/* Copyright 2016-2019 Arisotura This file is part of melonDS. melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include "DSi.h" #include "DSi_AES.h" #include "FIFO.h" #include "tiny-AES-c/aes.hpp" namespace DSi_AES { u32 Cnt; u32 BlkCnt; u32 RemBlocks; u32 InputDMASize, OutputDMASize; u32 AESMode; FIFO* InputFIFO; FIFO* OutputFIFO; u8 IV[16]; u8 KeyNormal[4][16]; u8 KeyX[4][16]; u8 KeyY[4][16]; u8 CurKey[16]; AES_ctx Ctx; void Swap16(u8* dst, u8* src) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) dst[i] = src[15-i]; } void ROL16(u8* val, u32 n) { u32 n_coarse = n >> 3; u32 n_fine = n & 7; u8 tmp[16]; for (u32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { tmp[i] = val[(i - n_coarse) & 0xF]; } for (u32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) { val[i] = (tmp[i] << n_fine) | (tmp[(i - 1) & 0xF] >> (8-n_fine)); } } #define _printhex(str, size) { for (int z = 0; z < (size); z++) printf("%02X", (str)[z]); printf("\n"); } bool Init() { InputFIFO = new FIFO(16); OutputFIFO = new FIFO(16); const u8 zero[16] = {0}; AES_init_ctx_iv(&Ctx, zero, zero); return true; } void DeInit() { delete InputFIFO; delete OutputFIFO; } void Reset() { Cnt = 0; BlkCnt = 0; RemBlocks = 0; InputDMASize = 0; OutputDMASize = 0; AESMode = 0; InputFIFO->Clear(); OutputFIFO->Clear(); memset(KeyNormal, 0, sizeof(KeyNormal)); memset(KeyX, 0, sizeof(KeyX)); memset(KeyY, 0, sizeof(KeyY)); memset(CurKey, 0, sizeof(CurKey)); // initialize keys, as per GBAtek // slot 3: console-unique eMMC crypto *(u32*)&KeyX[3][0] = (u32)DSi::ConsoleID; *(u32*)&KeyX[3][4] = (u32)DSi::ConsoleID ^ 0x24EE6906; *(u32*)&KeyX[3][8] = (u32)(DSi::ConsoleID >> 32) ^ 0xE65B601D; *(u32*)&KeyX[3][12] = (u32)(DSi::ConsoleID >> 32); *(u32*)&KeyY[3][0] = 0x0AB9DC76; *(u32*)&KeyY[3][4] = 0xBD4DC4D3; *(u32*)&KeyY[3][8] = 0x202DDD1D; } void ProcessBlock_CTR() { u8 data[16]; u8 data_rev[16]; *(u32*)&data[0] = InputFIFO->Read(); *(u32*)&data[4] = InputFIFO->Read(); *(u32*)&data[8] = InputFIFO->Read(); *(u32*)&data[12] = InputFIFO->Read(); //printf("AES-CTR: INPUT: "); _printhex(data, 16); Swap16(data_rev, data); AES_CTR_xcrypt_buffer(&Ctx, data_rev, 16); Swap16(data, data_rev); //printf("AES-CTR: OUTPUT: "); _printhex(data, 16); OutputFIFO->Write(*(u32*)&data[0]); OutputFIFO->Write(*(u32*)&data[4]); OutputFIFO->Write(*(u32*)&data[8]); OutputFIFO->Write(*(u32*)&data[12]); } u32 ReadCnt() { u32 ret = Cnt; ret |= InputFIFO->Level(); ret |= (OutputFIFO->Level() << 5); return ret; } void WriteCnt(u32 val) { u32 oldcnt = Cnt; Cnt = val & 0xFC1FF000; if (val & (1<<10)) InputFIFO->Clear(); if (val & (1<<11)) OutputFIFO->Clear(); u32 dmasize[4] = {4, 8, 12, 16}; InputDMASize = dmasize[3 - ((val >> 12) & 0x3)]; OutputDMASize = dmasize[(val >> 14) & 0x3]; AESMode = (val >> 28) & 0x3; if (AESMode < 2) printf("AES-CCM TODO\n"); if (val & (1<<24)) { u32 slot = (val >> 26) & 0x3; memcpy(CurKey, KeyNormal[slot], 16); //printf("AES: key(%d): ", slot); _printhex(CurKey, 16); u8 tmp[16]; Swap16(tmp, CurKey); AES_init_ctx(&Ctx, tmp); } if (!(oldcnt & (1<<31)) && (val & (1<<31))) { // transfer start (checkme) RemBlocks = BlkCnt >> 16; } printf("AES CNT: %08X / mode=%d inDMA=%d outDMA=%d blocks=%d\n", val, AESMode, InputDMASize, OutputDMASize, RemBlocks); } void WriteBlkCnt(u32 val) { BlkCnt = val; } u32 ReadOutputFIFO() { return OutputFIFO->Read(); } void WriteInputFIFO(u32 val) { // TODO: add some delay to processing InputFIFO->Write(val); if (!(Cnt & (1<<31))) return; while (InputFIFO->Level() >= 4 && RemBlocks > 0) { switch (AESMode) { case 2: case 3: ProcessBlock_CTR(); break; default: // dorp OutputFIFO->Write(InputFIFO->Read()); OutputFIFO->Write(InputFIFO->Read()); OutputFIFO->Write(InputFIFO->Read()); OutputFIFO->Write(InputFIFO->Read()); } RemBlocks--; } if (OutputFIFO->Level() >= OutputDMASize) { // trigger DMA DSi::CheckNDMAs(1, 0x2B); } // TODO: DMA the other way around if (RemBlocks == 0) { Cnt &= ~(1<<31); if (Cnt & (1<<30)) NDS::SetIRQ2(NDS::IRQ2_DSi_AES); DSi::StopNDMAs(1, 0x2B); } } void WriteIV(u32 offset, u32 val, u32 mask) { u32 old = *(u32*)&IV[offset]; *(u32*)&IV[offset] = (old & ~mask) | (val & mask); //printf("AES: IV: "); _printhex(IV, 16); u8 tmp[16]; Swap16(tmp, IV); AES_ctx_set_iv(&Ctx, tmp); } void WriteMAC(u32 offset, u32 val, u32 mask) { // } void DeriveNormalKey(u32 slot) { const u8 key_const[16] = {0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFB, 0x4E, 0x29, 0x59, 0x02, 0x58, 0x2A, 0x68, 0x0F, 0x5F, 0x1A, 0x4F, 0x3E, 0x79}; u8 tmp[16]; //printf("keyX: "); _printhex(KeyX[slot], 16); //printf("keyY: "); _printhex(KeyY[slot], 16); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) tmp[i] = KeyX[slot][i] ^ KeyY[slot][i]; u32 carry = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { u32 res = tmp[i] + key_const[15-i] + carry; tmp[i] = res & 0xFF; carry = res >> 8; } ROL16(tmp, 42); //printf("derive normalkey %d\n", slot); _printhex(tmp, 16); memcpy(KeyNormal[slot], tmp, 16); } void WriteKeyNormal(u32 slot, u32 offset, u32 val, u32 mask) { u32 old = *(u32*)&KeyNormal[slot][offset]; *(u32*)&KeyNormal[slot][offset] = (old & ~mask) | (val & mask); } void WriteKeyX(u32 slot, u32 offset, u32 val, u32 mask) { u32 old = *(u32*)&KeyX[slot][offset]; *(u32*)&KeyX[slot][offset] = (old & ~mask) | (val & mask); } void WriteKeyY(u32 slot, u32 offset, u32 val, u32 mask) { u32 old = *(u32*)&KeyY[slot][offset]; *(u32*)&KeyY[slot][offset] = (old & ~mask) | (val & mask); if (offset >= 0xC) { DeriveNormalKey(slot); } } }