path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/mac-libs.rb b/tools/mac-libs.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1a379f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/mac-libs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "open3"
+require "fileutils"
+$app_name = "melonDS"
+$build_dmg = false
+$build_dir = ""
+$bundle = ""
+$fallback_rpaths = ["/usr/local/lib", "/opt/local/lib"]
+def frameworks_dir
+ File.join($bundle, "Contents", "Frameworks")
+def executable
+ File.join($bundle, "Contents", "MacOS", $app_name)
+def get_rpaths(lib)
+ out = `otool -l #{lib}`.split("\n")
+ rpaths = []
+ out.each_with_index do |line, i|
+ if line.match(/^ *cmd LC_RPATH$/)
+ rpaths << out[i + 2].strip.split(" ")[1]
+ end
+ end
+ return rpaths
+def get_load_libs(lib)
+ `otool -L #{lib}`
+ .split("\n")
+ .drop(1)
+ .map { |it| it.strip.gsub(/ \(.*/, "") }
+def expand_load_path(lib, path)
+ if path.match(/@(rpath|loader_path|executable_path)/)
+ path_type = $1
+ file_name = path.gsub(/^@#{path_type}\//, "")
+ case path_type
+ when "rpath"
+ get_rpaths(lib).each do |rpath|
+ file = File.join(rpath, file_name)
+ return file, :rpath if File.exist? file
+ if rpath.match? /^@executable_path(.*)/
+ relative = rpath.sub(/^@executable_path/, "")
+ return "#{$bundle}/Contents/MacOS#{relative}", :executable_path
+ end
+ end
+ file = $fallback_rpaths
+ .map { |it| File.join(it, file_name) }
+ .find { |it| File.exist? it }
+ return file, :rpath if file
+ when "executable_path"
+ file = File.join(File.dirname(executable), file_name)
+ return file, :executable_path if File.exist? file
+ when "loader_path"
+ file = File.join(File.dirname(lib), file_name)
+ return file, :loader_path if File.exist? file
+ else
+ throw "Unknown @path type"
+ end
+ else
+ return File.absolute_path(path), :absolute
+ end
+ puts lib
+ puts path
+ exit
+ return nil
+def system_path?(path)
+ path.match(/^\/usr\/lib|^\/System/) != nil
+def system_lib?(lib)
+ system_path? File.dirname(lib)
+def install_name_tool(exec, action, path1, path2 = nil)
+ args = ["-#{action.to_s}", path1]
+ args << path2 if path2 != nil
+ FileUtils.chmod("u+w", exec)
+ out, status = Open3.capture2e("install_name_tool", *args, exec)
+ if status != 0
+ puts out
+ exit status
+ end
+def fixup_libs(prog, orig_path)
+ throw "fixup_libs: #{prog} doesn't exist" unless File.exist? prog
+ libs = get_load_libs(prog).map { |it| expand_load_path(orig_path, it) }.select { |it| not system_lib? it[0] }
+ libs.each do |lib|
+ libpath, libtype = lib
+ if File.basename(libpath) == File.basename(prog)
+ if libtype == :absolute
+ install_name_tool prog, :change, libpath, File.join("@rpath", File.basename(libpath))
+ end
+ next
+ end
+ framework = libpath.match(/(.*).framework/)
+ framework = framework.to_s if framework
+ if framework
+ fwlib = libpath.sub(framework + "/", "")
+ fwname = File.basename(framework)
+ unless libtype == :rpath
+ install_name_tool prog, :change, libpath, File.join("@rpath", fwname, fwlib)
+ end
+ next if File.exist? File.join(frameworks_dir, fwname)
+ expath, _ = expand_load_path(orig_path, framework)
+ FileUtils.cp_r(expath, frameworks_dir, preserve: true)
+ fixup_libs File.join(frameworks_dir, fwname, fwlib), libpath
+ else
+ libname = File.basename(libpath)
+ dest = File.join(frameworks_dir, libname)
+ if libtype == :absolute
+ install_name_tool prog, :change, libpath, File.join("@rpath", libname)
+ end
+ next if File.exist? dest
+ expath, _ = expand_load_path(orig_path, libpath)
+ FileUtils.copy expath, frameworks_dir
+ fixup_libs dest, libpath
+ end
+ end
+if ARGV[0] == "--dmg"
+ $build_dmg = true
+ ARGV.shift
+if ARGV.length != 1
+ puts "Usage: #{Process.argv0} [--dmg] <build-dir>"
+ return
+$build_dir = ARGV[0]
+unless File.exist? $build_dir
+ puts "#{$build_dir} doesn't exist"
+$bundle = File.join($build_dir, "#{$app_name}.app")
+unless File.exist? $bundle and File.exist? File.join($build_dir, "CMakeCache.txt")
+ puts "#{$build_dir} doesn't look like a valid build directory"
+ exit 1
+File.read(File.join($build_dir, "CMakeCache.txt"))
+ .split("\n")
+ .find { |it| it.match /Qt(.)_DIR:PATH=(.*)/ }
+qt_major = $1
+qt_dir = $2
+qt_dir = File.absolute_path("#{qt_dir}/../../..")
+$fallback_rpaths << File.join(qt_dir, "lib")
+plugin_paths = [
+ File.join(qt_dir, "libexec", "qt#{qt_major}", "plugins"),
+ File.join(qt_dir, "plugins"),
+ File.join(qt_dir, "share", "qt", "plugins")
+qt_plugins = plugin_paths.find { |file| File.exist? file }
+if qt_plugins == nil
+ puts "Couldn't find Qt plugins, tried looking for:"
+ plugin_paths.each { |path| puts " - #{path}" }
+ exit 1
+fixup_libs(executable, executable)
+bundle_plugins = File.join($bundle, "Contents", "PlugIns")
+want_plugins = ["styles/libqmacstyle.dylib", "platforms/libqcocoa.dylib"]
+want_plugins.each do |plug|
+ destdir = File.join(bundle_plugins, File.dirname(plug))
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(destdir)
+ FileUtils.copy(File.join(qt_plugins, plug), destdir)
+ fixup_libs File.join(bundle_plugins, plug), File.join(qt_plugins, plug)
+want_rpath = "@executable_path/../Frameworks"
+exec_rpaths = get_rpaths(executable)
+exec_rpaths.select { |path| path != want_rpath }.each do |path|
+ install_name_tool executable, :delete_rpath, path
+unless exec_rpaths.include? want_rpath
+ install_name_tool executable, :add_rpath, want_rpath
+exec_rpaths = get_rpaths(executable)
+Dir.glob("#{frameworks_dir}/**/Headers").each do |dir|
+ FileUtils.rm_rf dir
+if $build_dmg
+ dmg_dir = File.join($build_dir, "dmg")
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(dmg_dir)
+ FileUtils.cp_r($bundle, dmg_dir, preserve: true)
+ FileUtils.ln_s("/Applications", File.join(dmg_dir, "Applications"))
+ `hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -volname melonDS -srcfolder "#{dmg_dir}" -ov -format UDBZ "#{$build_dir}/melonDS.dmg"`
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(dmg_dir)