Cmd()
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[1];

    // TODO: cancel the transfer if there isn't enough time left (check CMDCOUNT)

    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) & 0x7000) printf("wifi: !! unusual TXSLOT_CMD bits set %04X\n", IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd));

    slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
    slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

    u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
    if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
    else              slot->Rate = 1;

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = PreambleLen(slot->Rate);

void StartTX_Beacon()
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[4];

    slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotBeacon) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
    slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

    u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
    if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
    else              slot->Rate = 1;

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = PreambleLen(slot->Rate);

    IOPORT(W_TXBusy) |= 0x0010;

// TODO eventually: there is a small delay to firing TX
void FireTX()
    u16 txbusy = IOPORT(W_TXBusy);

    u16 txreq = IOPORT(W_TXReqRead);
    u16 txstart = 0;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0001;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd ) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0002;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc2) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0004;
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc3) & 0x8000) txstart |= 0x0008;

    txstart &= txreq;
    txstart &= ~txbusy;

    IOPORT(W_TXBusy) = txbusy | txstart;

    if (txstart & 0x0008)
        StartTX_LocN(3, 2);

    if (txstart & 0x0004)
        StartTX_LocN(2, 1);

    if (txstart & 0x0002)

    if (txstart & 0x0001)
        StartTX_LocN(0, 0);

void SendMPReply(u16 clienttime, u16 clientmask)
    TXSlot* slot = &TXSlots[5];

    // mark the last packet as success. dunno what the MSB is, it changes.
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x8000)
        *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr] = 0x0001;

    IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) = IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1);
    IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1) = 0;

    // this seems to be set upon IRQ0
    // TODO: how does it behave if the packet addr is changed before it gets sent? (maybe just not possible)
    if (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x8000)
        slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
        *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x4] = 0x0001;

    u16 clientnum = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < IOPORT(W_AIDLow); i++)
        if (clientmask & (1<<i))

    slot->CurPhase = 0;
    slot->CurPhaseTime = 16 + ((clienttime + 10) * clientnum);

    IOPORT(W_TXBusy) |= 0x0080;

void SendMPDefaultReply()
    u8 reply[12 + 32];

    *(u16*)&reply[0xA] = 28; // length

    // rate
    //if (TXSlots[1].Rate == 2) reply[0x8] = 0x14;
    //else                      reply[0x8] = 0xA;
    // TODO
    reply[0x8] = 0x14;

	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x00] = 0x0158;
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x02] = 0x00F0;//0; // TODO??
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x04] = IOPORT(W_BSSID0);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x06] = IOPORT(W_BSSID1);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x08] = IOPORT(W_BSSID2);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x0A] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr0);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x0C] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr1);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x0E] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr2);
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x10] = 0x0903;
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x12] = 0x00BF;
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x14] = 0x1000;
	*(u16*)&reply[0xC + 0x16] = IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) << 4;
	*(u32*)&reply[0xC + 0x18] = 0;

	int txlen = Platform::MP_SendPacket(reply, 12+28);
	WIFI_LOG("wifi: sent %d/40 bytes of MP default reply\n", txlen);

void SendMPAck()
    u8 ack[12 + 32];

    *(u16*)&ack[0xA] = 32; // length

    // rate
    if (TXSlots[1].Rate == 2) ack[0x8] = 0x14;
    else                      ack[0x8] = 0xA;

	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x00] = 0x0218;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x02] = 0;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x04] = 0x0903;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x06] = 0x00BF;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x08] = 0x0300;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x0A] = IOPORT(W_BSSID0);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x0C] = IOPORT(W_BSSID1);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x0E] = IOPORT(W_BSSID2);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x10] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr0);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x12] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr1);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x14] = IOPORT(W_MACAddr2);
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x16] = IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) << 4;
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x18] = 0x0033; // ???
	*(u16*)&ack[0xC + 0x1A] = 0;
	*(u32*)&ack[0xC + 0x1C] = 0;

	int txlen = Platform::MP_SendPacket(ack, 12+32);
	WIFI_LOG("wifi: sent %d/44 bytes of MP ack, %d %d\n", txlen, ComStatus, RXTime);

u32 NumClients(u16 bitmask)
    u32 ret = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < 16; i++)
        if (bitmask & (1<<i)) ret++;
    return ret;

bool CheckRX(bool block);

bool ProcessTX(TXSlot* slot, int num)
    if (slot->CurPhaseTime > 0)
        if (slot->CurPhase == 1)
            if (!(slot->CurPhaseTime & slot->HalfwordTimeMask))
        else if (slot->CurPhase == 2)
            if (MPReplyTimer == 0 && MPNumReplies > 0)
                if (CheckRX(true))
                    ComStatus |= 0x1;

                // TODO: properly handle reply errors
                // also, if the reply is too big to fit within its window, what happens?

                MPReplyTimer = 10 + IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime);

        return false;

    switch (slot->CurPhase)
    case 0: // preamble done

            if (num == 5)
                // MP reply slot
                // setup needs to be done now as port 098 can get changed in the meantime


                // if no reply is configured, send a default empty reply
                if (!(IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x8000))

                    slot->Addr = 0;
                    slot->Length = 28;
                    slot->Rate = 2; // TODO
                    slot->CurPhase = 4;
                    slot->CurPhaseTime = 28*4;
                    slot->HalfwordTimeMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                    IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) = (IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) + 1) & 0x0FFF;

                slot->Addr = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) & 0x0FFF) << 1;
                slot->Length = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xA] & 0x3FFF;

                // TODO: duration should be set by hardware
                // doesn't seem to be important
                //RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 2] = 0x00F0;

                u8 rate = RAM[slot->Addr + 0x8];
                if (rate == 0x14) slot->Rate = 2;
                else              slot->Rate = 1;

            u32 len = slot->Length;
            if (slot->Rate == 2)
                len *= 4;
                slot->HalfwordTimeMask = 0x7;
                len *= 8;
                slot->HalfwordTimeMask = 0xF;

            slot->CurPhase = 1;
            slot->CurPhaseTime = len;

            u64 oldts;
            if (num == 4)
                // beacon timestamp
                oldts = *(u64*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 24];
                *(u64*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 24] = USCounter;

            //u32 noseqno = 0;
            //if (num == 1) noseqno = (IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) & 0x4000);

            //if (!noseqno)
                *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 22] = IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) << 4;
                IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) = (IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) + 1) & 0x0FFF;

            // set TX addr
            IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = slot->Addr >> 1;

            int txlen = Platform::MP_SendPacket(&RAM[slot->Addr], 12 + slot->Length);
            WIFI_LOG("wifi: sent %d/%d bytes of slot%d packet, addr=%04X, framectl=%04X, %04X %04X\n",
                     txlen, slot->Length+12, num, slot->Addr, *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC],
                     *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x24], *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x26]);

            if (num == 4)
                *(u64*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0xC + 24] = oldts;

    case 1: // transmit done
            // for the MP reply slot, this is set later
            if (num != 5)
                *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr] = 0x0001;
            RAM[slot->Addr + 5] = 0;

            if (num == 1)
                if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x4000)
                    IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0800;

                u16 clientmask = *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 12 + 24 + 2];
                MPNumReplies = NumClients(clientmask);
                MPReplyTimer = 16;

                slot->CurPhase = 2;
                slot->CurPhaseTime = 112 + ((10 + IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime)) * MPNumReplies);

            else if (num == 5)
                if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x1000)
                    IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0401;

                IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~0x80;
                return true;

            IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~(1<<num);

            switch (num)
            case 0:
            case 2:
            case 3:
                IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0001 | ((num?(num-1):0)<<12);
                IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1 + ((num?(num-1):0)*4)) &= 0x7FFF;

            case 4: // beacon
                if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x8000)
                    IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0301;


        return true;

    case 2: // MP host transfer done

            IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = 0xFC0;

            if (slot->Rate == 2) slot->CurPhaseTime = 32 * 4;
            else                 slot->CurPhaseTime = 32 * 8;


            slot->CurPhase = 3;

    case 3: // MP host ack transfer (reply wait done)
            // checkme
            IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~(1<<1);
            IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) &= 0x7FFF; // confirmed

            // seems this is set to indicate which clients failed to reply
            *(u16*)&RAM[slot->Addr + 0x2] = 0;

            IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) = (IOPORT(W_TXSeqNo) + 1) & 0x0FFF;

            if (IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) & 0x2000)
                IOPORT(W_TXStat) = 0x0B01;

        return true;

    case 4: // MP default reply transfer finished
            IOPORT(W_TXBusy) &= ~0x80;
        return true;

    return false;

inline void IncrementRXAddr(u16& addr, u16 inc)
    addr += inc;
    if (addr >= (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
        addr -= (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE);
        addr += (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE);

inline void IncrementRXAddr(u16& addr)
    addr += 2;
    if (addr == (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
        addr = (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE);

bool CheckRX(bool block)
    if (!(IOPORT(W_RXCnt) & 0x8000))
        return false;

    u16 framelen;
    u16 framectl;
    u8 txrate;
    bool bssidmatch;
    u16 rxflags;

    for (;;)
        int rxlen = Platform::MP_RecvPacket(RXBuffer, block);
        if (rxlen == 0) return false;
        if (rxlen < 12+24) continue;

        framelen = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[10];
        if (framelen != rxlen-12)
            printf("bad frame length\n");
        framelen -= 4;

        framectl = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12+0];
        txrate = RXBuffer[8];

        u32 a_src, a_dst, a_bss;
        rxflags = 0x0010;
        switch (framectl & 0x000C)
        case 0x0000: // management
            a_src = 10;
            a_dst = 4;
            a_bss = 16;
            if ((framectl & 0x00F0) == 0x0080)
                rxflags |= 0x0001;

        case 0x0004: // control

        case 0x0008: // data
            switch (framectl & 0x0300)
            case 0x0000: // STA to STA
                a_src = 10;
                a_dst = 4;
                a_bss = 16;
            case 0x0100: // STA to DS
                a_src = 10;
                a_dst = 16;
                a_bss = 4;
            case 0x0200: // DS to STA
                a_src = 16;
                a_dst = 4;
                a_bss = 10;
            case 0x0300: // DS to DS
            // TODO: those also trigger on other framectl values
            // like 0208 -> C
            framectl &= 0xE7FF;
            if      (framectl == 0x0228) rxflags |= 0x000C; // MP host frame
            else if (framectl == 0x0218) rxflags |= 0x000D; // MP ack frame
            else if (framectl == 0x0118) rxflags |= 0x000E; // MP reply frame
            else if (framectl == 0x0158) rxflags |= 0x000F; // empty MP reply frame
            else                         rxflags |= 0x0008;

        if (MACEqual(&RXBuffer[12 + a_src], (u8*)&IOPORT(W_MACAddr0)))
            continue; // oops. we received a packet we just sent.

        bssidmatch = MACEqual(&RXBuffer[12 + a_bss], (u8*)&IOPORT(W_BSSID0));
        if (!(IOPORT(W_BSSID0) & 0x0001) && !(RXBuffer[12 + a_bss] & 0x01) &&
            printf("received packet %04X but it didn't pass the BSSID check\n", framectl);


    WIFI_LOG("wifi: received packet FC:%04X SN:%04X CL:%04X RXT:%d CMT:%d\n",
             framectl, *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12+4+6+6+6], *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12+4+6+6+6+2+2], framelen*4, IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime));

    // make RX header

    if (bssidmatch) rxflags |= 0x8000;

    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0] = rxflags;
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[2] = 0x0040; // ???
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[6] = txrate;
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[8] = framelen;
    *(u16*)&RXBuffer[10] = 0x4080; // min/max RSSI. dunno

    RXTime = framelen;

    if (txrate == 0x14)
        RXTime *= 4;
        RXHalfwordTimeMask = 0x7;
        RXTime *= 8;
        RXHalfwordTimeMask = 0xF;

    u16 addr = IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) << 1;
    IncrementRXAddr(addr, 12);
    IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = addr >> 1;

    RXBufferPtr = 12;

    return true;

void MSTimer()
    if (IOPORT(W_USCompareCnt))
        if (USCounter == USCompare)
            BlockBeaconIRQ14 = false;

    if (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount1) == 0)

    if (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount2) != 0)
        if (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount2) == 0) SetIRQ13();

void USTimer(u32 param)
    if (IOPORT(W_USCountCnt))
        u32 uspart = (USCounter & 0x3FF);

        if (IOPORT(W_USCompareCnt))
            u32 beaconus = (IOPORT(W_BeaconCount1) << 10) | (0x3FF - uspart);
            if (beaconus == IOPORT(W_PreBeacon)) SetIRQ15();

        if (!uspart) MSTimer();

    if (IOPORT(W_CmdCountCnt) & 0x0001)
        if (CmdCounter > 0)

    if (IOPORT(W_ContentFree) != 0)

    if (ComStatus == 0)
        u16 txbusy = IOPORT(W_TXBusy);
        if (txbusy)
            ComStatus = 0x2;
            if      (txbusy & 0x0080) TXCurSlot = 5;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0010) TXCurSlot = 4;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0008) TXCurSlot = 3;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0004) TXCurSlot = 2;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0002) TXCurSlot = 1;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0001) TXCurSlot = 0;
            if ((!(RXCounter & 0x1FF)))
                if (CheckRX(false))
                    ComStatus = 0x1;


    if (ComStatus & 0x2)
        bool finished = ProcessTX(&TXSlots[TXCurSlot], TXCurSlot);
        if (finished)
            // transfer finished, see if there's another slot to do
            // checkme: priority order of beacon/reply
            // TODO: for CMD, check CMDCOUNT
            u16 txbusy = IOPORT(W_TXBusy);
            if      (txbusy & 0x0080) TXCurSlot = 5;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0010) TXCurSlot = 4;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0008) TXCurSlot = 3;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0004) TXCurSlot = 2;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0002) TXCurSlot = 1;
            else if (txbusy & 0x0001) TXCurSlot = 0;
                TXCurSlot = -1;
                ComStatus = 0;
                RXCounter = 0;
    if (ComStatus & 0x1)
        if (!(RXTime & RXHalfwordTimeMask))
            u16 addr = IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) << 1;
            *(u16*)&RAM[addr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[RXBufferPtr];

            RXBufferPtr += 2;

            if (RXTime == 0) // finished receiving
                if (addr & 0x2) IncrementRXAddr(addr);

                // copy the RX header
                u16 headeraddr = IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) << 1;
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[2]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr, 4);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[6]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[8]; IncrementRXAddr(headeraddr);
                *(u16*)&RAM[headeraddr] = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[10];

                IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) = (addr & ~0x3) >> 1;


                WIFI_LOG("wifi: finished receiving packet %04X\n", *(u16*)&RXBuffer[12]);

                ComStatus &= ~0x1;
                RXCounter = 0;

                if ((RXBuffer[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0C)
                    u16 clientmask = *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0xC + 26];
                    if (IOPORT(W_AIDLow) && (RXBuffer[0xC + 4] & 0x01) && (clientmask & (1 << IOPORT(W_AIDLow))))
                        SendMPReply(*(u16*)&RXBuffer[0xC + 24], *(u16*)&RXBuffer[0xC + 26]);

            if (addr == (IOPORT(W_RXBufReadCursor) << 1))
                printf("wifi: RX buffer full\n");
                RXTime = 0;
                if (TXCurSlot == -1)
                    ComStatus &= ~0x1;
                    RXCounter = 0;
                // TODO: proper error management

            IOPORT(W_RXTXAddr) = addr >> 1;

    // TODO: make it more accurate, eventually
    // in the DS, the wifi system has its own 22MHz clock and doesn't use the system clock
    NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_Wifi, true, 33, USTimer, 0);

void RFTransfer_Type2()
    u32 id = (IOPORT(W_RFData2) >> 2) & 0x1F;

    if (IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0x0080)
        u32 data = RFRegs[id];
        IOPORT(W_RFData1) = data & 0xFFFF;
        IOPORT(W_RFData2) = (IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0xFFFC) | ((data >> 16) & 0x3);
        u32 data = IOPORT(W_RFData1) | ((IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0x0003) << 16);
        RFRegs[id] = data;

void RFTransfer_Type3()
    u32 id = (IOPORT(W_RFData1) >> 8) & 0x3F;

    u32 cmd = IOPORT(W_RFData2) & 0xF;
    if (cmd == 6)
        IOPORT(W_RFData1) = (IOPORT(W_RFData1) & 0xFF00) | (RFRegs[id] & 0xFF);
    else if (cmd == 5)
        u32 data = IOPORT(W_RFData1) & 0xFF;
        RFRegs[id] = data;

// TODO: wifi waitstates

u16 Read(u32 addr)
    if (addr >= 0x04810000)
        return 0;

    addr &= 0x7FFE;
    //printf("WIFI: read %08X\n", addr);
    if (addr >= 0x4000 && addr < 0x6000)
        return *(u16*)&RAM[addr & 0x1FFE];
    if (addr >= 0x2000 && addr < 0x4000)
        return 0xFFFF;

    bool activeread = (addr < 0x1000);

    switch (addr)
    case W_Random: // random generator. not accurate
        Random = (Random & 0x1) ^ (((Random & 0x3FF) << 1) | (Random >> 10));
        return Random;

    case W_Preamble:
        return IOPORT(W_Preamble) & 0x0003;

    case W_USCount0: return (u16)(USCounter & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCount1: return (u16)((USCounter >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCount2: return (u16)((USCounter >> 32) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCount3: return (u16)(USCounter >> 48);

    case W_USCompare0: return (u16)(USCompare & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCompare1: return (u16)((USCompare >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCompare2: return (u16)((USCompare >> 32) & 0xFFFF);
    case W_USCompare3: return (u16)(USCompare >> 48);

    case W_CmdCount: return (CmdCounter + 9) / 10;

    case W_BBRead:
        if ((IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xF000) != 0x6000)
            printf("WIFI: bad BB read, CNT=%04X\n", IOPORT(W_BBCnt));
            return 0;
        return BBRegs[IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xFF];

    case W_BBBusy:
        return 0; // TODO eventually (BB busy flag)
    case W_RFBusy:
        return 0; // TODO eventually (RF busy flag)

    case W_RXBufDataRead:
        if (activeread)
            u32 rdaddr = IOPORT(W_RXBufReadAddr);

            u16 ret = *(u16*)&RAM[rdaddr];

            rdaddr += 2;
            if (rdaddr == (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
                rdaddr = (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE);
            if (rdaddr == IOPORT(W_RXBufGapAddr))
                rdaddr += (IOPORT(W_RXBufGapSize) << 1);
                if (rdaddr >= (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE))
                    rdaddr = rdaddr + (IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) & 0x1FFE) - (IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) & 0x1FFE);

                if (IOPORT(0x000) == 0xC340)
                    IOPORT(W_RXBufGapSize) = 0;

            IOPORT(W_RXBufReadAddr) = rdaddr & 0x1FFE;
            IOPORT(W_RXBufDataRead) = ret;

            if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) > 0)
                if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) == 0)

    case W_TXBusy:
        return IOPORT(W_TXBusy) & 0x001F; // no bit for MP replies. odd

    //printf("WIFI: read %08X\n", addr);
    return IOPORT(addr&0xFFF);

void Write(u32 addr, u16 val)
    if (addr >= 0x04810000)

    addr &= 0x7FFE;
    //printf("WIFI: write %08X %04X\n", addr, val);
    if (addr >= 0x4000 && addr < 0x6000)
        *(u16*)&RAM[addr & 0x1FFE] = val;
    if (addr >= 0x2000 && addr < 0x4000)

    switch (addr)
    case W_ModeReset:
            u16 oldval = IOPORT(W_ModeReset);

            if (!(oldval & 0x0001) && (val & 0x0001))
                IOPORT(0x034) = 0x0002;
                IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x0046;
                IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;
                IOPORT(0x27C) = 0x0005;
                // TODO: 02A2??
            else if ((oldval & 0x0001) && !(val & 0x0001))
                IOPORT(0x27C) = 0x000A;

            if (val & 0x2000)
                IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteAddr) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_CmdTotalTime) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_CmdReplyTime) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x1A4) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x278) = 0x000F;
                // TODO: other ports??
            if (val & 0x4000)
                IOPORT(W_ModeWEP) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_TXStatCnt) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x00A) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_MACAddr0) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_MACAddr1) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_MACAddr2) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_BSSID0) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_BSSID1) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_BSSID2) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_AIDLow) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_AIDFull) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_TXRetryLimit) = 0x0707;
                IOPORT(0x02E) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_RXBufBegin) = 0x4000;
                IOPORT(W_RXBufEnd) = 0x4800;
                IOPORT(W_TXBeaconTIM) = 0;
                IOPORT(W_Preamble) = 0x0001;
                IOPORT(W_RXFilter) = 0x0401;
                IOPORT(0x0D4) = 0x0001;
                IOPORT(W_RXFilter2) = 0x0008;
                IOPORT(0x0EC) = 0x3F03;
                IOPORT(W_TXHeaderCnt) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x198) = 0;
                IOPORT(0x1A2) = 0x0001;
                IOPORT(0x224) = 0x0003;
                IOPORT(0x230) = 0x0047;

    case W_ModeWEP:
        val &= 0x007F;

    case W_IF:
        IOPORT(W_IF) &= ~val;
    case W_IFSet:
        IOPORT(W_IF) |= (val & 0xFBFF);
        printf("wifi: force-setting IF %04X\n", val);

    case W_PowerState:
        if (val & 0x0002)
            // TODO: delay for this
            IOPORT(W_PowerState) = 0x0000;

            // checkme
            IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x00C6;
            IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;
    case W_PowerForce:
        if ((val&0x8001)==0x8000) printf("WIFI: forcing power %04X\n", val);
        val &= 0x8001;
        if (val == 0x8001)
            IOPORT(0x034) = 0x0002;
            IOPORT(W_PowerState) = 0x0200;
            IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) = 0;
            IOPORT(W_RFPins) = 0x0046;
            IOPORT(W_RFStatus) = 9;
    case W_PowerUS:
        // schedule timer event when the clock is enabled
        // TODO: check whether this resets USCOUNT (and also which other events can reset it)
        if ((IOPORT(W_PowerUS) & 0x0001) && !(val & 0x0001))
            NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_Wifi, true, 33, USTimer, 0);
            if (!MPInited)
                MPInited = true;
        else if (!(IOPORT(W_PowerUS) & 0x0001) && (val & 0x0001))

    case W_USCountCnt: val &= 0x0001; break;
    case W_USCompareCnt:
        if (val & 0x0002) SetIRQ14(2);
        val &= 0x0001;

    case W_USCount0: USCounter = (USCounter & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000) | (u64)val; return;
    case W_USCount1: USCounter = (USCounter & 0xFFFFFFFF0000FFFF) | ((u64)val << 16); return;
    case W_USCount2: USCounter = (USCounter & 0xFFFF0000FFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 32); return;
    case W_USCount3: USCounter = (USCounter & 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 48); return;

    case W_USCompare0:
        USCompare = (USCompare & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000) | (u64)(val & 0xFC00);
        if (val & 0x0001) BlockBeaconIRQ14 = true;
    case W_USCompare1: USCompare = (USCompare & 0xFFFFFFFF0000FFFF) | ((u64)val << 16); return;
    case W_USCompare2: USCompare = (USCompare & 0xFFFF0000FFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 32); return;
    case W_USCompare3: USCompare = (USCompare & 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF) | ((u64)val << 48); return;

    case W_CmdCount: CmdCounter = val * 10; return;

    case W_BBCnt:
        IOPORT(W_BBCnt) = val;
        if ((IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xF000) == 0x5000)
            u32 regid = IOPORT(W_BBCnt) & 0xFF;
            if (!BBRegsRO[regid])
                BBRegs[regid] = IOPORT(W_BBWrite) & 0xFF;

    case W_RFData2:
        IOPORT(W_RFData2) = val;
        if (RFVersion == 3) RFTransfer_Type3();
        else                RFTransfer_Type2();
    case W_RFCnt:
        val &= 0x413F;

    case W_RXCnt:
        if (val & 0x0001)
            IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteCursor) = IOPORT(W_RXBufWriteAddr);
        if (val & 0x0080)
            IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) = IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1);
            IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1) = 0;
        val &= 0xFF0E;
        if (val & 0x7FFF) printf("wifi: unknown RXCNT bits set %04X\n", val);

    case W_RXBufDataRead:
        printf("wifi: writing to RXBUF_DATA_READ. wat\n");
        if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) > 0)
            if (IOPORT(W_RXBufCount) == 0)

    case W_RXBufReadAddr:
    case W_RXBufGapAddr:
        val &= 0x1FFE;
    case W_RXBufGapSize:
    case W_RXBufCount:
    case W_RXBufWriteAddr:
    case W_RXBufReadCursor:
        val &= 0x0FFF;

    case W_TXReqReset:
        IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) &= ~val;
    case W_TXReqSet:
        IOPORT(W_TXReqRead) |= val;

    case W_TXSlotReset:
        if (val & 0x0001) IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc1) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0002) IOPORT(W_TXSlotCmd) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0004) IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc2) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0008) IOPORT(W_TXSlotLoc3) &= 0x7FFF;
        // checkme: any bits affecting the beacon slot?
        if (val & 0x0040) IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply2) &= 0x7FFF;
        if (val & 0x0080) IOPORT(W_TXSlotReply1) &= 0x7FFF;
        if ((val & 0xFF30) && (val != 0xFFFF)) printf("unusual TXSLOTRESET %04X\n", val);
        val = 0; // checkme (write-only port)

    case W_TXBufDataWrite:
            u32 wraddr = IOPORT(W_TXBufWriteAddr);
            *(u16*)&RAM[wraddr] = val;

            wraddr += 2;
            if (wraddr == IOPORT(W_TXBufGapAddr))
                wraddr += (IOPORT(W_TXBufGapSize) << 1);

            //if (IOPORT(0x000) == 0xC340)
            //    IOPORT(W_TXBufGapSize) = 0;

            IOPORT(W_TXBufWriteAddr) = wraddr & 0x1FFE;

            if (IOPORT(W_TXBufCount) > 0)
                if (IOPORT(W_TXBufCount) == 0)

    case W_TXBufWriteAddr:
    case W_TXBufGapAddr:
        val &= 0x1FFE;
    case W_TXBufGapSize:
    case W_TXBufCount:
        val &= 0x0FFF;

    case W_TXSlotLoc1:
    case W_TXSlotLoc2:
    case W_TXSlotLoc3:
    case W_TXSlotCmd:
        // checkme: is it possible to cancel a queued transfer that hasn't started yet
        // by clearing bit15 here?
        IOPORT(addr&0xFFF) = val;

    case 0x228:
    case 0x244:
        printf("wifi: write port%03X %04X\n", addr, val);

    // read-only ports
    case 0x000:
    case 0x044:
    case 0x054:
    case 0x0B0:
    case 0x0B6:
    case 0x0B8:
    case 0x15C:
    case 0x15E:
    case 0x180:
    case 0x19C:
    case 0x1A8:
    case 0x1AC:
    case 0x1C4:
    case 0x210:
    case 0x214:
    case 0x268:

    //printf("WIFI: write %08X %04X\n", addr, val);
    IOPORT(addr&0xFFF) = val;
