# frozen_string_literal: true require 'asciidoctor' unless RUBY_PLATFORM == 'opal' require 'logger' unless RUBY_PLATFORM == 'opal' require 'asciidoctor/interdoc_reftext/version' module Asciidoctor::InterdocReftext # Resolver of inter-document cross reference texts. class Resolver # @param document [Asciidoctor::Document] the document associated with this resolver. # @param asciidoc_exts [Array] AsciiDoc file extensions (e.g. `.adoc`). # @param logger [Logger, nil] the logger to use for logging warning and errors. # Defaults to `Asciidoctor::LoggerManager.logger` if using Asciidoctor 1.5.7+, # or `Logger.new(STDERR)` otherwise. # @param raise_exceptions [Boolean] whether to raise exceptions, or just log them. def initialize(document, asciidoc_exts: ['.adoc', '.asciidoc', '.ad'], logger: nil, raise_exceptions: true) logger ||= if defined? ::Asciidoctor::LoggerManager ::Asciidoctor::LoggerManager.logger else ::Logger.new(STDERR) end @document = document @asciidoc_exts = asciidoc_exts.dup.freeze @logger = logger @raise_exceptions = raise_exceptions @cache = {} end # @param refid [String] the target without a file extension, optionally with # a fragment (e.g. `intro`, `intro#about`). # @return [String, nil] reference text, or `nil` if not found. # @raise ArgumentError if the *refid* is empty or starts with `#` and # *raise_exceptions* is true. def resolve_reftext(refid) if refid.empty? || refid.start_with?('#') msg = "interdoc-reftext: refid must not be empty or start with '#', but given: '#{refid}'" raise ArgumentError, msg if @raise_exceptions @logger.error msg return nil end path, fragment = refid.split('#', 2) path = resolve_target_path(path) or return nil @cache["#{path}##{fragment}".freeze] ||= begin read_file(path) do |lines| parse_reftext(lines, fragment) end rescue => e # rubocop: disable RescueWithoutErrorClass raise if @raise_exceptions @logger.error "interdoc-reftext: #{e}" nil end end alias call resolve_reftext protected # @return [Array] AsciiDoc file extensions (e.g. `.adoc`). attr_reader :asciidoc_exts # @return [Hash] a cache of resolved reftexts. attr_reader :cache # @return [Asciidoctor::Document] the document associated with this resolver. attr_reader :document # @return [Logger] the logger to use for logging warning and errors. attr_reader :logger # @return [Boolean] whether to raise exceptions, or just log them. attr_reader :raise_exceptions # @param target_path [String] the target path without a file extension. # @return [String, nil] file path of the *target_path*, or `nil` if not found. def resolve_target_path(target_path) # Include file is resolved relative to dir of the current include, # or base_dir if within original docfile. path = @document.normalize_system_path(target_path, @document.reader.dir, nil, target_name: 'xref target') return nil unless path @asciidoc_exts.each do |extname| filename = path + extname return filename if ::File.file? filename end nil end # @param path [String] path of the file to read. # @yield [Enumerable] gives lines of the file. def read_file(path) ::File.open(path) do |f| yield f.each_line end end # @param input [Enumerable] lines of the AsciiDoc document. # @param fragment [String, nil] part of the target after `#`. # @return [String, nil] def parse_reftext(input, fragment = nil) unless fragment # Document title is typically defined at top of the document, # so we try to parse just the first 10 lines to save resources. # If document title is not here, we fallback to parsing whole document. title = asciidoc_load(input.take(10)).doctitle return title if title end doc = asciidoc_load(input) if fragment ref = doc.catalog[:refs][fragment] ref.xreftext if ref else doc.doctitle end end # @param input [Enumerable, String] lines of the AsciiDoc document to load. # @return [Asciidoctor::Document] a parsed document. def asciidoc_load(input) ::Asciidoctor.load(input.to_a, @document.options) end end end