/* Copyright 2016-2022 melonDS team This file is part of melonDS. melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "NDS.h" #include "GBACart.h" #include "CRC32.h" #include "Platform.h" namespace GBACart { const char SOLAR_SENSOR_GAMECODES[10][5] = { "U3IJ", // Bokura no Taiyou - Taiyou Action RPG (Japan) "U3IE", // Boktai - The Sun Is in Your Hand (USA) "U3IP", // Boktai - The Sun Is in Your Hand (Europe) "U32J", // Zoku Bokura no Taiyou - Taiyou Shounen Django (Japan) "U32E", // Boktai 2 - Solar Boy Django (USA) "U32P", // Boktai 2 - Solar Boy Django (Europe) "U33J", // Shin Bokura no Taiyou - Gyakushuu no Sabata (Japan) "A3IJ" // Boktai - The Sun Is in Your Hand (USA) (Sample) }; bool CartInserted; u8* CartROM; u32 CartROMSize; u32 CartID; CartCommon* Cart; u16 OpenBusDecay; CartCommon::CartCommon() { } CartCommon::~CartCommon() { } void CartCommon::Reset() { } void CartCommon::DoSavestate(Savestate* file) { file->Section("GBCS"); } void CartCommon::SetupSave(u32 type) { } void CartCommon::LoadSave(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen) { } int CartCommon::SetInput(int num, bool pressed) { return -1; } u16 CartCommon::ROMRead(u32 addr) { return 0; } void CartCommon::ROMWrite(u32 addr, u16 val) { } u8 CartCommon::SRAMRead(u32 addr) { return 0; } void CartCommon::SRAMWrite(u32 addr, u8 val) { } CartGame::CartGame(u8* rom, u32 len) : CartCommon() { ROM = rom; ROMLength = len; SRAM = nullptr; SRAMLength = 0; SRAMType = S_NULL; SRAMFlashState = {}; } CartGame::~CartGame() { if (SRAM) delete[] SRAM; } u32 CartGame::Checksum() { u32 crc = CRC32(ROM, 0xC0, 0); // TODO: hash more contents? return crc; } void CartGame::Reset() { memset(&GPIO, 0, sizeof(GPIO)); } void CartGame::DoSavestate(Savestate* file) { CartCommon::DoSavestate(file); file->Var16(&GPIO.control); file->Var16(&GPIO.data); file->Var16(&GPIO.direction); u32 oldlen = SRAMLength; file->Var32(&SRAMLength); if (SRAMLength != oldlen) { // reallocate save memory if (oldlen) delete[] SRAM; SRAM = nullptr; if (SRAMLength) SRAM = new u8[SRAMLength]; } if (SRAMLength) { // fill save memory if data is present file->VarArray(SRAM, SRAMLength); } else { // no save data, clear the current state SRAMType = SaveType::S_NULL; SRAM = nullptr; return; } // persist some extra state info file->Var8(&SRAMFlashState.bank); file->Var8(&SRAMFlashState.cmd); file->Var8(&SRAMFlashState.device); file->Var8(&SRAMFlashState.manufacturer); file->Var8(&SRAMFlashState.state); file->Var8((u8*)&SRAMType); if ((!file->Saving) && SRAM) Platform::WriteGBASave(SRAM, SRAMLength, 0, SRAMLength); } void CartGame::SetupSave(u32 type) { if (SRAM) delete[] SRAM; SRAM = nullptr; // TODO: have type be determined from some list, like in NDSCart // and not this gross hack!! SRAMLength = type; if (SRAMLength) { SRAM = new u8[SRAMLength]; memset(SRAM, 0xFF, SRAMLength); } switch (SRAMLength) { case 512: SRAMType = S_EEPROM4K; break; case 8192: SRAMType = S_EEPROM64K; break; case 32768: SRAMType = S_SRAM256K; break; case 65536: SRAMType = S_FLASH512K; break; case 128*1024: SRAMType = S_FLASH1M; break; case 0: SRAMType = S_NULL; break; default: printf("!! BAD GBA SAVE LENGTH %d\n", SRAMLength); } if (SRAMType == S_FLASH512K) { // Panasonic 64K chip SRAMFlashState.device = 0x1B; SRAMFlashState.manufacturer = 0x32; } else if (SRAMType == S_FLASH1M) { // Sanyo 128K chip SRAMFlashState.device = 0x13; SRAMFlashState.manufacturer = 0x62; } } void CartGame::LoadSave(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen) { if (!SRAM) return; u32 len = std::min(savelen, SRAMLength); memcpy(SRAM, savedata, len); Platform::WriteGBASave(savedata, len, 0, len); } u16 CartGame::ROMRead(u32 addr) { addr &= 0x01FFFFFF; if (addr >= 0xC4 && addr < 0xCA) { if (GPIO.control & 0x1) { switch (addr) { case 0xC4: return GPIO.data; case 0xC6: return GPIO.direction; case 0xC8: return GPIO.control; } } else return 0; } // CHECKME: does ROM mirror? if (addr < ROMLength) return *(u16*)&ROM[addr]; return 0; } void CartGame::ROMWrite(u32 addr, u16 val) { addr &= 0x01FFFFFF; switch (addr) { case 0xC4: GPIO.data &= ~GPIO.direction; GPIO.data |= val & GPIO.direction; ProcessGPIO(); break; case 0xC6: GPIO.direction = val; break; case 0xC8: GPIO.control = val; break; default: printf("Unknown GBA GPIO write 0x%02X @ 0x%04X\n", val, addr); break; } } u8 CartGame::SRAMRead(u32 addr) { addr &= 0xFFFF; switch (SRAMType) { case S_EEPROM4K: case S_EEPROM64K: return SRAMRead_EEPROM(addr); case S_FLASH512K: case S_FLASH1M: return SRAMRead_FLASH(addr); case S_SRAM256K: return SRAMRead_SRAM(addr); default: break; } return 0xFF; } void CartGame::SRAMWrite(u32 addr, u8 val) { addr &= 0xFFFF; switch (SRAMType) { case S_EEPROM4K: case S_EEPROM64K: return SRAMWrite_EEPROM(addr, val); case S_FLASH512K: case S_FLASH1M: return SRAMWrite_FLASH(addr, val); case S_SRAM256K: return SRAMWrite_SRAM(addr, val); default: break; } } void CartGame::ProcessGPIO() { } u8 CartGame::SRAMRead_EEPROM(u32 addr) { return 0; } void CartGame::SRAMWrite_EEPROM(u32 addr, u8 val) { // TODO: could be used in homebrew? } // mostly ported from DeSmuME u8 CartGame::SRAMRead_FLASH(u32 addr) { if (SRAMFlashState.cmd == 0) // no cmd { return *(u8*)&SRAM[addr + 0x10000 * SRAMFlashState.bank]; } switch (SRAMFlashState.cmd) { case 0x90: // chip ID if (addr == 0x0000) return SRAMFlashState.manufacturer; if (addr == 0x0001) return SRAMFlashState.device; break; case 0xF0: // terminate command (TODO: break if non-Macronix chip and not at the end of an ID call?) SRAMFlashState.state = 0; SRAMFlashState.cmd = 0; break; case 0xA0: // write command break; // ignore here, handled in Write_Flash() case 0xB0: // bank switching (128K only) break; // ignore here, handled in Write_Flash() default: printf("GBACart_SRAM::Read_Flash: unknown command 0x%02X @ 0x%04X\n", SRAMFlashState.cmd, addr); break; } return 0xFF; } // mostly ported from DeSmuME void CartGame::SRAMWrite_FLASH(u32 addr, u8 val) { switch (SRAMFlashState.state) { case 0x00: if (addr == 0x5555) { if (val == 0xF0) { // reset SRAMFlashState.state = 0; SRAMFlashState.cmd = 0; return; } else if (val == 0xAA) { SRAMFlashState.state = 1; return; } } if (addr == 0x0000) { if (SRAMFlashState.cmd == 0xB0) { // bank switching SRAMFlashState.bank = val; SRAMFlashState.cmd = 0; return; } } break; case 0x01: if (addr == 0x2AAA && val == 0x55) { SRAMFlashState.state = 2; return; } SRAMFlashState.state = 0; break; case 0x02: if (addr == 0x5555) { // send command switch (val) { case 0x80: // erase SRAMFlashState.state = 0x80; break; case 0x90: // chip ID SRAMFlashState.state = 0x90; break; case 0xA0: // write SRAMFlashState.state = 0; break; default: SRAMFlashState.state = 0; break; } SRAMFlashState.cmd = val; return; } SRAMFlashState.state = 0; break; // erase case 0x80: if (addr == 0x5555 && val == 0xAA) { SRAMFlashState.state = 0x81; return; } SRAMFlashState.state = 0; break; case 0x81: if (addr == 0x2AAA && val == 0x55) { SRAMFlashState.state = 0x82; return; } SRAMFlashState.state = 0; break; case 0x82: if (val == 0x30) { u32 start_addr = addr + 0x10000 * SRAMFlashState.bank; memset((u8*)&SRAM[start_addr], 0xFF, 0x1000); Platform::WriteGBASave(SRAM, SRAMLength, start_addr, 0x1000); } SRAMFlashState.state = 0; SRAMFlashState.cmd = 0; return; // chip ID case 0x90: if (addr == 0x5555 && val == 0xAA) { SRAMFlashState.state = 0x91; return; } SRAMFlashState.state = 0; break; case 0x91: if (addr == 0x2AAA && val == 0x55) { SRAMFlashState.state = 0x92; return; } SRAMFlashState.state = 0; break; case 0x92: SRAMFlashState.state = 0; SRAMFlashState.cmd = 0; return; default: break; } if (SRAMFlashState.cmd == 0xA0) // write { SRAMWrite_SRAM(addr + 0x10000 * SRAMFlashState.bank, val); SRAMFlashState.state = 0; SRAMFlashState.cmd = 0; return; } printf("GBACart_SRAM::Write_Flash: unknown write 0x%02X @ 0x%04X (state: 0x%02X)\n", val, addr, SRAMFlashState.state); } u8 CartGame::SRAMRead_SRAM(u32 addr) { if (addr >= SRAMLength) return 0xFF; return SRAM[addr]; } void CartGame::SRAMWrite_SRAM(u32 addr, u8 val) { if (addr >= SRAMLength) return; u8 prev = *(u8*)&SRAM[addr]; if (prev != val) { *(u8*)&SRAM[addr] = val; // TODO: optimize this!! Platform::WriteGBASave(SRAM, SRAMLength, addr, 1); } } const int CartGameSolarSensor::kLuxLevels[11] = {0, 5, 11, 18, 27, 42, 62, 84, 109, 139, 183}; CartGameSolarSensor::CartGameSolarSensor(u8* rom, u32 len) : CartGame(rom, len) { } CartGameSolarSensor::~CartGameSolarSensor() { } void CartGameSolarSensor::Reset() { LightEdge = false; LightCounter = 0; LightSample = 0xFF; LightLevel = 0; } void CartGameSolarSensor::DoSavestate(Savestate* file) { CartGame::DoSavestate(file); file->Var8((u8*)&LightEdge); file->Var8(&LightCounter); file->Var8(&LightSample); file->Var8(&LightLevel); } int CartGameSolarSensor::SetInput(int num, bool pressed) { if (!pressed) return -1; if (num == Input_SolarSensorDown) { if (LightLevel > 0) LightLevel--; return LightLevel; } else if (num == Input_SolarSensorUp) { if (LightLevel < 10) LightLevel++; return LightLevel; } return -1; } void CartGameSolarSensor::ProcessGPIO() { if (GPIO.data & 4) return; // Boktai chip select if (GPIO.data & 2) // Reset { u8 prev = LightSample; LightCounter = 0; LightSample = (0xFF - (0x16 + kLuxLevels[LightLevel])); printf("Solar sensor reset (sample: 0x%02X -> 0x%02X)\n", prev, LightSample); } if (GPIO.data & 1 && LightEdge) LightCounter++; LightEdge = !(GPIO.data & 1); bool sendBit = LightCounter >= LightSample; if (GPIO.control & 1) { GPIO.data = (GPIO.data & GPIO.direction) | ((sendBit << 3) & ~GPIO.direction & 0xF); } } CartRAMExpansion::CartRAMExpansion() : CartCommon() { } CartRAMExpansion::~CartRAMExpansion() { } void CartRAMExpansion::Reset() { memset(RAM, 0xFF, sizeof(RAM)); RAMEnable = 1; } void CartRAMExpansion::DoSavestate(Savestate* file) { CartCommon::DoSavestate(file); file->VarArray(RAM, sizeof(RAM)); file->Var16(&RAMEnable); } u16 CartRAMExpansion::ROMRead(u32 addr) { addr &= 0x01FFFFFF; if (addr < 0x01000000) { switch (addr) { case 0xB0: return 0xFFFF; case 0xB2: return 0x0000; case 0xB4: return 0x2400; case 0xB6: return 0x2424; case 0xB8: return 0xFFFF; case 0xBA: return 0xFFFF; case 0xBC: return 0xFFFF; case 0xBE: return 0x7FFF; case 0x1FFFC: return 0xFFFF; case 0x1FFFE: return 0x7FFF; case 0x240000: return RAMEnable; case 0x240002: return 0x0000; } return 0xFFFF; } else if (addr < 0x01800000) { if (!RAMEnable) return 0xFFFF; return *(u16*)&RAM[addr & 0x7FFFFF]; } return 0xFFFF; } void CartRAMExpansion::ROMWrite(u32 addr, u16 val) { addr &= 0x01FFFFFF; if (addr < 0x01000000) { switch (addr) { case 0x240000: RAMEnable = val & 0x0001; return; } } else if (addr < 0x01800000) { if (!RAMEnable) return; *(u16*)&RAM[addr & 0x7FFFFF] = val; } } bool Init() { CartROM = nullptr; Cart = nullptr; return true; } void DeInit() { if (CartROM) delete[] CartROM; if (Cart) delete Cart; } void Reset() { if (Cart) Cart->Reset(); } void DoSavestate(Savestate* file) { file->Section("GBAC"); // Game Boy Advance Cartridge // little state here // no need to save OpenBusDecay, it will be set later u32 carttype = 0; u32 cartchk = 0; if (Cart) { carttype = Cart->Type(); cartchk = Cart->Checksum(); } if (file->Saving) { file->Var32(&carttype); file->Var32(&cartchk); } else { u32 savetype; file->Var32(&savetype); if (savetype != carttype) return; u32 savechk; file->Var32(&savechk); if (savechk != cartchk) return; } if (Cart) Cart->DoSavestate(file); } bool LoadROM(const u8* romdata, u32 romlen) { if (CartInserted) EjectCart(); CartROMSize = 0x200; while (CartROMSize < romlen) CartROMSize <<= 1; try { CartROM = new u8[CartROMSize]; } catch (const std::bad_alloc& e) { printf("GBACart: failed to allocate memory for ROM (%d bytes)\n", CartROMSize); return false; } memset(CartROM, 0, CartROMSize); memcpy(CartROM, romdata, romlen); char gamecode[5] = { '\0' }; memcpy(&gamecode, CartROM + 0xAC, 4); printf("GBA game code: %s\n", gamecode); bool solarsensor = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(SOLAR_SENSOR_GAMECODES)/sizeof(SOLAR_SENSOR_GAMECODES[0]); i++) { if (strcmp(gamecode, SOLAR_SENSOR_GAMECODES[i]) == 0) solarsensor = true; } if (solarsensor) { printf("GBA solar sensor support detected!\n"); } CartInserted = true; if (solarsensor) Cart = new CartGameSolarSensor(CartROM, CartROMSize); else Cart = new CartGame(CartROM, CartROMSize); if (Cart) Cart->Reset(); // save //printf("GBA save file: %s\n", sram); // TODO: have a list of sorts like in NDSCart? to determine the savemem type //if (Cart) Cart->LoadSave(sram, 0); // TODO: setup cart save here! from a list or something return true; } void LoadSave(const u8* savedata, u32 savelen) { if (Cart) { // gross hack Cart->SetupSave(savelen); Cart->LoadSave(savedata, savelen); } } void LoadAddon(int type) { CartROMSize = 0; CartROM = nullptr; switch (type) { case NDS::GBAAddon_RAMExpansion: Cart = new CartRAMExpansion(); break; default: printf("GBACart: !! invalid addon type %d\n", type); return; } CartInserted = true; } void EjectCart() { if (Cart) delete Cart; Cart = nullptr; if (CartROM) delete[] CartROM; CartInserted = false; CartROM = nullptr; CartROMSize = 0; CartID = 0; } int SetInput(int num, bool pressed) { if (Cart) return Cart->SetInput(num, pressed); return -1; } void SetOpenBusDecay(u16 val) { OpenBusDecay = val; } u16 ROMRead(u32 addr) { if (Cart) return Cart->ROMRead(addr); return ((addr >> 1) & 0xFFFF) | OpenBusDecay; } void ROMWrite(u32 addr, u16 val) { if (Cart) Cart->ROMWrite(addr, val); } u8 SRAMRead(u32 addr) { if (Cart) return Cart->SRAMRead(addr); return 0xFF; } void SRAMWrite(u32 addr, u8 val) { if (Cart) Cart->SRAMWrite(addr, val); } }