path: root/src/frontend/qt_sdl/RAMInfoDialog.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/qt_sdl/RAMInfoDialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/qt_sdl/RAMInfoDialog.cpp b/src/frontend/qt_sdl/RAMInfoDialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b13ff02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/qt_sdl/RAMInfoDialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ Copyright 2016-2021 Arisotura
+ This file is part of melonDS.
+ melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+#include "RAMInfoDialog.h"
+#include "ui_RAMInfoDialog.h"
+#include "main.h"
+extern EmuThread* emuThread;
+s32 GetMainRAMValue(const u32& addr, const ramInfo_ByteType& byteType)
+ switch (byteType)
+ {
+ case ramInfo_OneByte:
+ return *(s8*)(NDS::MainRAM + (addr&NDS::MainRAMMask));
+ case ramInfo_TwoBytes:
+ return *(s16*)(NDS::MainRAM + (addr&NDS::MainRAMMask));
+ case ramInfo_FourBytes:
+ return *(s32*)(NDS::MainRAM + (addr&NDS::MainRAMMask));
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+RAMInfoDialog* RAMInfoDialog::currentDlg = nullptr;
+RAMInfoDialog::RAMInfoDialog(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::RAMInfoDialog)
+ ui->setupUi(this);
+ setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+ qRegisterMetaType<QVector<int>>("QVector<int>");
+ qRegisterMetaType<u32>("u32");
+ qRegisterMetaType<s32>("s32");
+ qRegisterMetaType<s16>("s16");
+ qRegisterMetaType<s8>("s8");
+ SearchThread = new RAMSearchThread(this);
+ connect(SearchThread, &RAMSearchThread::SetProgressbarValue, this, &RAMInfoDialog::SetProgressbarValue);
+ connect(SearchThread, &RAMSearchThread::finished, this, &RAMInfoDialog::OnSearchFinished);
+ // First search (Show everything in main ram)
+ SearchThread->Start(ramInfoSTh_SearchAll);
+ TableUpdater = new QTimer(this);
+ TableUpdater->setInterval(100);
+ connect(TableUpdater, &QTimer::timeout, this, &RAMInfoDialog::ShowRowsInTable);
+ TableUpdater->start();
+ delete SearchThread;
+ if (TableUpdater->isActive())
+ TableUpdater->stop();
+ delete TableUpdater;
+ delete ui;
+void RAMInfoDialog::OnSearchFinished()
+ SearchThread->wait();
+ ui->btnSearch->setEnabled(true);
+ ui->ramTable->clearContents();
+ ui->ramTable->setRowCount(SearchThread->GetResults()->size());
+ ui->ramTable->verticalScrollBar()->setSliderPosition(0);
+ ui->txtFound->setText(QString("Found: %1").arg(SearchThread->GetResults()->size()));
+void RAMInfoDialog::ShowRowsInTable()
+ const u32& scrollValue = ui->ramTable->verticalScrollBar()->sliderPosition();
+ std::vector<ramInfo_RowData>* RowDataVector = SearchThread->GetResults();
+ for (u32 row = scrollValue; row < std::min<u32>(scrollValue+25, RowDataVector->size()); row++)
+ {
+ ramInfo_RowData& rowData = RowDataVector->at(row);
+ rowData.Update(SearchThread->GetSearchByteType());
+ if (ui->ramTable->item(row, ramInfo_Address) == nullptr)
+ {
+ // A new row
+ QTableWidgetItem* addressItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1").arg(rowData.Address, 8, 16));
+ QTableWidgetItem* valueItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1").arg(rowData.Value));
+ QTableWidgetItem* previousItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1").arg(rowData.Previous));
+ addressItem->setFlags(addressItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);
+ valueItem->setFlags(valueItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
+ previousItem->setFlags(previousItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable);
+ ui->ramTable->setItem(row, ramInfo_Address, addressItem);
+ ui->ramTable->setItem(row, ramInfo_Value, valueItem);
+ ui->ramTable->setItem(row, ramInfo_Previous, previousItem);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // A row that exists
+ ui->ramTable->item(row, ramInfo_Address)->setText(QString("%1").arg(rowData.Address, 8, 16));
+ ui->ramTable->item(row, ramInfo_Value)->setText(QString("%1").arg(rowData.Value));
+ ui->ramTable->item(row, ramInfo_Previous)->setText(QString("%1").arg(rowData.Previous));
+ if (rowData.Value != rowData.Previous)
+ ui->ramTable->item(row, ramInfo_Previous)->setForeground(Qt::red);
+ }
+ }
+void RAMInfoDialog::ClearTableContents()
+ ui->ramTable->clearContents();
+ ui->ramTable->setRowCount(0);
+void RAMInfoDialog::SetProgressbarValue(const u32& value)
+ ui->progressBar->setValue(value);
+void RAMInfoDialog::done(int r)
+ QDialog::done(r);
+ closeDlg();
+void RAMInfoDialog::on_btnSearch_clicked()
+ ui->btnSearch->setEnabled(false);
+ ui->radiobtn1byte->setEnabled(false);
+ ui->radiobtn2bytes->setEnabled(false);
+ ui->radiobtn4bytes->setEnabled(false);
+ if (ui->txtSearch->text().isEmpty())
+ SearchThread->Start(ramInfoSTh_SearchAll);
+ else
+ SearchThread->Start(ui->txtSearch->text().toInt());
+ if (!TableUpdater->isActive())
+ TableUpdater->start();
+void RAMInfoDialog::on_btnClear_clicked()
+ SearchThread->Stop();
+ TableUpdater->stop();
+ ui->radiobtn1byte->setEnabled(true);
+ ui->radiobtn2bytes->setEnabled(true);
+ ui->radiobtn4bytes->setEnabled(true);
+ OnSearchFinished();
+void RAMInfoDialog::on_radiobtn1byte_clicked()
+ SearchThread->SetSearchByteType(ramInfo_OneByte);
+void RAMInfoDialog::on_radiobtn2bytes_clicked()
+ SearchThread->SetSearchByteType(ramInfo_TwoBytes);
+void RAMInfoDialog::on_radiobtn4bytes_clicked()
+ SearchThread->SetSearchByteType(ramInfo_FourBytes);
+void RAMInfoDialog::on_ramTable_itemChanged(QTableWidgetItem *item)
+ ramInfo_RowData& rowData = SearchThread->GetResults()->at(item->row());
+ s32 itemValue = item->text().toInt();
+ if (rowData.Value != itemValue)
+ rowData.SetValue(itemValue);
+ * RAMSearchThread
+ */
+RAMSearchThread::RAMSearchThread(RAMInfoDialog* dialog) : Dialog(dialog)
+ RowDataVector = new std::vector<ramInfo_RowData>();
+ Stop();
+ if (RowDataVector)
+ {
+ delete RowDataVector;
+ RowDataVector = nullptr;
+ }
+void RAMSearchThread::Start(const s32& searchValue, const ramInfoSTh_SearchMode& searchMode)
+ SearchValue = searchValue;
+ SearchMode = searchMode;
+ start();
+void RAMSearchThread::Start(const ramInfoSTh_SearchMode& searchMode)
+ SearchMode = searchMode;
+ start();
+void RAMSearchThread::Stop()
+ SearchRunning = false;
+ RowDataVector->clear();
+ quit();
+ wait();
+void RAMSearchThread::run()
+ SearchRunning = true;
+ u32 progress = 0;
+ // Pause game running
+ emuThread->emuPause();
+ // For following search modes below, RowDataVector must be filled.
+ if (SearchMode == ramInfoSTh_SearchAll || RowDataVector->size() == 0)
+ {
+ // First search mode
+ for (u32 addr = 0x02000000; SearchRunning && addr < 0x02000000+NDS::MainRAMMaxSize; addr += SearchByteType)
+ {
+ const s32& value = GetMainRAMValue(addr, SearchByteType);
+ RowDataVector->push_back({ addr, value, value });
+ // A solution to prevent to call too many slot.
+ u32 newProgress = (int)((addr-0x02000000) / (NDS::MainRAMMaxSize-1.0f) * 100);
+ if (progress < newProgress)
+ {
+ progress = newProgress;
+ emit SetProgressbarValue(progress);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (SearchMode == ramInfoSTh_Default)
+ {
+ // Next search mode
+ std::vector<ramInfo_RowData>* newRowDataVector = new std::vector<ramInfo_RowData>();
+ for (u32 row = 0; SearchRunning && row < RowDataVector->size(); row++)
+ {
+ const u32& addr = RowDataVector->at(row).Address;
+ const s32& value = GetMainRAMValue(addr, SearchByteType);
+ if (SearchValue == value)
+ newRowDataVector->push_back({ addr, value, value });
+ // A solution to prevent to call too many slot.
+ u32 newProgress = (int)(row / (RowDataVector->size()-1.0f) * 100);
+ if (progress < newProgress)
+ {
+ progress = newProgress;
+ emit SetProgressbarValue(progress);
+ }
+ }
+ delete RowDataVector;
+ RowDataVector = newRowDataVector;
+ }
+ // Unpause game running
+ emuThread->emuUnpause();
+ SearchRunning = false;
+void RAMSearchThread::SetSearchByteType(const ramInfo_ByteType& bytetype)
+ SearchByteType = bytetype;
+ramInfo_ByteType RAMSearchThread::GetSearchByteType() const
+ return SearchByteType;
+std::vector<ramInfo_RowData>* RAMSearchThread::GetResults()
+ return RowDataVector;