path: root/src/frontend/qt_sdl/LocalMP.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/qt_sdl/LocalMP.cpp')
1 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/qt_sdl/LocalMP.cpp b/src/frontend/qt_sdl/LocalMP.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb7ef7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/qt_sdl/LocalMP.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+ Copyright 2016-2022 melonDS team
+ This file is part of melonDS.
+ melonDS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ melonDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with melonDS. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __WIN32__
+ #include <windows.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <semaphore.h>
+ #include <time.h>
+ #ifdef __APPLE__
+ #include "sem_timedwait.h"
+ #endif
+#include <string>
+#include <QSharedMemory>
+#include "Config.h"
+#include "LocalMP.h"
+namespace LocalMP
+u32 MPUniqueID;
+u8 PacketBuffer[2048];
+struct MPQueueHeader
+ u16 NumInstances;
+ u16 InstanceBitmask; // bitmask of all instances present
+ u16 ConnectedBitmask; // bitmask of which instances are ready to send/receive packets
+ u32 PacketWriteOffset;
+ u32 ReplyWriteOffset;
+ u16 MPHostInstanceID; // instance ID from which the last CMD frame was sent
+ u16 MPReplyBitmask; // bitmask of which clients replied in time
+struct MPPacketHeader
+ u32 Magic;
+ u32 SenderID;
+ u32 Type; // 0=regular 1=CMD 2=reply 3=ack
+ u32 Length;
+ u64 Timestamp;
+struct MPSync
+ u32 Magic;
+ u32 SenderID;
+ u16 ClientMask;
+ u16 Type;
+ u64 Timestamp;
+QSharedMemory* MPQueue;
+int InstanceID;
+u32 PacketReadOffset;
+u32 ReplyReadOffset;
+const u32 kQueueSize = 0x20000;
+const u32 kMaxFrameSize = 0x800;
+const u32 kPacketStart = sizeof(MPQueueHeader);
+const u32 kReplyStart = kQueueSize / 2;
+const u32 kPacketEnd = kReplyStart;
+const u32 kReplyEnd = kQueueSize;
+int RecvTimeout;
+int LastHostID;
+// we need to come up with our own abstraction layer for named semaphores
+// because QSystemSemaphore doesn't support waiting with a timeout
+// and, as such, is unsuitable to our needs
+#ifdef __WIN32__
+bool SemInited[32];
+HANDLE SemPool[32];
+void SemPoolInit()
+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ {
+ SemInited[i] = false;
+ }
+void SemDeinit(int num);
+void SemPoolDeinit()
+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ SemDeinit(i);
+bool SemInit(int num)
+ if (SemInited[num])
+ return true;
+ char semname[64];
+ sprintf(semname, "Local\\melonNIFI_Sem%02d", num);
+ HANDLE sem = CreateSemaphore(nullptr, 0, 64, semname);
+ SemPool[num] = sem;
+ SemInited[num] = true;
+ return sem != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
+void SemDeinit(int num)
+ if (SemPool[num] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ CloseHandle(SemPool[num]);
+ }
+ SemInited[num] = false;
+bool SemPost(int num)
+ SemInit(num);
+ return ReleaseSemaphore(SemPool[num], 1, nullptr) != 0;
+bool SemWait(int num, int timeout)
+ return WaitForSingleObject(SemPool[num], timeout) == WAIT_OBJECT_0;
+void SemReset(int num)
+ while (WaitForSingleObject(SemPool[num], 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
+bool SemInited[32];
+sem_t* SemPool[32];
+void SemPoolInit()
+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ {
+ SemPool[i] = SEM_FAILED;
+ SemInited[i] = false;
+ }
+void SemDeinit(int num);
+void SemPoolDeinit()
+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ SemDeinit(i);
+bool SemInit(int num)
+ if (SemInited[num])
+ return true;
+ char semname[64];
+ sprintf(semname, "/melonNIFI_Sem%02d", num);
+ sem_t* sem = sem_open(semname, O_CREAT, 0644, 0);
+ SemPool[num] = sem;
+ SemInited[num] = true;
+ return sem != SEM_FAILED;
+void SemDeinit(int num)
+ if (SemPool[num] != SEM_FAILED)
+ {
+ sem_close(SemPool[num]);
+ SemPool[num] = SEM_FAILED;
+ }
+ SemInited[num] = false;
+bool SemPost(int num)
+ SemInit(num);
+ return sem_post(SemPool[num]) == 0;
+bool SemWait(int num, int timeout)
+ if (!timeout)
+ return sem_trywait(SemPool[num]) == 0;
+ struct timespec ts;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
+ ts.tv_nsec += timeout * 1000000;
+ long sec = ts.tv_nsec / 1000000000;
+ ts.tv_nsec -= sec * 1000000000;
+ ts.tv_sec += sec;
+ return sem_timedwait(SemPool[num], &ts) == 0;
+void SemReset(int num)
+ while (sem_trywait(SemPool[num]) == 0);
+bool Init()
+ MPQueue = new QSharedMemory("melonNIFI");
+ if (!MPQueue->attach())
+ {
+ printf("MP sharedmem doesn't exist. creating\n");
+ if (!MPQueue->create(kQueueSize))
+ {
+ printf("MP sharedmem create failed :(\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ memset(MPQueue->data(), 0, MPQueue->size());
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)MPQueue->data();
+ header->PacketWriteOffset = kPacketStart;
+ header->ReplyWriteOffset = kReplyStart;
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ }
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)MPQueue->data();
+ u16 mask = header->InstanceBitmask;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ if (!(mask & (1<<i)))
+ {
+ InstanceID = i;
+ header->InstanceBitmask |= (1<<i);
+ //header->ConnectedBitmask |= (1 << i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ header->NumInstances++;
+ PacketReadOffset = header->PacketWriteOffset;
+ ReplyReadOffset = header->ReplyWriteOffset;
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ // prepare semaphores
+ // semaphores 0-15: regular frames; semaphore I is posted when instance I needs to process a new frame
+ // semaphores 16-31: MP replies; semaphore I is posted when instance I needs to process a new MP reply
+ SemPoolInit();
+ SemInit(InstanceID);
+ SemInit(16+InstanceID);
+ LastHostID = -1;
+ printf("MP comm init OK, instance ID %d\n", InstanceID);
+ RecvTimeout = 25;
+ return true;
+void DeInit()
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)MPQueue->data();
+ header->ConnectedBitmask &= ~(1 << InstanceID);
+ header->InstanceBitmask &= ~(1 << InstanceID);
+ header->NumInstances--;
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ SemPoolDeinit();
+ MPQueue->detach();
+ delete MPQueue;
+void SetRecvTimeout(int timeout)
+ RecvTimeout = timeout;
+void Begin()
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)MPQueue->data();
+ PacketReadOffset = header->PacketWriteOffset;
+ ReplyReadOffset = header->ReplyWriteOffset;
+ SemReset(InstanceID);
+ SemReset(16+InstanceID);
+ header->ConnectedBitmask |= (1 << InstanceID);
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+void End()
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)MPQueue->data();
+ //SemReset(InstanceID);
+ //SemReset(16+InstanceID);
+ header->ConnectedBitmask &= ~(1 << InstanceID);
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+void FIFORead(int fifo, void* buf, int len)
+ u8* data = (u8*)MPQueue->data();
+ u32 offset, start, end;
+ if (fifo == 0)
+ {
+ offset = PacketReadOffset;
+ start = kPacketStart;
+ end = kPacketEnd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = ReplyReadOffset;
+ start = kReplyStart;
+ end = kReplyEnd;
+ }
+ if ((offset + len) >= end)
+ {
+ u32 part1 = end - offset;
+ memcpy(buf, &data[offset], part1);
+ memcpy(&((u8*)buf)[part1], &data[start], len - part1);
+ offset = start + len - part1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(buf, &data[offset], len);
+ offset += len;
+ }
+ if (fifo == 0) PacketReadOffset = offset;
+ else ReplyReadOffset = offset;
+void FIFOWrite(int fifo, void* buf, int len)
+ u8* data = (u8*)MPQueue->data();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)&data[0];
+ u32 offset, start, end;
+ if (fifo == 0)
+ {
+ offset = header->PacketWriteOffset;
+ start = kPacketStart;
+ end = kPacketEnd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = header->ReplyWriteOffset;
+ start = kReplyStart;
+ end = kReplyEnd;
+ }
+ if ((offset + len) >= end)
+ {
+ u32 part1 = end - offset;
+ memcpy(&data[offset], buf, part1);
+ memcpy(&data[start], &((u8*)buf)[part1], len - part1);
+ offset = start + len - part1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ memcpy(&data[offset], buf, len);
+ offset += len;
+ }
+ if (fifo == 0) header->PacketWriteOffset = offset;
+ else header->ReplyWriteOffset = offset;
+int SendPacketGeneric(u32 type, u8* packet, int len, u64 timestamp)
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ u8* data = (u8*)MPQueue->data();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)&data[0];
+ u16 mask = header->ConnectedBitmask;
+ // TODO: check if the FIFO is full!
+ MPPacketHeader pktheader;
+ pktheader.Magic = 0x4946494E;
+ pktheader.SenderID = InstanceID;
+ pktheader.Type = type;
+ pktheader.Length = len;
+ pktheader.Timestamp = timestamp;
+ type &= 0xFFFF;
+ int nfifo = (type == 2) ? 1 : 0;
+ FIFOWrite(nfifo, &pktheader, sizeof(pktheader));
+ if (len)
+ FIFOWrite(nfifo, packet, len);
+ if (type == 1)
+ {
+ // NOTE: this is not guarded against, say, multiple multiplay games happening on the same machine
+ // we would need to pass the packet's SenderID through the wifi module for that
+ header->MPHostInstanceID = InstanceID;
+ header->MPReplyBitmask = 0;
+ ReplyReadOffset = header->ReplyWriteOffset;
+ SemReset(16 + InstanceID);
+ }
+ else if (type == 2)
+ {
+ header->MPReplyBitmask |= (1 << InstanceID);
+ }
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ if (type == 2)
+ {
+ SemPost(16 + header->MPHostInstanceID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ {
+ if (mask & (1<<i))
+ SemPost(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return len;
+int RecvPacketGeneric(u8* packet, bool block, u64* timestamp)
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (!SemWait(InstanceID, block ? RecvTimeout : 0))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ u8* data = (u8*)MPQueue->data();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)&data[0];
+ MPPacketHeader pktheader;
+ FIFORead(0, &pktheader, sizeof(pktheader));
+ if (pktheader.Magic != 0x4946494E)
+ {
+ PacketReadOffset = header->PacketWriteOffset;
+ SemReset(InstanceID);
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (pktheader.SenderID == InstanceID)
+ {
+ // skip this packet
+ PacketReadOffset += pktheader.Length;
+ if (PacketReadOffset >= kPacketEnd)
+ PacketReadOffset += kPacketStart - kPacketEnd;
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pktheader.Length)
+ {
+ FIFORead(0, packet, pktheader.Length);
+ if (pktheader.Type == 1)
+ LastHostID = pktheader.SenderID;
+ }
+ if (timestamp) *timestamp = pktheader.Timestamp;
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ return pktheader.Length;
+ }
+int SendPacket(u8* packet, int len, u64 timestamp)
+ return SendPacketGeneric(0, packet, len, timestamp);
+int RecvPacket(u8* packet, u64* timestamp)
+ return RecvPacketGeneric(packet, false, timestamp);
+int SendCmd(u8* packet, int len, u64 timestamp)
+ return SendPacketGeneric(1, packet, len, timestamp);
+int SendReply(u8* packet, int len, u64 timestamp, u16 aid)
+ return SendPacketGeneric(2 | (aid<<16), packet, len, timestamp);
+int SendAck(u8* packet, int len, u64 timestamp)
+ return SendPacketGeneric(3, packet, len, timestamp);
+int RecvHostPacket(u8* packet, u64* timestamp)
+ if (LastHostID != -1)
+ {
+ // check if the host is still connected
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ u8* data = (u8*)MPQueue->data();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)&data[0];
+ u16 curinstmask = header->ConnectedBitmask;
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ if (!(curinstmask & (1 << LastHostID)))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return RecvPacketGeneric(packet, true, timestamp);
+u16 RecvReplies(u8* packets, u64 timestamp, u16 aidmask)
+ u16 ret = 0;
+ u16 myinstmask = (1 << InstanceID);
+ u16 curinstmask;
+ {
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ u8* data = (u8*)MPQueue->data();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)&data[0];
+ curinstmask = header->ConnectedBitmask;
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ }
+ // if all clients have left: return early
+ if ((myinstmask & curinstmask) == curinstmask)
+ return 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if (!SemWait(16+InstanceID, RecvTimeout))
+ {
+ // no more replies available
+ return ret;
+ }
+ MPQueue->lock();
+ u8* data = (u8*)MPQueue->data();
+ MPQueueHeader* header = (MPQueueHeader*)&data[0];
+ MPPacketHeader pktheader;
+ FIFORead(1, &pktheader, sizeof(pktheader));
+ if (pktheader.Magic != 0x4946494E)
+ {
+ printf("REPLY FIFO OVERFLOW\n");
+ ReplyReadOffset = header->ReplyWriteOffset;
+ SemReset(16+InstanceID);
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((pktheader.SenderID == InstanceID) || // packet we sent out (shouldn't happen, but hey)
+ (pktheader.Timestamp < (timestamp - 32))) // stale packet
+ {
+ // skip this packet
+ ReplyReadOffset += pktheader.Length;
+ if (ReplyReadOffset >= kReplyEnd)
+ ReplyReadOffset += kReplyStart - kReplyEnd;
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (pktheader.Length)
+ {
+ u32 aid = (pktheader.Type >> 16);
+ FIFORead(1, &packets[(aid-1)*1024], pktheader.Length);
+ ret |= (1 << aid);
+ }
+ myinstmask |= (1 << pktheader.SenderID);
+ if (((myinstmask & curinstmask) == curinstmask) ||
+ ((ret & aidmask) == aidmask))
+ {
+ // all the clients have sent their reply
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ MPQueue->unlock();
+ }