#include "ARMJIT_Compiler.h" #include "../ARMInterpreter.h" #include "../Config.h" #include <assert.h> #include "../dolphin/CommonFuncs.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include <windows.h> #else #include <sys/mman.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif using namespace Gen; extern "C" void ARM_Ret(); namespace ARMJIT { template <> const X64Reg RegisterCache<Compiler, X64Reg>::NativeRegAllocOrder[] = { #ifdef _WIN32 RBX, RSI, RDI, R12, R13, R14, // callee saved R10, R11, // caller saved #else RBX, R12, R13, R14, // callee saved, this is sad R9, R10, R11, // caller saved #endif }; template <> const int RegisterCache<Compiler, X64Reg>::NativeRegsAvailable = #ifdef _WIN32 8 #else 7 #endif ; #ifdef _WIN32 const BitSet32 CallerSavedPushRegs({R10, R11}); #else const BitSet32 CallerSavedPushRegs({R9, R10, R11}); #endif void Compiler::PushRegs(bool saveHiRegs) { BitSet32 loadedRegs(RegCache.LoadedRegs); if (saveHiRegs) { BitSet32 hiRegsLoaded(RegCache.LoadedRegs & 0x7F00); for (int reg : hiRegsLoaded) { if (Thumb || CurInstr.Cond() == 0xE) RegCache.UnloadRegister(reg); else SaveReg(reg, RegCache.Mapping[reg]); // prevent saving the register twice loadedRegs[reg] = false; } } for (int reg : loadedRegs) if (BitSet32(1 << RegCache.Mapping[reg]) & ABI_ALL_CALLER_SAVED) SaveReg(reg, RegCache.Mapping[reg]); } void Compiler::PopRegs(bool saveHiRegs) { BitSet32 loadedRegs(RegCache.LoadedRegs); for (int reg : loadedRegs) { if ((saveHiRegs && reg >= 8 && reg < 15) || BitSet32(1 << RegCache.Mapping[reg]) & ABI_ALL_CALLER_SAVED) { LoadReg(reg, RegCache.Mapping[reg]); } } } void Compiler::A_Comp_MRS() { Comp_AddCycles_C(); OpArg rd = MapReg(CurInstr.A_Reg(12)); if (CurInstr.Instr & (1 << 22)) { MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH), R(RCPSR)); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x1F)); XOR(32, R(RSCRATCH3), R(RSCRATCH3)); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH2), Imm32(15 - 8)); CALL(ReadBanked); MOV(32, rd, R(RSCRATCH3)); } else { MOV(32, rd, R(RCPSR)); } } void UpdateModeTrampoline(ARM* arm, u32 oldmode, u32 newmode) { arm->UpdateMode(oldmode, newmode); } void Compiler::A_Comp_MSR() { Comp_AddCycles_C(); OpArg val = CurInstr.Instr & (1 << 25) ? Imm32(::ROR((CurInstr.Instr & 0xFF), ((CurInstr.Instr >> 7) & 0x1E))) : MapReg(CurInstr.A_Reg(0)); u32 mask = 0; if (CurInstr.Instr & (1<<16)) mask |= 0x000000FF; if (CurInstr.Instr & (1<<17)) mask |= 0x0000FF00; if (CurInstr.Instr & (1<<18)) mask |= 0x00FF0000; if (CurInstr.Instr & (1<<19)) mask |= 0xFF000000; if (CurInstr.Instr & (1 << 22)) { MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH), R(RCPSR)); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x1F)); XOR(32, R(RSCRATCH3), R(RSCRATCH3)); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH2), Imm32(15 - 8)); CALL(ReadBanked); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH2), Imm32(mask)); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH4), R(RSCRATCH2)); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH4), Imm32(0xFFFFFF00)); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH), R(RCPSR)); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x1F)); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x10)); CMOVcc(32, RSCRATCH2, R(RSCRATCH4), CC_E); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH4), R(RSCRATCH2)); NOT(32, R(RSCRATCH4)); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH3), R(RSCRATCH4)); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH2), val); OR(32, R(RSCRATCH3), R(RSCRATCH2)); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH2), Imm32(15 - 8)); CALL(WriteBanked); } else { mask &= 0xFFFFFFDF; CPSRDirty = true; if ((mask & 0xFF) == 0) { AND(32, R(RCPSR), Imm32(~mask)); if (!val.IsImm()) { MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH), val); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm32(mask)); OR(32, R(RCPSR), R(RSCRATCH)); } else { OR(32, R(RCPSR), Imm32(val.Imm32() & mask)); } } else { MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH2), Imm32(mask)); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH3), R(RSCRATCH2)); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH3), Imm32(0xFFFFFF00)); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH), R(RCPSR)); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x1F)); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x10)); CMOVcc(32, RSCRATCH2, R(RSCRATCH3), CC_E); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH3), R(RCPSR)); // I need you ANDN MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH), R(RSCRATCH2)); NOT(32, R(RSCRATCH)); AND(32, R(RCPSR), R(RSCRATCH)); AND(32, R(RSCRATCH2), val); OR(32, R(RCPSR), R(RSCRATCH2)); PushRegs(true); MOV(32, R(ABI_PARAM3), R(RCPSR)); MOV(32, R(ABI_PARAM2), R(RSCRATCH3)); MOV(64, R(ABI_PARAM1), R(RCPU)); CALL((void*)&UpdateModeTrampoline); PopRegs(true); } } } /* We'll repurpose this .bss memory */ u8 CodeMemory[1024 * 1024 * 32]; Compiler::Compiler() { { #ifdef _WIN32 SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo; GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo); u64 pageSize = (u64)sysInfo.dwPageSize; #else u64 pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); #endif u8* pageAligned = (u8*)(((u64)CodeMemory & ~(pageSize - 1)) + pageSize); u64 alignedSize = (((u64)CodeMemory + sizeof(CodeMemory)) & ~(pageSize - 1)) - (u64)pageAligned; #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD dummy; VirtualProtect(pageAligned, alignedSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dummy); #elif defined(__APPLE__) pageAligned = (u8*)mmap(NULL, 1024*1024*32, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS ,-1, 0); #else mprotect(pageAligned, alignedSize, PROT_EXEC | PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); #endif ResetStart = pageAligned; CodeMemSize = alignedSize; } Reset(); { // RSCRATCH mode // RSCRATCH2 reg number // RSCRATCH3 value in current mode // ret - RSCRATCH3 ReadBanked = (void*)GetWritableCodePtr(); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x11)); FixupBranch fiq = J_CC(CC_E); SUB(32, R(RSCRATCH2), Imm8(13 - 8)); FixupBranch notEverything = J_CC(CC_L); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x12)); FixupBranch irq = J_CC(CC_E); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x13)); FixupBranch svc = J_CC(CC_E); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x17)); FixupBranch abt = J_CC(CC_E); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x1B)); FixupBranch und = J_CC(CC_E); SetJumpTarget(notEverything); RET(); SetJumpTarget(fiq); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH3), MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_FIQ))); RET(); SetJumpTarget(irq); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH3), MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_IRQ))); RET(); SetJumpTarget(svc); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH3), MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_SVC))); RET(); SetJumpTarget(abt); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH3), MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_ABT))); RET(); SetJumpTarget(und); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH3), MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_UND))); RET(); } { // RSCRATCH mode // RSCRATCH2 reg n // RSCRATCH3 value // carry flag set if the register isn't banked WriteBanked = (void*)GetWritableCodePtr(); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x11)); FixupBranch fiq = J_CC(CC_E); SUB(32, R(RSCRATCH2), Imm8(13 - 8)); FixupBranch notEverything = J_CC(CC_L); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x12)); FixupBranch irq = J_CC(CC_E); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x13)); FixupBranch svc = J_CC(CC_E); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x17)); FixupBranch abt = J_CC(CC_E); CMP(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm8(0x1B)); FixupBranch und = J_CC(CC_E); SetJumpTarget(notEverything); STC(); RET(); SetJumpTarget(fiq); MOV(32, MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_FIQ)), R(RSCRATCH3)); CLC(); RET(); SetJumpTarget(irq); MOV(32, MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_IRQ)), R(RSCRATCH3)); CLC(); RET(); SetJumpTarget(svc); MOV(32, MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_SVC)), R(RSCRATCH3)); CLC(); RET(); SetJumpTarget(abt); MOV(32, MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_ABT)), R(RSCRATCH3)); CLC(); RET(); SetJumpTarget(und); MOV(32, MComplex(RCPU, RSCRATCH2, SCALE_4, offsetof(ARM, R_UND)), R(RSCRATCH3)); CLC(); RET(); } for (int consoleType = 0; consoleType < 2; consoleType++) { for (int num = 0; num < 2; num++) { for (int size = 0; size < 3; size++) { for (int reg = 0; reg < 16; reg++) { if (reg == RSCRATCH || reg == ABI_PARAM1 || reg == ABI_PARAM2) { PatchedStoreFuncs[consoleType][num][size][reg] = NULL; PatchedLoadFuncs[consoleType][num][size][0][reg] = NULL; PatchedLoadFuncs[consoleType][num][size][1][reg] = NULL; continue; } X64Reg rdMapped = (X64Reg)reg; PatchedStoreFuncs[consoleType][num][size][reg] = GetWritableCodePtr(); if (RSCRATCH3 != ABI_PARAM1) MOV(32, R(ABI_PARAM1), R(RSCRATCH3)); if (num == 0) { MOV(64, R(ABI_PARAM2), R(RCPU)); if (rdMapped != ABI_PARAM3) MOV(32, R(ABI_PARAM3), R(rdMapped)); } else { MOV(32, R(ABI_PARAM2), R(rdMapped)); } ABI_PushRegistersAndAdjustStack(CallerSavedPushRegs, 8); if (consoleType == 0) { switch ((8 << size) | num) { case 32: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite9<u32, 0>); break; case 33: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite7<u32, 0>); break; case 16: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite9<u16, 0>); break; case 17: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite7<u16, 0>); break; case 8: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite9<u8, 0>); break; case 9: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite7<u8, 0>); break; } } else { switch ((8 << size) | num) { case 32: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite9<u32, 1>); break; case 33: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite7<u32, 1>); break; case 16: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite9<u16, 1>); break; case 17: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite7<u16, 1>); break; case 8: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite9<u8, 1>); break; case 9: ABI_CallFunction(SlowWrite7<u8, 1>); break; } } ABI_PopRegistersAndAdjustStack(CallerSavedPushRegs, 8); RET(); for (int signextend = 0; signextend < 2; signextend++) { PatchedLoadFuncs[consoleType][num][size][signextend][reg] = GetWritableCodePtr(); if (RSCRATCH3 != ABI_PARAM1) MOV(32, R(ABI_PARAM1), R(RSCRATCH3)); if (num == 0) MOV(64, R(ABI_PARAM2), R(RCPU)); ABI_PushRegistersAndAdjustStack(CallerSavedPushRegs, 8); if (consoleType == 0) { switch ((8 << size) | num) { case 32: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead9<u32, 0>); break; case 33: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead7<u32, 0>); break; case 16: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead9<u16, 0>); break; case 17: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead7<u16, 0>); break; case 8: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead9<u8, 0>); break; case 9: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead7<u8, 0>); break; } } else { switch ((8 << size) | num) { case 32: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead9<u32, 1>); break; case 33: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead7<u32, 1>); break; case 16: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead9<u16, 1>); break; case 17: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead7<u16, 1>); break; case 8: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead9<u8, 1>); break; case 9: ABI_CallFunction(SlowRead7<u8, 1>); break; } } ABI_PopRegistersAndAdjustStack(CallerSavedPushRegs, 8); if (signextend) MOVSX(32, 8 << size, rdMapped, R(RSCRATCH)); else MOVZX(32, 8 << size, rdMapped, R(RSCRATCH)); RET(); } } } } } // move the region forward to prevent overwriting the generated functions CodeMemSize -= GetWritableCodePtr() - ResetStart; ResetStart = GetWritableCodePtr(); NearStart = ResetStart; FarStart = ResetStart + 1024*1024*24; NearSize = FarStart - ResetStart; FarSize = (ResetStart + CodeMemSize) - FarStart; } void Compiler::LoadCPSR() { assert(!CPSRDirty); MOV(32, R(RCPSR), MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, CPSR))); } void Compiler::SaveCPSR(bool flagClean) { if (CPSRDirty) { MOV(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, CPSR)), R(RCPSR)); if (flagClean) CPSRDirty = false; } } void Compiler::LoadReg(int reg, X64Reg nativeReg) { if (reg != 15) MOV(32, R(nativeReg), MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, R[reg]))); else MOV(32, R(nativeReg), Imm32(R15)); } void Compiler::SaveReg(int reg, X64Reg nativeReg) { MOV(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, R[reg])), R(nativeReg)); } // invalidates RSCRATCH and RSCRATCH3 Gen::FixupBranch Compiler::CheckCondition(u32 cond) { // hack, ldm/stm can get really big TODO: make this better bool ldmStm = !Thumb && (CurInstr.Info.Kind == ARMInstrInfo::ak_LDM || CurInstr.Info.Kind == ARMInstrInfo::ak_STM); if (cond >= 0x8) { static_assert(RSCRATCH3 == ECX, "RSCRATCH has to be equal to ECX!"); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH3), R(RCPSR)); SHR(32, R(RSCRATCH3), Imm8(28)); MOV(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm32(1)); SHL(32, R(RSCRATCH), R(RSCRATCH3)); TEST(32, R(RSCRATCH), Imm32(ARM::ConditionTable[cond])); return J_CC(CC_Z, ldmStm); } else { // could have used a LUT, but then where would be the fun? TEST(32, R(RCPSR), Imm32(1 << (28 + ((~(cond >> 1) & 1) << 1 | (cond >> 2 & 1) ^ (cond >> 1 & 1))))); return J_CC(cond & 1 ? CC_NZ : CC_Z, ldmStm); } } #define F(x) &Compiler::x const Compiler::CompileFunc A_Comp[ARMInstrInfo::ak_Count] = { // AND F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // EOR F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // SUB F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // RSB F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // ADD F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // ADC F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // SBC F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // RSC F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // ORR F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // MOV F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), // BIC F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), F(A_Comp_Arith), // MVN F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), F(A_Comp_MovOp), // TST F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), // TEQ F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), // CMP F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), // CMN F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), F(A_Comp_CmpOp), // Mul F(A_Comp_MUL_MLA), F(A_Comp_MUL_MLA), F(A_Comp_Mul_Long), F(A_Comp_Mul_Long), F(A_Comp_Mul_Long), F(A_Comp_Mul_Long), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // ARMv5 stuff F(A_Comp_CLZ), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // STR F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), // STRB F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), // LDR F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), // LDRB F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), F(A_Comp_MemWB), // STRH F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), // LDRD, STRD never used by anything so they stay interpreted (by anything I mean the 5 games I checked) NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, // LDRH F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), // LDRSB F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), // LDRSH F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), F(A_Comp_MemHalf), // swap NULL, NULL, // LDM/STM F(A_Comp_LDM_STM), F(A_Comp_LDM_STM), // Branch F(A_Comp_BranchImm), F(A_Comp_BranchImm), F(A_Comp_BranchImm), F(A_Comp_BranchXchangeReg), F(A_Comp_BranchXchangeReg), // system stuff NULL, F(A_Comp_MSR), F(A_Comp_MSR), F(A_Comp_MRS), NULL, NULL, NULL, F(Nop) }; const Compiler::CompileFunc T_Comp[ARMInstrInfo::tk_Count] = { // Shift imm F(T_Comp_ShiftImm), F(T_Comp_ShiftImm), F(T_Comp_ShiftImm), // Three operand ADD/SUB F(T_Comp_AddSub_), F(T_Comp_AddSub_), F(T_Comp_AddSub_), F(T_Comp_AddSub_), // 8 bit imm F(T_Comp_ALU_Imm8), F(T_Comp_ALU_Imm8), F(T_Comp_ALU_Imm8), F(T_Comp_ALU_Imm8), // general ALU F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_MUL), F(T_Comp_ALU), F(T_Comp_ALU), // hi reg F(T_Comp_ALU_HiReg), F(T_Comp_ALU_HiReg), F(T_Comp_ALU_HiReg), // pc/sp relative F(T_Comp_RelAddr), F(T_Comp_RelAddr), F(T_Comp_AddSP), // LDR pcrel F(T_Comp_LoadPCRel), // LDR/STR reg offset F(T_Comp_MemReg), F(T_Comp_MemReg), F(T_Comp_MemReg), F(T_Comp_MemReg), // LDR/STR sign extended, half F(T_Comp_MemRegHalf), F(T_Comp_MemRegHalf), F(T_Comp_MemRegHalf), F(T_Comp_MemRegHalf), // LDR/STR imm offset F(T_Comp_MemImm), F(T_Comp_MemImm), F(T_Comp_MemImm), F(T_Comp_MemImm), // LDR/STR half imm offset F(T_Comp_MemImmHalf), F(T_Comp_MemImmHalf), // LDR/STR sp rel F(T_Comp_MemSPRel), F(T_Comp_MemSPRel), // PUSH/POP F(T_Comp_PUSH_POP), F(T_Comp_PUSH_POP), // LDMIA, STMIA F(T_Comp_LDMIA_STMIA), F(T_Comp_LDMIA_STMIA), // Branch F(T_Comp_BCOND), F(T_Comp_BranchXchangeReg), F(T_Comp_BranchXchangeReg), F(T_Comp_B), F(T_Comp_BL_LONG_1), F(T_Comp_BL_LONG_2), // Unk, SVC NULL, NULL, F(T_Comp_BL_Merged) }; #undef F bool Compiler::CanCompile(bool thumb, u16 kind) { return (thumb ? T_Comp[kind] : A_Comp[kind]) != NULL; } void Compiler::Reset() { memset(ResetStart, 0xcc, CodeMemSize); SetCodePtr(ResetStart); NearCode = NearStart; FarCode = FarStart; LoadStorePatches.clear(); } bool Compiler::IsJITFault(u8* addr) { return (u64)addr >= (u64)ResetStart && (u64)addr < (u64)ResetStart + CodeMemSize; } void Compiler::Comp_SpecialBranchBehaviour(bool taken) { if (taken && CurInstr.BranchFlags & branch_IdleBranch) OR(8, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, IdleLoop)), Imm8(0x1)); if ((CurInstr.BranchFlags & branch_FollowCondNotTaken && taken) || (CurInstr.BranchFlags & branch_FollowCondTaken && !taken)) { RegCache.PrepareExit(); ADD(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, Cycles)), Imm32(ConstantCycles)); JMP((u8*)&ARM_Ret, true); } } JitBlockEntry Compiler::CompileBlock(ARM* cpu, bool thumb, FetchedInstr instrs[], int instrsCount) { if (NearSize - (GetCodePtr() - NearStart) < 1024 * 32) // guess... { printf("near reset\n"); ResetBlockCache(); } if (FarSize - (FarCode - FarStart) < 1024 * 32) // guess... { printf("far reset\n"); ResetBlockCache(); } ConstantCycles = 0; Thumb = thumb; Num = cpu->Num; CodeRegion = instrs[0].Addr >> 24; CurCPU = cpu; // CPSR might have been modified in a previous block CPSRDirty = false; JitBlockEntry res = (JitBlockEntry)GetWritableCodePtr(); RegCache = RegisterCache<Compiler, X64Reg>(this, instrs, instrsCount); for (int i = 0; i < instrsCount; i++) { CurInstr = instrs[i]; R15 = CurInstr.Addr + (Thumb ? 4 : 8); CodeRegion = R15 >> 24; Exit = i == instrsCount - 1 || (CurInstr.BranchFlags & branch_FollowCondNotTaken); CompileFunc comp = Thumb ? T_Comp[CurInstr.Info.Kind] : A_Comp[CurInstr.Info.Kind]; bool isConditional = Thumb ? CurInstr.Info.Kind == ARMInstrInfo::tk_BCOND : CurInstr.Cond() < 0xE; if (comp == NULL || (CurInstr.BranchFlags & branch_FollowCondTaken) || (i == instrsCount - 1 && (!CurInstr.Info.Branches() || isConditional))) { MOV(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, R[15])), Imm32(R15)); if (comp == NULL) { MOV(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, CodeCycles)), Imm32(CurInstr.CodeCycles)); MOV(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, CurInstr)), Imm32(CurInstr.Instr)); SaveCPSR(); } } if (comp != NULL) RegCache.Prepare(Thumb, i); else RegCache.Flush(); if (Thumb) { if (comp == NULL) { MOV(64, R(ABI_PARAM1), R(RCPU)); ABI_CallFunction(InterpretTHUMB[CurInstr.Info.Kind]); } else { (this->*comp)(); } } else { u32 cond = CurInstr.Cond(); if (CurInstr.Info.Kind == ARMInstrInfo::ak_BLX_IMM) { if (comp) (this->*comp)(); else { MOV(64, R(ABI_PARAM1), R(RCPU)); ABI_CallFunction(ARMInterpreter::A_BLX_IMM); } } else if (cond == 0xF) { Comp_AddCycles_C(); } else { IrregularCycles = comp == NULL; FixupBranch skipExecute; if (cond < 0xE) skipExecute = CheckCondition(cond); if (comp == NULL) { MOV(64, R(ABI_PARAM1), R(RCPU)); ABI_CallFunction(InterpretARM[CurInstr.Info.Kind]); } else { (this->*comp)(); } Comp_SpecialBranchBehaviour(true); if (CurInstr.Cond() < 0xE) { if (IrregularCycles || (CurInstr.BranchFlags & branch_FollowCondTaken)) { FixupBranch skipFailed = J(); SetJumpTarget(skipExecute); Comp_AddCycles_C(true); Comp_SpecialBranchBehaviour(false); SetJumpTarget(skipFailed); } else { SetJumpTarget(skipExecute); } } } } if (comp == NULL) LoadCPSR(); } RegCache.Flush(); ADD(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, Cycles)), Imm32(ConstantCycles)); JMP((u8*)ARM_Ret, true); /*FILE* codeout = fopen("codeout", "a"); fprintf(codeout, "beginning block argargarg__ %x!!!", instrs[0].Addr); fwrite((u8*)res, GetWritableCodePtr() - (u8*)res, 1, codeout); fclose(codeout);*/ return res; } void Compiler::Comp_AddCycles_C(bool forceNonConstant) { s32 cycles = Num ? NDS::ARM7MemTimings[CurInstr.CodeCycles][Thumb ? 1 : 3] : ((R15 & 0x2) ? 0 : CurInstr.CodeCycles); if ((!Thumb && CurInstr.Cond() < 0xE) || forceNonConstant) ADD(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, Cycles)), Imm8(cycles)); else ConstantCycles += cycles; } void Compiler::Comp_AddCycles_CI(u32 i) { s32 cycles = (Num ? NDS::ARM7MemTimings[CurInstr.CodeCycles][Thumb ? 0 : 2] : ((R15 & 0x2) ? 0 : CurInstr.CodeCycles)) + i; if (!Thumb && CurInstr.Cond() < 0xE) ADD(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, Cycles)), Imm8(cycles)); else ConstantCycles += cycles; } void Compiler::Comp_AddCycles_CI(Gen::X64Reg i, int add) { s32 cycles = Num ? NDS::ARM7MemTimings[CurInstr.CodeCycles][Thumb ? 0 : 2] : ((R15 & 0x2) ? 0 : CurInstr.CodeCycles); if (!Thumb && CurInstr.Cond() < 0xE) { LEA(32, RSCRATCH, MDisp(i, add + cycles)); ADD(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, Cycles)), R(RSCRATCH)); } else { ConstantCycles += cycles; ADD(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, Cycles)), R(i)); } } void Compiler::Comp_AddCycles_CDI() { if (Num == 0) Comp_AddCycles_CD(); else { IrregularCycles = true; s32 cycles; s32 numC = NDS::ARM7MemTimings[CurInstr.CodeCycles][Thumb ? 0 : 2]; s32 numD = CurInstr.DataCycles; if ((CurInstr.DataRegion >> 24) == 0x02) // mainRAM { if (CodeRegion == 0x02) cycles = numC + numD; else { numC++; cycles = std::max(numC + numD - 3, std::max(numC, numD)); } } else if (CodeRegion == 0x02) { numD++; cycles = std::max(numC + numD - 3, std::max(numC, numD)); } else { cycles = numC + numD + 1; } if (!Thumb && CurInstr.Cond() < 0xE) ADD(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, Cycles)), Imm8(cycles)); else ConstantCycles += cycles; } } void Compiler::Comp_AddCycles_CD() { u32 cycles = 0; if (Num == 0) { s32 numC = (R15 & 0x2) ? 0 : CurInstr.CodeCycles; s32 numD = CurInstr.DataCycles; //if (DataRegion != CodeRegion) cycles = std::max(numC + numD - 6, std::max(numC, numD)); IrregularCycles = cycles != numC; } else { s32 numC = NDS::ARM7MemTimings[CurInstr.CodeCycles][Thumb ? 0 : 2]; s32 numD = CurInstr.DataCycles; if ((CurInstr.DataRegion >> 4) == 0x02) { if (CodeRegion == 0x02) cycles += numC + numD; else cycles += std::max(numC + numD - 3, std::max(numC, numD)); } else if (CodeRegion == 0x02) { cycles += std::max(numC + numD - 3, std::max(numC, numD)); } else { cycles += numC + numD; } IrregularCycles = true; } if (IrregularCycles && !Thumb && CurInstr.Cond() < 0xE) ADD(32, MDisp(RCPU, offsetof(ARM, Cycles)), Imm8(cycles)); else ConstantCycles += cycles; } }