/* Copyright 2016-2017 Arisotura This file is part of melonDS. melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include "NDS.h" #include "DSi.h" #include "NDSCart.h" #include "ARM.h" #include "DSi_AES.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Config.h" #include "ROMList.h" #include "melonDLDI.h" #include "NDSCart_SRAMManager.h" namespace NDSCart_SRAM { u8* SRAM; u32 SRAMLength; char SRAMPath[1024]; bool SRAMFileDirty; void (*WriteFunc)(u8 val, bool islast); u32 Hold; u8 CurCmd; u32 DataPos; u8 Data; u8 StatusReg; u32 Addr; void Write_Null(u8 val, bool islast); void Write_EEPROMTiny(u8 val, bool islast); void Write_EEPROM(u8 val, bool islast); void Write_Flash(u8 val, bool islast); bool Init() { SRAM = NULL; return true; } void DeInit() { if (SRAM) delete[] SRAM; } void Reset() { if (SRAM) delete[] SRAM; SRAM = NULL; } void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) { file->Section("NDCS"); // we reload the SRAM contents. // it should be the same file (as it should be the same ROM, duh) // but the contents may change //if (!file->Saving && SRAMLength) // delete[] SRAM; u32 oldlen = SRAMLength; file->Var32(&SRAMLength); if (SRAMLength != oldlen) { printf("savestate: VERY BAD!!!! SRAM LENGTH DIFFERENT. %d -> %d\n", oldlen, SRAMLength); printf("oh well. loading it anyway. adsfgdsf\n"); if (oldlen) delete[] SRAM; if (SRAMLength) SRAM = new u8[SRAMLength]; } if (SRAMLength) { //if (!file->Saving) // SRAM = new u8[SRAMLength]; file->VarArray(SRAM, SRAMLength); } // SPI status shito file->Var32(&Hold); file->Var8(&CurCmd); file->Var32(&DataPos); file->Var8(&Data); file->Var8(&StatusReg); file->Var32(&Addr); } void LoadSave(const char* path, u32 type) { if (SRAM) delete[] SRAM; strncpy(SRAMPath, path, 1023); SRAMPath[1023] = '\0'; FILE* f = Platform::OpenFile(path, "rb"); if (f) { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); SRAMLength = (u32)ftell(f); SRAM = new u8[SRAMLength]; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(SRAM, SRAMLength, 1, f); fclose(f); } else { if (type > 9) type = 0; int sramlen[] = {0, 512, 8192, 65536, 128*1024, 256*1024, 512*1024, 1024*1024, 8192*1024, 32768*1024}; SRAMLength = sramlen[type]; if (SRAMLength) { SRAM = new u8[SRAMLength]; memset(SRAM, 0xFF, SRAMLength); } } NDSCart_SRAMManager::Setup(path, SRAM, SRAMLength); switch (SRAMLength) { case 512: WriteFunc = Write_EEPROMTiny; break; case 8192: case 65536: case 128*1024: WriteFunc = Write_EEPROM; break; case 256*1024: case 512*1024: case 1024*1024: case 8192*1024: WriteFunc = Write_Flash; break; case 32768*1024: WriteFunc = Write_Null; break; // NAND FLASH, handled differently default: printf("!! BAD SAVE LENGTH %d\n", SRAMLength); case 0: WriteFunc = Write_Null; break; } Hold = 0; CurCmd = 0; Data = 0; StatusReg = 0x00; } void RelocateSave(const char* path, bool write) { if (!write) { LoadSave(path, 0); // lazy return; } strncpy(SRAMPath, path, 1023); SRAMPath[1023] = '\0'; FILE* f = Platform::OpenFile(path, "wb"); if (!f) { printf("NDSCart_SRAM::RelocateSave: failed to create new file. fuck\n"); return; } fwrite(SRAM, SRAMLength, 1, f); fclose(f); } u8 Read() { return Data; } void Write_Null(u8 val, bool islast) {} void Write_EEPROMTiny(u8 val, bool islast) { switch (CurCmd) { case 0x02: case 0x0A: if (DataPos < 1) { Addr = val; Data = 0; } else { SRAM[(Addr + ((CurCmd==0x0A)?0x100:0)) & 0x1FF] = val; Addr++; } break; case 0x03: case 0x0B: if (DataPos < 1) { Addr = val; Data = 0; } else { Data = SRAM[(Addr + ((CurCmd==0x0B)?0x100:0)) & 0x1FF]; Addr++; } break; case 0x9F: Data = 0xFF; break; default: if (DataPos==0) printf("unknown tiny EEPROM save command %02X\n", CurCmd); break; } } void Write_EEPROM(u8 val, bool islast) { u32 addrsize = 2; if (SRAMLength > 65536) addrsize++; switch (CurCmd) { case 0x02: if (DataPos < addrsize) { Addr <<= 8; Addr |= val; Data = 0; } else { SRAM[Addr & (SRAMLength-1)] = val; Addr++; } break; case 0x03: if (DataPos < addrsize) { Addr <<= 8; Addr |= val; Data = 0; } else { Data = SRAM[Addr & (SRAMLength-1)]; Addr++; } break; case 0x9F: Data = 0xFF; break; default: if (DataPos==0) printf("unknown EEPROM save command %02X\n", CurCmd); break; } } void Write_Flash(u8 val, bool islast) { switch (CurCmd) { case 0x02: if (DataPos < 3) { Addr <<= 8; Addr |= val; Data = 0; } else { SRAM[Addr & (SRAMLength-1)] = 0; Addr++; } break; case 0x03: if (DataPos < 3) { Addr <<= 8; Addr |= val; Data = 0; } else { Data = SRAM[Addr & (SRAMLength-1)]; Addr++; } break; case 0x0A: if (DataPos < 3) { Addr <<= 8; Addr |= val; Data = 0; } else { SRAM[Addr & (SRAMLength-1)] = val; Addr++; } break; case 0x9F: Data = 0xFF; break; case 0xD8: if (DataPos < 3) { Addr <<= 8; Addr |= val; Data = 0; } if (DataPos == 2) { for (u32 i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) { SRAM[Addr & (SRAMLength-1)] = 0; Addr++; } } break; case 0xDB: if (DataPos < 3) { Addr <<= 8; Addr |= val; Data = 0; } if (DataPos == 2) { for (u32 i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) { SRAM[Addr & (SRAMLength-1)] = 0; Addr++; } } break; default: if (DataPos==0) printf("unknown Flash save command %02X\n", CurCmd); break; } } void Write(u8 val, u32 hold) { bool islast = false; if (!hold) { if (Hold) islast = true; else CurCmd = val; Hold = 0; } if (hold && (!Hold)) { CurCmd = val; Hold = 1; Data = 0; DataPos = 0; Addr = 0; //printf("save SPI command %02X\n", CurCmd); return; } switch (CurCmd) { case 0x00: // Pokémon carts have an IR transceiver thing, and send this // to bypass it and access SRAM. // TODO: design better CurCmd = val; break; case 0x08: // see above // TODO: work out how the IR thing works. emulate it. Data = 0xAA; break; case 0x02: case 0x03: case 0x0A: case 0x0B: case 0x9F: case 0xD8: case 0xDB: WriteFunc(val, islast); DataPos++; break; case 0x04: // write disable StatusReg &= ~(1<<1); Data = 0; break; case 0x05: // read status reg Data = StatusReg; break; case 0x06: // write enable StatusReg |= (1<<1); Data = 0; break; default: if (DataPos==0) printf("unknown save SPI command %02X %02X %d\n", CurCmd, val, islast); break; } SRAMFileDirty |= islast && (CurCmd == 0x02 || CurCmd == 0x0A) && (SRAMLength > 0); } void FlushSRAMFile() { if (!SRAMFileDirty) return; SRAMFileDirty = false; NDSCart_SRAMManager::RequestFlush(); } } namespace NDSCart { u16 SPICnt; u32 ROMCnt; u8 ROMCommand[8]; u32 ROMData; u8 TransferData[0x4000]; u32 TransferPos; u32 TransferLen; u32 TransferDir; u8 TransferCmd[8]; bool CartInserted; u8* CartROM; u32 CartROMSize; u32 CartID; bool CartIsHomebrew; bool CartIsDSi; FILE* CartSD; u32 CmdEncMode; u32 DataEncMode; u32 Key1_KeyBuf[0x412]; u64 Key2_X; u64 Key2_Y; void ROMCommand_Retail(u8* cmd); void ROMCommand_RetailNAND(u8* cmd); void ROMCommand_Homebrew(u8* cmd); void (*ROMCommandHandler)(u8* cmd); u32 ByteSwap(u32 val) { return (val >> 24) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00) | ((val << 8) & 0xFF0000) | (val << 24); } void Key1_Encrypt(u32* data) { u32 y = data[0]; u32 x = data[1]; u32 z; for (u32 i = 0x0; i <= 0xF; i++) { z = Key1_KeyBuf[i] ^ x; x = Key1_KeyBuf[0x012 + (z >> 24) ]; x += Key1_KeyBuf[0x112 + ((z >> 16) & 0xFF)]; x ^= Key1_KeyBuf[0x212 + ((z >> 8) & 0xFF)]; x += Key1_KeyBuf[0x312 + (z & 0xFF)]; x ^= y; y = z; } data[0] = x ^ Key1_KeyBuf[0x10]; data[1] = y ^ Key1_KeyBuf[0x11]; } void Key1_Decrypt(u32* data) { u32 y = data[0]; u32 x = data[1]; u32 z; for (u32 i = 0x11; i >= 0x2; i--) { z = Key1_KeyBuf[i] ^ x; x = Key1_KeyBuf[0x012 + (z >> 24) ]; x += Key1_KeyBuf[0x112 + ((z >> 16) & 0xFF)]; x ^= Key1_KeyBuf[0x212 + ((z >> 8) & 0xFF)]; x += Key1_KeyBuf[0x312 + (z & 0xFF)]; x ^= y; y = z; } data[0] = x ^ Key1_KeyBuf[0x1]; data[1] = y ^ Key1_KeyBuf[0x0]; } void Key1_ApplyKeycode(u32* keycode, u32 mod) { Key1_Encrypt(&keycode[1]); Key1_Encrypt(&keycode[0]); u32 temp[2] = {0,0}; for (u32 i = 0; i <= 0x11; i++) { Key1_KeyBuf[i] ^= ByteSwap(keycode[i % mod]); } for (u32 i = 0; i <= 0x410; i+=2) { Key1_Encrypt(temp); Key1_KeyBuf[i ] = temp[1]; Key1_KeyBuf[i+1] = temp[0]; } } void Key1_InitKeycode(bool dsi, u32 idcode, u32 level, u32 mod) { // TODO: source the key data from different possible places if (dsi && NDS::ConsoleType==1) memcpy(Key1_KeyBuf, &DSi::ARM7iBIOS[0xC6D0], 0x1048); // hax else memcpy(Key1_KeyBuf, &NDS::ARM7BIOS[0x30], 0x1048); // hax u32 keycode[3] = {idcode, idcode>>1, idcode<<1}; if (level >= 1) Key1_ApplyKeycode(keycode, mod); if (level >= 2) Key1_ApplyKeycode(keycode, mod); if (level >= 3) { keycode[1] <<= 1; keycode[2] >>= 1; Key1_ApplyKeycode(keycode, mod); } } void Key2_Encrypt(u8* data, u32 len) { for (u32 i = 0; i < len; i++) { Key2_X = (((Key2_X >> 5) ^ (Key2_X >> 17) ^ (Key2_X >> 18) ^ (Key2_X >> 31)) & 0xFF) + (Key2_X << 8); Key2_Y = (((Key2_Y >> 5) ^ (Key2_Y >> 23) ^ (Key2_Y >> 18) ^ (Key2_Y >> 31)) & 0xFF) + (Key2_Y << 8); Key2_X &= 0x0000007FFFFFFFFFULL; Key2_Y &= 0x0000007FFFFFFFFFULL; } } void ApplyModcrypt(u32 addr, u32 len, u8* iv) {return; u8 key[16]; DSi_AES::GetModcryptKey(&CartROM[0], key); DSi_AES::ApplyModcrypt(&CartROM[addr], len, key, iv); } bool Init() { if (!NDSCart_SRAM::Init()) return false; CartROM = NULL; CartSD = NULL; return true; } void DeInit() { if (CartROM) delete[] CartROM; if (CartSD) fclose(CartSD); NDSCart_SRAM::DeInit(); } void Reset() { CartInserted = false; if (CartROM) delete[] CartROM; CartROM = NULL; CartROMSize = 0; CartID = 0; CartIsHomebrew = false; CartIsDSi = false; if (CartSD) fclose(CartSD); CartSD = NULL; ROMCommandHandler = NULL; NDSCart_SRAM::Reset(); ResetCart(); } void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) { file->Section("NDSC"); file->Var16(&SPICnt); file->Var32(&ROMCnt); file->VarArray(ROMCommand, 8); file->Var32(&ROMData); file->VarArray(TransferData, 0x4000); file->Var32(&TransferPos); file->Var32(&TransferLen); file->Var32(&TransferDir); file->VarArray(TransferCmd, 8); // cart inserted/len/ROM/etc should be already populated // savestate should be loaded after the right game is loaded // (TODO: system to verify that indeed the right ROM is loaded) // (what to CRC? whole ROM? code binaries? latter would be more convenient for ie. romhaxing) file->Var32(&CmdEncMode); file->Var32(&DataEncMode); // TODO: check KEY1 shit?? NDSCart_SRAM::DoSavestate(file); } void ApplyDLDIPatch(const u8* patch, u32 len) { u32 offset = *(u32*)&CartROM[0x20]; u32 size = *(u32*)&CartROM[0x2C]; u8* binary = &CartROM[offset]; u32 dldioffset = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (*(u32*)&binary[i ] == 0xBF8DA5ED && *(u32*)&binary[i+4] == 0x69684320 && *(u32*)&binary[i+8] == 0x006D6873) { dldioffset = i; break; } } if (!dldioffset) { return; } printf("DLDI structure found at %08X (%08X)\n", dldioffset, offset+dldioffset); if (*(u32*)&patch[0] != 0xBF8DA5ED || *(u32*)&patch[4] != 0x69684320 || *(u32*)&patch[8] != 0x006D6873) { printf("bad DLDI patch\n"); delete[] patch; return; } if (patch[0x0D] > binary[dldioffset+0x0F]) { printf("DLDI driver ain't gonna fit, sorry\n"); delete[] patch; return; } printf("existing driver is: %s\n", &binary[dldioffset+0x10]); printf("new driver is: %s\n", &patch[0x10]); u32 memaddr = *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x40]; if (memaddr == 0) memaddr = *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x68] - 0x80; u32 patchbase = *(u32*)&patch[0x40]; u32 delta = memaddr - patchbase; u32 patchsize = 1 << patch[0x0D]; u32 patchend = patchbase + patchsize; memcpy(&binary[dldioffset], patch, len); *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x40] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x44] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x48] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x4C] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x50] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x54] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x58] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x5C] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x68] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x6C] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x70] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x74] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x78] += delta; *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+0x7C] += delta; u8 fixmask = patch[0x0E]; if (fixmask & 0x01) { u32 fixstart = *(u32*)&patch[0x40] - patchbase; u32 fixend = *(u32*)&patch[0x44] - patchbase; for (u32 addr = fixstart; addr < fixend; addr+=4) { u32 val = *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+addr]; if (val >= patchbase && val < patchend) *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+addr] += delta; } } if (fixmask & 0x02) { u32 fixstart = *(u32*)&patch[0x48] - patchbase; u32 fixend = *(u32*)&patch[0x4C] - patchbase; for (u32 addr = fixstart; addr < fixend; addr+=4) { u32 val = *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+addr]; if (val >= patchbase && val < patchend) *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+addr] += delta; } } if (fixmask & 0x04) { u32 fixstart = *(u32*)&patch[0x50] - patchbase; u32 fixend = *(u32*)&patch[0x54] - patchbase; for (u32 addr = fixstart; addr < fixend; addr+=4) { u32 val = *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+addr]; if (val >= patchbase && val < patchend) *(u32*)&binary[dldioffset+addr] += delta; } } if (fixmask & 0x08) { u32 fixstart = *(u32*)&patch[0x58] - patchbase; u32 fixend = *(u32*)&patch[0x5C] - patchbase; memset(&binary[dldioffset+fixstart], 0, fixend-fixstart); } printf("applied DLDI patch\n"); } bool ReadROMParams(u32 gamecode, ROMListEntry* params) { u32 len = sizeof(ROMList) / sizeof(ROMListEntry); u32 offset = 0; u32 chk_size = len >> 1; for (;;) { u32 key = 0; ROMListEntry* curentry = &ROMList[offset + chk_size]; key = curentry->GameCode; if (key == gamecode) { memcpy(params, curentry, sizeof(ROMListEntry)); return true; } else { if (key < gamecode) { if (chk_size == 0) offset++; else offset += chk_size; } else if (chk_size == 0) { return false; } chk_size >>= 1; } if (offset >= len) { return false; } } } void DecryptSecureArea(u8* out) { // TODO: source decryption data from different possible sources // * original DS-mode ARM7 BIOS has the key data at 0x30 // * .srl ROMs (VC dumps) have encrypted secure areas but have precomputed // decryption data at 0x1000 (and at the beginning of the DSi region if any) u32 gamecode = *(u32*)&CartROM[0x0C]; u32 arm9base = *(u32*)&CartROM[0x20]; memcpy(out, &CartROM[arm9base], 0x800); Key1_InitKeycode(false, gamecode, 2, 2); Key1_Decrypt((u32*)&out[0]); Key1_InitKeycode(false, gamecode, 3, 2); for (u32 i = 0; i < 0x800; i += 8) Key1_Decrypt((u32*)&out[i]); if (!strncmp((const char*)out, "encryObj", 8)) { printf("Secure area decryption OK\n"); *(u32*)&out[0] = 0xE7FFDEFF; *(u32*)&out[4] = 0xE7FFDEFF; } else { printf("Secure area decryption failed\n"); for (u32 i = 0; i < 0x800; i += 4) *(u32*)&out[i] = 0xE7FFDEFF; } } bool LoadROM(const char* path, const char* sram, bool direct) { // TODO: streaming mode? for really big ROMs or systems with limited RAM // for now we're lazy // also TODO: validate what we're loading!! FILE* f = Platform::OpenFile(path, "rb"); if (!f) { return false; } NDS::Reset(); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); u32 len = (u32)ftell(f); CartROMSize = 0x200; while (CartROMSize < len) CartROMSize <<= 1; u32 gamecode; fseek(f, 0x0C, SEEK_SET); fread(&gamecode, 4, 1, f); printf("Game code: %c%c%c%c\n", gamecode&0xFF, (gamecode>>8)&0xFF, (gamecode>>16)&0xFF, gamecode>>24); u8 unitcode; fseek(f, 0x12, SEEK_SET); fread(&unitcode, 1, 1, f); CartIsDSi = (unitcode & 0x02) != 0; CartROM = new u8[CartROMSize]; memset(CartROM, 0, CartROMSize); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(CartROM, 1, len, f); fclose(f); //CartROM = f; ROMListEntry romparams; if (!ReadROMParams(gamecode, &romparams)) { // set defaults printf("ROM entry not found\n"); romparams.GameCode = gamecode; romparams.ROMSize = CartROMSize; if (*(u32*)&CartROM[0x20] < 0x4000) romparams.SaveMemType = 0; // no saveRAM for homebrew else romparams.SaveMemType = 2; // assume EEPROM 64k (TODO FIXME) } else printf("ROM entry: %08X %08X\n", romparams.ROMSize, romparams.SaveMemType); if (romparams.ROMSize != len) printf("!! bad ROM size %d (expected %d) rounded to %d\n", len, romparams.ROMSize, CartROMSize); // generate a ROM ID // note: most games don't check the actual value // it just has to stay the same throughout gameplay CartID = 0x000000C2; if (CartROMSize >= 1024*1024 && CartROMSize <= 128*1024*1024) CartID |= ((CartROMSize >> 20) - 1) << 8; else CartID |= (0x100 - (CartROMSize >> 28)) << 8; if (romparams.SaveMemType == 8) CartID |= 0x08000000; // NAND flag if (CartIsDSi) CartID |= 0x40000000; printf("Cart ID: %08X\n", CartID); u32 arm9base = *(u32*)&CartROM[0x20]; if (arm9base < 0x8000) { if (arm9base >= 0x4000) { // reencrypt secure area if needed if (*(u32*)&CartROM[arm9base] == 0xE7FFDEFF && *(u32*)&CartROM[arm9base+0x10] != 0xE7FFDEFF) { printf("Re-encrypting cart secure area\n"); strncpy((char*)&CartROM[arm9base], "encryObj", 8); Key1_InitKeycode(false, gamecode, 3, 2); for (u32 i = 0; i < 0x800; i += 8) Key1_Encrypt((u32*)&CartROM[arm9base + i]); Key1_InitKeycode(false, gamecode, 2, 2); Key1_Encrypt((u32*)&CartROM[arm9base]); } } } if ((arm9base < 0x4000) || (gamecode == 0x23232323)) { CartIsHomebrew = true; if (Config::DLDIEnable) ApplyDLDIPatch(melonDLDI, sizeof(melonDLDI)); } if (direct) { // TODO: in the case of an already-encrypted secure area, direct boot // needs it decrypted NDS::SetupDirectBoot(); CmdEncMode = 2; } CartInserted = true; // TODO: support more fancy cart types (homebrew?, flashcarts, etc) if (CartIsHomebrew) ROMCommandHandler = ROMCommand_Homebrew; else if (CartID & 0x08000000) ROMCommandHandler = ROMCommand_RetailNAND; else ROMCommandHandler = ROMCommand_Retail; // encryption Key1_InitKeycode(false, gamecode, 2, 2); // save printf("Save file: %s\n", sram); NDSCart_SRAM::LoadSave(sram, romparams.SaveMemType); if (CartIsHomebrew && Config::DLDIEnable) { CartSD = Platform::OpenLocalFile(Config::DLDISDPath, "r+b"); } else CartSD = NULL; return true; } void RelocateSave(const char* path, bool write) { // herp derp NDSCart_SRAM::RelocateSave(path, write); } void FlushSRAMFile() { NDSCart_SRAM::FlushSRAMFile(); } int ImportSRAM(const u8* data, u32 length) { memcpy(NDSCart_SRAM::SRAM, data, std::min(length, NDSCart_SRAM::SRAMLength)); FILE* f = Platform::OpenFile(NDSCart_SRAM::SRAMPath, "wb"); if (f) { fwrite(NDSCart_SRAM::SRAM, NDSCart_SRAM::SRAMLength, 1, f); fclose(f); } return length - NDSCart_SRAM::SRAMLength; } void ResetCart() { // CHECKME: what if there is a transfer in progress? SPICnt = 0; ROMCnt = 0; memset(ROMCommand, 0, 8); ROMData = 0; Key2_X = 0; Key2_Y = 0; memset(TransferData, 0, 0x4000); TransferPos = 0; TransferLen = 0; TransferDir = 0; memset(TransferCmd, 0, 8); TransferCmd[0] = 0xFF; CmdEncMode = 0; DataEncMode = 0; } void ReadROM(u32 addr, u32 len, u32 offset) { if (!CartInserted) return; if (addr >= CartROMSize) return; if ((addr+len) > CartROMSize) len = CartROMSize - addr; memcpy(TransferData+offset, CartROM+addr, len); } void ReadROM_B7(u32 addr, u32 len, u32 offset) { if (!CartInserted) return; addr &= (CartROMSize-1); if (!CartIsHomebrew) { if (addr < 0x8000) addr = 0x8000 + (addr & 0x1FF); } memcpy(TransferData+offset, CartROM+addr, len); } void ROMEndTransfer(u32 param) { ROMCnt &= ~(1<<31); if (SPICnt & (1<<14)) NDS::SetIRQ((NDS::ExMemCnt[0]>>11)&0x1, NDS::IRQ_CartSendDone); if (TransferDir == 1) { // finish a write u8* cmd = TransferCmd; switch (cmd[0]) { case 0xC1: { u32 sector = (cmd[1]<<24) | (cmd[2]<<16) | (cmd[3]<<8) | cmd[4]; u64 addr = sector * 0x200ULL; if (CartSD) { fseek(CartSD, addr, SEEK_SET); fwrite(TransferData, TransferLen, 1, CartSD); } } break; } } } void ROMPrepareData(u32 param) { if (TransferDir == 0) { if (TransferPos >= TransferLen) ROMData = 0; else ROMData = *(u32*)&TransferData[TransferPos]; TransferPos += 4; } ROMCnt |= (1<<23); if (NDS::ExMemCnt[0] & (1<<11)) NDS::CheckDMAs(1, 0x12); else NDS::CheckDMAs(0, 0x05); } void ROMCommand_Retail(u8* cmd) { switch (cmd[0]) { case 0xB7: { u32 addr = (cmd[1]<<24) | (cmd[2]<<16) | (cmd[3]<<8) | cmd[4]; memset(TransferData, 0, TransferLen); if (((addr + TransferLen - 1) >> 12) != (addr >> 12)) { u32 len1 = 0x1000 - (addr & 0xFFF); ReadROM_B7(addr, len1, 0); ReadROM_B7(addr+len1, TransferLen-len1, len1); } else ReadROM_B7(addr, TransferLen, 0); } break; default: printf("unknown retail cart command %02X\n", cmd[0]); break; } } void ROMCommand_RetailNAND(u8* cmd) { switch (cmd[0]) { case 0x94: // NAND init { // initial value: should have bit7 clear NDSCart_SRAM::StatusReg = 0; // Jam with the Band stores words 6-9 of this at 0x02131BB0 // it doesn't seem to use those anywhere later for (u32 pos = 0; pos < TransferLen; pos += 4) *(u32*)&TransferData[pos] = 0; } break; case 0xB2: // set savemem addr { NDSCart_SRAM::StatusReg |= 0x20; } break; case 0xB7: { u32 addr = (cmd[1]<<24) | (cmd[2]<<16) | (cmd[3]<<8) | cmd[4]; memset(TransferData, 0, TransferLen); if (((addr + TransferLen - 1) >> 12) != (addr >> 12)) { u32 len1 = 0x1000 - (addr & 0xFFF); ReadROM_B7(addr, len1, 0); ReadROM_B7(addr+len1, TransferLen-len1, len1); } else ReadROM_B7(addr, TransferLen, 0); } break; case 0xD6: // NAND status { // status reg bits: // * bit7: busy? error? // * bit5: accessing savemem for (u32 pos = 0; pos < TransferLen; pos += 4) *(u32*)&TransferData[pos] = NDSCart_SRAM::StatusReg * 0x01010101; } break; default: printf("unknown NAND command %02X %04Xn", cmd[0], TransferLen); break; } } void ROMCommand_Homebrew(u8* cmd) { switch (cmd[0]) { case 0xB7: { u32 addr = (cmd[1]<<24) | (cmd[2]<<16) | (cmd[3]<<8) | cmd[4]; memset(TransferData, 0, TransferLen); if (((addr + TransferLen - 1) >> 12) != (addr >> 12)) { u32 len1 = 0x1000 - (addr & 0xFFF); ReadROM_B7(addr, len1, 0); ReadROM_B7(addr+len1, TransferLen-len1, len1); } else ReadROM_B7(addr, TransferLen, 0); } break; case 0xC0: // SD read { u32 sector = (cmd[1]<<24) | (cmd[2]<<16) | (cmd[3]<<8) | cmd[4]; u64 addr = sector * 0x200ULL; if (CartSD) { fseek(CartSD, addr, SEEK_SET); fread(TransferData, TransferLen, 1, CartSD); } } break; case 0xC1: // SD write { TransferDir = 1; memcpy(TransferCmd, cmd, 8); } break; default: printf("unknown homebrew cart command %02X\n", cmd[0]); break; } } void WriteROMCnt(u32 val) { ROMCnt = (val & 0xFF7F7FFF) | (ROMCnt & 0x00800000); if (!(SPICnt & (1<<15))) return; if (val & (1<<15)) { u32 snum = (NDS::ExMemCnt[0]>>8)&0x8; u64 seed0 = *(u32*)&NDS::ROMSeed0[snum] | ((u64)NDS::ROMSeed0[snum+4] << 32); u64 seed1 = *(u32*)&NDS::ROMSeed1[snum] | ((u64)NDS::ROMSeed1[snum+4] << 32); Key2_X = 0; Key2_Y = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < 39; i++) { if (seed0 & (1ULL << i)) Key2_X |= (1ULL << (38-i)); if (seed1 & (1ULL << i)) Key2_Y |= (1ULL << (38-i)); } printf("seed0: %02X%08X\n", (u32)(seed0>>32), (u32)seed0); printf("seed1: %02X%08X\n", (u32)(seed1>>32), (u32)seed1); printf("key2 X: %02X%08X\n", (u32)(Key2_X>>32), (u32)Key2_X); printf("key2 Y: %02X%08X\n", (u32)(Key2_Y>>32), (u32)Key2_Y); } if (!(ROMCnt & (1<<31))) return; u32 datasize = (ROMCnt >> 24) & 0x7; if (datasize == 7) datasize = 4; else if (datasize > 0) datasize = 0x100 << datasize; TransferPos = 0; TransferLen = datasize; // handle KEY1 encryption as needed. // KEY2 encryption is implemented in hardware and doesn't need to be handled. u8 cmd[8]; if (CmdEncMode == 1 || CmdEncMode == 11) { *(u32*)&cmd[0] = ByteSwap(*(u32*)&ROMCommand[4]); *(u32*)&cmd[4] = ByteSwap(*(u32*)&ROMCommand[0]); Key1_Decrypt((u32*)cmd); u32 tmp = ByteSwap(*(u32*)&cmd[4]); *(u32*)&cmd[4] = ByteSwap(*(u32*)&cmd[0]); *(u32*)&cmd[0] = tmp; } else { *(u32*)&cmd[0] = *(u32*)&ROMCommand[0]; *(u32*)&cmd[4] = *(u32*)&ROMCommand[4]; } /*printf("ROM COMMAND %04X %08X %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X SIZE %04X\n", SPICnt, ROMCnt, cmd[0], cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3], cmd[4], cmd[5], cmd[6], cmd[7], datasize);*/ // default is read // commands that do writes will change this TransferDir = 0; switch (cmd[0]) { case 0x9F: memset(TransferData, 0xFF, TransferLen); break; case 0x00: memset(TransferData, 0, TransferLen); if (TransferLen > 0x1000) { ReadROM(0, 0x1000, 0); for (u32 pos = 0x1000; pos < TransferLen; pos += 0x1000) memcpy(TransferData+pos, TransferData, 0x1000); } else ReadROM(0, TransferLen, 0); break; case 0x90: case 0xB8: for (u32 pos = 0; pos < TransferLen; pos += 4) *(u32*)&TransferData[pos] = CartID; break; case 0x3C: if (CartInserted) { CmdEncMode = 1; Key1_InitKeycode(false, *(u32*)&CartROM[0xC], 2, 2); } break; case 0x3D: if (CartInserted && CartIsDSi) { CmdEncMode = 11; Key1_InitKeycode(true, *(u32*)&CartROM[0xC], 1, 2); } break; default: if (CmdEncMode == 1 || CmdEncMode == 11) { switch (cmd[0] & 0xF0) { case 0x40: DataEncMode = 2; break; case 0x10: for (u32 pos = 0; pos < TransferLen; pos += 4) *(u32*)&TransferData[pos] = CartID; break; case 0x20: { u32 addr = (cmd[2] & 0xF0) << 8; if (CmdEncMode == 11) { u32 arm9i_base = *(u32*)&CartROM[0x1C0]; addr -= 0x4000; addr += arm9i_base; } ReadROM(addr, 0x1000, 0); } break; case 0xA0: CmdEncMode = 2; break; } } else if (ROMCommandHandler) ROMCommandHandler(cmd); break; } ROMCnt &= ~(1<<23); // ROM transfer timings // the bus is parallel with 8 bits // thus a command would take 8 cycles to be transferred // and it would take 4 cycles to receive a word of data // TODO: advance read position if bit28 is set u32 xfercycle = (ROMCnt & (1<<27)) ? 8 : 5; u32 cmddelay = 8; // delays are only applied when the WR bit is cleared if (!(ROMCnt & (1<<30))) { cmddelay += (ROMCnt & 0x1FFF); if (datasize) cmddelay += ((ROMCnt >> 16) & 0x3F); } if (datasize == 0) NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_ROMTransfer, false, xfercycle*cmddelay, ROMEndTransfer, 0); else NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_ROMTransfer, false, xfercycle*(cmddelay+4), ROMPrepareData, 0); } void AdvanceROMTransfer() { ROMCnt &= ~(1<<23); if (TransferPos < TransferLen) { u32 xfercycle = (ROMCnt & (1<<27)) ? 8 : 5; u32 delay = 4; if (!(ROMCnt & (1<<30))) { if (!(TransferPos & 0x1FF)) delay += ((ROMCnt >> 16) & 0x3F); } NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_ROMTransfer, false, xfercycle*delay, ROMPrepareData, 0); } else ROMEndTransfer(0); } u32 ReadROMData() { if (ROMCnt & (1<<23)) { AdvanceROMTransfer(); } return ROMData; } void WriteROMData(u32 val) { ROMData = val; if (ROMCnt & (1<<23)) { if (TransferDir == 1) { if (TransferPos < TransferLen) *(u32*)&TransferData[TransferPos] = ROMData; TransferPos += 4; } AdvanceROMTransfer(); } } void WriteSPICnt(u16 val) { SPICnt = (SPICnt & 0x0080) | (val & 0xE043); if (SPICnt & (1<<7)) printf("!! CHANGING AUXSPICNT DURING TRANSFER: %04X\n", val); } void SPITransferDone(u32 param) { SPICnt &= ~(1<<7); } u8 ReadSPIData() { if (!(SPICnt & (1<<15))) return 0; if (!(SPICnt & (1<<13))) return 0; if (SPICnt & (1<<7)) return 0; // checkme return NDSCart_SRAM::Read(); } void WriteSPIData(u8 val) { if (!(SPICnt & (1<<15))) return; if (!(SPICnt & (1<<13))) return; if (SPICnt & (1<<7)) printf("!! WRITING AUXSPIDATA DURING PENDING TRANSFER\n"); SPICnt |= (1<<7); NDSCart_SRAM::Write(val, SPICnt&(1<<6)); // SPI transfers one bit per cycle -> 8 cycles per byte u32 delay = 8 * (8 << (SPICnt & 0x3)); NDS::ScheduleEvent(NDS::Event_ROMSPITransfer, false, delay, SPITransferDone, 0); } }